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6 Tweets • 2023-03-28 •  See on Twitter 

Here's a thread on ICT's Paint Brush Analogy


The algorithm will rebalance Fair Value Gaps after an

External Liquidity grab. ICT uses the paint brush
analogy to describe these imbalances in price action.
To understand this analogy you must know what a fair
value gap is. (Thread on this coming in the near

Imagine painting a wall. You dip your roller in the paint

tray then start painting the wall with the roller. When
you first roll it up and down the paint is uneven since
you just dipped it in the paint tray.
The uneven paint on the wall is compared to the price
imbalance which is your fair value gap. In order for
you to even out the paint on the wall you have to roll
back and forward until it's even.

When you roll back and forward to even out

the paint this is compared to how price retraces back
to fair value gaps at some point in
time to rebalance price.

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