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The Role Of Organizational Culture and Job Satisfaction In ...


18, 3 Ratya Shafira Arifiani
Received, December ‘19 Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Muhammadiyah Malang
Revised, March ‘20
June ‘20 Achmad Sudiro
August ‘20 Nur Khusniyah Indrawati
Accepted, August ‘20 Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Brawijaya Malang

Abstract: This research aimed to analyze the direct and indirect effects of transformational
leadership and organizational citizenship behavior. The additions of mediating variables
were organizational culture and job satisfaction. The population in this research was all
nurses at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang Hospital. The sampling technique used
proportional random sampling with a total sample of 109 respondents. The data analysis
used path analysis. The results showed that transformational leadership had no effects on
Organizational Citizenship Behavior, organizational culture on Organizational citizenship
behavior is significant, transformational leadership had an influence on organizational cul-
ture, organizational culture mediated the influence of transformational leadership on Orga-
nizational Citizenship Behavior, transformational leadership affected job satisfaction, job
satisfaction had no effects on Organizational Citizenship Behavior, and job satisfaction did
not mediate the influence of transformational leadership on Organizational Citizenship Be-
havior. Therefore, future researchers can conduct research related to transformational lead-
ership on Organizational Citizenship Behavior and can develop a research model by adding
other variables such as Islamic work ethics and work discipline.

Keywords: Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Transformational Leadership, Organiza-

tional Culture, Job Satisfaction.

Cite this article as: Arifiani, Ratya Shafira, Achmad Sudiro, and Nur Khusniyah Indrawati.
2020. The Role of Organizational Culture and Job Satisfaction in Mediating the Effect of
Journal of Applied
Management (JAM) Transformational Leadership on Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Jurnal Aplikasi
Volume 18 Number 3, Manajemen, Volume 18, Number 3, Pages 555–562. Malang: Universitas Brawijaya. http://
September 2020
Indexed in Google Scholar

Regulation No.44/2009 con- important role in serving the community in the health
cerning that central and lo- sector, especially in patients. Even though a nurse
Corresponding Author:
cal government must respon- already has a job disk or demands work to do, the
Ratya Shafira Arifiani, Faculty sible for providing hospitals nurse also has another job disk. Typically related to
of Economics and Business,
University of Muhammadiyah following community needs. Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB). OCB
Malang, DOI: http://dx.doi. Nurses are one of the medi- is shown by the nurse itself or other outside compo-
018.03.16 cal personnel who has an nents that impact, such as the nearness of leader

DIKTI ACCREDITED SK NO. 30/E/KPT/2018 555 ISSN: 1693-5241 555

Ratya Shafira Arifiani, Achmad Sudiro, Nur Khusniyah Indrawati

that encourage individuals to rise OCB states of mind OCB is a behavior that functions in supporting
or have to behave fulfillment with representatives task performance for providing benefits to the or-
so that they can rise it. Other than that, a great or- ganization. This behavior is perceived in the form
ganizational culture gives rise to OCB (Organ et of conscious and voluntary willingness to work and
al., 2006). contribute to the organization (Organ et al., 2006).
Robbins & Judge (2015), affirmed that trans- OCB could be an optional person behavior, by im-
formational leadership can create new behaviors, plication recognized by a remunerating and aggre-
especially involuntary behavior namely OCB. Lead- gate system to improve the effectiveness and effi-
ership behavior incorporates a steady impact with ciency of an organization. Organizational culture is
OCB since the center of transformational leader- characterized as a framework of implications, val-
ship is a capacity to welcome subordinates to attain ues, and convictions that are grasped in an organi-
higher execution and surpass desires (Organ et al., zation which may be a reference for acting and rec-
2006). ognizing one organization from others (Mas’ud,
Jha (2014); Khalili (2017); Suliman and Obaidli 2004).
(2013), researched transformational leadership to- Luthans (2006) gives a comprehensive defini-
wards OCB and has a significant effect. However, tion of work fulfillment which incorporates responses
there are several studies such as Hutahayan et al. or cognitive, emotional, and evaluative demeanors
(2013); Maharani et al. (2013); Kim (2013) found and states that work fulfillment could be a positive
the opposite result. The difference in the results of feeling that comes from assessing works or experi-
this study is a gap used by researchers to examine ence. Rivai & Mulyadi (2009) said the evaluation
the effect of leadership style on OCB by including of specialists is almost how distant their job satis-
organizational culture and job satisfaction as me- fies their needs. Job satisfaction could be a com-
diation. Organizational culture is the initial condition mon state of mind which is a result of a few un-
for the emergence of OCB. The stronger and con- common demeanors towards work variables, alter-
ducive culture of an organization, the better behav- ation, and person social connections exterior work.
ior will emerge, one of which is OCB. Besides, job
satisfaction also has a role in improving performance HYPOTHESES
and doing a good behavior. The more satisfied em- The Effect of Transformational Leadership on
ployees are at work, the more extra will be done in OCB
doing the work. This study aimed to analyze the
Jha (2014), found that transformational leader-
effects of transformational leadership, OCB, orga-
ship had a significant effect on OCB. The other
nizational culture, and job satisfaction direct and in-
researcher, Khalili (2017) also found that transfor-
direct influence at the Hospital University of
mational leadership on OCB is significant. OCB has
Muhammadiyah Malang (Hospital of UMM).
more impact and has a significant effect if leaders
able to inspire and give motivation to employees.
H 1 . Transformational leadership has a significant
Leadership is a capacity to impact a bunch to- effect on OCB
wards accomplishing a characterized vision or ob-
jective (Dessler, 2015). Organizational success is The Effect of Transformational Leadership on
inseparable from a leader. Transformational lead- Organizational Culture
ership is change workers to seek after organiza-
Organizational culture develops from its lead-
tional objectives instead of individual objectives
ership, organizational culture also the impact of the
(Kreitner & Kinicki, 2014). Transformational lead-
leader. The relationship of transformational leader-
ers inspire followers to go past their interests for
ship with organizational culture refers to research
the advantage of the organization (Robbins & Judge,
by Hutahayan et al. (2013); Aydogdu and Asikgil


The Role Of Organizational Culture and Job Satisfaction In ...

(2014), that transformational leadership on organi- al. (2004); Khan et al. (2012), found transforma-
zational culture is significant. tional leadership towards OCB and organizational
H 2 . Transformational leadership has a significant culture towards OCB that had significant results.
effect on organizational culture H6. Organizational culture mediates the effect of
transformational leadership on OCB
The Influence of Organizational Culture on
OCB The Effect of Transformational Leadership on
Organizational culture is an initial condition for OCB Through Job Satisfaction
the emergence of OCB behavior. Jo & Joo (2011); Organ et al. (2006), stated that the influence
Oemar (2013), found that organizational culture on between transformational leadership and OCB con-
OCB is significant. tains measurements of leader’s trust, job satisfac-
H 3 . Organizational culture has a significant effect tion, and role ambiguity as measured by the clarity
on OCB of tasks or role clarity that serves as a potential
variable for transformational leadership behavior
The Influence of Transformational Leadership towards OCB. Besides, several studies are show-
on Job Satisfaction ing a significant influence between transformational
Fernando et al. (2007) and Atmojo (2012), in leadership towards job satisfaction and job satisfac-
their results, show that there was a significant ef- tion towards OCB.
fect of the transformational leadership on job satis- H7. Job satisfaction mediates the effect of trans-
faction. formational leadership on OCB.
H 4 . Transformational leadership has a significant
effect on job satisfaction. METHOD
Population and Sample
The Influence of Job Satisfaction on OCB The population of this research is 150 nurses in
Robbins & Judge (2015), stated that job satis- the Hospital of UMM. Assurance of the number of
faction should be a major determinant of OCB be- tests utilizing Slovin with alpha 5%, the sampling
havior. Satisfied workers should be seen to speak use a proportional random sampling method and
good sight about the organization, help others, and acquired 109 nurses. Samples were taken from sev-
exceed normal expectations in their job. There are eral parts such as inpatient, outpatient, emergency
several studies such as Sahertian (2010); Saepung room, ICU. Data collection is filled by nurses as
and Siegthai (2011), explained that job satisfaction respondents.
on OCB is significant.
H 5 . Job satisfaction has a significant effect on OCB Operational Definition of The Variables
Followers can inspire, leaders to subordinate
The Effect of Transformational Leadership on innovative work and be able to overcome problems
OCB Through Organizational Culture and give attention to subordinates. The indicators
Two factors influence OCB; internal and ex- for this study are inspirational motivation, idealized
ternal. External factors that create OCB are orga- influences, individualized consideration, and intellec-
nizational culture and leader factors. Organizational tual stimulation.
culture is one of the initial conditions for the emer- OCB is a voluntary behavior that is free with-
gence of OCB behavior. Organ et al. (2006) said out coercion in carrying out actual work outside of
that one of the external factors of OCB is organiza- duties and responsibilities. Altruism, Civic Virtue,
tional culture. The stronger culture of an organiza- Conscientiousness, Sportsmanship, and Courtesy are
tion, it will create positive values and encourage the indicators used in this study.
good deeds, such as OCB behavior. Appelbaum et

DIKTI ACCREDITED SK NO. 30/E/KPT/2018 ISSN: 1693-5241 557

Ratya Shafira Arifiani, Achmad Sudiro, Nur Khusniyah Indrawati

Organizational culture is the values adopted indicators: work itself, salary, an opportunity for pro-
by an organization and differentiates organizations motion, supervision, and coworkers.
from one another. Organizational culture variables
use indicators: innovation and courage to take risks, RESULTS
aggressiveness, stability, attention to detail, results- The results of data analysis to examine trans-
oriented, individual-oriented, and team-oriented. formational leadership on OCB directly or through
Job satisfaction is the attitude and emotional the mediation of organizational culture and job sat-
feelings of a person. Job satisfaction variables use isfaction are shown in Figure 1.

Culture 0.740 (S)
0.525 (S)

-0.003 (IS)
Transformational OCB

Job Satisfaction
0.564 (S) 0.099 (IS)

Figure 1 Diagram Research Line

The results of the Mediation Effect Analysis

are as follows:

Table 1 The Result of Direct Influence Test

Hypothesis Variable Relationship Decision
Path Coefficient t- statistic p- value
H1 TL (X)  OCB (Y) -0.003 0.037 0.970 Rejected
H2 TL (X)  OC (Z1) 0.525 7.006 0.000 Accepted
H3 OC (Z1)  OCB (Y) 0.740 10.576 0.000 Accepted
H4 TL (X)  JS (Z2) 0.564 7.881 0.000 Accepted
H5 JS (Z2)  OCB (Y) 0.099 0.872 0.383 Rejected
Source: Processed primary data, 2019

The analysis result displayed in Figure 1 and eses 2 is acknowledged. The impact of organiza-
Table 1, transformational leadership (X) on OCB tional culture (Z1) on OCB (Y) is critical at the co-
(Y) is negative at the coefficient esteem of -0.003 efficient esteem 0.740 and t-statistic 10.576. Since
and significance level 0.970. Since the t-statistic t-statistic >1.96 and p-value < 0.05, the impact is
<1.96 and p-value >0.05, the impact is insignificant. significant. Hence, hypotheses 3 is accepted. Trans-
In this way, hypotheses 1 is rejected. Transforma- formational leadership (X) on job satisfaction (Z2)
tional leadership (X) on organizational culture (Z1) is significant at the coefficient esteem 0.564 and t-
has an effect at the coefficient esteem 0.525 and t- statistic 7.881 which is significant.
statistic 7.006 which is significant. Hence, Hypoth-


The Role Of Organizational Culture and Job Satisfaction In ...

Table 2 The Result of Sobel Test

Hypotheses A B SEA SEB t-stat. Sign. Information

H6 0.525 0.740 0.075 0.070 5.777 0.000 Significant
H7 0.564 0.099 0.072 0.114 0.844 0.388 Insignificant
Source: Processed primary data, 2019

Organizational culture mediates transforma- tional leadership has a significant effect on OCB.
tional leadership towards OCB. The test results of The results of this study are in line with the research
the test obtained a value of 5.777> 1.96 and a sig- conducted by Maharani, (2017); Hutahayan et al.
nificance of 0.000 <0.05. The results of the exami- (2013); Kim (2013) who stated that transformational
nation method analysis revealed that the effect of leadership had no significant effect on OCB.
transformational leadership variables on organiza- The results of this study also show that the bet-
tional culture and the influence of organizational ter or more effective application of transformational
culture on OCB had significant results while the di- leadership, the stronger culture of the organization
rect effect of transformational leadership on OCB will be. These findings are in line with the findings
was not significant. So that the organizational cul- of Hutahayan et al. (2013); Aydogdu and Asikgil
ture in this study is said to be a perfect mediation (2011) found that transformational leadership has a
variable (complete mediation). Thus, Hypothesis 6 significant effect on organizational culture.
is accepted. Organizational culture has made by a leader
Job satisfaction does not impact to mediate who has an important role in the organization. Trans-
transformational leadership on OCB. The results of formational leaders will change the organizational
the Sobel test obtained a value of 0.844 <1.96 and a culture first to create stable organizational condi-
significant of 0.388> 0.05. From the results of the tions and will have an impact on organizational per-
analysis, it was concluded that there was a signifi- formance.
cant influence of transformational leadership vari- The organizational culture affected OCB. Or-
ables on job satisfaction, the effect of job satisfac- ganizational culture is perceived strongly by nurses.
tion on OCB, and the direct effect of transforma- Based on the results of the analysis, the stronger
tional leadership on OCB had no significant effect. organizational culture from the aspect of innovation
The examination method states that if one of the and the courage to take risks, detail attention, team-
exogenous variables towards mediation or mediat- oriented, individuals, and the results of aggressive-
ing variables towards endogenous or both is not sig- ness, and stability will be able to shape OCB nurse
nificant, it is said to be not a mediating variable. behavior.
Based on the examination method, Hypothesis 7 is The results of this study same with the results
rejected. of the study Jo & Joo (2011); Oemar (2013), sug-
gested that organizational culture has a significant
DISCUSSION influence on OCB. Organ et al. (2006), stated that
The results appeared that transformational lead- one of the external factors that can form OCB is
ership did not affect OCB behavior. It also explains organizational culture. The stronger the culture of
that OCB also arises due to individual factors in the an organization, it will create positive values and
absence of other factors Organ et al. (2006). The encourage organizational members to do good deeds.
results of the research in the field are not consistent Paine & Organ (2000), also stated that a conducive
with the findings of Han et al. (2015); Khalili (2017); organizational culture will be able to encourage or-
Suliman and Obaidli (2013), stated that transforma- ganizational members to support efforts to improve
the organization.

DIKTI ACCREDITED SK NO. 30/E/KPT/2018 ISSN: 1693-5241 559

Ratya Shafira Arifiani, Achmad Sudiro, Nur Khusniyah Indrawati

Based on the results of the study indicate that be said that job satisfaction is not a mediator on the
transformational leadership has a significant effect effect of transformational leadership on OCB.
on job satisfaction. The more effective and good These results mean that the better or effective
transformational leadership, the higher the level of transformational leadership, the higher job satisfac-
nurse job satisfaction and vice versa. This is in line tion, but it has an impact on employee OCB behav-
with the research conducted by Fernando et al. ior. This reinforces the findings of Mehboob & Niaz
(2007); Atmojo (2012) which showed a significant (2012), who found that job satisfaction did not sig-
effect of transformational leadership on job satis- nificantly influence OCB and was not the main de-
faction. terminant of OCB.
The results showed that job satisfaction did not
significantly influence OCB. These results mean that CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDA-
the higher or lower the level of one’s job satisfac- TIONS
tion, it will not have an impact on the OCB behavior Conclusions
of employees. The results of this study are in line
Transformational leadership on OCB is insig-
with the research of Mehboob & Niaz (2012), which
nificant. Thus the existence of transformational lead-
states that job satisfaction is not the main determi-
ership used did not have an impact on OCB behav-
nant of OCB. But the findings of this study are dif-
ior shown by nurses. Transformational leadership
ferent from Rahmi (2014); Saepung & Siengthai
influences organizational culture. The better or ef-
(2011), which states that satisfaction has a signifi-
fective transformational leadership used then
cant effect on OCB.
strengthens the organizational culture in the hospi-
The results of the path coefficient analysis that
tal. Organizational culture influences OCB. This is
transformational leadership has a direct influence
significant, the stronger of organizational culture, the
on organizational culture. Furthermore, organiza-
more it increases OCB nurse behavior. Organiza-
tional culture has a significant influence on OCB.
tional culture also acts as a mediator of the effect
That is, the stronger the organizational culture, the
of transformational leadership on OCB. Better and
higher the emergence of OCB behavior, and con-
effective transformational leadership can increase
versely the weaker organizational culture will result
nurse OCB if it is supported by a strong organiza-
in lower OCB.
tional culture.
Based on the results of this study, finding trans-
Transformational leadership impact on job sat-
formational leadership does not have a significant
isfaction. It means that the role of the leader in di-
effect on OCB. As for the results of the mediation
recting and giving attention and motivation can in-
test analysis using the Sobel test, the effect of trans-
crease the job satisfaction of nurses. Job satisfac-
formational leadership on OCB through organiza-
tion does not affect OCB. That is, high or low lev-
tional culture. Because transformational leadership
els of job satisfaction, have no impact on OCB nurse
towards organizational culture and organizational
behavior. Job satisfaction does not mediate the ef-
culture towards OCB has a significant influence,
fect of transformational leadership on OCB. The
while the influence of transformational leadership
better or effective transformational leadership, the
on OCB is not significant, the nature of mediation is
higher the job satisfaction of nurses, but it does not
perfect mediation.
have an impact on OCB nurses.
The results of the mediation using the Sobel
test showed that the effect of transformational lead-
ership on OCB through organizational culture had
significant results. Transformational leadership is The next researcher can examine other objects,
significant for job satisfaction but job satisfaction especially institutions or agencies that have the same
does not have a significant effect on OCB, so it can vision as hospitals in terms of service. Then, further


The Role Of Organizational Culture and Job Satisfaction In ...

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