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"A hideous avalanche offesh rolls down upon you, ndlating like @ wave of skin. Wort fll of thick, yellow liquid swell ew Continually acres its mas, bursting with loud pops and spraying coreosve fluids into the ait Corruprure ‘lays N Huge ooze (aquatic) Init; Senses blind, blindsight 60 ft; Listen -5 Languages — 1AC3, touch 3, favfooted 3 (-2 size, -$ Dex) bhp 159 (11 HD); DR 5/— Immune acid, gaze attacks, illusions, visual effects; ooze Immunities SRI8 Fort +12, Ref-2, Will-2 Speed 20. (4 squares), climb 20, swim 20 fe Melee siam +16 (246415 plus 246 acd) Space 15 ft; Reach 10 f. Base Atk +8; Grp +26 Atk Options acid sheath, trample 246+15 plus 2d6 acid Special Actions acid burst ‘Ablities Ser31, Dex, Con 29, Int — Wis 1, Cha T SQ amphibious, ooze traits Skills Climb 18, Listen 5, Swim 18 ‘Advancement 12-22 HD (Huge); 23-33 HD (Gargantuan) 's Bod) produces corrosive slime, Any cfeature that strikes ortouehes a corrupture with its body, or that grapples a corrupture, automatically takes 245 points of acid damage. A creature takes damage from this ability only once per tur, ‘Trample (Ex) Reflex DC 25 half. The save DC is Strength based ‘Acid Burst (Ex) A corrupture can activate an acid burst 238 a standard action, Any creature within 20 feet must succeed on a DC 24 Reflex save or take Gd6 points of acid damage, A successful save results in half damage. The save DC is Constitution-based. Amphibious (Ex) & corrupture can survive indefinitely on fand or underwater. ‘Skills corrupture has 2 +8 racial bonus on Climb checks and can always choose to take 10 on Climb checks, even ifrushed or threstened, In addition, it has 2 +8 racial bonus on any Swim check ro perform some special action for avoid 2 hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even i distracted or endangered, ican use ‘the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line cro Disgusting bags of acid-illed flesh, corruprures result from the warping of nature They bunget for meat and mindlessly attack living things even as they dissolve the envieonment that supports cheir prey STRATEGIES AND TACTICS Acoreupture instinctively moves toward any moving object or creature large than Tiny size and attacks it, erampling ‘thers in its rush o dissolve and taste flesh. Srbborn in its rindless hunger acorrupture doggedly continues atacking the creature it first tastes, Ie uses its acid burse whenever its prey and at least one other crearure are within range, or fit isblocked by acreature larger than itcan trample. Ifa group offoes flee acorrupcur it follows only its prey following the nearest creature it has not yet tasted flesh. Once its initial prey dies the corruprure atacks the largest eshly creature of which itis aware; ifno others are nearby, the oo2e begins consuming its meal at leisure. ‘A corrupture ignores creatures it cannot taste after its first attack, such as those nor susceptible to its acid or those lacking flesh—ae least until they move our of the range of| its blindsight. (The mindless ooze cannot recognize a new roving object as one that it hit before.) Skeletal undead, many constructs, and creatures immune to acid can escape harm simply by not attacking back after frst being struck The oozes seem to instinctively ecognize that other eorrup turesaren' prey “Foul things! Corruptures come to punish us for our sins against nature. What have you done to invoke nature's awrath —Craggar, halfore druid, shorely SAMPLE ENCOUNTER ‘Acorrupture might be encountered with more ofits kind or with other ereaures that despoil the natural world. Guards (BL 12): A young adule black dragon uses two corruptures to guard its lair, keeping them in a huge pit thar surrounds the submerged entrance. The dragon, being, immune to acid, is ignored by the oozes and keeps chem from wandering by bringing them meat whenever it enters the cave. The oozes attack anything tharcomes within range fare his desth CORRUPTURE LORE Characters with ranks in Knowledge (dungeoneering) can learn ‘more about corraptures. When a character makes a successful slillebeek, the fllaving lore is revealed. including the informa tion fiom lower DCs. Knowledge (Dungeoneering) DC Result 18 Corruptutes af aeid-spraying oozes that feed oi flesh. This result reveals all aoze tits. 24 Conruptures are equally at home on land or underwater. They move relatively swiftly and can climb and swim as well 28. Corruptures come int being wherever the wilder: ress has been horribly fouled or natural laws have been repeatedly broken. They hunger endlessly for flesh, which they dissolve with ther acid. of their blindsight. The dragon flies overthe battle and uses skin of corruptute is covered with the residue of these ltsbreath weapon on as many invadersasitean. Itcontinues eruptions, coating it in 2 caustic slime rouse this strategy foras long reuptureslive andits Alignment: Mindless feeding machines, corsuptutes ate breath weapon seems be harming foes. While it waits for always neutral its breath weapon to recharge, i takes the opportunity tocast shield and mage armoron itself. The Monster Manual presents. TYPICAL TREASURE sates forayoungadl Back dragon on rags 72 React oegpure never cares sure buthe equipment the agon's Wingover feat with Flyby Attack and its pre nce of having eods or magic items which musthe metallic orstone, and ECOLOGY Vi0standand treasure in Corruprures come ino being wherever the wilderness has Seen horriyblsed ornate een serenely CORRUPTURES IN EBERRON broken tnsuch laces nature reac witha entinexstnce, cal ou ofthe deste mike bod Mournland ro attack those foolish enough t0 approach 5 fringe surrounding the Isobe found war that births a corrupture before closing, an embodiment of sbeie lamage to the world, Corruptures commonly ras that have been poisoned of dis the cancero appear in wilder eased, or that are heavily influenced by magic or another Pl Mundane dlfilement, such ‘enough fo create acorrupture, but an arcane laboratory used for magical experimentation on creatures might well dos, A corruptute is a mindless hunter, driven by instinct 10 hunt down the nearest prey of fair size. Ir draves food and water directly through its skin, first dissolving flesls with its moving over the gooey remains. Corruptures CORRUPTURES IN FAERUN Hundreds exist within that fog war-torn landscape, but corruptures ca dering in Thrane, Darguun, and the Talenta Plain long thought that the mists somehow made the creatures, bbut cently adventurers returned from Xentérss with tales 1c. Rarely they appear in civilized area srazinga forest or draining a swamp, isn't of corruptures in the cyclopean cuins, What connection the Mournland might have with events on that mysterious continent remains unknown, acid and th meat at least once a week. They can feed on carrion if neces- common in sites ted to failing mythals and the N. = sary, but hey prefer fresh, ukhlled prey scaniss of old. Undermountain hosts its share of z Coreuprures have no gender and do not mate: They just tres, s do Myth Drannor and the Dire Wood inthe High 3 set bigget. An undamaged covrupruze with plenty (© eat Forest. Rumorholdsthat dozens of corruptusesinbabitsecret — & roles ts outer flesh asi grows. This process tskes month places inthe cityot Shade, and thatehe shades who livewith — = uninterrupted hibernation, Afeerthistime,thecorrupcure them keep the ooves for some plot. Of cours several weeks, Larges, tion has confirmed the rumor, and the sha has an even more voracious appetit begin to lose the ability 1o move ut acks of flesh can a preposterous suggestion their own pow actually become station Environment: Coreuprures car appear in any sullied environment ‘Typical Physical Characteris- tics: A corruprure is 2 large mass of semifluid flesh approximately 15 jet in diameter. Itconstantly undu. lates and pulses, making its exact mine, but ae mass difficult to di 2 typical example weighs about ace 00 pounds. Corruprures flesh varies in color from ran to pink ro angry red, and is covers web of veins, bruises, and sores, Boils of thick, yellow acid swell up on its surface ss a every few seconds, burst ing to spray the area,

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