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TITLE: Perceptions of Mapúa Senior High School Students on Vices towards Mental Health
Problems or Concerns

I. Summary of Findings
This study aimed to present the perceptions of Mapúa Senior High School Students on Vices
towards Mental Health and if they have any problems or concerns. The following questions are
addressed by this study: (1) Identifying the various vices of Mapuan Senior Highschool Students:
What vices are they familiar with? Which vices do they usually encounter? (2) Analyze the effects of
various vices on Mapuan Senior Highschool students: What are the side effects of engaging in
common vices? Do they think that vices are beneficial or harmful? (3) Determine whether the
specified effects of vices affect the student's mental health: Does it affect a student's mental

According to the data that the researchers have gathered, there are five main vices that
Mapuan Senior high school students know of. The majority of our respondents only know of five
main vices which are Vaping, Smoking, Drinking, Masturbating, and Gambling. As stated by our
respondents, vices can majorly affect your life in a harmful and beneficial way, mainly in one’s well-
being. It can cause varying effects from stress relief and temporary enjoyment to addiction and
even self-harm. These effects can lead to neglection of priorities, change in behavior, and difficulty
in differentiating between right and wrong.

This research investigated the perceptions of Mapúa senior high school students on Vices towards
mental health problems or concerns. Data was primarily gathered through interviewing (one-on-
one) twelve (12) Mapua senior high school students (nine grade 11 students and three grade 12
students) with the end goal of finding out which vices they are commonly familiar with, and how
such vices affect students’ mental well-being.

With the data gathered, Mapuan senior high school students are familiar with five (5) vices that
affect other students’ mental well-being, namely: Drinking, Gambling, Masturbating, Smoking, and
Vaping, in no particular order. The identified vices are said to cause a toll on one’s mental health in
a beneficial way such as temporary bliss and stress relief. And harmful ways like addiction which
can result in the neglection of priorities to change in behavior like difficulty in differentiating
between right and wrong, to even self-harm.

The result of this study shows that the perceptions of Mapuan senior high school students towards
vices that affect students’ mental well-being are somewhat negative, with positives that are out-
ruled simply for being temporary. This indicates that engaging in vices truly is bad for your mental
health. However, since this study’s data gathering is limited to Mapua senior high school students,
this study can only be applicable to Mapua University senior high school department.

III. Recommendations
The following recommendations are made by the researchers for Mapúa students who engage in

Students should find better coping mechanisms that wouldn’t result in trading their happiness for
their mental well-being. Seek ways that the decisions you’ll make won’t cause you any regret and
suffering in the future.
RES01 | Applied | PT5B
E-mail address:
Telephone number: (02) 8247 - 5000
RES01 | Practical Research 1

To avoid misconceptions, students should be more aware of how vices work and educate
themselves on addressing and dealing with them.

The research found that a high percentage of Mapuan students indulge in vices. Therefore, it is
recommended that organizations that are made for tackling vices should target this specific group.

To gather more data for future research, it is advised to gather more respondents in order to
ensure that the data is more elaborate and unbiased.

This study is only limited to Mapua University’s senior high school department. It is recommended
that the same study is done for other schools and universities. Using this research as a basis, it
would be much easier to categorize the most known vices in the world and their effects on the
mental health of people.

RES01| Applied | WW1

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