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To: Mark R.

From: Jamie L. Driggs, RN
Date: 10/11/2022
Subject: H.R.8297 - Ensuring Access to Abortion Act of 2022

Abortion has always been a sensitive political topic. The recent overturning of Roe v. Wade has
once again brought it to the forefront of current events, affecting millions of women and men
across the country. As a healthcare professional with over ten years of experience, I have
thoroughly researched the effects of strict reproductive legislation and carefully reviewed the
efficacy of safe, evidence-based abortion practices, which is why I fully support H.R. 8297 the
Ensuring Access to Abortion Act of 2022.

Abortion is healthcare and should not be withheld from any American citizen, dependent solely
on what state the individual seeking care resides in; nor should any individual (or provider) fear
legal repercussions for making a private, informed medical decision with their healthcare team.
When we consider enacting laws that restrict access to abortion and other reproductive rights, we
must also weigh the consequences of those actions.

 Current data estimates that a total ban on abortion in the United States would create a 7%
increase in pregnancy-related deaths after just one year, which would subsequently rise to
a 21% increase over time, predominately affecting the non-Hispanic Black population
(Stevenson, 2021).

 Maintaining access to abortion and reproductive rights is not only supported, but strongly
advocated for by most healthcare organizations who function to establish and guide
policies for medical practices, including the American Nurses Association (2022a;
2022b), the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2022), and the World
Health Organization (2022).

Recommendation: Vote to pass bill H.R. 8297 - Ensuring Access to Abortion Act of 2022.
Restricting access to safe, evidence-based, controlled abortion procedures does not reduce the
rate of abortion. In fact, statistics have shown that countries with higher abortion restrictions
demonstrate higher abortion rates, along with higher proportions of unsafe abortions (World
Health Organization [WHO] & Ganatra, 2022).

America will never be seen as ‘the land of the free’ when nearly half of its population does not
have the legal right to make decisions about their own bodies and futures. I will continue to
support H.R. 8297 with the hope that medical decisions between patients and providers can be
confidential, informed, and with the patients’ overall best interests in focus.
American Nurses Association. (2022a, June 24). Position statement: Sexual and reproductive
health [PDF].

American Nurses Association. (2022b, June 24). US supreme court’s decision to overturn Roe
vs. Wade: Is a serious setback for reproductive health and human rights [News Release].

Stevenson, A. J. (2021). The pregnancy-related mortality impact of a total abortion ban in the
United States: A research note on increased deaths due to remaining pregnant.
Demography, 58(6), 2019–2028.

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. (2022, August 26). HHS takes action to
strengthen access to reproductive health care, including abortion care [News Release].

World Health Organization & Ganatra, B. (2022, September 26). Ask the expert: 10 questions
on safe abortion care [Interview]. World Health Organization.

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