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(Continued) : Gangstalking is The United States Federal Government's Thuggery Legalization Protocol.

The United States federal government has legalized, financed, and implemented the following crimes:
Illegal Accessing of Property and Deed Records (By unaffiliated third parties) Biohazardous Waste
Disposal General Thuggery Illegal College Admissions Activity Bribery Sports Rigging Steroid Sales Steroid
purchases Steroid Peddling Black Market Tobacco Sales Black Market Liquor Distribution Black Market
Dental Procedures Vehicle Stripping Prostitution Child Prostitution Elder Abuse / Senior Citizen Abuse
Domestic Violence Political Election Rigging Illegal Campaign Contributions Deleterious Congressional
Earmarks Social Media Blacklisting Social Media Account Hijacking Social Media Property Theft
Intellectual Property Theft Internet Password Hijacking Carjacking Reckless Operation of a Motor Vehicle
Drunken Driving / DUI / DWI Failure to Appear Housing Discrimination Employer Discrimination Public
Transportation Discrimination Grand Theft Grand Larceny Negligent Homicide Having a Firearm while
Under disability Poisoning Torture Child Abduction Child Slavery Forced Labor Murder for Hire Credit
Card Theft Debit Card Theft False CRIMINAL charges Forgery Impersonation Bank Account Fraud Fraud
Passing Bad Checks Scamming Illegal Gambling Rings Illegal Cockfighting Rings Illegal Fight Club Rings
Use of Narcotics Felony Property Damage Joyriding Illegal Marijuana Medical Cards Maiming False 911
Calls Illegal purchasing of stocks Bond and Mutual Fund Theft Homeless Shelter Fraud Outreach Fraud
Disaster Donations Fraud Currency Exchange Fraud Gift Card Theft Penny Stock Fraud Manipulation of
Casino Games The illegal sale of firearms and ammunition Airline ticket Fraud Aggravated Assault
Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon Hiding a Dead Body Concealing Illegal Firearms All of the
crimes listed in my previous two posts are active components of gangstalking.

A targeted individual must be contained at all times and in order to do that, the federally authorized
perpetrators of gangstalkers must break rules in order to appear omnipresent. The crimes listed on this
Facebook page allow a thug mob of gangstalkers to signal each other without limitation and without
prejudice. The targeted individual is always in danger, as all of the crimes listed on this web page are
legalized temporarily in some instances and permanently in others, so long as the crimes listed allow the
federally authorized hack-jobs uninterrupted access to a targeted individual, his vital statistics, his
whereabouts, and his movements. This reality makes it so that the federally authorized and taxpayer
funded war against a targeted individual never ceases and is ever ignored by the same inept congress-
people that authorized this draconian program in a slew of hastily passed, poorly planned, and poorly
implemented 10,000 paged post 9/11/2001 national security bills. Gangstalking is The United States
Federal Government's Thuggery Legalization Protocol. The United States federal government has
legalized, financed, and implemented the following crimes: Kidnapping Murder Attempted Murder
Burglary Vandalism Rape Assault Robbery Menacing Aggravating Menacing Stalking Aggravated Stalking
Home Invasion Biological Warfare Aggravated Disease Spreading Biohazard Warfare Chemical Warfare
Records Tampering Academic Dishonesty Evidence Tampering Jury Tampering Embezzlement Theft
Insider Trading Vehicular Assault Vehicular Homicide Hit-and-run Vehicular Accidents Negligent
Homicide Medical Malpractice False Police Reports Slander Libel Character Defamation Child Abuse Top
Secret Records Tampering Assault With a Deadly Weapon Scret Weapons Line Scret Weapons Line
Racketeering Black Market Arms Sales Organ Harvesting Illegal Graveyard Cultivation Animal Abuse
Community Harassment Gangstalking Covert War Undeclared War Illegal Invasions of a Foreign Country
Voyeurism Dog Fighting Bestiality Black Market Abortions Narcotics Distribution Shoplifting Illegal
Wiretaps Illegal In-home Surveillance Human Trafficking Child Prostitution Child Pornography Child Rape
Child Molestation Catalytic Converter Theft Illegal Distribution of Explosives Illegal Distribution of
Explosive Dusts Illegal Distribution of Ammunition Illegal Electronic Communications Interception Illegal
Use of Police Databases Illegal Use of Federal databases Illegal Use of Library Databases

Part of gangstalking is to make it look as if a targeted person is themselves a subservient or “wannabe”

participant in the United States’ federally authorized thuggery mechanism called gangstalking.

This is done through a synchronized containment mechanism where it is made to look as if a targeted
individual is following a cue of some kind. This mechanism is extremely annoying because it emboldens
hesitating gangstalkers to harass or violently accost a targeted person who they normally would not go

It is as if the stalkers are attempting to recruit the targeted individual by bothering them, thereby
“teaching” them various gangstalking methods in the process.

I personally have no interest in this tomfoolery and would rather fight this anti-freedom thuggery in
paper until it disappears.

No one in America is allowed to talk about gangstalking because it will hurt people’s feelings to know
that they are gangstalkers. Many Americans have never heard the word “gangstalking,” and they may
never hear the word as the mainstream American political and media establishments are too afraid of
who the conversation will offend and what the financial consequences will be for them.

Gangstalking is federally orchestrated thuggery, murder and attempted murder, vehicular homicide and
vehicular assault, home intrusions, slander, libel, and defamation, workplace mobbing, disease and
biological warfare, thuggish location and tracking of a target, thuggish intimidation tactics, thuggish
signaling mechanisms, and thuggish containment, mobilization, and confrontation mechanisms.

The United States Federal Government is a political catastrophe.

Gangstalking has no oversight, no accountability, and no end. It is the United States of America’s piss-
poor attempt at a national security measure and has gone off the rails.

The reason that you don’t hear Congress confess to it, churches question it, academia debate it, or the
mainstream media delve into it is because all of these American establishments actively take the signals
and participate in the degeneracy that gangstalking offers. They thought they were doing something hip,
cool, or fun. They may have even thought that they were safer or more poised to succeed in America by
participating in it. The truth is that they were fooled, deceived, and made total idiots of by federally
directed liaisons, that were strategically planted in their midsts and “taught” them how to covertly and
disgustingly pester people.

The United States Federal Government no doubt has used its proximity to Canada and Mexico to cram
this utterly useless garbage through their legislatures as “national security” measures as well. The
United States has likely used its “alliances” with other countries to pummel this legislative stupidity
through their parliaments and congresses also, forming a world alliance of gangstalking thug mobs.

Because this program utilizes massive numbers of people, the thuggish Gangstalkers come from many
different socioeconomic backgrounds.
With 311,000,000 Americans in this country, there is no telling how many of them were chosen by
federal authorized goon squads as gangstalkers, who were chosen as targeted individuals, or what the
official criteria is,. The United States Federal Government has spinelessly kept that a secret.

Targeted Individuals do not know the people that “confront” them on a daily basis; the idiots
(gangstalkers) just show up and “happen” to appear wherever the target is or where he is going.

This is the result of synchronization, a preplanned, timely executed, federally directed gangstalking
tactic, urban warfare tactic, and military tactic that ensures that the stalkers themselves have every
chance at irritating their target who may be faster, smarter, more vigilant, and more competent than
they are. I know for a fact that if it wasn’t for federally directed signaling, synchronized vehicular
maneuvers, advanced containment stratagem, and guerrilla location tactics, my stalkers would not stand
a chance at getting within 50 miles of my location at any given point in time as I have them timed to
perfection and can see them coming and can avoid them from several miles away.

Gangstalking is an equalizer for people who would otherwise be couch potato bozos to feel like they are
superior to someone. If a mob of these thugs get together and start sending each other their degenerate
signals, directing them to a targeted individual’s exact location, the ensuing confrontation with the
targeted person makes them feel as if they have “worked as a team,” “accomplished something,” or “did
something neat or cool.” Rather they are herd mentality schmucks who participate in an ill conceived
and poorly implemented national security mechanism that many other likeminded fools participate in all
over the country to their detriment and to that of their families or significant others. Pity them.

Gangstalking is the United States Federal Government’s Own Brand of Domestic Thuggery, Domestic
Terrorism, and Domestic Buffoonery.

The gangstalking mechanism, which is a post September 11, 2001 disruption protocol is rooted in
domestic terroristic protocols, seek and destroy missions, and federally authorized street thuggery.

The federally authorized, government backed, federally directed, and state funded nimrods, thugs,
agitators, instigators, and vehicular homicidal maniacs are called gangstalkers.

They are people who either for fun, acceptance, or insecurity participate in a thuggish, hostile, cowardly
American social norm called gangstalking.

People who participate in this federally backed treasonous act of thuggery want it to be something
desirable. They would be, and certainly are, troubled by the fact that their degenerate behavior has a
name, a face, and a method.

Gangstalking is the United States Federal Government’s mobile gulag, Thuggery authorization platform,
and felony assault module. This program operates on the ignorance of Congress, the ignorance of its
participants, and the ignorance of the federally authorized initiators of the daily war strategy against its

The United States Federal Government has displayed enormous incompetence, stunning ineptitude, and
lackluster political acumen in first authorizing, then funding, and then denying the program that they
themselves ratified.
The picture you see is of a functioning illiterate gangstalking thug who ignored a pedestrian, nearly
running her over, so he could arrive to my exact spot as I was approaching a sidewalk. The pedestrian,
my significant other, was not harmed and neither was I, but a central part of gangstalking is to alarm the
target(s), making them shift positions, and avoid collisions as a part of the psychological warfare that
this thuggish American program manifests.

Gangstalking is The United States Federal Government's Thuggery Legalization Protocol.

The United States federal government has legalized, financed, and implemented the following crimes:



Attempted Murder







Aggravating Menacing


Aggravated Stalking

Home Invasion

Biological Warfare

Aggravated Disease Spreading

Biohazard Warfare

Chemical Warfare

Records Tampering

Academic Dishonesty

Evidence Tampering

Jury Tampering


Insider Trading

Vehicular Assault

Vehicular Homicide

Hit-and-run Vehicular Accidents

Negligent Homicide

Medical Malpractice

False Police Reports



Character Defamation

Child Abuse

Top Secret Records Tampering

Assault With a Deadly Weapon


Black Market Arms Sales

Organ Harvesting

Illegal Graveyard Cultivation

Animal Abuse

Community Harassment


Covert War

Undeclared War

Illegal Invasions of a Foreign Country


Dog Fighting


Black Market Abortions

Narcotics Distribution

Illegal Wiretaps

Illegal In-home Surveillance

Human Trafficking

Child Prostitution

Child Pornography

Child Rape

Child Molestation

Catalytic Converter Theft

Illegal Distribution of Explosives

Illegal Distribution of Explosive Dusts

Illegal Distribution of Ammunition

Illegal Electronic Communications Interception

Illegal Use of Police Databases

Illegal Use of Federal databases

Illegal Use of Library Databases

Gangstalking is The United States Federal government’s own brand of state-sanctioned domestic

The United States Federal legislature, along with all of its auxiliaries as well as its State and local
legislative assemblies has decided to ignore the criticism to the thuggery that it has legalized post
September 11, 2001.

The holistic legislative mechanism in the United States has authorized thug units that are called
gangstalkers, who answer to and follow verbal, gestural, vehicular, and other signals that lead the
stalkers to a targeted individual’s exact location. The ensuing confrontation is an example and a
manifestation of the United States Federal government’s stunning complacency in mass thuggery,
criminality, and domestic terroristic protocols.

The thugs that perpetrate gangstalking come from a variety of socioeconomic demographics and
perpetrate their state-sanctioned thuggery with the backing and support of the United States’ national
security mechanism.

The hidden legislative thug measures that were hastily and incompetently passed by Congress post
9/11/2001, have permeated every crevice of American social functions including neighborhoods,
schools, churches, and public facilities.
The horribly incompetent legislative mechanism in American has been, and continues to be, a delirious,
hostile, sluggish, and deleterious mechanism that protects thuggish gangstalkers, and it attacks its

The technology, personnel mobilization, and strategy that it takes to run gangstalking campaigns costs
the taxpayer billions of dollars per year, while foolishly passing itself off as a community protection

The United States Federal government is collectively guilty of atrocities and crimes against humanity.

Gangstalking: The United States of America's Federally Authorized Clandestine Thuggery Mobilization
Protocol : And: The USA's Thuggish, Inept, and Legislatively Incompetent Federal, State, and Local

Thuggish covert hand signals, thuggish covert vehicular signals, thuggish covert verbal commands,
thuggish covert electronic communications, thuggish covert physical gestures, and thuggish covert
pedestrian actions are how the “great” American thug units known as gangstalkers communicate with
each other.

They follow these inbred imbecilic signaling protocols to a targeted individual’s exact location, and then
perpetrate their federally authorized thuggery against the targeted person.

American men, women, and children are to to participate in this worthless anti-common sense social
activity, which is tantamount to a thuggish social engineering protocol that the American taxpayer pays
hundreds of billions of dollars to sustain.

The worthlessness of this program, its methods and its precepts boggle the mind; the stupidity and
ineptitude of the United States Congress for ineptly and ignorantly signing this into law is stunning, and
the lack of responsibility from that same Congress for not acknowledging this mobile gulag is jaw-

The United States’ Supreme Court, its Congress, Department’s of Defense and Justice, and state and
local legislative auxiliaries are no longer, and haven’t been for years, stewards of justice, liberty, or the
rule of law.

Rather they are thug enablers, murder and attempted murder enablers, harassment enablers, workplace
mobbing enablers, derived or staged car accident enablers, and military industrial complex revenue

That is what gangstalking is about and that is what it will continue to be.

Smear campaigns, distorted truths, outlandish excuses, outright denial, and failure to acknowledge are
all political tactics that the United States Congress will use to diminish or run from the monumental
importance of its gangstalking war on American citizens.

The utter embarrassment that this thuggish national security/community oriented/citizen oriented
“security” mechanism will cause this country is, and will continue to be, immense.
This hostile brand of American legislative thuggery was rooted in the enrichment of the military
industrial complex, a number of “national security firms,” and similar American organizations from the

The ignorant imbecilic thugs that participate in gangstalking are tricked into to doing what they think is
the “new norm.” Gangstalking just might be the new norm to put it mildly. This country, since
September 11, 2001, has been lock-stock-and-barrel a crony of special interests, national security
industrial interests, and hostile anti-freedom bureaucratic government elements that seek to further
their own ragged useless political and financial interests at the expense of law and order, civil liberties,
and constitutional republicanism.

Targeted individuals are typically not trained in military combat, war strategy, hand-to-hand combat,
advanced self-defense tactics, or the like. The treasonous, traitorous, unconstitutional, politically stupid,
covert frontal lobotomy that is given to targeted individuals, is nothing but state-sanctioned thuggery,
military industrial, politically inept, constitutionally illiterate cowardice.

There are deceased Australopithecus' that have more common sense than to allow such an
misanthropic congressional misadventure.

Freedom, democracy, and national security are nonexistent here in the United States of America. In its
thuggish gangstalking campaigns against its own citizens, thuggish, inbred, aloof, dull, dummies are
mobilized in units against the targeted person with no mission outside the annoyance, harm, or
instigation of verbal or physical contact with the target.

The United States federal government foolishly continues in spite of this to call itself a democracy and a
constitutional republic. It needs to declare itself a fascist state and be honest with its citizens.

The “national security” state that America is now, allows for state-enabled thuggery at a cost of $32T for
the taxpayer.

The gangstalking mechanism has the capacity to go worldwide. This is not something I want to see. I do
not want to see other countries, those which have a genuine sense of pride, commonality, and
nationalism unlike the United States, to fall prey to the political, legislative, and socioeconomic mud pit
known as gangstalking.

It’s easy-to-follow patterns and its “rewards” system for its participants create an incentive for the
empty-headed thuggish sociopaths that participate in it.

It is easily inserted into multi-thousand paged national security legislation as run-of-the-mill community
surveillance, community policing, or community protection protocols. Because the gangstalking program
here in America is hidden from the public as a taxpayer funded, federally directed national security
procedure, it is difficult to know for certain which Department of Defense or Department of Justice
mechanism it has manifested under. I assert that a combination of the above named offices in
cooperation with local fusion centers in all fifty states allow for the omnipresence of this inbred, illbred,
Constitution-ignoring robbery of the rights and civil liberties of every United States citizen.

A word on the United States federal government’s own brand of criminally negligent violent thuggery;
gangstalking, the most atrocious governmental program in the world; America’s thuggish attack, hit-and-
run, disruption, sabotage, and crimes against humanity module called gangstalking, is an American
nuisance. This “national security” protocol, which has thuggishly tried to pass itself off as a “societal
norm,” something that “the American people devised and embrace,” is the most spineless, ugly,
wasteful, and warrantless crime against humanity that humanity has seen in its 2,000,000 year existence
here on planet earth.

This program, reeks of military industrial waste, anti-constitutionalism, anti-freedom, anti-civil liberties,
anti-success, anti-republicanism, pro-incarceration, pro-murder, pro-thuggery, pro-embezzlement, and
pro-sabotage, all having been stealthily crammed into post September 11, 2001 freedom-restricting
murder-loving national security legislation that has itself infiltrated American society in the form of
signals, gestures, “cues,” vehicle signals, verbal commands, general verbiage, nonverbal signals, grunts,
groans, coughs, sneezes, missteps, space-crowding, and other thuggish and hidden forms of

The government liaisons that were “enlisted” as the useful idiots that went into stores, churches,
schools, neighborhoods, libraries, shopping malls, corporate facilities, military bases, police
departments, and other places where people gather and congregate, when caught, will say the same
thing that every other weasel in history has said when caught doing something stupid; “I was only doing
what I was told to do.”

Gangstalking is not the first program that the United States federal government has authorized that was
tantamount to a private war on United States citizens. Since the 1960s, the federal government of the
United States has authorized dozens of thuggish “social engineering” experiments on the general public,
all of which needed sabotage, rape, murder, entrapment, incarceration, the DOJ, The DOD, plainclothes
government operatives, assassinations, and international thuggery to operate.

The United States federal government has, since the 1960s, a plethora of third party corporate,
governmental, religious, and semi-governmental entities, most of which wanted access to the hundreds
of billions in tax revenues that the United States federal government takes in each year, tax breaks, and
other benefits from actively participating in American federal cronyism, who illicitly influenced public
policy through backdoor schemings, bribery, corruption, racketeering, the sending of whores for sexual
favors, murder for hire, and other such tomfoolery, all at the expense of the American taxpayer, and to
the detriment of the common good.

The United States of America is a weaselly construct. It’s congressional “show hearings” that are
televised, made-for-tv, and inconsequential are merely thuggish distractions from its authorization of
gangstalking’s invasive thug units, who act in unison, in synchronization, and monolithically, with the
sole purpose of thuggishly disrupting the lives, activities, progress, and civil freedoms of targeted
persons, who are never briefed, informed, or otherwise notified that they are going to be designated as
enemies of the State or as political subversives.

The United States Federal Government’s Thuggish Legislative Debacle : Its Farcical, Pandering, and
Foolish National Security Narrative

Gangstalking is a government financed and algorithmically based system of domestic terrorism that the
United States Congress has authorized against unsuspecting United States citizens.

This poorly planned, imbecilic, and illbred national security protocol was implemented post September
11, 2001 via various national security measures that target “citizens of concern.” These citizens are
stalked, watched, surveilled, and confronted, overtly and covertly, 24 hours a day by thugs. These thugs,
called gangstalkers, are federally authorized semi-deputized United States citizens that come from a
variety of socioeconomic backgrounds.

These annoying perpetrators follow a system of cues, signals, and gestures, all of which are sent to them
by other gangstalkers, to a targeted person’s exact location. When these thugs reach the targets they
“confront” them in some way that disadvantages the targeted person.

This manner of American thuggery is going on presently. Targeted Individuals across America have to
endure the thuggish protocol while trying to live and prosper.

The Congress of the United States, the United States Federal Government, and its auxiliaries are too
spineless to admit to, acknowledge, or remedy gangstalking.

It is important to accurately compare the United States of America’s federally maniacal “national
security” debacles to other world governments. The comparison is stunning.

The gangstalking protocol is covert, clandestine, behind the scenes thuggery that the United States
clandestinely authorizes post September 11, 2001. The thuggish national security measures that the
United States authorized since then have nullified the United States Constitution, voided the Bill of
Rights, and destroyed the political ideals of civil liberties and good governance that are guaranteed in
the United States Constitution.

The thuggish federally kept databases that are extrajudicially stuffed with blacklisted and marked US
citizens, resulted in federally financed community harassment and thug mobilization protocols and in
gangstalking campaigns and whose contents have been intentionally hidden from the American public
and the world at large.

The Thuggish United States Federal Government is Beneath Fascism, Authoritarianism, and
Totalitarianism :

The fascists as well as the totalitarian, authoritarian, monarchical, Sharia law and similar governments
that have existed throughout history are better than the United States federal government. These
governments leveled with their people as to what they were, what their governmental objectives were,
and what they believed. Some of these governments fought each other toe-to-toe in armed combat. The
Soviets fought and beat the Nazis in WWII, The Japanese Empire fought and beat the Russian Empire in
the Russo-Japanese War, The Kingdom of Italy fought and defeated the Kingdom of Albania in the Italian
invasion of Albania, The Mujahedeen beat the Soviets in The Soviet–Afghan War, The governments of
Iran and Iraq fought to a draw in the Iran–Iraq War, and so on.

Throughout the histories of these various governments, they formed advanced, sprawling, and
economically prosperous societies. A number of them came under scrutiny and criticism from other
countries, one of them being the United States of America, for undermining, jeopardizing, and even
blotting out the human rights of their constituents and the constituents of other countries. Some of
theme were even found to have been committing exterminations and other atrocities against particular
groups within their controlled areas. Throughout their respective courses through history, however,
these nations faced every internal, external, foreign, and domestic conflict, issue, or change with radical
loyalty to their respective ideological and political philosophies.
The reason that I assert that these totalitarian governments, kingdoms, and theocratic Middle Eastern
countries are better than the United States of America, is because they were truthful to the world-at-
large as to what manner of political machine that they operated. On the other hand, The United States
of America refuses to acknowledge that it is a theocratic fascist state and continues the thuggish
falsehood of calling itself a democracy and a constitutional republic.

The United States Constitution was revoked in 2003. The Patriot Act and similar legislative thuggery
placed the freedoms of the American people in to the hands of federal entities and their auxiliaries,
namely those with deep ties to the $2T/YR American military industrial complex, the world's most

The United States federal government, since 2003, has authorized, implemented, and financed thuggish
record keeping protocols that criminalize United States citizens extrajudicially, with no habeas corpus,
summons, pleas, evidentiary hearings, defense, or prosecution. This manner of American underhanded
thuggery is accomplished through federally kept top-secret law-enforcement and semi-law-enforcement
databases that no police officer, sheriff's deputy, private investigator, or similar officer can ever see.
These databases are updated regularly with derogatory comments about certain American citizens,
namely those who are placed in gangstalking programs and are designated as targeted individuals.

These databases insure that the targeted person is continually stalked, harassed, obstructed, disrupted,
slandered, ripped-off, and attacked, by the most imbecilic thuggish, knuckleheaded creeps you have
ever seen. These thugs that I speak of are called gangstalkers. They come from many different
socioeconomic and ethnic backgrounds. These gangstalkers attack men, women, and children; all they
need to continue their thuggery are federally provided cues, signals, and similar symbols as to where the
stalkers should go next, and how or when to "point out" a targeted individual to other gangstalkers. I,
and my significant other, Lori, unfortunately come in contact with gangstalkers in various capacities on a
daily basis.

These thuggish American databases are not viewable by anyone other than the federally authorized
stooges that receive "reports" about the targeted person via clandestine sources, namely those who are
tracking and "interacting" with the targeted person via the mobilization of thuggish gangstalkers to the
targeted person's exact location. For example, the undercover police officer that I verbally castigated
two weeks ago for trying to physically intimidate Lori, was the reason that more negative, derogatory,
and libelous notes were put into my federal "file" as a targeted individual. I have noticed, since then, an
uptick in imbecilic gangstalking activity around me and Lori since then.

America, despite these behind the scenes databases that result in American citizens being placed in
violent, thuggish, disruptive and perpetual gangstalking campaigns, calls itself a democracy and a
constitutional republic. It is neither, it is not even an incorporated territory or a recognizable country.
Rather it is a $2T/YR crony of its military industrial complex, and at $32T in debt, is no longer a credibly
designated "creditor nation." $2T/YR of its citizen's money is thrown at its military industrial complex,
and as a result, notoriously thuggish imbecile mechanisms like gangstalking are born. The federal, state,
and locally elected leaders of this country ought to be ashamed of themselves for allowing this
legislative and political thuggery to manifest.

A word on the United States federal government’s own brand of criminally negligent violent thuggery;
gangstalking, the most atrocious governmental program in the world; America’s thuggish attack, hit-and-
run, disruption, sabotage, and crimes against humanity module called gangstalking, is an American
nuisance. This “national security” protocol, which has thuggishly tried to pass itself off as a “societal
norm,” something that “the American people devised and embrace,” is the most spineless, ugly,
wasteful, and warrantless crime against humanity that humanity has seen in its 2,000,000 year existence
here on planet earth.

This program, reeks of military industrial waste, anti-constitutionalism, anti-freedom, anti-civil liberties,
anti-success, anti-republicanism, pro-incarceration, pro-murder, pro-thuggery, pro-embezzlement, and
pro-sabotage, all having been stealthily crammed into post September 11, 2001 freedom-restricting
murder-loving national security legislation that has itself infiltrated American society in the form of
signals, gestures, “cues,” vehicle signals, verbal commands, general verbiage, nonverbal signals, grunts,
groans, coughs, sneezes, missteps, space-crowding, and other thuggish and hidden forms of

The government liaisons that were “enlisted” as the useful idiot thugs that went into stores, churches,
schools, neighborhoods, libraries, shopping malls, corporate facilities, military bases, police
departments, and other places where people gather and congregate, when caught, will say the same
thing that every other weasel in history has said when caught doing something stupid; “I was only doing
what I was told to do.”

Gangstalking is not the first program that the United States federal government has authorized that was
tantamount to a private war on United States citizens. Since the 1960s, the federal government of the
United States has authorized dozens of thuggish “social engineering” experiments on the general public,
all of which needed sabotage, rape, murder, entrapment, incarceration, the DOJ, The DOD, plainclothes
government operatives, assassinations, and international thuggery to operate. Gangstalkers, the
mindless numbskulls that follow verbal, vehicular, physical, gestural, and other cues that allow them to
locate and descend upon targeted individual's, are federally enabled thugs.

The United States federal government has, since the 1960s, a plethora of third party corporate,
governmental, religious, and semi-governmental entities, most of which wanted access to the hundreds
of billions in tax revenues that the United States federal government takes in each year, tax breaks, and
other benefits from actively participating in American federal cronyism, who illicitly influenced public
policy through backdoor scheming, bribery, corruption, racketeering, the sending of whores for sexual
favors, murder for hire, and other such tomfoolery, all at the expense of the American taxpayer, and to
the detriment of the common good.

The United States of America is a weaselly construct. It’s congressional “show hearings” that are
televised, made-for-tv, and inconsequential are merely thuggish distractions from its authorization of
gangstalking’s invasive thug units, who act in unison, in synchronization, and monolithically, with the
sole purpose of thuggishly disrupting the lives, activities, progress, and civil freedoms of targeted
persons, who are never briefed, informed, or otherwise notified that they are going to be designated as
enemies of the State or as political subversives.

The United States of America is a swamp, cesspool, mudpit, gulag, money wasting bribe-taking,
violence-encouraging, politically illiterate dung hill. This country thuggishly uses taxpayer money to
finance street thuggery, intimidation, murder and attempted murder, assassinations, car accidents and
vehicular thuggery, poisoning, theft, home invasions, child abuse, academic dishonesty, military
thuggery, police thuggery, private’s security thuggery, and public corruption all under the banner of
“justice, liberty, and national security.”

The United States federal government is a criminally negligent criminal enterprise and has been for 100
years; it illegally criminalizes private citizens via the gangstalking method with no court proceedings or
federal process.

The thuggish and ineffective United States government has authorized gangstalking, a terrorist joint
venture consisting of the Department of Defense, the Department of Justice and national fusion centers.

The nitwit knuckleheaded thugs that participate in the organized thuggery that Congress has
implemented post 9/11/2001 are called gangstalkers.

These thuggish pieces of garbage (the gangstalkers) take cues, signals, verbal commands, vehicular cues,
and other such American thuggery in order to “find” targeted individuals. When the stalkers find them,
they proceed to use a system of movements, gestures, verbal instigation and other such thuggery in
order to disrupt or dishevel the targeted person.

Gangstalkers are useful idiots. They typically do not know why they are instructed to instigate
tomfoolery with a targeted person. Gangstalkers, albeit ignorantly do their thuggishness “for and on
behalf” of third parties, namely a targeted individual’s personal, professional, or other enemies.

For example, if a targeted individual’s enemy, who is also being federally monitored, says openly
somewhere, be it in public or online something like “I hope Emmanuel Isaiah Smith gets hit by a
speeding car today!” The thuggish, ill-conceived gangstalking mechanism will see to it, that a speeding
car comes my way with an intent to run me over at some point during the week.

Given the thuggish, cowardly, inept, puny, and weaselly nature of gangstalking, this event will happen at
some point in time that I am not expecting it. Another example, of a female targeted individual’s enemy
who hates her (for reasons unbeknownst to her) says openly, “I hope she gets raped” At some point
during the week, a federally guided degenerate may try to lure her somewhere, knock her out so as to
take advantage of her, or do some other thuggish act against her at a point in time that she is not
expecting. This third party thuggery, buffoonish criminality, and war atrocity is taxpayer funded.

Because the intrinsic cowardice of the United States governmental mechanism disallows it, gangstalking
has not been federally recognized as a program, an entity, an enterprise, a military industrial construct,
a taxpayer burden, or as anything at all.

This is by design as the Congress of the United States nor any American federal entity has to take
responsibility for it or any of the damage that it causes people or enterprises. They will quickly label the
damage caused by gangstalking as “misfortune” or “tragedy” or quickly and seamlessly (using politically
appointed spin doctors) say it was the result of this error or that error on the part of the targeted

At the end of the day this ( gangstalking ) will go down in history as a knuckle-headed, taxpayer revenue
generating robbery of the American taxpayer and a blank check to the military industrial complex to
conduct covert wars upon unsuspecting, unprepared, and under-resourced American taxpayers who are
attempting to attain their constitutional right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, three concepts
that a both foreign and meaningless to American politicians and their political cronies.
Gangstalking, as a federally directed national security protocol, acquiesces to the will of the spineless
thugs that participate in it. This clandestine federally authorized disruption platform sees what a
gangstalker would like to do to a targeted person, irrespective to how violent or troublesome the action
is. Oftentimes a stalker will approach a targeted person in a closed space like an elevator, a stairway, or
a public restroom. The stalker was federally “guided” to the target’s location using a buffoonish system
of verbal cues, physical gestures, vehicular cues, and other cues and commands.

The federal government of the United States is collectively guilty of the misappropriation of taxpayer
money. It’s trillion-dollar military industrial complex money-pit is the largest in the world.

The federally directed electronic interception of a targeted person’s social media posts, emails, text
messages, phone calls etc..., are a surefire way to keep the targeted person, usually of which, has no
criminal record or terrorist ties, contained, isolated, and perpetually prone to interaction with the
mindless numbskulls which are the stalkers themselves.

The United States federal legislature, because of its enabling, implementation, and financing of
clandestine gangstalking, should formally renounce its status as a democracy and as a constitutional
republic. The United States calling itself as such is an insult to the world-at-large. The people do not get
to vote directly on the federal legislative issues that lead to gangstalking, and the program in and of
itself, is a brutish, thuggish, inappropriate, intentional, and heinously violent negation of the United
States Constitution. The United States should formally declare itself a totalitarian state, a fascist
construction, a plutocracy, or an oligarchy, and dissolve its federal and state constitutions, and devise a
new clear, concise, readable, and observable constitution asserting it political aims of a country
beholden to the military industrial complex at the expense of the American citizen and his/her tax
dollars. At least at that point the federal government of this country would be telling the truth to the
American people for once.

There is the smell of secessionism in gangstalking in the United States. Its disruptive, violent,
unconstitutional, law-breaking, brand of degenerate thuggery has a capacity to remind one of Jim Crow.

Because the intrinsic cowardice of the United States governmental mechanism disallows it, gangstalking
has not been federally recognized as a program, an entity, an enterprise, a military industrial construct,
a taxpayer burden, or as anything at all.

This is by design as the Congress of the United States nor any American federal entity has to take
responsibility for it or any of the damage that it causes people or enterprises. They will quickly label the
damage caused by gangstalking as “misfortune” or “tragedy” or quickly and seamlessly (using politically
appointed spin doctors) say it was the result of this error or that error on the part of the targeted

At the end of the day this ( gangstalking ) will go down in history as a knuckle-headed, taxpayer revenue
generating robbery of the American taxpayer and a blank check to the military industrial complex to
conduct covert wars upon unsuspecting, unprepared, and under-resourced American taxpayers who are
attempting to attain their constitutional right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, three concepts
that a both foreign and meaningless to American politicians and their political cronies.

Gangstalking, as a federally directed national security protocol, acquiesces to the will of the spineless
thugs that participate in it. This clandestine federally authorized disruption platform sees what a
gangstalker would like to do to a targeted person, irrespective to how violent or troublesome the action
is. Oftentimes a stalker will approach a targeted person in a closed space like an elevator, a stairway, or
a public restroom. The stalker was federally “guided” to the target’s location using a buffoonish system
of verbal cues, physical gestures, vehicular cues, and other cues and commands.

The federal government of the United States is collectively guilty of the misappropriation of taxpayer
money. It’s trillion-dollar military industrial complex money-pit is the largest in the world.

The federally directed electronic interception of a targeted person’s social media posts, emails, text
messages, phone calls etc..., are a surefire way to keep the targeted person, usually of which, has no
criminal record or terrorist ties, contained, isolated, and perpetually prone to interaction with the
mindless numbskulls which are the stalkers themselves.

A word that comes to mind when thinking about the congress of the United States’ criminally negligent
abuse of power, and its passing of rights-restricting national security measures, is “buffoonery.” When I
think about how Congress has avoided responsibility of the disastrous, catastrophic, dangerous, and ill
conceived national security measures that have led directly to the implementation of gangstalking, the
word becomes “treasonous.”

The United States Congress’ Disease Warfare : The United States Federal Government’s Biological
Attacks : The United States’ Federally Authorized Intentional Spreading of Disease Mechanism :

In the course of human events, the United States federal government has authorized, implemented, and
financed germ warfare against its citizens. A part of the United States of America’s war on its citizens,
also known as gangstalking, which is an American national security protocol, the attack mechanism
against its targeted individuals is comprised of the hurling of (germs) at targeted persons. This
thuggish weapon is aimed at destabilizing the targeted individuals so that they cannot readily fight the
gangstalking menace as they would when they are well.

The United States federal government has authorized countless assassinations against its own citizens
under false pretenses, particularly over the past 60 years. Many of these citizens were not guilty of any
crime other than being independent thinkers, writers, and political actors, each with an idea as to how
to eliminate the god-awful screw-job that is American politics.

Many of these people met with “accidents” that certain of the American populace found to be
disgraceful, suspicious, and criminally inspired inside jobs aimed at silencing dissent and advancing
America’s political gluttony.

The United States has seen enough of these accusations to know how much they can rob the federal
government of its credibility with respect to its governmental ability.

So rather than target high profile dissidents, celebrities, and other activists, the thuggish national
security auxiliaries of the United States have taken to targeting citizens who are less renowned, but
independent enough to pose a threat to the United States’ national security bred political thuggery.

The United States is no longer the country of individualism. It has instead forced a herd mentality on its
citizens in the form orb illbred gangstalking protocols consisting of a system of signals, verbal
commands, vehicular cues, physical gestures and the like, which are aimed at first containing, and
secondly attacking targeted persons.
The ways that the United States Congress has authorized its national security auxiliaries in legally
attacking its citizens is nauseating. Synchronized sneezing, coughing, spitting, and the emission of any
other of the human body’s disgusting bacterial body functions is used as weapons against targeted

Food contamination is a favorite biological war tactic that the United States has authorized against its
“undesirable” citizens. A targeted individual’s home is routinely burgled and their refrigerator opened.
His grocery items are tampered with with all kinds of bacterial hazards and other fresh grocery items are
replaced with spoiled, rotten, expired, spit contaminated, fecal matter contaminated, and otherwise
contaminated food.

The targeted individual’s resulting sicknesses are mocked by the thuggish gangstalking mechanism via
the thuggish street theater mechanism. Restaurant workers are given signals as to whosever food to
contaminate when a targeted person goes to a dine-in or take-out restaurant.

Thuggish gangstalkers oftentimes will spit in the face of someone as they are talking to them, usually
under the guise of “accidentally” spitting while talking. This is a thuggish domination tactic that is used
to spread bacterial infections to targeted persons quickly and easily. Thugs who practice gangstalking
will also spit in a targeted person’s food while they are talking near them. This is done to spread diseases
quickly and easily. Thugs will break wind in front of a targeted person to contaminate their air. This is a
federally directed thug mobilization tactic that makes a “mark” out of a targeted person, giving other
likeminded clowns the ideas tondo that obtuse moment as well. This thug tactic is meant to spread
bacteria quickly and easily.

Heavy breathing around a targeted person by a gangstalking thug who is sick isn’t another All-American
disease spreader. Breath carries with it moisture, bacteria, and viruses. When it isn’t intentionally
blasted towards a targeted person, one who inhaled it unintentionally, he becomes sick.

The United States Congress has authorized other more dangerous biological attack mechanisms against
its citizens as well. Persons infected with Ebola Virus and H1N1 (the swine flu) have intentionally been
set out into the general public to see where the disease ends up (in what part of the country).

This germ warfare tactic is used to see how many targeted persons or “undesirable“ United States
citizens wind up with the disease via the gangstalking mechanism. The federal government of the United
States, namely through imbecilic national security measures, namely those which are hidden in 10,000
pages bills that no one sees, has waged a violent war on its citizens using useful idiot gangstalkers as
their soldiers.

The Congress of the United States has, for 100 years now, protected thugs and criminals so long as they
were doing a “service” for the United States federal government. Gangstalking is one of these such
services. The United States’ national security platform at home and abroad, particularly over the past
twenty years, have been nothing more than trillions in taxpayer money allotted to military industrial
expenditures, fusion center thuggery, and federally authorized organized hate mobs. Overseas, the
United States lectures other countries about “democracy,” “rule of law,” and “human rights.”
Meanwhile, in its own borders, the United States has allowed 50,000,000 illegal aliens from Mexico,
Guatemala, Panama, and Cuba into this country with impunity, give them taxpayer money, not
acknowledging that many of these illegals are bitter about the Mexican-American War, and how the US
troops took the state of Texas from them and pushed them south into Mexico; knowing that many of
these illegal aliens are learning gangstalking tactics, and are using them on established American
citizens. Illegal aliens are not the only problem; the United States federal government has allowed
violent murder and attempted murder mechanisms to thrive in the United States, many of its own
citizens become physically injured, occupationally injured, or otherwise injured or incapacitated.

There are a number of American industries that benefit economically from gangstalking including the
hospital and big pharma industries from targeted individual’s injuries, the auto insurance and auto body
repair industries from the staged car accidents that targeted person experience, and also the companies
that targeted individuals work for (if they are lucky enough to find work during their gangstalking
campaign) benefit financially from not having to pay targeted persons a pension because chances are,
with the workplace mobbing mechanism that is prevalent in gangstalking campaigns, the targeted
person will either quit or be fired long before they can ever retire comfortably.

The thuggish United States’ legislative mechanism is beneath the dignity of the legacy of the United
States Constitution. With the thuggery that it allows (gangstalking), and the thugs that it enables
(gangstalkers), it will surely become the parish of the civilized world.

I am going to make a normative statement. This country should pass an official and binding
congressional resolution changing its name to “ The United States of Clandestine Thuggery .”

If an American federally directed menacing gangstalker cannot damage its target using their preplanned
sabotage methods, then they will call the police on the targeted individual for “something.” The police
may or may not take adverse action against the targeted individual based upon their initial investigation
of the call, but the American thug units (the Gangstalkers themselves) will revel in having discomforted
their target via a needless 911 call and/or a phony or false police report against the targeted person.
This is the gangstalking method, and Congress has ignorantly and negligently approves it. The verbal
diarrhea that Congress will spew about its commitment to freedom and democracy are empty words.

The United States of America is a thug nation. It’s Congress is thuggish for passing national security
measures that manifest as gangstalking campaigns, its Supreme Court is thuggish for incompetent
interpretation of the United States Constitution, it’s national security auxiliaries are thuggish for
directing thuggish location, harassment, assault, attempted murder, and first degree murder stalking
mechanisms, its educational system is thuggish for allowing gangstalking protocols to be allowed in
schools, colleges, and universities, some of which are a part of the school’s entire academic function.

The United States federal government has authorized, as a favor to its military industrial complex, a
system of federally directed cues, signals, gestures, vehicular signals, verbal signals, and other such
thuggery as covert warfare mechanisms, all of which are meant to disrupt the day-to-day movements of
the targeted person.

When the United States federal government takes responsibility for its ignorance, negligence, and
ineptitude in authorizing gangstalking, a post September 11, 2001 thuggery protocol, I can tell you
ahead of time what will happen.

The federally authorized orchestrators of gangstalking campaigns, those thugs that signal other
gangstalkers as to the whereabouts of targeted individuals, will go to the Capitol building in Washington
DC with some drivel about “being afraid for their lives and that of their families,” “I was only following
orders,” and “wanting immunity from prosecution in exchange for the uncovering of gangstalking’s Top
Secret methods, agendas, and operational procedures.”

The thuggery that the Congress of the United States unleashed upon American society, and indeed the
world, has embedded in it protocols protecting the cowardice of its perpetrators from criminal
prosecution, even the ones that orchestrated gangstalking’s assaults, rapes, and murders.

Thuggery has replaced the rule of law in America, and the Congress of the United States of America has
authorized and financed that same thuggery through the gangstalking mechanism, a fool-hearted
national security platform gone haywire, and turns a blind eye to this fact, knowing that when their
legislative ineptitude is exposed, that they will destroy the evidence, hire fall-men, spin the truth, and lie
about the prevalence and harm that this ultra-stupid national security disaster has caused the American
economy and society. The thugs that participate in gangstalking will never be prosecuted because they
commit their crimes in clandestine forms that are hard to record or detect, but are extremely obvious to
the targeted individuals that experience it on a daily basis.

Gangstalking is a federal disaster. This 24/7/365 attack mechanism is governmental in its cause and
implementation. The gangstalkers that practice this thuggish garbage use a combination of thuggery,
space-crowding, signaling, vehicular obstruction of movement, phony 911 calls, menacing maneuvers,
verbal thuggery, biological attacks, disease spreading, food contamination, attempted murder, felony
assault, burglary, theft, arson, murder, rape, attempted rape, abduction, vandalism, and other American
societal embarrassments.

The protocols for gangstalking was legalized through the American congress via post September 11,
2001 national security earmarks that were stuffed into 5,000-10,000 paged national bills, national
budgets, and infrastructure legislation that no one in the country read through entirely. The above
named criminally insane methods are a part of the war machine that is leveled against targeted
individuals in a daily basis.

Gangstalking is an undeclared, federally enacted, undeclared war against private United States citizens.

It’s perpetrators ignorantly and blindly follow along and use its thuggish and covert attack mechanisms
thinking that its the new norm. Other perpetrators would like to believe that it is the people’s construct
and not a federally implemented one.

The truth is that the United States of America is a thuggish warmonger. If it is not invading other
countries, monopolizing their natural resources, and giving billions of dollars to war machine makers to
prosecute the war, then the United States has nothing going for it.

The United States of America has to be at war with someone or another country all of the time. It is the
very nature and character of this diseased stinking country. The military industrial complex does favors
for politicians that promise to keep feeding it trillions of dollars per year. The only way to ensure that
the military industrial complex continues to obtain these trillion dollar government gifts is to continually
be at war. Otherwise, there would be no need for $2T/year in war machine purchases.

Gangstalking requires sophisticated military grade technology to run properly. That technology is
purchased by Congress and the State legislatures of all fifty states. The executive, legislative, and judicial
branches of this country do not ask questions as to how this technology will be used by the DOD and the
DOJ (Department of Defense and Department of Justice). They just hand them the technology consisting
of high tech weaponry, surveillance equipment, and personnel mobilization tools, all of which are used
in gangstalking campaigns against “subversive,” “dangerous,” “violent,” “problematic,” or “at-risk,”
citizens like me, your host, Emmanuel Isaiah Smith.

Gangstalking is simply a revenue generator for the military industrial complex; a system of yearly
payments to an industry that needs conflict in order to stimulate a need.

Gangstalking: The United States Federal Government’s Thuggish Signaling Protocol

Signaling in gangstalking is the stalker’s way of “pointing out” the targeted individual’s exact location to
other gangstalkers. This allows for other gangstalkers to join in on the American government’s
annoyance racket.

Signaling has many different forms. There are vehicular signals in which motorists use a combination of
vehicular movements, rate of speed, loud music, hand gestures, and vehicular maneuvers all of which
are executed in a targeted individual’s general vicinity so as to alert other motorists who the target is.

This photograph is of a thug. He is a gangstalker and he is signaling to my exact location at this

restaurant that I am in. He has his back turned towards me with his rear end not 5 inches from my face.
This gesture is letting other stalkers in the restaurant know that I, the target, am nothing to worry about,
nobody special, “easy work,” and not to be respected.

Gestures like these are federally directed thuggery. This punk was given a signal from somewhere else in
the restaurant to do this in front of me. I don’t have the covert intelligence information to determine
where this gangstalker got his signal from.

Gangstalking is an American debacle and one that it would like to spread worldwide. This method of
American governmental thuggery has permeated every neighborhood in the United States. America
cannot invade any country it wants to anymore because other countries have caught up to them
militarily. So it will likely start “invading” other countries via influence mongering and legislative stealth,
and by facilitating the implementation of its thuggish gangstalking “national security” protocol.

The United States federal government is as useless as sweatsuit in the desert. It’s imbecilic national
security policies endanger the country and indeed the entire world. If it isn’t invading or demolishing a
smaller less prepared country to monopolize its natural resources and raise revenues for its own military
industrial complex, it is attacking its own citizens via clandestine, hidden, unannounced, and covert
disruption programs like gangstalking in order to satisfy its detestable bloodlust while raising revenues,
stock prices, and dividends for its military industrial complex.

The United States federal government is unconstitutional, untrustworthy, thuggish, treasonous,

illegitimate, and buffoonish. Its elected officials collect salary, fill committees, pass budgets, pose for
cameras, and ask for votes. That’s it. Nothing more. They do not uphold the constitution, they do not vet
the legislation that they pass, and they do not have any idea how good governance works. They simply
give trillions of dollars to the military industrial complex each years and hope that the Departments of
Justice and Defense can run the country with that money, however they need to do it.
This country is a vassal state, a client state and a legislative dummy that is beholden to its military
industrial complex and not its citizens. America’s extermination protocol, namely gangstalking, is
financed by the taxpayer but without the taxpayers’ permission.

The federal legislature of the United States is less than useless and it has absolutely no value whatsoever
as a governmental construct. The Congress of the United States is incompetent. It is
$32,000,000,000,000.00 in debt, has no plan for revitalizing its voters, and has no plan whatsoever as to
how to run America besides passing budget after budget, each of which is 10,000 pages long, without
knowing what is in the budget or what its consequences are. Gangstalking is the United States of
America’s ultimate act of thuggery.

Identifying a Target’s Location : The United States Federal Government’s Thuggish Location Module

Since gangstalking (in its present capacity) was legalized in 2003, the United States federal government
has enabled some extremely atrocious national security protocols.

One of these protocols is the domestic terrorism authorization platform called “gangstalking” or
“community harassment.” In this treasonous actbof political thuggery a person’s name and vital
statistics (or variations of a person’s name and vital statistics) are placed in a federally kept database for
“dangerous or subversive persons.” The Congress of the United States and its inept auxiliaries have not
come forward with how and why this extrajudicial act of thuggery was allowed to manifest.

My assertion is that it is a quick and easy way for the Congress of the United States to spend an extra
$2,000,000,000,000.00 ($2T) / year on the military industrial complex’s war machine production
mechanism, thereby raising exorbitant revenues for this industry while increasing its stock dividends,
and by awarding this industry astronomical government contracts complete with kickbacks and political
favors for the congresspeople who continue this circle of taxpayer neglecting treason.

The extremely sophisticated military grade weaponry and tracking equipment that is used on targeted
individuals costs the American taxpayer hundreds of billions of dollars per year, and is the reason that
gangstalking operates, not because it makes America safer.

Locating the targeted person is something that federally directed Gangstalkers do so that their
colleagues (other gangstalkers) know where the target is at all times. “Noise Harassment,” a central
element of gangstalking, is implemented to do more than annoy and offend the target. Loud obnoxious
noises made by gangstalkers around the target includes, loud talking, yelling, laughter, music, clapping,
dropping of heavy objects and so forth. These noises... ...These noises, made by the stalkers seem like
pure unadulterated annoyance tactics to a targeted person, but they are strategically designed location
mechanisms. By making certain noises, playing certain songs around a target (be it in a car, with a
handheld radio or smartphone, or with some other music playing device) and otherwise making loud
sounds around a targeted person, whether that person is at home or out and about, that notifies other
gangstalkers that the “mark” is in the general vicinity and that he should be “descended upon” by other
stalkers with space-crowding, violence, intentional spreading of bacterial diseases (via intentional
coughing, sneezing, spitting towards the target, breaking wind, intentional heavy breathing towards the
target and other disgusting acts of federally directed thuggery) all in an attempt to “gang up” on the
targeted person so as to make the gangstalking mechanism effective.
Without federal direction and guidance, gangstalkers do not mobilize; as a matter of fact, they go back
to being private citizens again which is a prospect that they detest. Gangstalkers and community
harassers are the sort of knuckleheads that enjoy feeling as if they are “plugged in” to something
“special.” It’s too bad that this “special” signaling, mobilization and interception mechanism that they
practice is both a crime against humanity and a treasonous unconditional construct. The United States
federal government is a boon to human civilization. It’s easily penetrated legislative mechanism is a
danger to all people from every corner of the world. The congresses of the United States, over the past
20 years have neglectfully and fearfully sold the United States federal government, as well as every state
and municipality in the Union, to the military industrial complex, its interests, and the interests of those
who profit from it. Gangstalking is a congressional failure, a military industrial war ape, and an enabler
of violent and thuggish federally directed American militias.


If one of these thuggish lowlife creeps (the gangstalkers) are give the right “signal,” they will spit on,
breath heavily near, break wind against, drop, spill, splash, drop earwax in, or otherwise contaminate
your meal. This is especially true in restaurants if their are waiters who are stalkers working there, but
patrons in that same restaurant will do the same if they are given the signal to contaminate your food.
Targeted individual’s homes are broken into ever so often by stalkers and their food contaminated in
their absence. I had stalkers do that to my townhouse a few years back and swore inwardly that if I ever
caught one of those lowlifes in my residence while I was there, that I would use deadly force against
them. During the COVID-19 pandemic’s peak, stalkers in South Florida were intentionally spreading
diseases through the above named methods. The United States of America has, through its treasonous
national security measures, legalized biological attacks, food contamination, and disease warfare.
Disease warfare and biological attacks are a part of the federally directed thug protocol called
gangstalking. Just twenty minutes ago, here in S. Florida, five basketball playing thugs, sweating and
stinking from their previous street ball game, walked over to my and my significant others general area,
attempting to enter a closed library, one of them began speaking loudly as he walked past me spraying
spit, mucus, or saliva in the air as he walked past. Gangstalkers are cockroaches. Airborne bacteria and
the spread thereof is a part of gangstalking’s attack repertoire. If a targeted individual gets sick from any
communicable disease from a hostile scurrying gansgtalker, the targeted individual would have a high
mountain to climb remedying the problem or exacting recourse against the pond scum barnacle that
committed the offense. If you don’t know the person’s name, or are to shocked and taken aback by the
gesture to immediately react, then you can’t. Much of gangstalking, the American thuggery protocol’s
operation is taking the targeted individual by surprise and having the offending person waddle off, or
quickly find another stalker to “conversate” with so as to avoid the targeted persons wrath or
retribution. The United States of America has polluted its territorial designations (the 50 states) with a
thuggish, cowardly, costly, and stupid legislative blunder. The congress, the American people, and the
Supreme Court “Justices” ought to hang their collective heads in shame, guilt, and self-loathing. The
gangstalking protocol is federally directed. It is not United States citizens mobilizing themselves. To
suggest that United States citizens, most of who have no history whatsoever in personnel mobilization,
military stratagem, interpersonal covert communications applications, signaling, and clandestine
organizational recourse and response protocols, is fooling themselves.

The congresspeople of the United States, many of them, simply do not know the Constitution, the law,
the legislative process, or politics. They simply smile for the cameras, spout party-approved talking
points, and hope nothing they say or do hurts their re-election efforts. On metro-buses, gangstalkers
board and exit them in units. When a targeted individual rides on any public transportation, his location
is “pointed out” by gangstalkers in his vicinity, to other who may be at the next stop on the route. The
methods that gangstalkers use to point out a targeted individual vary. Some use physical gestures such
as slapping the bus window after they get off of the bus to indicate the target is on board; other stalkers
will flag a bus down, get on the bus and ask the driver a nondescript useless question and get right back
off of the bus; other gangstalkers will give some other indecipherable physical gesture as they exit the
bus which is to “alert” other gangstalkers in the area that there is a targeted individual on board. Covert
communication is a part of gangstalking. When a targeted individual goes into a retail store, the
gangstalkers that followed him to the facility will signal other stalkers outside the building as to who the
target is. While inside, the targeted person is routinely obstructed, crowded, crashed into, and hounded
by the gangstalkers that read the signal. Gangstalking is the United States of America’s grand display of
its legislative incompetence. Post 09/11/2001 national security bills, many of which are 5,000+ pages in
length, passed through a worried, scared, and anxious congress, unaware that the earmarks in those
bills contained anti-freedom and pro-thuggery protocols, mechanisms, and procedures. Like Comment
Share Food contamination is another federally authorized attack mechanism that gangstalkers are given
“discretion” to use against targeted individuals.

The ultimate goal of gangstalking, the United States Congress’s legislative catastrophe, is to cause the
targeted individual to be, injured, maimed, incarcerated or otherwise institutionalized, destitute,
isolated, or killed. This merits, protocols, or objectives of this stinking American program were not
examined, researched, vetted, or even read.

Now the United States of America has gangstalking; an undeclared, unannounced, unnecessary war
(also called covert war) which stimulates its military industrial complex once again.

The protocols, domination tactics, acts of explicit annoyance to another, implicit acts of ignorance, scent
harassment, intentional aggravation, and acts of outright violence are all a part of the federally enabled
earmarked national security protocol known as gangstalking.

Every neighborhood, personal residence, business district, church, office building, workplace, retail
store, public facility, municipal beach, public park, municipal recreation center, public property,
municipal complex or structure, public swimming pool, municipal library, grocery store, convenience
store, hardware store, elementary, middle, and high school, college and university, amusement park,
movie theater, pub and tavern, nightclub, gentlemen's club, five-star restaurant, fast-food restaurant,
buffet-restaurant, concert, mom-and-pop store, warehouse, and gas station is a stronghold for
gangstalking and derivative thuggery.

Even information technology firms and big data firms, ones who are typically conscientious about their
new-hires, are loaded to the hilt with gangstalking practitioners that actively, willingly, and intentionally
sabotage the digital progress of targeted individuals who either don't know, don't understand, or refuse
to participate in the verbiage, physical gestures, or other tomfoolery that gangstalkers use to identify
one another.
Gangstalking is the new American norm. The buffoonery that constitutes the simpleminded American
governmental protocol has permeated the Executive branch of the United States government (including
the office of the President of the United States) the Federal Reserve System, Congress, the Department
of Defense (DOD), the Department of Justice (DOJ), the United States Treasury, and the executive
(Gubernatorial) offices and state legislatures of all fifty states, as well as the mayoral offices and city
councils of every city, town, municipality, township, and village in the entirety of the country.

Every household in the United States has been, to the delight of the ultra-expensive, tax-payer draining,
ultra-secretive, ultra-thuggish military industrial complex, exposed to gangstalking and participates in it
to some degree. The DOD and the DOJ have clandestine "national security" protocols that involved
plainclothes deputized United States citizens (gangstalkers) that under the direction of the DOD and DOJ
coerced the use of signals that gangstalkers could use with each other to indicate that they are
"connected" to the gangstalking mechanism, and as a way to clandestinely communicate with each
other to the detriment of targeted individuals who are not "linked in" to the communication network.
Gangstalkers continually mark targeted individuals as "suspicious" using a system of hand gestures,
verbal cues, vehicular maneuvers, noise harassment, color coding, sound-making, and other annoying,
intrusive, apish, and brutish communication methods.

Gangstalking is a war profiteering enterprise used to stimulate the military industrial complex, this being
done at the expense of its citizen’s freedom, liberty, oppportunities for good governance, and their
constitutional rights.

The United States is not fighting any major wars now and hasn't for over a decade. The military
industrial complex and its contract-loving money-collectors are hungry; they're hungry for another
military conflict so as to have a need to sell the USA billions of more dollars in military equipment.

Gangstalking is a military operation in conjunction with Department of Justice elements. Gangstalking is

very expensive for the USA federal government to prosecute. It is a covert war against every targeted
individual. It follows a targeted person 24-hours-a-day 7-days-a-week via vehicle, pedestrian and other
personnel, GPS, street-corner and hidden camera surveillance, airplanes/spy-planes, boats and spy-
boats, deputized civilians constantly sending signals concerning the targeted individual's whereabouts,
interception of cellular phone pings, emails, text messages, phone calls, and voice mails, staying in
constant contact using satellite, internet-based, cellular based, and human capital based means with
various local, state, and federal law-enforcement and semi-law-enforcement auxiliaries concerning how
to contain the targeted individual and etc.... Many of the participants of gangstalking including the law-
enforcement and semi-law-enforcement elements do not know that they are participating in clandestine
military industrial street-stalking and disruption protocols.

The United States of America is an international pariah. Its federal foreign ambassadors are officially
trying, for and on behalf of the United States, to influence other countries to adopt, as a part of their
national security repertoire, gangstalking, including its community harassment, workplace mobbing, and
its legalized murder and attempted murder mechanisms as the law. The United States does not want to
be the only country in the world to enable, finance, and mobilize the gangstalking mechanism. It passed
gangstalking as the law, in post September 11, 2001 national security measures via thousands of unseen
earmarks that were covertly inserted into its national security legislation. In turn, the federal legislature
of the United States has officially forfeited the United States Constitution, revoked the United States Bill
of Rights, and renounced itself as a democracy and as a constitutional republic. Rather it is a blank check
(courtesy of the American taxpayer) to the military industrial complex, its auxiliaries, and the nationally
malevolent pay-to-play surveillance protocols. The military industrial complex, its fusion centers, and
their combined influence on the federally directed street-stalking, thug mobilization mechanism, have
permeated every crevice of local, state, and federal government, corporate America, Hollywood, the
general American media, all of which are subjected to the calamitous national security protocol that the
United States Congress, terrified and panick-stricken concerning the events of 9/11, foolishly,
absentmindedly, and negligently passed and unleashed upon the world-at-large. The Congress of the
United States have unleashed upon society a treasonous taxpayer funded thug mobilization unit called
gangstalkers. And they use a system of physical and verbal signals with each other to locate, disrupt,
obstruct, injure, and/or harass a targeted individual. -----------

America, as an incorporated territory, as a sovereign nation, and as a politically established

governmental entity is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors, high treason, and crimes against
humanity. These things were true about the United States of America even before gangstalking became
legal here. The high cost of warfare adventures at home and abroad have not deterred this country, its
corporate establishments, its federal, state, and local governments, or its religious community, from
finding euphoria in the buffoonish, treasonous, wasteful, cost ineffective, and ultimately futile military
industrial spending projects that have led to the instigation of every American war effort from Korea, to
Vietnam, to Iraq, to Afghanistan, causing tens of millions of human casualties while generating trillions
of taxpayer dollars for the United States’ military war machine industry. Gangstalking is another such
thuggish American enterprise. America believes that waging a covert war on its citizens will demonstrate
to other countries the “control” that it has over the populace. At $32,000,000,000,000.00 in debt to its
own banking establishments, the USA isn’t even in control of it own economy. Congressional stooges
who pass inept pieces of national security legislation which authorizes criminal menacing by a bunch of
gangstalking thug inbreds doesn’t secure America for its future. -----------

I will present you with a number of the themes that I have encountered in my gangstalking campaign
over the past 7 years in particular. These themes relate to the motivation of the orchestrators of
gangstalking for facilitating the earmarking of this thuggish program through post September 11, 2001
national security bills. It is in my opinion, the designers of gangstalking expressing their dismay at certain
social, historical, and economic developments in the United States. Gangstalkers and other useful idiots
are used as the “actors” in these spectacles.

The list of themes in the street theater that I myself have witnessed is as follows:

• That the Civil War’s Conclusion and its Aftermath are Not Applicable to today’s historical analysis of

• That anti-miscegenation is a god-given disposition.

• That being pro-slavery is a god-given disposition.

• That there is not enough support for United States Veterans

• That there is not enough respect for ‘’door-to-door” church representatives (proselytizers)

• That Latinos are special before “God” are a not afforded the respect that they deserve by Americans.

• That white women who date or marry black men should be killed or incarcerated.
• That black people should be given a US state of their own to inhabit, one that is separate from the rest
of America.

• That black people have come too far too quickly; for example, in 1964, they could not vote in certain
Southern States without tremendous difficulty, and much thuggery was aimed at them in these areas.
From 1965-2012 however, black Americans saw an explosion of celebrities and renowned figures in
movies, television, radio, politics, and athletics, culminating in the first black president being elected in
2008. There was also in this same time period, a stark increase in black judges, doctors, and lawyers.
These black success in American society destroyed the long-held theological narratives that Black people
were “cursed” by God for being slovenly and shiftless. • That this country is not a piece of black heritage,
because blacks were brought here as slaves as opposed to legal immigrants.

• That black people are cursed by god, and gangstalking campaigns against their lives is the proof that
they are cursed, because “god allowed it to happen.”

• That police officers deserve more attention than celebrities; namely because celebrities do not put
their lives on the line for their community.

• That military personnel deserve more attention than celebrities; namely because celebrities do not put
their lives on the line for their community.

• That security guards deserve more attention than celebrities; namely because celebrities do not put
their lives on the line for their community.

• That private investigators deserve more attention than celebrities; namely because celebrities do not
put their lives on the line for their community.

• That private defense contractors deserve more attention than celebrities; namely because celebrities
do not put their lives on the line for their community.

• That confidential informants deserve more attention than celebrities; namely because celebrities do
not put their lives on the line for their community.

• That bounty hunters deserve more attention than celebrities; namely because celebrities do not put
their lives on the line for their community.

• That airplane pilots deserve more attention than celebrities; namely because celebrities do not put
their lives on the line for their community.

• That state troopers deserve more attention than celebrities; namely because celebrities do not put
their lives on the line for their community.

• That Illegal aliens should be given amnesty in this country for it is the will of god.

• That black people should be issued a separate currency from the rest of America.

• That racial separatism is a god-given disposition.

• That the Bible should be the official law of the land.

• That the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints should be allowed to wield legislative power at the
federal level.

• That homosexuality is normal and should be “normalized” in society with regards to homosexuals
having a federally authorized “place” in every societal mechanism, including sports, the military, and
law-enforcement, three areas where homosexual people have not had success.

• That children should be sexualized (or allowed to be by the entertainment business), prepared for sex,
or verbally taught sexual habits, but only if they are done so in a federally directed manner and with the
blessing of two married parents, one of whom must be gainfully employed, and neither of which can
have a criminal record. This is how sex should be taught to children not by schools.

• That The United States of America is God’s chosen Country.

• That the United States Military is God’s personal instrument.

• That American internationalism is god’s great plan for the world.

• That taxpayer money is best spent on war, incarceration, and foreign interventionism.

• That gangstalking should be spread around the world by America, for it is god’s plan.

• That Christianity is the only way to god.

• That Jesus Christ is the “best” or “most efficient” deity.

• That people should be nice to Latinos because they will be the USA’s majority demographic in 30

• That not every life is worth saving.

• That not every person contributes to society in a way that makes their life meaningful or useful.

• That gangstalking is not federally directed, but something that people have “made up” and follow on
their own.

• That black men who are un-hireable felons can be used as “bodyguards” for white people. This rather
than put the back on the street fresh from prison with no prospects for earning an income.

• That formal education for black children is not necessary. That their future lives are best suited in hard
physical labor of some kind (or “grunt work.”)

• That black athletes should have their own sports leagues separate from the rest of America (starting in
their childhood years.)

• That race-mixing will only lead to race wars.

• That interracial out-of-wedlock copulation is the ultimate sin.

• That the after-life is racially segregated.

• That politicians are ordained of god and are answerable only to him, and not to the constituents.

• That fate exists and that a person’s personal choices cannot alter this fate.
• That certain people are destined for heaven from before their birth and some are destined for Hell;
and that even Jesus Christ himself cannot and would not save the ones destined for Hell.

• That certain swear words, vulgar phrases, and insults should be punishable by prison sentences.

• That crimes other than murder should carry with them “life” sentences.

• That violence is not always a bad thing and can help get things done.

• That the law in America is “soft” and that it is ineffective in deterring crime.

• That gangstalking is a useful crime deterrent and behavior modification program.

• That thuggery is ok as long as its federally directed.

• That acting like a thug is something that can be learned by anyone regardless of their socioeconomic

• That thuggish legislation should be passed through Congressional bills, but only by stealth, and
through 5,000-10,000 pages bills.

Character defamation keeps the targeted individual’s enemies in play, as they constantly find new and
more scandalous reasons to act against the targeted person with hostility. The ultimate goal is to cause
the targeted individual to leave the establishment against their will, cause his performance or demeanor
in the activity to suffer, cause the target to “lose it” or “go off the rails” and attack a stalker, causing the
targeted person to incur legal drama (this scenario is the most preferable one for gangstalkers because
it causes them to become “the talk of the town,” “talk of the office,” “talk of the church,” thereby
making a “name” for themselves at the expense of the targeted person losing their temper and acting in
a way that is self-detrimental.)

This weaselly construct has been used in America for centuries by people who harbor envy, jealousy, or
violent hatred against another, and conspire to provoke that person to wrath so as to injure that
person’s name and reputation and create interest in the name and story of the instigator.

The legislature of this country is not content with upholding the American Constitution. As a matter of
fact, we have no Constitution. What we have instead of a Constitution, are millions of malicious, useless,
thuggish, illiterate pieces of national security legislation that governs America. The constitution has been
overwritten by these pieces of legislation. The United States federal government has handed over the
country to a Department of Justice and a Department of Defense that’s have “hit the ground running”
since 2003 in sabotaging the principle constitutional precept of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of

This has been done through the authorization of thuggish programs like gangstalking, which allows
bands of thugs, idiots, nincompoops, buffoons, knuckleheads, inbreds, morons, religious zealots,
scoundrels, fools, harassers, felons, corrupted third parties, thuggish imbeciles-, and strange American
thugs to perpetually jeopardize targeted individuals on a daily basis while using a degenerately thuggish
system of verbal, physical, gestural, vehicular, and other cues to “point out” the targeted individual’s
exact location so that other goonish-, thuggish gangstalkers will know who to bother-, obstruct, crowd,
or harass, all under the supervision of federally authorized “watchers,” who have one hand in a gun
somewhere in the vehicle, and the other hand on the “911” button on their phone, all from a hidden
location while the targeted person deals with the gangstalkers that he has mobilized towards them in a
cowardly, weaselly, covert fashion. The thugs that the thuggish United States federal government has
thuggishly authorized to violently engage targeted individuals via a coded system of cues, both gestural
and verbal, have been given permission by the USA to contaminate people's food, spread disease via
strategically placed coughs, sneezes, heavy breathing, and other disgusting bodily functions that carry
with it the spread of bacteria and viruses.

Total Thuggery ::::: The United States Federal Government’s Mobile Thug Units : Gangstalkers in Action :
Gangstalking’s Core Disruption Activity is Contracted out to Various Auxiliaries

• Gangstalking is regional in nature. The path to the targeted individual’s exact location is as such;

• Congress authorizes the legislative thuggery and community harassment mechanism via post
9/11/2001 national security bills, some of them 10,000 pages in length that no one actually reads.

• The Department of Defense and Department of Justice’s “(Top Secret) Special Work” units get memos
on how to organize the thug mobs and where to direct them.

• Regional private investigatory offices, bail bond enforcers, bounty hunter’s offices, federally
authorized private security offices, and similarly structured law enforcement and semi-law-enforcement
auxiliaries, all of which are appendages of the Department of Justice, get “alerts” about the targeted
individual’s whereabouts.

• These alerts are siphoned out to regional mobbing units via a system of electronic, vehicular, verbal,
and physical signals, signs, and gestures

• The gangstalkers are sent these signals in a specific area in a particular city, for example a residential
neighborhood, a business district, a public transportation hub, a shopping plaza, or an office building.

• The gangstalkers begin sending each other the signals in accordance with the signals bein collected by
their handlers (the federally authorized trackers.)

• The targeted individual is pointed out, and the stalkers begin to descend upon him with violence,
harassment, noise, diseases, and other such thuggery.

Gangstalking: The New American Thuggery

Now that gangstalking has been embedded into the United States’ legal code via stealth national
security earmarks, thuggish, imbecilic, hostile, violent, criminally insane idiots, known as gangstalkers,
can, with the assistance and blessing of the United States federal government, perpetually pester,
threaten, harass, impede, spy on, obstruct, attack, and kill (be it negligent homicide, manslaughter, or
first degree murder) targeted individuals.

The United States’ military industrial complex run governmental system would like nothing more at this
point than to spread its thuggery into other countries so as to influence and indeed dominate those
countries from the outside. Gangstalking is a uniquely American brand of thuggery and it would
behoove the federal establishment of this country to influence the thuggish signaling protocols that
enable gangstalking. But not only influence other countries but find stealth ways to embed gangstalking
into other countries’ national security mechanisms so as to make gangstalking the law of the land
elsewhere as it has been done here.
This being the case so that the United States can share the blame and point to other countries’ use of it
as well, if this thug militia protocol goes haywire and causes widespread economic and social

The United States has not invaded any other countries since it was kicked out of Afghanistan; it will likely
try and assert its “dominance” over other countries in a new way, and that is to spread its thuggish
mobile gulag protocol into every country imaginable so it “can read” other countries activities through
the movements and actions of those countries citizen populations.

The United States Congress’ Disease Warfare : The United States Federal Government’s Biological
Attacks : The United States’ Federally Authorized Intentional Spreading of Disease Mechanism :

In the course of human events, the United States federal government has authorized, implemented, and
financed germ warfare against its citizens. A part of the United States of America’s war on its citizens,
also known as gangstalking, which is an American national security protocol, the attack mechanism
against its targeted individuals is comprised of the hurling of (germs) at targeted persons. This thuggish
weapon is aimed at destabilizing the targeted individuals so that they cannot readily fight the
gangstalking menace as they would when they are well.

The United States federal government has authorized countless assassinations against its own citizens
under false pretenses, particularly over the past 60 years. Many of these citizens were not guilty of any
crime other than being independent thinkers, writers, and political actors, each with an idea as to how
to eliminate the god-awful screw-job that is American politics.

Many of these people met with “accidents” that certain of the American populace found to be
disgraceful, suspicious, and criminally inspired inside jobs aimed at silencing dissent and advancing
America’s political gluttony.

The United States has seen enough of these accusations to know how much they can rob the federal
government of its credibility with respect to its governmental ability.

So rather than target high profile dissidents, celebrities, and other activists, the thuggish national
security auxiliaries of the United States have taken to targeting citizens who are less renowned, but
independent enough to pose a threat to the United States’ national security bred political thuggery.

The United States is no longer the country of individualism. It has instead forced a herd mentality on its
citizens in the form orb illbred gangstalking protocols consisting of a system of signals, verbal
commands, vehicular cues, physical gestures and the like, which are aimed at first containing, and
secondly attacking targeted persons.

There are a number of American industries that benefit economically from gangstalking, including, the
hospital and big pharma industries from the targeted individual’s injuries, the auto insurance and auto
body repair industries from the staged car accidents that targeted persons experience, and, also the
companies that targeted individuals work for (if they are lucky enough to find work during their
gangstalking campaign) —benefit financially from not having to pay targeted persons a pension because
chances are, with the workplace mobbing mechanism that is prevalent in gangstalking campaigns, the
targeted person will either quit or be fired long before they can ever retire comfortably.
The thuggish United States’ legislative mechanism is beneath the dignity of the legacy of the United
States Constitution. With the thuggery that it allows (gangstalking), and the thugs that it enables
(gangstalkers), it will surely become the parish of the civilized world.

When the United States federal government takes responsibility for its ignorance, negligence, and
ineptitude in authorizing gangstalking, a post September 11, 2001 thuggery protocol, I can tell you
ahead of time what will happen.

The federally authorized orchestrators of gangstalking campaigns, those thugs that signal other
gangstalkers as to the whereabouts of targeted individuals, will go to the Capitol building in Washington
DC with some drivel about “being afraid for their lives and that of their families,” “I was only following
orders,” and “wanting immunity from prosecution in exchange for the uncovering of gangstalking’s Top
Secret methods, agendas, and operational procedures.”

The thuggery that the Congress of the United States unleashed upon American society, and indeed the
world, has embedded in it protocols protecting the cowardice of its perpetrators from criminal
prosecution, even the ones that orchestrated gangstalking’s assaults, rapes, and murders.

The Congress of the United States have, for 100 years now, protected thugs and criminals so long as
they were doing a “service” for the United States federal government. Gangstalking is one of these such
services. The United States’ national security platform at home and abroad, particularly over the past
twenty years, have been nothing more than trillions in taxpayer money allotted to military industrial
expenditures, fusion center thuggery, and federally authorized organized hate mobs. Overseas, the
United States lectures other countries about “democracy,” “rule of law,” and “human rights.”
Meanwhile, in its own borders, the United States has allowed 50,000,000 illegal aliens from Mexico,
Guatemala, Panama, and Cuba into this country with impunity, give them taxpayer money, not
acknowledging that many of these illegals are bitter about the Mexican-American War, and how the US
troops took the state of Texas from them and pushed them south into Mexico; knowing that many of
these illegal aliens are learning gangstalking tactics, and are using them on established American
citizens. Illegal aliens are not the only problem; the United States federal government has allowed
violent murder and attempted murder mechanisms to thrive in the United States, many of its own
citizens become physically injured, occupationally injured, or otherwise injured or incapacitated.

In a gangstalking campaign, an essential goal for its success is to discredit the targeted person by any
means necessary. The reason being, if the targeted individual becomes too credible, then if they decide
to eradicate gangstalking as I have done, that their assertions on the program, its thuggery, and its
dilapidated pretenses will be met with skepticism.

One way that this is done, is through the false psychiatric diagnosis mechanism. American psychiatric
establishments are heavily rigged against targeted individuals. A family member, for example, can go to
any psychiatric facility and make up any amount of drivel about the targeted person, typically in the
target’s young childhood years or in their teenage years, calling into to question their mental health or
indeed their very sanity. I mention the targeted person as a child, because targeted individuals are
selected for this program as children, and the target’s childhood plays a significant role in the
gangstalking campaign against that person later in life.

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