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Student’s Manual


Module 5
National English for Work Program
El Salvador
Gerencia Técnica
Edificio INSAFORP, final Calle Siemens,
Parque Industrial Santa Elena
Antiguo Cuscatlán
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National English for Work Program Series
El Salvador, Centro América
Student’s Manual
Intermediate Level PBX: 25227300
Module 5 Página web:


To the learner :

Welcome to module five of the intermediate level. This set of worksheets will accompany you throughout
56 hours of instruction. From day 1 you will acquire the competencies that are necessary to communicate
successfully in your workplace. All activities are oriented to develop listening comprehension, speaking,
reading, writing, pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary skills.

You will also see some suggested websites for extended practice on your own in your free time.

Congratulations for being a participant of this course and for giving your best to become competent in the
English language!

Map of the book 6

UNIT 1 E-commerce 9

UNIT 2 E-shopping issues 17

UNIT 3 Digital marketing 25

UNIT 4 Trends in e-commerce 33

Map of the book


E-commerce Differentiate advantages and disadvantages of e-commerce terms, e.g.
e-commerce. instant gratification,
Exemplify different types of e-businesses based on lower costs, brick-and-
the interaction between businesses and consumers. mortar stores, risk of fraud,
Describe tips to apply when shopping online. delivery policy, etc. Types
Report tips for a successful online business from the of e-businesses, e.g. B2B,
founder of Alibaba. B2C,C2B, C2C, auctions,
bids, etc. Online shopping,
e.g. shopping cart, website
security, fraudulent charges,
identity theft, credit card
fraud, etc.
E-shopping issues Explain the most common issues related to product Product quality, e.g.
quality when shopping online. guarantee, reliable sellers,
Identify issues and tips related to hidden charges fake reviews, ratings, wrong
and delivery issues when shopping online. size, etc. Product and price,
Assess risks and provide tips related to return and e.g. quality, design, feature,
guarantee policies when shopping online. brand, packaging, after-sale
Describe risks and tips related to identity theft when services, warranty, etc.
shopping online.

Digital marketing Outline the basics of digital marketing. Digital marketing, e.g.
Describe the fundamentals of two digital marketing consumer data,optimized
strategies. content,drive traffic, search
Discuss different job profiles required in digital query, landing page,SERP
marketing. (Search Engine Result Page)
Explain core elements of the interaction between etc. Careers in digital
social media and digital marketing. marketing, e.g. data analyst,
content manager,Chief
Digital Officer or CDO,
community manager

Trends in e-commerce Compare the characteristics of m-commerce Mobile commerce , e.g.

worldwide to its characteristics in the national social media platforms,
market. mobile banking, digital
Compare future retail trends worldwide to the purchases, digital cash,
trends in national market. portability, ubiquity, etc.
Describe specific influences of technology in the Retail trends and strategies,
e-commerce customer experience of the future. e.g. purchase and pick-up
Summarize 3 major challenges retail stores will face systems, in-store digital
as e-commerce grows. systems, etc. Challenges for
Formulate 3 tips about future challenges associated retail stores,e.g. brick-and-
to e-commerce for retail stores. mortar retail stores, click
merchants, brick merchants,
margins, Millenials, Gen Z,

Map of the book


Reported speech Video: 10 tips to safer Write a 10-line
affirmative statements. Succeeding with shopping online paragraph about the
Reported speech E-Commerce and Selling Internet shopping: How 2 advantages and
imperatives. Online: Four Hot Tips for to buy online 2 disadvantages of
Startups Excerpt: Jack Ma's e-commerce.

Reported speech – yes/no Video: Things You Should Write a poster about
questions introduced by if/ Fake online reviews: How Always Buy Online online shopping tips
whether (simple present, easily can you buy a - And 3 Things You related to hidden and
simple past and simple reputation? Shouldn’t delivery charges.
future) Tips for safe and simple 5 pitfalls of online
Reported speech – infor- online shopping shopping
mation (questions simple Identity Theft Protection: Posts and tips from a
present, simple past and
10 Ways To Secure Your forum online discussing
simple future)
Personal Data return and guarantee
Use of tag questions Video: The ultimate marketing Write a 10-line
(present, past and present Rob Farrell Talks Digital machine paragraph describing
perfect) Marketing Trends 2017 Social Media Marketing: three ways in which
Indefinite pronouns, SEO for startups in under The Importance of a social media marketing
e.g. nobody, anybody, 10 minutes Two-Way Conversation is helping business
somebody, anyone, no Social media marketing grow their sales.
one, etc. explained

The definite article the Video: 4 Technology Trends set Write a 10-line
and zero article, e.g. _AR What is m-commerce? to Improve Customer paragraph summarizing
has the ability to blur The impact of mobile Experience in 2017 3 challenges and 3 tips
the boundaries between commerce How Technology is related to retail stores
the physical and digital Changing the Retail as e-commerce grows.
worlds. Customer Experience
Transitions of addition Excerpt: Influence of
e-commerce on brick-
and-mortar stores
E-Commerce Is Not
Eating Retail

Unit 1 E-commerce
I will be able to... Let’s start
differentiate advantages and disadvantages of Do only physical stores limit the chances of
e-commerce. growth for retail stores? What do you like about
shopping online? Do you prefer it over going to the
Lucas is telling Saul about his plan to open an e-store to sell his handicrafts.
Take turns practicing the conversation with a partner.

Lucas: My friend and I would like to start an

e-commerce website for our handicrafts.
They sell well at the farmer's market, but we
want to sell to people who don’t visit us here
on the country side.
Saul: I see. There are many advantages to an
e-commerce website. For instance, customers
can buy your products 24/7 through an
automated platform, and they are also able to
compare products and prices.
Lucas: That’s exactly what we need! But, are there any
drawbacks to this e-commerce thing?
Saul: Well, you may want to let a different company
handle the shipping and storage of your
products. Then, there is the risk of shipping
arriving in bad conditions or not arriving at all,
which makes consumers disappointed.

Pair work
3 Discuss the answers to the questions below.
1. Why does Lucas want to start an e-commerce website? .
2. What are two advantages of e-commerce?
3. What are two disadvantages of e-commerce?

Making it click
Succeeding with E-Commerce and Selling Online: Four Hot Tips for Startups

Unit 1 E-commerce
Building vocabular y
Match these terms related to e-commerce to their corresponding meanings.
Compare answers with a partner.

The virtually unlimited extent and range of products available in

1. Selection
e-commerce stores.
2. Instant A traditional business that deals with its customers face-to-face in
gratification an office or store.

3. Deals Having a wide range of products from which customers can choose.

4. Infinite shelves The desire to experience fulfillment without delay.

5. Brick-and- mortar
When a website offers products for sale.

5 Read and label the statements below. What are they describing, advantages or disadvantages of
e-commerce? Write an A for advantages and D for disadvantages.

1. [ ] More reach to customers, there are no geographic limitations.

2. [ ] Any one, good or bad, can easily start a business.

3. [ ] Customer loyalty is not always guaranteed.

4. [ ] Low operational costs and better quality of services.

5. [ ] Easy to start and manage a business.

6. [ ] There are no sales when the website is down.

Your Turn
Write a 10-line paragraph about the 2 advantages and 2
disadvantages of e-commerce.

Send your paragraph to your instructor and to two classmates.
Then, organize a mini debate about the advantages and
disadvantages of e-commerce for micro and small businesses.


Now, I can differentiate advantages and disadvantages of e-commerce...

c Independently c With occasional help c Only with help

Unit 1 E-commerce
I will be able to... Let’s star t
exemplify different types of e-business based on the How many online businesses operating in
your country can you name?
interaction between businesses and consumers.
Are there e-commerce businesses doing business
only through phone apps?

Building vocabulary
Put a check next to the words you are familiar with. Then, match all the words to their corresponding
meanings. Compare your answers to a partner's.

c Platform c M-commerce c Local e-commerce c Auctions c Bids

a. Platform A public sale in which goods or property are sold to the highest bidder.

b. M-commerce Electronic commerce conducted on mobile phones.

It is a software application that allows online businesses to manage their
c. Local e-commerce
website, sales and operations.
d. Auctions It is the offering of a price, especially at an auction.

e. Bids A kind of e-commerce focused on the consumers’ geographical location.

3 Label the descriptions with the correct types of e-commerce.

Consumer-to-Consumer Business-to-Business Consumer-to-Business Business-to-Consumer

(C2C) (B2B) (C2B) (B2C)

1. _______________________________________________
It refers to business that is conducted between companies, rather than between a company and individual
2. _______________________________________________
Transactions conducted directly between a company and consumers who are the end-users of its products
or services.
3. _______________________________________________
It is a business model that facilitates an environment, usually online, where customers can trade with each
4. _______________________________________________
It is when a large number of individuals make their services or products available for purchase for companies
seeking precisely these types of services or products.

Your Turn Share

4 5
Group work. Think of a popular online business and
Organize a brief presentation of the
describe how it interacts with consumers. Describe the
advantages of this business model for the consumers, results of your discussion.
and the disadvantages business owners may face if they Share your presentation with the class.
apply it.

Unit 1 E-commerce
I will be able to... Let’s start
describe tips to apply when shopping online. How often do you purchase items online?
What do you have to be careful about while
purchasing online?

Lucas is telling Saul about his plan to open an e-store to sell his handicrafts.
Take turns practicing the conversation with a partner.

Jesse: Hank, you won’t believe this! A friend said he

bought this excellent deal online. I checked
it, and there is this new laptop for only $199.
I called a store, and it is $900 there. I will
definitely get it online, but I will use my debit
Hank: Wait a second. That sounds suspicious. Let me
take a good look at that webpage before you
enter your card number in there.
Jesse: Why? Hurry up, or the offer will be gone before
we know it.
Hank: A friend said you had to make sure that the
site is secure. You have to look up for a small
padlock symbol in the address bar. This one
doesn’t have it. Experts mentioned on TV that
credit cards offered protection from identity
theft that debit cards don’t. So, you better
use a credit card.
Pair work
3 Look at the conversation above and rewrite the sentences below.
1. A friend tells me “There is this excellent deal online.” .
2. A friend says “You have to make sure that the site is secure.”
3. Experts say “Credit cards offer protection from identity theft that
debit cards don’t.”
10 Tips to Safer Shopping Online
Internet shopping: how to buy online

Unit 1 E-commerce
How to use repor ted speech – Affirmative statements
Look at the examples in the box. Then complete the exercises below

To express to a third person the words that somebody has said, use reported speech.

In reported speech, we express what somebody has said in our own words. In this case, we make some
changes to what the person has said. After the reporting verb, it is possible to use the word "that".

Experts say “credit cards offer protection from identity theft that debit cards don’t.”
Experts mentioned (that) credit cards offered protection from identity theft that debit cards don’t.
When we use reported speech, the verb tense of the sentences often “shifts back.”
A YouTuber says “manufacturers’ websites have important information about products
A YouTuber said (that) manufactures’ websites had important information about
Simple present products online.
-> Simple past
A friend suggests “Credit cards are a better option than debit cards for online shopping.”
A friend suggested (that) credit cards were a better option than debit cards for online

5 Rewrite the following sentences using reported speech. Compare your answers with a classmate.

1. Big online stores say “trusted brands have a strong reputation.”

2. Specialists say “PayPal is more secure than debit cards.”
3. A friend says “offers that are too good to be true may be a scam.”
4. A blogger says “mobile phone networks are more secure than public Wi-Fi.”
5. Consumers report “deals are often hidden in webpages.”

Your Turn Share

6 Write five tips you have heard from friends or
7 Discuss your tips with a classmate and
other sources about shopping online. choose the most useful recommendations.
Use reported speech.


Now, I can describe tips to apply when shopping online ...

c Independently c With occasional help c Only with help

Unit 1 E-commerce

I will be able to... Let’s star t

identify tips for success in a passage about the How can online shopping help small
founder of a successful online business. businesses grow in a competitive market? What
makes an e-commerce business successful?

Answer the questions in the chart.

2 Then, go around the classroom interviewing at least 3 classmates.

Partner Partner Partner

Questions You
1 2 3

1. Have you heard about a website named Alibaba?

2. What type of products/services does Alibaba sell?

3. Who's the founder of Alibaba?

4. Do you know anyone who has shopped at Alibaba?

5. Do you know any business tip from the founder of Alibaba?

3 Read the passage. Then, answer the questions in p. 15

In 1999, after leaving a government job, Jack Ma grouped 18 people (including himself and his wife) and
sold them a dream to found Alibaba with the goal of facilitating international trade for small and medium
enterprises based in China. In the early stages of the Alibaba, Ma tried to raise funds in Silicon Valley,
the tech hub in the United States and was met with denials, and his business model was criticized to be
unprofitable and unsustainable by many at the time.

In 2003, still unprofitable with Alibaba, Ma and his team lunched an online auction site named “Taobao.
com”, charging zero commission, and took on a multinational e-commerce giant, eBay.

Determined to win, Taobao remained a commission-free marketplace for millions of online traders, and
that did put Alibaba under significant financial strain. To stay afloat while maintaining the platform's
commission-free policy, Ma and his team began offering value-added support services (e.g. custom
webpages to online merchants) for small fees.

Ma and his team won the Chinese market in less than five years, and eBay subsequently withdrew from
China. Alibaba, a 15 years old e-commerce company that has its origins outside of the United States, is
now one of world's largest companies as measured by its market capitalization- approximately USD 200

Adapted from

Unit 1 E-commerce
1. What was the goal to found Alibaba?

a. to sell more products online b. to win over e-Bay c. to facilitate international trade in China.

2. When was launched?

a. 2004 b. 2003 c. 2007

3. How did Ma keep the commission-free policy at

a. by offering value-added services. b. by raising funding. c. by facilitating trade.

4. Where did Jack Ma look for funds in the early stages of Alibaba?

a. eBay b. Silicon Valley c. Banks in the United States.

Building vocabulary
Find the words in bold in the passage about Jack Ma. Check the correct meaning.

c The exchange of capital, goods, and services across international borders or

1. International territories.
c The exchange of domestic goods within the boundaries of a country.

c A company expanded through technology.

2. Tech hub
c A community that promotes innovation for technology startup companies.

c A business not yielding profit or financial gain.

3. Unprofitable
c A business or activity yielding profit or financial gain.

c A form of payment a company chooses not to charge for its services.

4. Commission-free
c A remuneration for services provided or products sold.

Building vocabulary
Write a sentence using each of the terns from the box above.




More on reporting imperatives
Practice reporting imperatives

Unit 1 E-commerce
How to use repor ted speech – imperatives
Look at the examples in the box. The complete the exercises below

A sentence expressing a command, request, advice or suggestion is called an imperative sentence.

“You should learn from your competitor, but never copy.” Jack Ma.
Jack Ma recommends to learn from our competitor, but to never copy.
Some specific verbs are required to change an imperative sentence into reported speech, e.g. requested,
ordered, advised, suggested instead of the reporting verbs said and told.
“Never give up.”
Entrepreneurs recommend to never give up.

The most important thing in e-commerce, Jack Ma, said is "Act with passion."
The most important thing in e-commerce Jack Ma suggests is to act with passion.

7 Read the following quotes by entrepreneurs doing business online. Rewrite them using reported
speech. Compare your answers with a classmate.

1. “Only hire people who you would work for.” Mark Zuckerberg.
2. “Concentrate on the long term.” Larry Page.
3. “Make user experience your competitive advantage.” Aaron Levie.
4. “Learn a lot really fast from doing things wrong.” Drew Houston.
5. “Focus on the customer not the product.” Tony Hsieh.
6. “Get used to rejection.” Jack Ma.

Your Turn
8 Share
In pairs, prepare a presentation with tips for Listen to your classmates’ presentations
startups and entrepreneurs wishing to start their and take notes. Then use reported speech to
business online. share with your classmates the suggestions you
Use quotes from your favorite entrepreneurs or the think are most useful for starting entrepreneurs.
ones you have heard of.

Now, I can provide tips to help online businesses be successful...

c Independently c With occasional help c Only with help

Unit 2 E-shopping issues
I will be able to... Let’s start
explain the most common issues related to product Do you always read reviews before buying a
quality when shopping online. product from an online store? What do you do when
you order a product and receive something faulty or
different from your order?
Emily is telling Diego about an online order for shoes she just placed.
Take turns practicing the conversation with a partner.

Emily: I just ordered a pair of shoes online. They

are very expensive in stores, but I got an
excellent deal online. I can’t even believe it.

Diego: You should be careful when ordering stuff

online. Last time I ordered some shirts, but I
got the wrong size and color. Then, I had to
ship the package back to get the right items.
It ended up being more expensive.
Emily: Well, I read a lot of positive reviews on the
site, so I think I made a good choice with
these shoes.
Diego: I read a lot of reviews too, but I didn’t know
that sellers could post fake reviews. You may
want to go and double check to avoid any
issues with your purchase.

Pair work
3 Discuss the answers to the questions below.

1. What should you do before buying from an online store?

2. What tips would you give your partner to avoid fake reviews online?
3. What can you do if you receive damaged items from an online

Fake online reviews: How easily can you buy a reputation?
Things You Should Always Buy Online -- And 3 Things You Shouldn’t

Unit 2 E-shopping issues
Building vocabulary
4 Match the terms related to online shopping to the corresponding meanings.

1. Reliable seller ( ) Working badly or unreliably because of imperfections.

Feedback and comments about a third-party seller focused on the buying
2. Fake review ( )
3. Ratings ( ) Not easily convinced; having doubts or reservations.
Positive or negative feedback about a product or service written or paid by
4. Guarantee ( )
brands or sellers.
A seller you can trust with your purchases and who is consistently good in
5. Faulty ( )
delivering quality of products.
A formal assurance that certain conditions will be fulfilled relating to a product or
6. Skeptical ( )

Your Turn
Pair work. Interview 50% of the class about their online shopping experiences.
Use the questions in the chart below as a reference. Add any other follow-up question you like.

Partner Partner Partner Partner Partner Partner

Questions 1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Have you ever bought something online?
What was it?
2. Did you read some reviews before buying your
product/service? Were they useful?
3. Did the provider offer a guarantee in case you
were not satisfied with the product?
4. Were you skeptical about the quality of the
product you would receive?
5. Did you experience any issues to make the
6. Have you or your friends had a bad experience
when shopping online?

• Process the results of the interview.
• Create a basic graph to present the results to the class.

Now, I can explain the most common issues related to product quality when shopping online...

c Independently c With occasional help c Only with help

Unit 2 E-shopping issues
I will be able to... Let’s start
identify issues and tips related to hidden charges How often do you buy products online?
and delivery issues when shopping online. How expensive are shipping costs in your country?

Alan is reporting some questions a customer who’s visiting their website is asking. Read the
conversation to find out the answers Maria suggests.
Take turns practicing the conversation with a partner.

Alan: There’s this customer in the online store

asking a lot of questions about the
decorative pillows.

Maria: What would the customer like to know about

the product?
Alan: Well, the customer asked if the shipping
was for free. And then, this same person
posted a different question. They asked
whether the pillows were made in China
or America. And finally, the customer asked
if we have a return policy.
Maria: Let the customer know that international
shipping has an extra cost. And tell them the
pillows were made in China, and please post
a link in the comments to the return policy

Pair work
3 Read the conversation again and rewrite the questions as shown in the conversation.

1. “Is the shipping for free?”

2. “Are the pillows made in China or America?”
3. “Do you have a return policy?”

Tips for safe and simple online shopping
5 Pitfalls Of Online Shopping

Unit 2 E-shopping issues
How to use repor ted speech – Yes/No questions introduced by if/whether
Look at the examples in the box. Then complete the exercises below

When reporting things that other people say or ask, the verb tense often “shifts back.”
Yes/ No questions. This type of question is reported by using ask, want to know + if / whether + clause

Customer: “Is there a special discount for this product?”

Reported speech: The customer asked whether there was a special discount for the
Simple present product.
-> Simple past Customer: “Can this be purchased in the U.K. or only in the U.S.?”
Reported speech: The customer asked if the product could be purchased in the U.K. or
only in the U.S.
Customer: “Was I charged for shipping?”
Simple past Reported speech: The customer asked if he had been charged for shipping.
-> Past perfect
Customer: “Did the package arrive?”
Reported: The customer wanted to know whether the package had arrived or not.
Customer: “Will the laptop be delivered on Monday?”
Reported speech : The customer inquired if the laptop would be delivered on Monday.
Will -> Would
Customer: “Will the shipping cost increase with premium delivery or not?”
Reported speech : “The customer asked if the shipping cost would increase with the
premium delivery.

Read the following questions left by customers in an online store.

5 Rewrite each question in the reported speech using the examples in the box above as a model.

1. Is the item durable? ..................................................................................................................

2. Will the item be easy to use? ..................................................................................................................

3. Did you mention the dimensions of the item? ..................................................................................................................

4. Is the bottom shelf wide enough to hold a printer? ..............................................................................................................

5. Do you charge extra fees for shipping? ..................................................................................................................

6. Did the warranty cover the cost of the repairs? ..................................................................................................................

Your Turn Share

6 In groups, create a poster about online shopping
7 Place your poster in a visible part of the
tips on hidden and delivery charges and on how to classroom and present for the other
make smart purchases. groups in the class.

Now, I can identify issues and tips related to hidden charges and delivery issues when shopping online....

c Independently c With occasional help c Only with help

Unit 2 E-shopping issues
I will be able to... Let’s start
assess risks and provide tips related to return and Do you always read the return and guarantee
guarantee policies when shopping online. policies before buying items online? Have you ever
returned a product you ordered online?
Read the following posts and tips from a forum online discussing return and guarantee policies.
Then, check the right answer for the questions below. Check your choices with a partner.
1. I recently purchased an expensive electronic item from tech-Bay. Their return policy says 14 days to
return. I wanted to play with the item for a few days to see if I wanted to keep it. Now I’m not getting a
refund because the package was not in perfect condition.

2. I ordered some PC speakers - not sure whether they were faulty or just not suited to my soundcard, but
the e-store took them back without a question. I did claim they were faulty rather than unwanted, but I
doubt they actually checked them before refunding.

3. My wife just returned a camera case that was too small for her camera... We had a lot of problems when
returning the product, and we had to pay shipping to send the camera back. We waited for two months
before receiving the refund.

Tips for shopping online

1. Items bought on sale may have a shorter return period, or may not be returnable.
2. Returns may not be as simple when items are bought through a third party website.
3. Save all receipts or other paperwork for the items that you purchase.
4. Check the numbers of days you have to notify the return an item, and check if there are conditions like
keeping the original package.
5. Check if the online store will cover for return shipping.
Adapted from

1. A return policy is…

c The process a customer follows to ship previously purchased merchandise back to the store.
c A written guarantee given to the purchaser of a new product or service.
2. How many days does the store in paragraph 1 provide for returns?
c 30 c 21 c 14
3. What was the reason the consumer returned his purchase in paragraph number 2?
c Faulty product c Unwanted product c Incompatibility issues
4. How long did it take for the customer in paragraph 3 to receive the refund?
c five months c one month c two months


Now, I can give tips related to return and guarantee policies when shopping online...

c Independently c With occasional help c Only with help

Unit 2 E-shopping issues
I will be able to... 1 Let’s star t

describe risks and tips related to identity theft when Do you know how to keep your personal information
safe when you shop online?
shopping online.
What would happen if your credit card information is
compromised while purchasing online?
Chris and Ricardo are talking about important considerations to prevent identity theft when
2 shopping online. Read the conversation. Practice it with a partner.

Chris: I have been reading a lot about identity theft

online for the past few days. A financial
specialist asked banks how they planned to
solve the issue with identity theft. What’s that
Ricardo: Identity theft? Oh, I see you like to buy a lot
of electronics from the internet. To complete a
purchase you need to have a profile in the online
store. This is your personal information, and your
credit card number.
And there are thieves out there trying to steal that
information to get to your money.
Chris: I didn’t know they could do that. Someone
recently asked me what my password was.
I thought it was strange, but I didn’t give them my
Ricardo: Don’t ever give them your password or any other
information. Once a person sent me an email
asking what sites I used to store my credit
card information. I bet they wanted to steal my
personal information.

3 Pair work
Read the conversation again and rewrite the questions below.
1. “How do you plan to solve the issue with identity theft?” A financial specialist
asked banks.
2. “What’s your password?” Someone asked.
3. “What sites do you use to store your credit card information?” A person asked.
Identity Theft Protection: 10 Ways To Secure Your Personal Data
Victims of ID theft: 5 steps to take

Unit 2 E-shopping issues
How to use repor ted speech – information questions
Look at the examples in the box. The complete the exercises below

Remember: When reporting things that other people say or ask, the verb tense often “shifts back.”
Report information questions using ask, inquire, want to know + wh word + clause (sentence word order)

Customer: “What is the process to return a product?”

Simple present Reported: A customer asked what the process to return a product was.
-> Simple past Customer: “When do you expect the package to arrive?”
Reported: A customer asked when we expected the package to arrive.
Customer: “When did you ship my order?”
Simple past Reported: A customer asked when we had sent his order.
-> Past perfect
Sales agent: “Which items did you pick from the catalog?”
Reported: The sales agent asked which items I had picked from the catalog.
Customer: “When will my package arrive?”
Reported: The client asked when the package would arrive.
Will -> Would
Customer: “What will be the subtotal for my purchase?”
Reported: A customer asked what the subtotal would be for his purchase.

Rewrite each question in reported speech using the examples in the box above as a model.
Compare your answers with a partner.

1. “Why is there a $2,000 charge in my account?” (A customer asked)


2. “What do I have to do to protect myself from identity theft? (A friend asked)


3. “When will I receive fraud alerts?” (A customer asked)

4. “When did you last change your password?” (The bank
representative asked)


5. “What information did they change in your bank account?”

(The customer support agent asked)


6. “When will the bank get in touch with me?” (A customer asked)


Unit 2 E-shopping issues
Building vocabulary
6 Match the terms related to identity theft to the corresponding meanings.

It is an extra layer of security requiring not only a password and username but
1. Fraud ( )
also a piece of information on the user such as a physical token.
A report filed by a financial institution to signal that someone may have stolen
2. Identity theft ( )
your identity.
3. Two-factor
( ) Criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain.
An identifying number allocated to an individual by a bank or other organization
4. Credit report ( )
and used for validating electronic transactions.
The fraudulent acquisition and use of a person's private identifying information
5. PIN ( )
for financial gain.
It is a statement that has information about credit activity and current credit
6. Fraud alert ( )

7 Your Turn

In groups, prepare a role play between a bank

representative giving tips to a customer on how to
prevent identity theft.

8 Share

• Present your conversation to your classmates.

• Ask them to report the questions asked by both
parties in the role play.

Reported Speech (Wh- Questions)
Reported Speech (Changing Verb Tenses)
Practice exercise Reported Speech (Questions)


Now, I can describe risks and tips related to identity theft when shopping online...

c Independently c With occasional help c Only with help

Unit 3 Digital Marketing
I will be able to... Let’s start
outline the basics of digital marketing. What are some common examples of digital
advertising? Has digital marketing changed since the 90’s?

Elena and Harvey are talking about options to improve their digital marketing strategy.
Take turns practicing the conversation with a partner.

Harvey: We are trying to improve our marketing

strategy by analyzing our consumers’ data,
and then we are planning to optimize the
content of our webpage according to their
Elena: Well, that sounds good. I think we should
hire a web designer to help us optimize the
content in the webpage. The site needs a
Harvey: Yes, I already contacted some people who
might be able to help.
Elena: Ok, we only need to discuss how to improve
our direct marketing strategies.

Pair work
3 Read the conversation again and rewrite the questions as shown in the conversation.

1. How does Harvey plan to improve the marketing strategy?

2. What does Elena suggest to improve the looks of their webpage?
3. What are some disadvantages of digital marketing?

Rob Farrell Talks Digital Marketing Trends 2017
A Strategic Approach To Creating A Powerful And Effective Digital Marketing Strategy

Unit 3 Digital Marketing
Building vocabulary
Match the terms related to digital marketing to their corresponding meanings.
Check your answers with a partner.

Direct marketing Multi-level Consumer data Optimized Sales leads

marketing content

1. The information trail customers leave behind as a result of their Internet use. .......................................................
2. Making a website more attractive to search engines and users. .......................................................
3. It is a system for selling goods or services through a network of distributors. .......................................................
4. Initiation of consumer interest into products or services of a business. .......................................................
5. The business of selling products or services directly to the public. ......................................................

Pair work
5 Rank the advantages of direct digital marketing (DDM) from 1 (most significant) to 4 (least significant).
From your perspective, what advantage helps online businesses attract more customers?
( ) DDM is targeted. Companies send specific communications to a group of potential customers.
( ) DDM is immediate. Since mobile users are almost always within arm’s reach of their mobile device,
your text or email message will be seen in mere seconds.
( ) DDM allows to measure the success of your campaign, including the open rate of your message
and the click-through rate; that is, the number of people who follow your link beyond their inbox.
( ) DDM is cheap compared to yesterday’s costs of running a magazine or radio ad. Thanks to the ever-
expanding internet, it is cheaper (and in some cases, free) to get your brand’s message out there.

Your Turn
6 • Group work.
• Go online and read more information about the
evolution of digital marketing from the 90’s to these
• Prepare a brief presentation.
7 Share your presentation with the class.


Now, I can outline the basics of digital marketing...

c Independently c With occasional help c Only with help

Unit 3 Digital Marketing
I will be able to... 1 Let’s start

describe the fundamentals of two digital marketing What are some examples of popular search engines?
strategies. What is a good way to attract possible customers to
the website of your product/service?

Samuel and Isabel are going through some steps to improve their search engine optimization (SEO)
strategy. Take turns practicing the conversation with a partner.

Samuel: The content manager revised the list of

keywords, didn’t he?

Isabel: The list of keywords? I thought you did

it, didn’t you?
Samuel: Actually, I didn’t. I will tell him to
revise the keywords before we actually
include them in the site. We won’t
have problems later with search engine
optimization, will we?
Isabel: Yes, it will be very troublesome later for
the specialist. It’s good that I asked you,
isn’t it?

Pair work
3 Read the conversation again and complete the sentences below.

1. The content manager revised the list of keywords, __________________?

2. I thought you did it, _____________________?

3. We won’t have problems later with search engine optimization,


4. It’s good that I asked you, _____________?

SEO for startups in under 10 minutes
The ultimate marketing machine

Unit 3 Digital Marketing
How to use tag questions
Look at the examples in the box. Then complete the exercises below

Tag questions turn a statement into a question.

We use them to check information that we think is true.
If the main clause is positive, the tag question is If the main clause is negative, the tag question is
negative positive.
The content manager revised the list of keywords, He isn’t in charge of designing our new web page,
didn’t he? is he?
He is in charge of designing our new web page, There wasn’t an increase in we traffic yesterday,
isn’t he? was there?

Pair work
Write a tag question for each of the following sentences.
1. Every day millions of individuals use the internet to search for information.
2. Search Marketing isn’t divided into three main categories.
3. Your business appears in the first search results.
4. SEO is the process of gaining presence through unpaid efforts.
5. It isn’t uncommon for search marketing efforts to lack strategic guidance.
6. The first step of any search marketing strategy is planning.
Building vocabulary
Match the terms to their corresponding meanings. Check your answers with a partner.

1. Search Engine ( ) A question entered into a web search engine.

2. Web traffic ( ) The amount of data sent and received by visitors to a web site.

The listing of results that are returned by the search engine in response
3. Search query ( )
to a keyword query.
A software system that is designed to search for information on the
4. Landing page ( )
World Wide Web.
5. SERP-Search Engine ( ) Any web page that a visitor can arrive at or “land” on.
Result Page

Unit 3 Digital Marketing
Have you heard about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and Pay-per-click advertising.
Go online to read more about these two digital marketing strategies.

SEO Pay-per-click

Your Turn
8 Categorize the characteristics below into SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and Pay-per-click
advertising. Compare your answers with a partner.

1. It’s based on special algorithms that analyze 2. Rewards are not instant.
specific keywords.
3. It is used to direct traffic to websites. 4. Content and engagement are vital for this
5. Advertising costs are divided by the number of 6. Advertisers bid on keyword phrases relevant to
clicks generated by advertisement. their target market.

SEO Pay-per-click

9 Discuss the characteristics with a partner and share your information with the class.


Now, I can describe the fundamentals of two digital marketing strategies...

c Independently c With occasional help c Only with help

Unit 3 Digital Marketing
I will be able to... Let’s start
discuss different job profiles required in digital How do you get started to become an
e-commerce specialist? What qualification are required
to be a digital marketing manager?

2 Building vocabulary
Label the descriptions with the correct name of the job.
Data analyst Content Web designer Chief Digital Web manager Community
manager Officer manager
1. An individual who builds, grows, and manages online communities. .......................................................
2. This job is mainly related to the styling and layout of pages with content,
including text and images. . ......................................................
3. This person collects, processes and performs statistical analyses of data. .......................................................
4. Someone who supervises the content presented on websites and blogs. .......................................................
5. An individual who helps a company grow by converting traditional businesses
to digital ones. .......................................................
6. A person in charge of developing, managing and maintaining websites. ......................................................

3 Label the requirements a. or b. to match the right job.

a. Web Designer b. Content Manager

Basic HTML Excellent writing skills in English

Webpage scripting Create engaging content

Updating websites Multimedia design

Knowledge of SEO Web development

Your Turn Share

4 5 Present your job profile to the
In pairs, create the job profile for a community manager.
What are the technical areas a community manager class.
should know about? What are the responsibilities for this
Now, I can discuss different job profiles required in digital marketing...

c Independently c With occasional help c Only with help

Unit 3 Digital Marketing
I will be able to... Let’s start
explain core elements of the interaction between How does social media marketing influence
social media and digital marketing. the sales of a product/service?
What is the role of a blog in media marketing?
Manuel is asking Rafael for some pointers needed to become an digital marketer.
Take turns practicing the conversation with a partner.

Manuel: What do I need to do to become a great

online marketer?
Rafael: Anyone can become an online marketer,
but you have to create and publish
content consistently.
Manuel: Then, I think I’m a great online marketer
already. Just look at the posts in my
blog, there are hundreds!
Everybody is going to love my content.
Rafael: Yes, everyone is going to like your
content until they get to the options
menu. No one likes to navigate through
a 10-option menu to get the information
they need, Manuel!

Pair work
3 Read the conversation again and complete the sentences below.

1. __________ can become an online marketer.

2. __________ is going to love my content.

3. __________ is going to like your content until they get to the options menu.

4. __________ likes to navigate through a 10-option menu to get the

information they need.

Social media marketing explained
Social Media Marketing: The Importance of a Two-Way Conversation

Unit 3 Digital Marketing
How to use indefinite pronouns
Look at the examples in the box. Then complete the exercises below

Indefinite pronouns refer to one or more unspecified objects, people, or places. They are called “indefinite”
because they don’t indicate the exact object, person, or place to which they make reference.

Nobody likes to be bombarded with ads and pop-ups.

Is anybody working as a community manager in your company?
Somebody in the company likes to read our monthly article.
Anyone knows about search engine optimization nowadays.
No one pays attention to dull advertising.

Be sure the verb that accompanies the indefinite pronoun (s) is in singular form.

5 Circle the correct word. Compare your answers with a partner.

1. Nobody reads / read the magazine.

2. Anybody from the office can help / helps you with the required documentation.

3. Somebody is / are trying to unlock the password to our webpage.

4. Does anyone think / thinks this is a good project?

5. No one writes / write new articles for the guest post of the week.

Your Turn
Describe in a 10-line paragraph three ways in which social
media marketing is helping businesses connect to their
audiences and grow sales. Integrate indefinite articles.

Mail your paragraph to the instructor and to one of your


Now, I can explain core elements of the interaction between social media and digital marketing...

c Independently c With occasional help c Only with help

Unit 4 Trends in e-commerce
I will be able to... Let’s start
compare the characteristics of m-commerce How important is it for businesses to have an
worldwide to its characteristics in the national app that allows online purchases? Are smart phones
market. the future of online commerce?
Elsa wants to purchase a book online, but she’s having trouble to check-out.
Read the conversation and take turns practicing it with a partner.

Elsa: Alex, I’m trying to purchase a book from the

app store, but I’m not sure I’m getting this

Alex: Let me see. Well, it seems the credit card

number is already typed in, but you need to
add your home address to your account ,or
you won’t be able to complete the purchase.
Elsa: Do I have to do it twice? I remember
entering my home address before. This is so
complicated. Forget about it, I better go the
bookshop and get a physical copy.
Alex: That’s good, I guess. It looks like the software
developers made check-out too complicated
for the end users. I will leave some feedback
in their website.
Pair work
3 Read the conversation again and answer the questions below.
1. What is Elsa trying to do?
2. What is the problem with the purchase?
3. What is Elsa going to do?
4. What does the e-shop need to do to make their software more user-friendly?
What is m-commerce?
The impact of mobile commerce

Unit 4 Trends in e-commerce
Building vocabular y
Match the expressions related to m-commerce to the right descriptions.
Compare your answers with a partner.

1. Social media
( ) Purchases for digital goods completed directly from within an e-shop.
The degree to which an entity can be successfully moved from one domain
2. Mobile banking ( )
to another.
3. Digital They enable the development, deployment and management of social media
( )
purchases solutions and services.
4. Digital
( ) The process whereby customers can obtain tickets using mobile phones.
The characteristic of a service that is available just about everywhere at all
5. Mobile ticketing ( )

6. Portability ( ) It refers to the use of a smart phone to perform online banking tasks.

7. Ubiquity ( ) Any means of payment that exists purely in electronic form.

5 Your Turn

Group work
• Go online and find information about the birth of
m-commerce and its evolution worldwide.
• Brainstorm on the milestones of the development
of m-commerce in the country.
• Prepare a timeline to compare the development of
m-commerce worldwide and in the country.

Present your timeline to the class.


Now, I can compare m-commerce worldwide to its characteristics in the national market ...

c Independently c With occasional help c Only with help

Unit 4 Trends in e-commerce
I will be able to... Let’s start
compare future retail trends worldwide to the trends What are some changes that retail stores have
in national market. adopted in recent years? How do you think retail
stores will be in the future?
Building vocabulary
Match the words and expressions to their corresponding descriptions.
1. Brick-and-mortar Software that stores personal and credit card information for one-click
( )
business reuse.
2. Clicks-and-mortar ( ) It is the selling of retail goods on the Internet
Businesses that complete most of their business activities at a physical
3. E-workforce ( )
Offering customers a variety of platforms from which they are able to
4. E-tailing ( )
purchase products.
5. E-wallets ( ) The use of both the Internet and buildings to conduct business.
6. Multi-channel
( ) People hired to work with computers while doing business.

Read the following trends that are taking place in retail stores.
3 Rank the trends from 1 to 5 indicating which will be more important in future years.
(1 most important / 5 less important)
( ) Stores providing unique in-store experiences will be more successful.

( ) Retailers across the world will adopt mobile payment solutions.

( ) Retailers will set smaller stores to be able to compete with bigger corporations.

( ) Shipping purchases in the same day will be the norm.

( ) Retailers will need to take advantage of apps, services, and third parties to fulfill the

needs of modern shoppers.

Your Turn Share

4 5
Use the trends above to prepare a presentation with tips to Present and discuss
incorporate technology and entertainment into retail stores that your tips with the class.
don’t take advantage of these elements in your country.


Now, I can compare future retail trends worldwide to the trends in national market...

c Independently c With occasional help c Only with help

Unit 4 Trends in e-commerce
I will be able to... Let’s start
describe specific influences of technology in the Do you think the development of virtual
e-commerce customer experience of the future. reality will play an important role in the future for
José and Tito are talking about their customer experience in a new store.
Read the conversation and take turns practicing it with a partner.

José: Hey, have you been to the new store in town?

Tito: Oh, yes! It’s awesome. The augmented really

tour the staff prepared was incredible.

José: Yes, it was! You just had to scan the codes

on the CDs to get the information of the
musician, pictures, and a streaming from their
latest live concert.
Tito: Yeah, but the best part were the promotional
codes for free album downloads!

Pair work
3 Check the technology that you believe will have an important role in improving customer’s
experience at retail stores. Then, discuss the questions below:

c 3D printing

c Virtual Reality

c 3D body scanners (clothing design)

c Self-serve kiosks (restaurants)

c Augmented reality

a. How fast is technology being implemented in retail stores from your country?
b. What are some key tech trends you’re currently seeing in stores from your locality?

4 Technology Trends set to Improve Customer Experience in 2017
How Technology is Changing the Retail Customer Experience

Unit 4 Trends in e-commerce
How to use the definite ar ticle “ the ”
Look at the examples in the box. Then complete the exercises below.
Use the + a noun when the hearer/the reader already has a reference of the noun you are referring to.
Use the + count noun to express that the noun is specific as opposed to general.
Augmented Reality has the ability to blur the boundaries between the physical and digital worlds.
The businesses that win the battle of customer service can gain a competitive advantage.
The ability to offer a self-service approach to consumers is very important.
2017 will be the year of technology in customer service.
The term zero article is used to refer to the case when a noun is not preceded by an article (a, an, or the).
No article/zero article is used with proper nouns, mass nouns, and plural count nouns where the reference
is general (not specific).
The consumers are now more tech savvy. (Consumers in general, not specific consumers)
The artificial intelligence can enhance the shopping. (Mass noun)

5 Cross out any unnecessary determiners. Compare your answers with a partner.

1. Social robots already work in the customer service.

2. The technology has changed the way that businesses interact with customers.
3. Businesses are taking full advantage of the smartphone revolution.
4. Through mobile apps, the retailers send customers real time information about the products and offers.
5. The big data analytics is changing how the businesses operate and communicate with customers.
6. They continually gather and analyze the data to improve the experience.

Your Turn
• Choose three national brands or companies.
• Describe how technology has influenced their business
model, and the way in which they interact with customers.
• Then,describe how these companies may change due to
technology in the future.

7 Share
Present your information to the class.


Now, I can describe influences of technology in the e-commerce customer experience of the future...

c Independently c With occasional help c Only with help

Unit 4 Trends in e-commerce
I will be able to... Let’s start
summarize 3 major challenges retail stores will face Are online stores popular in your country?

as e-commerce grows. Do you think e-commerce will substitute retail stores
formulate 3 tips about future challenges associated
in the future?
to e-commerce for retail stores.

Read the article about the influence of e-commerce in the brick-and-mortar stores.
Answer the questions below.

Despite all the rumors about e-commerce putting brick-and-mortar out of business, it’s the online-only
merchants that are struggling.

1. All but one of the top ten U.S. retailers are physical chains
Except for Amazon, the top 10 U.S. retailers are old-school, brick-and-mortar retail stores, according to the
Top 100 Retailers list from STORES magazine, a National Retail Federation publication. In ranking order,
they are Walmart Stores, Kroger Co., Costco, The Home Depot, CVS, Walgreens,, Target,
Lowe’s and Albertson’s.

2. Stores are more profitable than e-commerce

Bricks generate higher conversion rates than clicks. A store purchase is more profitable than an
e-commerce order, as factors like shipping and handling charges, and the costs associated with increased
returns, eat into margins.

3. Online retailers are being eaten by legacy retailers

Now Walmart is leading a pure play acquisition binge, buying born-in-the-web retailers. Brick merchants
are buying click merchants because online-only is not a viable retail model.

4. Millennials and generation Z prefer real-life stores

Millennials and Generation Z came of age amid the rise of Amazon, Facebook, and Instagram. But while
many of these younger consumers are opting to spend their free time online rather than watching
television, for one, both groups actually prefer in-store to digital shopping.
Adapted from

1. What is the only retailer that is not a physical chain of retail stores?
a. Kroger Co. b. Amazon c. Target
2. What of the following factors makes store purchases more profitable than e-commerce?
a. Store fixtures b. Building rental deposit c. Reducing shipping charges
3. How is Walmart taking advantage of only-online retail models?
a. Buying online-retail stores b. Selling products to e-tailers c. Providing sponsorship
4. Who prefers to purchase in retail stores?
a. Click merchants b. Brick merchants c. Millennials and Gen Z

Unit 4 Trends in e-commerce
Building vocabular y
Find the words in bold in the passage in p. 38. Check the correct meaning.

c The physical presence of a business in a building.

1. Brick-and-mortar
retail stores
c A business with only digital presence.

c To deposit an amount of money with a broker.

2. Margins
c Cost difference of acquiring products and the selling price.

c The generation of people born between the early 1980s and 1990s.
3. Milennials
c Business entrepreneurs.

c A merchant who receives and processes mail online orders.

4. Click merchant
c A merchant that exclusively offers digital products and services.

4 What has been your experience with e-commerce so far? Answer the questions below.
Then, interview at least two more classmates. Brainstorm predictions about the future of
e-commerce in the country.

Questions You Partner 1 Partner 2

1. Have you ever visited a stores' website and later

decided to buy an item from their "physical"
2. Have you ever received marketing e-mails
inviting you to visit a store to get promotions and
discounts? Have you accepted the invitation?

3. Have you shared a Facebook post about special

discounts or offers with your friends?

4. Have you ordered food from a restaurants'


5. Have you rated a business'/restaurant's service in

a social network?

E-Commerce Is Not Eating Retail
Expand your knowledge of the use of the definite article: the

Unit 4 Trends in e-commerce
How to use transitions of addition
Look at the examples in the box. Then complete the exercises below.

Transitions of addition indicate that the writer is using a second idea to deepen or clarify the first one.

There are disadvantages to e-commerce like limited customer service; in addition, customers have to wait
for their products to arrive after ordering.
Store retailers generate more money than e-shops; besides, small online companies are bought by big

Notice how punctuation associated with transitions varies:

E-commerce is a reliable form of electronic transactions; furthermore, it allows users to purchase online.
E-commerce is convenient. Moreover, it allows retailers to offer more products than the ones in the stores.

Complete the sentences related to e-commerce. Use a word from the box and the correct
punctuation. Then, compare your answers with a partner.

Furthermore Besides In addition Moreover

1. Email marketing is very important to e-commerce ___________________customers usually open their emails
even if they only include advertisements.
2. Create a lot of original content ___________________make you sure to diversify your presence in social media.
3. User generated content is a good way to build interaction with consumers __________________
advertisement will not cost much on your end.
4. It’s common for e-commerce stores to sell items to people all over the world ___________________ customers
feel welcomed with translation features integrated to your e-commerce services.

Your Turn
Write a 10-line paragraph summarizing 3 of
the challenges for retail stores as e-commerce
grows and provide 3 related tips.

8 Share
Mail your paragraph to the instructor and a


Now, I can formulate 3 tips about future challenges associated to e-commerce for retail stores ...

c Independently c With occasional help c Only with help


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