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Marine Pollution Bulletin 145 (2019) 455–462

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Marine litter and microplastic pollution on mangrove soils of the Ciénaga T

Grande de Santa Marta, Colombian Caribbean

Ostin Garcés-Ordóñeza,b, , Victoria A. Castillo-Olayab, Andrés F. Granados-Briceñoc,

Lina M. Blandón Garcíaa, Luisa F. Espinosa Díaza,
Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras –INVEMAR, Calle 25 No. 2-55 playa Salguero, Santa Marta, Colombia
Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano, Carrera 2 No. 11 - 68 Edificio Mundo Marino, Santa Marta, Colombia
Universidad del Magdalena, Carrera 32 No. 22-08, Santa Marta, Colombia


Keywords: Marine litter pollution has become a complex global problem, because of the negative ecological and socio-
Microplastics economic impacts as well as the human health risks that it represents. In Colombia, mangroves are affected by
Plastic debris inadequate solid waste management, which results in litter accumulation. Additionally, the information related
Solid waste management to this problem is limited avoiding the development of prevention and reduction strategies. For the first time,
Lagoon complex
pollution by marine litter and microplastics were evaluated in mangrove soils of the Ciénaga Grande de Santa
Mangrove ecosystem
Marta, where 540 ± 137 and 31 ± 23 items/ha of marine litter were determined in mangroves near and away
from populated centers respectively. Plastics represented between 73 and 96% of litter, and microplastic
quantity oscillated between 31 and 2,863 items/kg finding the highest concentrations in mangroves near to the
population. This study contributes to the knowledge of the marine litter problem in mangroves of the Colombian
Caribbean, becoming a help for their conservation.

1. Introduction et al., 2017). In that way, it is estimated that the Magdalena River emit
16,700 tons of plastics per year to the Caribbean Sea (Lebreton et al.,
Marine litter has been considered all persistent, manufactured or 2017), which is finally accumulate on the beaches, mangroves and
processed solid material discarded, disposed or abandoned in the other marine- coastal ecosystems. Once in these ecosystems, plastics are
marine and coastal environment (UNEP, 2009), it generates pollution in deteriorate due to its exposure to solar radiation, waves and other en-
ecosystems, causing negative ecological and socioeconomical impacts vironmental factors which cause its fragmentation generating minor
as well as high human health risks (Antão-Barboza et al., 2018), be- particles like microplastics (plastic particles ≤5 mm) (Li et al., 2016).
coming a problem of global interest that requires scientific studies to Microplastics are considered an emerging pollutant, because of its
understand the problem and design effective solutions that need to be size, weight, form, color and abundance, in the environment they are
adapted to local cultural contexts (UNEP, 2009; Löhr et al., 2017). ingested by different organisms such as mollusks, crustaceans, fishes,
Plastics are the main constituent of marine litter (between 60 and 90%) among others (Wright et al., 2013; Antão-Barboza et al., 2018). Like-
due to its high production (299 million tons in 2013) and use in dis- wise, microplastics can deteriorate environmental quality, causing
posable products, cosmetics, personal and household cleaning, con- physical damage and mortality of marine fauna (Derraik, 2002; Cole
struction industries, chemical- pharmaceutical, metal-mechanic, food, et al., 2011; Andrady, 2011; Ivar do Sul and Costa, 2014; Wang et al.,
among others (Li et al., 2016). Furthermore, marine pollution by 2016; Sun et al., 2017), in addition, microplastics can adsorb persistent
plastics is associated with deficiencies in basic sanitation, low recycling organic pollutants and heavy metals generating the bioaccumulation
and low environmental awareness since it is produced until it is con- and biomagnification of these materials in the food web through its
sumed (Li et al., 2016). In Colombia, it is estimated that about 65% of consumption increasing the probability of human health affection (Ríos
the solid waste generated in the coastal populations are inadequately et al., 2007; Andrady, 2011; Kühn et al., 2015; Bennecke et al., 2016;
managed being finally disposed in open dumps or in natural water Wang et al., 2016; Massos and Turner, 2017). Furthermore, other im-
bodies, like rivers that transport this waste to the sea (Garcés-Ordóñez pacts of microplastics presence is the facilitation of the introduction and

Corresponding authors at: Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras –INVEMAR, Programa Calidad Ambiental Marina, Calle 25 No. 2-55 playa Salguero,
Santa Marta, Colombia.
E-mail addresses: (O. Garcés-Ordóñez), (L.F. Espinosa Díaz).
Received 24 May 2019; Received in revised form 18 June 2019; Accepted 19 June 2019
Available online 24 June 2019
0025-326X/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
O. Garcés-Ordóñez, et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 145 (2019) 455–462

spread of exotic species (Rech et al., 2016) in new habitats and the and Rhizophora mangle with 7 to 18 m of height and the pneumato-
propagation of pathogenic microorganisms (Kovač Viršeka et al., 2017); phores covered between > 25 and < 75% of 1 m2 of soil, many of the
among others. On the other hand, microplastics have also been found in mangrove trees were found dead standing in these stations. E2 station is
bottled drinking water, cooking salt and other foods, as well as in the located in a highly disturbed mangrove at 4̴ km from the population
air, so human beings are also exposed to them and as consequence their center, formed by a strip of R. mangle living on the edge of the swamp,
health is affect (Antão-Barboza et al., 2018). Nevertheless, the ecolo- followed by an area of dead standing trees of A. germinans and L. ra-
gical and social effects associated with them are still unknown (Auta cemosa, covered by the pneumatophores < 25% of 1m2 of soil. E5 and
et al., 2017). E6 stations (national natural park VIPIS) were characterized by low
In Colombia, mangrove is one of the coastal-marine ecosystems disturbed mangroves at 20 km from the nearest urban center and L.
considered strategic for the development of the country, due to their racemosa and A. germinans trees with heights between 7 and 18 m.
ecological functions and the provision of ecosystem services that Besides, many of the mangrove trees were found dead standing in these
strongly influences the culture, the economy and the life quality of stations with pneumatophores covering between < 25 and > 75% of
human populations near to them (Rodríguez-Rodríguez et al., 2016). 1 m2 of soil respectively.
Unfortunately, in Colombia mangroves degradation is a big concern, An sampling area of 1000 m2 was established in each station
the main causes are related to urban expansion, climate change, pol- georeferenced using a Garmin GPS. The areas were parallel to the long
lution, changes in the use of the soil and overexploitation of the natural edge of the mangrove, from the line of highest tide behind the first strip
elements, among others (Uribe and Urrego, 2009). Specifically, urban (between 2 and 3 m of wide) of the R. mangle trees towards the interior
expansion towards the mangrove areas has generated pollution due to of the forest where there was a low density of A. germinans and L. ra-
the wastewater and solid waste, which are improperly handled and cemosa. It was difficult to take samples at the intertidal zone because
dumped into the ecosystem, whereby turning solid waste into marine the root system of R. mangle was very dense.
litter (Riascos et al., 2019).
The lagoon complex of the Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta (CGSM) 2.2. Marine littler characterization
has an area of 4,280 km2, it is the main provider of environmental
goods and services to the local population. The CGSM is considered one Sample collection was carried out during the dry season, where the
of the coastal lagoon systems most productive in the Colombian mangrove soil in the stations was mostly dry, with flood levels < 5 cm
Caribbean region being declared as RAMSAR wetland, biosphere re- in certain areas. The methodology of marine litter monitoring of OSPAR
serve, Important Birds Conservation Areas and Natural National Park (2010) was adapted to the access, structure and mangroves conditions
(Vía Parque -VIPIS and Sanctuary of Flora and Fauna of the CGSM) in the selected stations. For this, ten transects of 50 m long with 2 m
(INVEMAR, 2018). The CGSM has one of the larger coverages of wide were made, for a total sampling area of 1000 m2, starting from the
mangrove in the Colombian Caribbean (39,535 ha in 2014), re- edge towards the interior of the mangrove with the purpose of observe
presenting 14% of the national coverage of these forests (289,122 ha; the accumulation gradient of the marine litter. In each transect, all solid
INVEMAR, 2014, 2018). Nevertheless, the CGSM has been negatively wastes with size > 2.5 cm (macro-litter) that were found above the
affected by human activities (fishing, aquaculture, livestock, agri- mangrove soil (between and on the pneumatophores of A. germinans
culture, among others) carried out therein and in its surroundings and L. racemosa) were collected. In total, 2220 units of marine litter
causing its continuous deterioration (Vivas-Aguas et al., 2013; were counted, separated and classified according to the categories de-
INVEMAR and MinAmbiente, 2013; INVEMAR, 2018). One of the scribed in OSPAR (2010) as plastic, metal, glass, rubber, rubble, wood,
principal environmental degradation factors that affect the mangroves textile, hospital and sanitary waste. Additionally, marine litters were
of the CGSM is the inadequate management and accumulation of solid weighed with a weighing scale brand Mettler Toledo ( ± 0.1 g of pre-
waste. Even though this is an evident problem, the effects of these cision), and a total weight of 184 kg was obtained. Finally, the per-
pollutants over the mangrove ecosystem have not been quantified yet, centage of hazardous and non-hazardous waste was determined, ac-
ignoring the possible negative effects due to the synergy between the cording to the definition of the Decree 4741 of 2005 of the Environment
accumulation of marine litter and other factors over the recovery of the Ministry of Colombia as “Residues or waste that may cause risk or harm to
mangrove. human health and the environment due to its characteristics, corrosive, re-
The aim of this work was to assess the state of pollution by marine active, explosive, toxic, flammable, infectious or radioactive. Likewise, is
litter, including microplastics, on the mangroves soil in the CGSM, key considered residue or hazardous waste the containers, packaging and
information for the management of the solid waste in the CGSM by the packaging that have been in contact with them” (MinAmbiente, 2005).
competent environmental authorities. Besides, this study contributes to
the Sustainable Development Goal No. 14: Conserve and sustainably 2.3. Microplastics collection
use the oceans, seas and marine resources, in its target 14.1 related to
the prevention and significantly reduction of this type of pollution in Three points within the sampling area of marine litter were ran-
marine environments (United Nations, 2019). domly selected (1m2 of the area) and an integrated sample of surface
sediment (~500 g) was taken for microplastics analyses (1 to 5 mm of
2. Research area and methods size). Once in the laboratory, the sediments were dried at 60 °C during
72 h, weighted and deposited in an airtight container where a solution
2.1. Sampling stations description of sodium hexametaphosphate (2.5 g L−1) was added. The sediments in
the solution were agitated at 180 rpm during 25 min to separate the
Six sampling stations distributed in North and West zones of the grains. Subsequently, to remove the greater proportion of clays and
CGSM over the places known as Isla Rosario (E1), Tasajera (E2, E5 and mud, sediments were screened using a sieve (1–5 mm), distilled water
E6) and Buenavista (E3, E4) were selected to determine the status of and filtered (WHATMAN, 1–5 mm pore size 8 μm). Then, the material
pollution by marine litter and microplastics on mangrove soils (Fig. 1 retained in the 1 mm sieve was dried at 65 °C during 48 h. Finally, the
and Table 1). Linear distance from populated centers was calculated dry sample was examined at the stereoscope (Leica Microsystems) for
with the program Google Earth Pro 2018, and the disturbance state of visual identification, separation and classification of microplastics ac-
the mangrove forest was according to previous reports by INVEMAR cording to their form, fragment, filament, pellet, granule, film and
(2018). E1, E3 and E4 stations are in moderately disturbed mangrove foam, in concordance to the procedure described by Kovač Viršek et al.
near to the population centers (< 2 km). These stations were char- (2016). A total of 3470 microplastics were obtained from 4567.3 g of
acterized for the presence of Laguncularia racemosa, Avicennia germinans dry mangrove sediment.

O. Garcés-Ordóñez, et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 145 (2019) 455–462

Fig. 1. Study area with the distribution of sampling stations (E1-E6, pink points) at Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta - Caribbean Colombian. (For interpretation of the
references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

2.4. Attenuated total reflection-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy resolution of 4 cm−1. The ATR correction to each spectrum was applied
(ATR-FTIR) using the LabSolutions IR software. Taking into account that bags and
packaging were the most abundant plastic elements in all stations (see
170 microplastics significant of each station were selected using a Results section) characteristics bands of high and low - density poly-
stereoscope (Stemi 2000, Zeiss) and images were taken with an ethylene (2915, 29,845 and 1462 cm−1) were used to identify the mi-
AxioCam ERc5s (Zeiss). Then, ATR-FTIR spectra analyses were re- croplastic materials (Jung et al., 2018). In addition, the spectra ob-
corded at room temperature in the mid IR range (400–4000 cm−1) tained were compared to the reference libraries 23-IRs Polymer 2 and
using an IR – Tracer Instrument (Shimadzu) equipped with a DLATS IRs pharmaceuticals.
detector and a single reflection horizontal ATR accessory (ATR -
MIRacle™ PIKE). Each spectrum was average over 124 scans with a

Table 1
Marine litter and microplastics sampling stations.
Station Coordinates Mangrove disturbance state* Nearby population Population size** Population center distance Pollution sources observed

E1 10° 59′ 2.076″ N Moderate Isla de Rosario 32,346 hab. 0.2 km 1, 2, 3, 4.

74° 17′ 34.242″ W
E2 10° 58′ 2.460″ N High Tasajera 3537 hab. 4.1 km 1, 2, 3, 4.
74° 22′ 13.094″ W
E5 10° 57′ 41.850″ N Moderate 21.0 km 3, 4.
74° 29′ 38.260″ W
E6 10° 58′ 44.166″ N Low 30.0 km 3, 4.
74° 34′ 55.988″ W
E3 10° 50′ 21.228″ N Moderate Buenavista 1029 hab. 1.8 km 1, 3, 4.
74° 29′ 34.202″ W
E4 10° 50′ 38.425″ N Moderate 0.2 km 1, 3, 4.
74° 30′ 44.597″ W

Pollution sources observed in the field: inadequate management of household solid waste (1), aquaculture (2), artisanal fishing (3) y vehicle traffic/boats (4).
*Invemar (2018), **Invemar y MinAmbiente (2013).

O. Garcés-Ordóñez, et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 145 (2019) 455–462

Marine litter types acording to abundance

800 100 PL

Abundance (item/ha)

Percentage (%)
600 75 VI
400 50 ES
200 25 TE

0 0 RS
E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6
Stations Stations

Marine litter types acording to weight

120 100 PL
Weight (kg/items)

Percentage (%)
90 75 VI
60 50 ES
30 25 TE
0 0 RS
E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6
Stations Stations
Fig. 2. Abundance, weight and percentage of marine litter in the sampling stations. Plastic (PL), metal (MT), glass (VI), rubber (CA), rubble (ES), wood (MA), textile
(TE), hospital waste (RH) and sanitary waste (RS).

3. Results 2 units, and medicines containers: 11 units). These hazardous wastes

were found in stations E1, E2, E3 and E4.
3.1. Marine litter pollution
3.2. Microplastics pollution
Marine litter of the type of plastic, metal, glass, rubber, rubble,
textile, processed wood and hospital and sanitary wastes were found in The normalized concentrations were between 31 and 2863 items/kg
all stations (Fig. 2). In the sampling area, a greater accumulation was of dry sediment, with the highest concentrations in the stations near to
observed in the first 10 m of the edge diminishing towards the interior the populated centers of Rosario Island (E1), Tasajera (E2) and
of the forest. The abundance of marine litter ranged between 15 and Buenavista (E4) (Fig. 4). The most abundant types of microplastic were
728 items/ha, with weights between 0.1 and 49.5 kg per item, finding the films from the fragmentation of food bags and wrappings, followed
the higher abundance (540 ± 137 items/ha) in stations near to the by fragments of hard plastics and disposable utensils, the foams, mainly
populated centers (E1, E2, E3 and E4). On the other hand, the stations of expanded polystyrene, rope fragments and fishing nylon.
away from the populated centers (E5 and E6) presented an average
abundance of 31 ± 23 items/ha (Fig. 2). 3.3. Attenuated total reflection-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
Plastics were the most abundant solid waste in all stations, re- (ATR-FTIR)
presenting between 73 and 96% of the units counted and about 50% of
the total weight, followed by textiles and glass (Fig. 2). The bags and ATR-FTIR analyses were made to 170 microplastics (previously se-
packaging were the most abundant plastic elements (1233 units), fol- lected) and the significant spectrum corresponding to each sampling
lowed by other plastic parts like polystyrene (319 units), bottles station is report (Fig. 5). In general, microplastics from all the stations
(296 units), kitchenware (66 units) and personal grooming (24 units), presented peaks around 2900 and 2800 cm−1 which correspond to the
fishing nets (20 units), toys (20 units) and appliances (6 units) (Fig. 3). asymmetric stretching vibration of methylene in the saturated hydro-
In the category of other plastic parts and polystyrene were included the carbon backbone and symmetric stretching vibration of methylene re-
fragments of polystyrene (185 units), fragments of hard plastics spectively, these peaks are commonly found in high and low-density
(67 units), bottle caps and containers (43 units), fragments of ethylene- polyethylene materials. On the other hand, comparing the spectrums
vinyl acetate (4 units), sticks of candy (4 units), clothespin, sack and with those in the libraries Polymer 2 and IRs pharmaceuticals it was
felt-tip pen (2 units of each element), strings, brush for washing, hose, found similarity with two types of compounds acrylonitrile butadiene
hat and streetlights of boat (1 unit of each element) (Fig. 3). rubber (NBR) (Fig. 5) and methaqualone (Fig. S1). In this sense, the
Regarding the pollutants' classifications according to their hazard, peak at 2200 cm−1 was attributed to C]N stretching vibration (a
99% of the waste was non-hazardous. It was found ordinary subtypes common group in NBR materials). In a minor proportion other peaks at
(e.g. plastic bags and packaging: 1233 units, disposable expanded the 1700 cm−1 characteristic of C]O stretching vibration and C]C
polystyrene: 181 units, elements of earthenware and ceramics: 2 units, stretching vibration, and the peak at 1400 cm−1 assigned to CH2 de-
among others) and recyclable (e.g., PET plastic bottles: 216 units, metal formation vibration were found (Faizan et al., 2018; Liu et al., 2016).
elements: 9 units, and glass bottles: 70 units). The other 1% were dan-
gerous biohazard waste (e.g. syringes and lancets used: 1 unit each and 4. Discussion
disposable diapers: 4 units) and chemical (e.g. lubricating oil engine:
7 units, AA batteries: 3 units, lights: 6 units, pesticide containers: The accumulation of marine litter in the CGSM mangroves has

O. Garcés-Ordóñez, et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 145 (2019) 455–462

Fig. 3. Number and proportion of waste plastic types registered at sampling stations. Plastic elements types: bags and packaging (B&P), other pieces of plastic or
polystyrene (OT), bottles (BO), kitchenware (KT), personal grooming (PG), fishing nets (FN), toys (TY), appliances (AP).

Categories of microplastic
Concentration Foams Filaments Films Fragments

E6 31

E5 377

E4 1065

E3 343

E2 2863

E1 794

0 1000 2000 3000 0 20 40 60 80 100

Microplastic/Kg d.w. Percentage (%)
Fig. 4. Concentrations and percentages of the microplastics categories in mangroves sediments.

O. Garcés-Ordóñez, et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 145 (2019) 455–462

Fig. 5. Significant spectrums corresponding to each sampling station.

principally occurred as a result of the inadequate disposal of household microplastics determined in this study (2,745 ± 1,978 items/kg of dry
solid waste, the fisheries, the aquaculture activities and the vehicles sediment), characterized for the low population density and in-
transit and the discharges of solid waste from the Magdalena, dustrialization, which means a high index of pollution by microplastics
Aracataca, Fundación, and Sevillano rivers, among other sources of in the mangrove sediments of the CGSM. These results are in con-
contamination (Vivas-Aguas et al., 2013; Garcés-Ordóñez et al., 2018). cordance with the type of water body, lentic system and high state of
There are few studies related to the quantification of the abundance mangroves disturbance in the CGSM which facilitates plastics frag-
of marine litter and microplastics on mangrove soils, possibly due to the mentation, generating microplastics (Weinstein et al., 2016).
difficulties in the sampling activities. In Brazil, Cordero and Costa Stations with the greatest abundance of marine litter and micro-
(2010) assessed the marine litter in mangroves of the San Vicente es- plastics in the CGSM (E1, E2 and E4) were nearby to the populated
tuary, finding an average abundance of 1,300 items/ha, being plastics centers of Isla de Rosario, Tasajera and Buenavista, respectively. In
the most representatives (63%). On the other hand, Smith (2012) de- these stations, the mangrove is highly disturbed and the populations
termined average abundances of marine litter (between 1,200 and have deficiencies in the toilet and sewerage services, with inadequate
78,300 items/ha) in the mangroves of Motupore Island in Papua New management of solid waste (Vivas-Aguas et al., 2013; INVEMAR and
Guinea, where 89.7% were plastics. Also, Martin et al. (2019) de- MinAmbiente, 2013). These results are consistent with those reported
termined abundances of marine litter around 20 items/ha in newly by Riascos et al. (2019) in Buenaventura - Colombian Pacific man-
planted forests, and 3,700 items/ha in a mature natural forest in the groves, where solid wastes are poorly managed and accumulate in
coast of Yanbu, Saudi Arabia and the 92.2% were plastics. These mangrove swamps nearby urban areas. This situation leads to the
abundances exceed those determined in the CGSM, due to the greater creation of dumps into the mangroves, mainly in the Northern and
population density in the areas of these cities and the influence of ocean Western sectors of the CGSM (Fig. 6). In addition, part of the municipal
currents. solid waste is discharged to the water bodies in the CGSM and by the
Regarding microplastics, Mohamed Nor and Obbard (2014) re- action of the winds and currents arrive at the mangrove where normally
ported a maximum average concentration of 60.7 ± 27.2 items/kg of they are retained by the roots (Martin et al., 2019).
dry sediment from the mangrove of Singapore. Naji et al. (2017) re- In the E5 and E6 stations, which are inside the VIPIS Natural Park
ported maximum average concentrations of 125 ± 25 items/kg of dry were found the lowest abundances of marine litter and microplastics,
sediment from two mangrove stations at coast in the Persian Gulf of due to their long distance from populated centers, the type of water
Iran and Li et al. (2018) reported maximum concentrations of 125 body (channel), low intensity of fishing activities and minor mangrove
items/kg of dry sediment inside mangroves of the Qinzhou Bay in disturbance states (INVEMAR, 2018). In the E5 station were found
China. These values are below the maximum average concentration of fragments of bags, plastic food wrappers, plastic and glass bottles,

O. Garcés-Ordóñez, et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 145 (2019) 455–462

A) B)
Fig. 6. Solid waste dumps in the mangroves of the E1 station, Isla del Rosario sector (A) and the E6 station, Buenavista sector (B).

footwear, plastic utensils and fragments of expanded polystyrene, polymer 2 library, a synthetic copolymer used in the fabrication of
which are associated with the fishing activities and felling of mangroves various polymeric materials (Liu et al., 2016). On the other hand, the
trees as main sources of contamination. In the E6 station was found E2 station presented a material similar to a compound derived from
plastic waste such as bags and bottles, footwear, glass bottles, bottle pyridine (Faizan et al., 2018) used in the pharmaceutical industry
tops and processed wood, whose source could be boat traffic and the known as methaqualone according to the IRs pharmaceutical library,
consumption of products during the dredging activities of the channels which is in concordance with the other pollutant materials described.
to guarantee the water flows in the CGSM (INVEMAR, 2018).
In the mangroves of the E3 station, located at Caño Grande, the 5. Conclusions and challenger for Colombia
fishermen have suitable space where they prepare their food, repair
their fishing net and wait while they place fishing nets in the water The CGSM mangrove soils are polluted by marine litter and mi-
(calado) or removed their fishing nets of water (virado). All solid waste croplastics as results of the fragmentation of plastic elements of greater
from products used by fishermen on this site, such as food wrapping, size, which contributed with the deterioration of the environmental
plastic containers of cooking oil and motor oil, bottles of refreshment, quality of the lagoon complex. Plastic waste is the most abundant type
AA batteries, fishing nets and textiles, among others, are abandoned in of marine litter found in the CGSM and microplastics concentrations are
the mangrove accumulating on the soil, where it is covered by sediment among the highest reported in mangroves.
and leaf litter. Because of the state of mangrove disturbance in the Taking into account the global situation of marine liter and micro-
stations of sampling (INVEMAR, 2018), the vast majority of the plastic plastics, and the poor knowledge about it in Colombia, we require re-
waste were directly exposed to the solar radiation (main factor that search efforts to know the current situation and to provide scientific
weakens the plastic structure; Weinstein et al., 2016), so at the time of basis to the Government of Colombia to design management tools for
collecting them, were fragmented generating microplastics. the prevention, reduction and control of these emergent pollutants.
Many of the plastic wastes were found covering the pneumato- These strategies will be useful to advance in the Colombian State ob-
phores of A. germinans and L. racemosa, others were found above the jective “To provide a healthy marine environment, in order to improve
roots of R. mangle, plant structures that act as marine litter traps (Martin the population life quality”. In this sense, we have identified three key
et al., 2019; Ivar do Sul et al., 2014). This negatively affects the mol- challenges and actions to address the contamination of marine debris in
lusks and crustaceans habitats, species that live in the soil associated Colombia, especially plastics and microplastics:
with the roots of these mangroves, similar to what was reported by
Bulow and Ferdinand (2013) in mangroves from Panama, where the 1) Increase the knowledge about the state of pollution by plastics and
number of burrows of crabs of the Uca genus, decreased with respect to microplastics in the marine and coastal environment.
the area occupied by marine litter. In the other hand, the establishment 2) Improve education and awareness of the population, in order to
and survival of mangrove seedlings are also affected by marine litter prevent pollution
causing physical damage, loss of foliage, crushing and death, situations 3) Reduce the discharge of persistent solid waste from land-based and
that need to be investigated. marine sources Colombians seas.
There are few reports about microplastics in Colombian Caribbean
marine - coastal ecosystems, being this the first related to these findings These challenges involve different government agencies for plan-
in mangrove soils of the CGSM. Like CGSM mangroves, other areas of ning and management the strategies to basic sanitation, generate reg-
mangroves and coastal lagoons in the Colombian Caribbean have been ulations for the control and monitoring, and develop corrective and
observed with abundant litters, but no studies have been conducted to compensatory actions. In addition, is necessary involve the Colombian
quantify this contamination, so this type of knowledge is limited in the population, to raise awareness about the use of plastics, to reduce sig-
country. At this point, it is important to resalt that the cities in the nificantly the income of these pollutants to coastal and marine en-
Colombian Caribbean are known for its industrial activities which can vironments.
be a font of microplastic pollution. For example, Cartagena de Indias Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://
has been known as the “South-American capital of plastics” (Acosta-
Coley et al., 2019). In that way, Acosta-Coley et al. (2019) evaluated
microplastics in Cartagena, finding white-new polyethylene pellets and Acknowledgments
secondary microplastics with trace elements (Hg, Barium, Cr, Rb, Sr,
Ce, Zr, Ni, Pb, among others). Thanks to the “Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarollo Sostenible,
In this study, the majority of the microplastics analyzed by the FTIR Colombia” for the financial support. Thanks to the Marine and Coastal
– ATR presented characteristic peaks found in polymeric materials, Research Institute “José Benito Vives de Andréis” for the institutional
specifically they were similar to the NBR according to the 23 – IRs support. In addition, we want to thank the researcher Diana Romero

O. Garcés-Ordóñez, et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 145 (2019) 455–462

Dachiardi for the Cartographic studies and the doctors Martin Thiel and as a vector for the transport of the bacterial fish pathogen species Aeromonas sal-
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Lebreton, L., van der Zwet, J., Damsteeg, J., Slat, B., Andrady, A., Reisser, J., 2017. River
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