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Read carefully and underline the consonant blends br, cr, tr, pr, fr, gr, dr,

and dr.

Once upon a time, in a small town called Bright Ville, there lived a brave group of

friends. Their names were Brad, Chris, Trevor, Priscilla, Fred, Grace, Drew, and Darcy. They

were always up for exciting adventures.

One sunny day, the friends decided to explore a mysterious cave that was hidden deep

in the forest. They packed their backpacks with snacks and set off on their journey. As they

walked, they could hear the crunching of leaves under their feet.

When they reached the cave, they were amazed by its grandeur. The entrance was

covered in beautiful crystals that sparkled in the sunlight. Brad, being the bravest of them all,

took the lead and entered the cave first.

Inside, they discovered a treasure map that led to a hidden treasure. The map was old

and crinkled, but they could still make out the landmarks. They followed the map's

instructions, crossing bridges, climbing trees, and crawling through narrow tunnels.

As they ventured deeper into the cave, they encountered a problem. A large boulder

blocked their path. Chris, being strong and determined, suggested they work together to move

it. With their combined strength, they managed to push the boulder aside and continue their


Finally, they reached the treasure room. It was filled with gold coins, sparkling jewels,

and ancient artifacts. The friends couldn't believe their eyes! They celebrated their success

with laughter and high-fives.

On their way back to Bright Ville, they couldn't stop talking about their incredible

adventure. They knew they would cherish this memory forever. The friends realized that by

working together and being brave, they could accomplish anything.

And so, the brave group of friends returned to Bright Ville, their hearts filled with joy

and their minds filled with stories to share. They knew that their friendship and the memories

they created would last a lifetime.

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