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The Story of the Sun and the

The Story of the Sun and the Moon (Antu and
Cuyen) (and Venus)

Once upon a time the Sun (Antü) and the Moon (Cuyen) fell in love and
they decided to be life mates forever. So they went to see the God
Nguenechen and asked him for his permission to marry. For many years
they were very happy. Antú was tougher and took charge of men’s affairs.
Cuyen was more balanced and smoother and was in charge of women
(zomo) on Earth.
They went out together all the time. But things changed and they started
having bad times. They argued and quarrelled and so they started going
out at different times.
Finally, they broke up and Cuyen only went out at night and Antü during
the day.
One day when Antü was heating the Earth and working with men and
saw a beautiful star, he called her Wuñellfe, the morning star. He totally
fell in love with her.
Cuyen decided to go and see Antü very early in the morning, and there
she saw Antü and Wuñellfe hand in hand. She was brokenhearted and
started to cry. She cried so much, her tears came to Mapu (Earth). Cuyén
cried so much, that water of her tears started to make crystalline rivers
and beautiful lakes.
After some weeks, she stopped crying and suddenly she saw the beauty
of her creation and was happy again.
Sometimes Antü also feels sad for the lost love of Cuyen and cries a bit
behind the clouds.

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