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1. Doppler function?

Doppler probe: a device to measure the shift in sound waves emitted by and bounced back to the
device. Used in cardiovascular applications, confirming and monitoring pregnancy
Doppler effect: the frequency gets higher when the observer gets closer.
Ultrasound: sound waves with frequencies greater than hearable limit of human hearing.
Human hearing= 20 kHz
Ultrasound= 20 kHz – GHzs, used in nondestructive testing of structures & detect invisible flaws
213. What is doppler function?
a. To show blood flow.

2. Gamma Camera? Function?

Detects scintillations produced by gamma rays emitted by a radioactive marker.
Is it to see blood or organs
To scintillate= to emit sparks when exposed to radiation
Patient is given a radiopharmaceutical molecule marked with gamma emitting
radioisotope a camera rotates to obtain different angles atomographies= 3D spatial
images (single- photon emission computed tomography SPECT)
215. What is the function of Gamma Camera and what is used for?
1. Definition: Imaging techniques to scan the function of an organ.
2. Purpose: To diagnose functionality of the heart, lung, thyroid, other parts of b

3. ‫ممكن تتاثر منھا مو متاكد بالضبط‬tissues ‫ وعن اي طبقة من‬gamma camera ‫ سؤال عن‬- Gamma
camera can affect what type of tissues?
Deep tissues like bone marrow and lungs

119. What could happen if we decrease the cross-sectional point in circuits?

1. More heat
2. Less heat
3. Less resistance
4. Heat dissipation
8. Difference between standards and specification?
specifications of a device are designed and made based on standards for safety and validation.
Standards are fixed and specifications are variable.
9. Heart electrical impulses?
Produced by sinu-atrial node (SA node)
SA Node → Electrical signal spread across atrium → contract (atrial depolarization) and pump
blood to vetricles
Atrio-ventricular node (AV node) → ventricles → contraction

P: atrial depolarization
Q: depolarization of interventricular septum (btw ventricles)
R: depolarization of main ventricles mass
S: last depolarization at the base of the heart
T: ventricular depolarization before ventricular Relaxation

138. What is considered poor communication?

1. Abbreviation
2. Formal language
3. Technical terminology

47. When the access water removal from hemodialysis?

a. Ultrafiltration
b. Diffusion
c. Filtration
Which filter makes smoother?
o Low pass filter
o High pass filter
o Band pass filter
o Band reject filter

16. Find the value of mechanical work if you're given the force, distance, and angle of

​Work formula W= fd cosθ ​---- look up examples (physics)


18. What's directly proportional to light photon energy?

- speed.
- Wavelength.
- Polarization
- Frequency

(as frequency increases (with a corresponding decrease in wavelength), the photon energy
increases and visa versa.)

Q. Difference between PACS, DICOM, RIS, and CIS.

You can deploy a PACS, or Picture Archive and Communication System to handle all the
enormous digital files that you generate, such as x-rays and CAT scans.

A RIS or Radiology Information System is software that your staff can use to keep better
track of each patient being treated.

A Clinical Information System or CIS encompasses a number of software solutions being

used in conjunction in the radiology practice, such as electronic health record software and
a RIS.

DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) is a standard that medical

professionals use to share radiology data between different systems made by different

197. If a hospital opened a new branch to the hospital at 1000 km away, how do radiologists
share the images?
1. Server ----> RIS/PACS
141. A new medical device is connected to the hospital system, and it is working well.
However, an old device has stopped working suddenly. No other device has been affected.
What can be the cause of this problem?
1. IP address conflict
2. Network failure
3. DICOM problem
4. HIS failure

21. Which technology is not ionized but requires user/ physician safety?

- Ultrasound
- Mri
- Blue color light in dental ward
- Surgical light
22. What's the purpose of lead grid used in x-ray?

X-ray grids are presently constructed with lead strips to absorb scatter radiation and an
interspacer (most commonly aluminum) to allow the primary radiation to pass to the film or

1. - Why lead is used above the x-ray beam?

1. a. To protect X-ray film from scattered rays
2. b. To protect patient

24. if y= 1 when x=3 to 6 and y= 0 else. What's the integral of y from x=0 to 10?

25. x^2 - 3 - 28x =0, what are the values of x?

I chose no real number solution (Use quadratic equation)

27. Differences btw isotopes of an element?

Different isotopes of the same element have the same atomic number. They have the same
number of protons. The atomic number is decided by the number of protons. Isotopes have
different mass numbers, though, because they have different numbers of neutrons.

- Number of electrons

- Number of neutrons

- Number of protons

29. What are the differences between independent and dependent variables?

The two main variables in an experiment are the independent and dependent variable. An
independent variable is the variable that is changed or controlled in a scientific experiment to
test the effects on the dependent variable. A dependent variable is the variable being tested
and measured in a scientific experiment

- Depended sample is changing and independent is controlled

- independent sample is changing and dependent is controlled

30. Difference between anesthesia machine and ventilators?

- Flow sensor
- carbon dioxide sensor
- oxygen sensor
- rebreathing

31. ‫ الدفع يكون مقابل ايش ؟‬، ‫شغله‬6‫ستشفى للشركه ا‬6‫عند اختيار ا‬

- B‫ و الفنيي‬B‫هندس‬6‫عدد ا‬
- ‫ اللي على ا&ون كول‬-‫هندس‬2‫عدد ا‬
- ‫عدد ساعات عمل ا&جهزه‬
- ‫ستشفى‬2‫عدد ساعات عمل ا‬

34. Population disease and health data which system?

Health information system (HIS)

253. Population disease and health data which system?

‫ بس مو متاكده‬health surveillance system

35. You have ventilator A and ventilator B. Ventilator A works 25% better that ventilator
B. If ventilator B worked for 624 hours, how many hours A worked?

780 hours

36. How to convert an analog bit 8 bit to digital bit, knowing that v=5 **

Convert an analog bit 8 bit to digital bit, knowing that v = 5

Formula:Vref /N.......N=2*n.......n=bitsize Solution: = 5/2 * 8
5/256 =
0.01953125 =

37. What results in lack oxygen delivered to the brain?

Hypoxia (Less red Blood cells in the blood could cause what?

- Less oxygen then Brain damage)

269. What results in lack oxygen delivered to the brain?

a. Hypercorbina
b. -Hypoxia
c. -hallucinations

38. If electrolytes’ percentage was high in the body/blood, what would be first human
organ to check?

- Pancreas
- Live
- Kidney

39. You will have to understand the differences between (In Vivo & In Vitro) testing and
know what each of them is used for.

In vivo - when research or work is done with or within an entire, living organism. Examples can
include studies in animal models or human clinical trials

In vitro - work that’s performed outside of a living organism. This can include studying cells in

217. In-vivo, biodegradable material is used for hip replacement?

1. Check the material grade
2. Check if hip is biodegradable in the blood...
218. In vitro, biodegradable material is used for hip replacement?
1. Level of biocompatibility
2. To check stress and strain

41. What’s the definition of Random Sampling and when it’s used?

What does is represent

A method of selecting a sample (random sample) from a statistical population in such a way that
every possible sample that could be selected has a predetermined probability of being selected.

43. What is it called when a current increases from 10% to 90%?

Rise time

44. What’s the most attractive feature in Nuclear medicine?

- Easy to use
- Spasticity

46. Which electronic component is difficult in filter design?

- Op-amp
- Resistor
- Capacitor
- Inductor

What do we call the Oxygen content sensor in (Ventilators?) Read: Link

- Paramagnetic sensor
- Polarographic sensor
- Galvanic sensor??
- Fuel Cell

48. What do we call the anesthesia machine part that control the flow of ……. Agent

- Mixer
- Flowmeter

82. What do we call the anesthesia machine part that control the flow of ....... Agent
1. controlling the flow rate through (Vaporizer)
2. ......
3. ......
4. ......

83. What do we call the anesthesia machine part that measure the present of anesthesia
1. measuring the flow rate (flow meter)
2. ......
3. ......
4. ......

52. You have an AC device and you want to measure …..

- AC voltmeter
- DC voltmeter

74. If an AC powered device require a positive and negative value of (4V, 16V, 40V) of DC
with high current, what would be used to provide this?
1. Inverter (Note: inverter is used to convert DC to AC)
2. Switch
3. Op amp
4. Converter (Note: converter is used to convert AC to DC)

54. What’s the most important thing to do when you’re about to do a circuit impedance

- Remove one of the terminal to one component of the electrical board

- Cut the Power of the Device
- Take out the electrical Board out of the device
- Make sure that the device is powered and in operation while making the

55. What is voluntary standard?

These standards bring industry groups, government agencies, and consumer groups together to
agree on best consumer product safety practices (regulation)

16. What are voluntary standards?

A voluntary consensus safety standard (also known as a “non-government consensus
standard”) is a safety standard for consumer products that establishes consumer
product safety practices recommended to be followed by product manufacturers,
distributors and sellers.

56. What’s the definition of the p-value and what is it used for?

A p value is used in hypothesis testing to help you support or reject the null hypothesis. The p
value is the evidence against a null hypothesis. The smaller the p-value, the stronger the evidence
that you should reject the null hypothesis

16. What is the definition of the p-value and what is it used for?
• is the probability that, if the null hypothesis were True, sampling variation
would produce an estimate that is further away from the hypothesised value
than our data estimate.
• It tells us how likely it is to get a result like this if the null hypothesis is True
• The P-value is “the probability” for the “Null Hypothesis” to be True

57. What type of reaction is Water condensation?

- Chemical
- Physical

58. What’s the resistance of an intact skin?

- 200
- 2000
- 200000 ohms

59. What would be the body hazard of scattered laser radiation?

Skin and retinal burn

• 72 - What would be the body hazard of scattered laser radiation?

- Retinal damage or burn

60. What’s the permissible leakage current that can go through the heart?

- 1 mA
- 10 micro A
- 1 micro A

61. What can we do to improve the computer speed and overall performance?

- Processor ( number of cores )

62. What is used to protect Hospital systems from hacking?

- Firewall
- Encryption

63. When it comes to Data-Driven decision making, who makes it?

- Civil Engineers
- Biomedical Engineers
- Technology management

66. Know the differences between ( Reflection , Inflection , Diffraction .. etc )

When rays bend a little this called?


15 – light bending around obstacles ?

- Reflection
- Refraction
- Diffraction

78. what's the standard principle in radiology related to patient safety?

1. Smallest exposure dose
2. Less exposure duration
3. Less number of exposure
4. ALARA (As low as reasonably achievable)

68. When an electron moves to an element, what type of bond?

- Ionic bond
- Covalent bond

- Polar Covalent bond

69. When the contract between the hospital and the operating company attaches the
payment to the quality and performance of the medical devices what should the
company do?

- Increase the number of engineers and technicians

- Increase the number of engineers and technicians on call and after hour

70. What is the purpose of Planned preventive maintenance?

- Fix problem
- Improve performance
- Check lifetime

71. What is the purpose of corrective maintenance?

- Fix problem
- Improve performance
- Check lifetime

74. If chimerical agent were stored in different temperature, what would happen?

- Change color and smell

- Chemically changed
- Nothing will happen

282. To pin-point devices and medical staff position inside the hospital in real time what
technology to use? ( tag)
1. a. QR
2. b. Barcode
3. c. Radio frequency identification

76. How to measure employee performance?

- Time
- Attendance
- Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

78. When does ultrasound give the best result?

- Frequency high and absorption high

- Frequency low and absorption high
- Frequency low and absorption low
- Frequency high and absorption low

79. Noble gases

- have complete electrons in outer shell

What element at the same group have:

The same number of valence electrons

51. Noble gases

a. have complete electrons in outer shell
142)what is the standards responsible for the security of the information shared?
6. Health Information System

1- ‫قسام او من قسم الى اخر ؟‬/‫ستشفى بین ا‬5‫علومات داخل ا‬5‫كیف تنقل ا‬
- CIS Clinical information system, which includes EMR,EHR, RIS

1) when it comes to standards:

•- must be enforced at all cost
•- local authority enforce them
•- international institutions advise to use them.

82. What is the best way to sterilize vaccines?

- Dry heat
- Filtration
- Wet heat
- pressure

83. (Different between Disinfect, Sterilization, Detergent)

84. To strongly kill microbes, we use:

- Disinfect
- Sterilization
- Detergent

85. Cutoff frequency problems and if 20-1200 HE what is best used

Same Q different numbers

- 1000
- 1200
- 1400
- 2000

87. How MRI signals reflect What does it read

- Hydrogens molecule

42. What ISO standard talks about manufacturer handling and transporting medical
1. ISO 13485
2. ISO 14971
3. ..... ISO 9001
4. .....
ISO 14971 - medical devices -application of risk
ISO 17025- Accredited laboratory
IES 606001 - IS a series of technical standards for the safety and essential performance of
medical electrical equipment, published by the international electrotechnical commission
ISO 13485 – specifies requirements for a quality management system where an organization
needs to demonstrate its ability to provide medical devices
ISO 60601- the safety and essential performance of medical electrical equipment, ISO 7010- for
graphical hazard symbols on hazard and safety signs

89. What is PPE?

Personal protective equipment

90. Why is lead used above the x-ray beam?

- To protect X-ray film from scattered rays

- To protect patient

91. Gas exchange smallest unit in lung?


92. What is the smallest part of the urinary system?


93. QRS associated with what

- Lower heart
- Upper heart

94. The right part of the heart pumps the blood to?

- Body
- Lungs

95. There was a question about Subjective?

Know the different between Subjective and objective? There was 3 Qs

27. There was a question about Subjective?

a. Factual
b. Qualitative

c. observable
d. Measurable

→ the other three are the definition of objective

28. What term is considered objective?

a. pain
b. anxiety
c. heart rate
d. consciousness
• Objective is something that can be measured
• Subjective = subject to change from person to another
25. What can impact pulse oximetry monitoring?
Blood pressure- Vascular impingement- AV fistula -compression of the prob- heart rate exterms -
cardiac arrest
1. Oxygen dissociation curve
2. Atrial pulse
3. (I don’t remember the other choices)

97. Professional ethics in biomedical?

- Culture ……
- Religious ……
- A person who can tell the right and wrong based on rules

98. What is the character that is nature in biomedical engineer? ‫بما معنى السؤال‬

- Critical thinking,

- Troubleshooting,

- Able to work in team with different department

- 70 - When is the only situation that a biomedical engineer works as a technician?

- - - Lose work or fired
- - - When it comes to more cost
- - - qualified in a specific area that is needed
- - - if there is no technicians working at the time
21. Under what set of CBAHI standards do Biomedical engineering department fall under?
1. Facility management
2. Medical and nursing
103. If you assign a task to biomedical engineer to check on performance of medical device
and efficiency, what does he follow?
1. Service manual
2. Operation manual
3. Safety
4. Stander requirements

100. Given the velocity equation what is the acceleration equation

- Its derivative
- Its integral

101. Systole vs Diastole

Systole is the contraction of the heart (emptying ventricles) and diastole is the relaxation of the
heart (filling the ventricles)
39. What is the best technology used in air bubble sensor? Read: Link
a. Optical
b. Ultrasonic or capacitor

103. What is the best technology used in blood leakage sensors?

- Optical
- Ultrasonic

104. How to extract excess water from blood?

- Ultrafiltration
- Diffusion
- Filter

105. When do materials float in Water?

- Density
- Size
- weight

106. When mixing something and does not dissolve and stayed up

- Solvent
- Suspension
- Solution
- Solute

107. f Log(x)=1 Then x equal? 10

108. If Log (x)-1= 1 Then x ?

- 10
- 100
- No answer

109. If the Ph 13 then

- Strong base
- Strong acid
- Weak acid
- Weak base

110. To measure ECG from patient 6 (chest ), how many the least electrodes you need ?

- 10
- 13

111. What results in high CO2?


228. What kind of radiation, patient safety should be insured?

a. Medical surgical laser
b. Brachytherapy for a prostate cancer patient
c. Ultrasound of pregnant women
d. Ultrasound....

113. How can a person be affected by micro-shock?

- Wet skin

250. What of the flowing help Macro-shock happen

a. wet skin
b. dry skin
c. electrodes gel
d. Dry electrodes

114. When is the situation that a biomedical engineer works as a technician?

- Lose work or fired

- When it comes to more cost
- Qualified in a specific area that is needed

271. What’s the derivative of the square root determines?

a. Minimum and maximum
b. Area under curve
c. Slope and curve

118. What active element in the human body would react in a resonance field?

- Hydrogen
- CL

119. What’s larmor frequency?

In MRI, it refers to the rate of precession of the magnetic moment of the proton around the
external magnetic field. The frequency of precession is related to the strength of the magnetic

62. What is the Larmor frequency?

Precession look for precessi

120. Definition of compostable and degradable in biomaterial?

Biodegradable items refer to just any material which breaks down and decomposes in the
environment (can leave toxic waste),

Compostable goods are specifically organic matter which breaks down, the end product having
many beneficial uses which include fertilizing and improving soil health (never toxic)

63. Definition of compatible and degradable in biomaterial?

1. Biocompatibility is concerned with the acceptance of an artificial implant by the
surrounding tissues and by the body as a whole.
2. degradable: capable of being chemically degraded.
122. What is the international standard used to protect patients records?

The answer is : health insurance portability and accountability act (HIPAA)

123. ‫ناقصات بس ماني متذكر الصيغة بالضبط يقول لو في شركة أرسلت لك ايميل تسأل‬H‫سؤال عن ا‬
‫عن رايك وتستفسر عن مناقصة انت عضو في اللجنة اللي طرحتها؟‬

- ‫بتجاوب على اسألتهم‬

- ‫بتسحب عليهم‬
- ‫جابة على اسألتهم جميعا‬W‫بتطلب عقد مؤتمر لجميع الشركات ل‬

124. What is the test used for testing the mechanics of the heart?

Electrocardiogram (ECG)

127. Peaks between two consecutives in waves


129. What’s the international governing for saving and image communication?


130. Could be different in same elements

Atomic number,



What dose control the contrast of an image in X-Ray?

o Current from the tube
o Electrons in photoelectric
o Filament current

132. What’s the modulation amplitude?

A modulation technique used in electronic communication, most commonly for transmitting

messages with a radio carrier wave

221. What is the amplitude modulation?

a. Definition: a modulation technique used in electronic communication, most commonly for
transmitting information via a radio carrier wave. In amplitude modulation, the amplitude (signal
strength) of the carrier wave is varied in proportion to that of the message signal being
150. What is required to build a 3 inputs singles in three line and one output? Multiplexer
151. What is required to build a single input with 4 analog outputs in three lines?

135. You did an experimental for a medical device. One group used this medical device,
while the other did not. You didn’t see much difference in number in results, what would
you do?

Increase number size of people in each group

- use a new device

- regrouping the two groups and do it again...

**You need to know what is the communication method used

- Between radiology doctors and manufactory in sharing medical images

- between different hospital
- between department in one hospital

214. What are the values of A, B, C, D that makes the output to be 0?

Note: Nyquist frequency= Sampling Frequency/2

1. A=1, B=0, C=1, D=0

2. A=0, B=1, C=0, D=1
3. A=1, B=1, C=0, D=0
4. A=0, B=0, C=1, D=1
5. What could happen if we increased the frequency in Ultrasound?
1. Higher depth and higher resolution
2. Lower depth and higher resolution
6. What is the feature of median?
1. low standard deviation
2. Normally distributed
3. when there is outliers
7. Most cells have at least how many nucleus?
1. Three
2. One
3. Two
4. Four
8. A memory that contains a fine pattern of data permanently defined as.
1. ROM
2. RAM
3. CPU
9. using finite element analysis or method
The answer is related to stress and strain

- What is the thing that knows the amount of anesthesia gas mixed in air?
a. Oxygen flowmeter
b. …..Gas mixer
c. ….. Gas module
d. …..

- Considered as basic unit for gas exchange?
a. Fuel cell
b. ….. Gas mixer

18. How to avoid common mode rejection in ECG?

a. Driven right leg cycle
b. Add 2 buffers in input
1- Q- How to avoid faulty current in ECG?
● Add 2 buffers at input.

– why open circuit is better than closed circuit in medical devices ?

- Economically efficient
- Easy to use
- It is quality

- ‫ سؤال عن‬gamma camera ‫ وعن اي طبقة من‬tissues ‫ممكن تتاثر منها مو متاكد بالضبط‬
​Gamma camera can affect what type of tissues?
Deep tissues like bone marrow and lungs
18. what do we call it when the amplitude increase‫؟‬
a. Change period of signal to broadcast it
b. Amplifying the frequency to be ratio noise
c. Change level of frequency

‫ايش راح يصير للمريض اذا الدكتور مانظف الجل وحط البروب ؟‬
- Dry electrode
- Gel electrode
- Burn back skin of patient
- Interaction with electrode

109 – reason to increase white blood cell ?

Answer :Viral infection

84 - We have an Amplifier with a Gain of 20, With a supply voltages of 15V. The input
Voltage was 1V. What would be the output Voltages?
- 5
- 10
- 15
- 20

86 - We have an Amplifier with a Gain bandwidth of 1MHz, the Gain was designed to be
100. It was tested with an input of 10MHz. The results showed a gain of:
- 0.1
- 10
- 10

A bandwidth amplifier was designed to give 100 gain, with 10 hz. If the frequency becomes
100Mhz, what the gain?

20 - What is Ultrasound sequence...LATERal

- Depth
- Ultrasound transducer

107 – what is MRI SEQUENCE used to see an image of specific tissue ?

Inversion recovery pulse sequence

- - Who publishes about new medical devices?

- World Health Organization
- What the signal of wave ... use voltage ..
18. Ac voltmeter
19. Dc voltmeter
20. Analog oscilloscope
21. Digital oscilloscope

- The sinoatrial (SA) node or sinus node is the heart's natural pacemaker. It's a small
mass of specialized cells in the top of the right

- 12.-The part that is responsible of sending electrical signal to the heart SA node

18. when want to send information to another hospital but the name of the information
is different Which data integration use?
a. Data migration tool
b. ​Save data from text format
c. Use hospital information system

- Q-***Which filter uses analog ?

18. High pass
19. low pass
20. Notch
21. anti-aliasing

34 - What is the fastest storage method used to transfer ( data/documents ) ?

-- Solid- state drive
-- Network storage
- -Stack of document

1. What is the definition of the p-value and what is it used for?
• is the probability that, if the null hypothesis were True, sampling variation would
produce an estimate that is further away from the hypothesised value than our
data estimate.
• It tells us how likely it is to get a result like this if the null hypothesis is True
• The P-value is “the probability” for the “Null Hypothesis” to be True

18. What could happen if we increased the frequency in Ultrasound?

a. Higher depth and higher resolution
b. Lower depth and higher resolution
1- Q- If there is an exponential decay and at t=0, y=. Find y when t=2
y = exp(-t) = exp(-2) = 0.1353 = 0.14 approximately
1. = since initial isn’t given

- Q- Find the efficiency of a transformer given that :

Primary : 240mrsV & 100mA
Secondary : 18V and 15 Ohms

1- 67 - if y= 1 when x=3 to 6 and y= 0 else. What's the integral of y from x=0 to 10?
128 )

Given v1= 0.5 , v2= 0.5 , DRL= 10 e^-10t which is equal to 10

Vo = -R2 (V1/R1 + V2/DRL)
-56(0.5/5.6 + 0.5/10)= -7.8

‫سالب‬7.8 -

Q– there was question about subjective

- Factual
- Qualitative
- Observable
- Measurable
- Pain

*********bandwidth 100 db and R1 =20k and R2=220k

Answer : 220/20 +1= 12
- 11
- 12
- 11*10^3
- 110*10^6

11 - What causes increase in Compton scattered when it is low?

Mass number

- Same number of Orbitals in the table

a. Mass
b. Atomic
c. Electrones
d. Valance electron

88 - If the sampling frequency is 1000Hz, what is the anti-aliasing frequency?

- Nyquist frequency = Sampling Frequency / 2
- 1000 Hz
- 500 Hz
- 200 Hz
18. Small medical device with 8-bit processor what do we use to…?
a. Data bus

77 - What is the proper way to give information to the upper management ?

- Formal language
- Technical terminology
- visual aid

78 – what is the most exposed structure in the Xray? ( bone )

1) What the diffrent between EHR and EMR

- EMR broader than EHR
- EHR broader than EMR


1. %15
2. %25
3. %30
4. %40

2- ‫ستاندر او بالخطوات ا'وجوده او ا'عتمده ؟‬6‫بعض الخطوات بدون ان يتمسك با‬

- ‫هل يختصر بدون ما يسئل‬
‫ أو انه يتواصل مع مديره ويوضح له‬-
‫ او انه يتمسك بالخطه بدون اي تعدي"ت‬-

3- ‫خطاء لل‬6‫ليش ترفع تقارير ا‬saudi fda 119

‫عشان ينشال الجهاز من السوق‬
‫عشان اليوزرز يتعلموا‬
‫عشان مايتكرر الخطأ في مستشفى ثاني‬

120 ‫ اول‬١٠ ‫ ) استخدموه من قبل ( و على‬١٠ ‫ جربناه على‬،، ‫فيه جهاز او دوا نبي نختبر فاعليته‬
‫‪ ..‬مرة يستخدموه‬
‫اللي استخدموه من قبل كانت نسبة فاعليتهم اعلى ولكن ا;رقام او الفارق ماكان كبير بحيث‬
‫للجهاز ‪ ..‬فقرروا يغيروا فالخطّة عشان يوصلوا للي يبوه ايش راح يسووا ؟ ‪ verification‬يصير‬
‫‪ -‬يخلطوا القروب!‬
‫يجيبوا عدد اكثر ‪-‬‬

‫‪4- G‬‬
‫حق جهاز مع] ‪ specifications‬انه يكتب الـ ‪ junior biomedical engineer‬ا‪Z‬دير طلب من ‪121‬‬
‫‪ he made‬و ‪ specifications‬عشان يرسلوه للشركات ‪ ،،‬ا‪Z‬هندس راح فتح النت ونسخ الـ‬
‫‪ tender ..‬حطهم فالـ ‪sure that they meet the ( ..... ) requirments‬‬
‫‪ -‬تفاجأوا الجماعة انه عدد كبير من الشركات ‪Objected the tender‬‬
‫فا‪Z‬وضوع ‪ investigation‬وفتح ‪tender‬فقرر ا‪Z‬ستشفى انه يسحب الـ ‪-‬‬
‫‪.they have personal problem with the engineer -1 -‬‬
‫‪- 2- the specification weren’t very clear‬‬
‫‪.they needed more time to meet the tender requirements -3 -‬‬

‫‪ minutes .‬وحدد أ ّول اجتماع وكانت مدته ‪team 90‬مدير بيبدي مشروع ‪ ..‬اختار الـ ‪125‬‬
‫‪ -‬متى در نقول عن هذا الـ ‪ meeting‬انه ناجح ؟‬
‫‪ -‬اذا خلص ا‪:‬جتماع قبل ‪ ٩٠‬دقيقة‪.‬‬
‫حقه فالبروجكت ‪role‬اذا الخطة توضحت وكل واحد عرف الـ ‪-‬‬

‫‪126‬مهندس ضمن فريق ‪ ،‬وشاف من الخطّة اللي رسموها انه فيه احتمالية ان‬
‫ا‪Z‬شروع اللي بيصير راح يخفق ولكن مو ‪ ٪١٠٠‬متأكد ‪ ،‬ايش ا‪Z‬فروض انه يسوي ؟‬
‫‪seniors and experienced‬يستشير الـ ‪-‬‬
‫‪ -٢ -‬يسكت عشان ‪ :‬يـ‪get punished‬‬

‫?‪2. Outcome of defibrillator‬‬

‫‪a. SA node excitation‬‬
‫‪b. Ventricular‬‬
‫‪c. Purkinje fibers‬‬

‫‪18. If a device has a probability to fail due to electrical failure of p1=0.01, and another‬‬
‫‪probability to fail due to another thing of p2=0.02. what is the probability if any of the‬‬
‫?‪two events occur‬‬
‫‪a. 0.01‬‬
‫‪b. 0.002‬‬
‫‪c. 0.03‬‬
‫‪d. 0.02‬‬
19. What term is considered objective?
a. pain
b. anxiety
c. heart rate
d. consciousness
• Objective is something that can be measured

• Subjective = subject to change from person to another

• Objective = Facts

20. What is Modulus of elasticity?

a. An elastic modulus is a quantity that measures an object or substance's resistance to
being deformed elastically when a stress is applied to it. The elastic modulus of an
object is defined as the slope of its stress–strain curve in the elastic deformation
region: A stiffer material will have a higher elastic modulus.
21. Load Factor is defined as the ratio of
a. Max demand/ average demand
b. Average demand/ connected load
c. Average demand/ max demand
d. Connected load/ max demand

22. Find the force required to move the knee at an angle of 60 degree if the force is 90 N at
an angle of 40 degree

23. 20 newton force applied on the back of replacement knee on vertical and push the knee
downward and the degree is 60, how much would be the force applied on horizontal?
a. 10
b. 37.5
c. 20
24. Find the Horizontal work if the distance was 2m with 80N force and verical force if we
wanted to move … 30 degree downwards?
Solution: 2*80*cos(30)

25. ​What is the character that is nature in biomedical engineer?

a. Critical thinking
b. Troubleshooting
c. Able to work in team with different department
26. when want to send information to another hospital but the name of the information is
different Which data integration use?
a. Data migration tool
b. ​Save data from text format
c. Use hospital information system

27. We have an Amplifier with a Gain of 20, With a supply voltages of 15V. The input
Voltage was 1V. What would be the output Voltages?

​Formula: Gain=vo/vin
a. 5
b. 10
c. 15
d. 20
28. Light Bend a little around obstacle
a. Diffraction
b. Refraction
c. Reflection

29. Feature of Ultrasound

a. Digital imaging
b. Image in projection
c. Image in slices
30. What isolate electronic signals from changing?
a. Surge suppressor
b. Opt coupler
c. Transformer (optical isolator)
d. Oscilloscope
31. What is the change model to use when hospital staff stop using Hospital Information
a. Pull change model
b. Push change model
c. Accreditation system
d. Quality health management
32. When is the median preferred over the mean in a population?
a. In the presence of outliers
33. Find the efficiency of a transformer with primary voltage of 240V and current of
100mA; and secondary voltage of 18 V and a resistor of 15 Ohms
a. 85%
b. 84%
c. 90%
34. If an AC powered device requires a positive and negative values of (4, 16, 40 volts) of
DC with high current, what can be used to provide it?
a. DC-AC converter
b. Switch
c. Op amp
d. DC-DC converter

35. What will happen to the patient if the doctor did not clean the gel and put the probe?
a. Dry electrodes
b. Gel electrodes
c. Burning of the patient's back skin
d. Interaction with the electrodes
36. what do we call it when the amplitude increase‫؟‬
a. Change period of signal to broadcast it
b. Amplifying the frequency to be ratio noise
c. Change level of frequency
d. Photoelectric energy
e. Competition scattered
f. Pair production
37. What organs con be viewed on chest x-ray?
a. Lungs and heart.
b. Kidneys and liver.
c. Pancreas and Lungs,
d. Lungs and liver.

38. Identify the high pass filter and low pass filter

a. Low (f=1/2pi Ri Ci), high (f=1/2pi Rf Cf)

b. Low (f=1/2pi Ri Cf), high (f=1/2pi Rf Ci)
c. Low (f=1/2pi Rf Ci), high (f=1/2pi Ri Cf)
d. Low (f=1/2pi Rf Cf), high (f=1/2pi Ri Ci)

39. If R1=5.6 ohm, R2=56 ohm, V1=0.5 Volt, V2=0.3 volt. Find V out?
a. 3.02 V
b. 2 V
c. -3 V
d. 2.2 V
40. What is the most exposed structure in X-ray?
a. Bone
b. Chest
c. Muscle
41. A supervisor started a project, he built a team and made a 90 min meeting, which of the
following is appropriate during the meeting?
a. To assign each individual their role in the project.
b. To make a heated conversation during the meeting.
c. Finish before the 90 min.
42. what do we call it when the amplitude increase‫؟‬
d. Change period of signal to broadcast it
e. Amplifying the frequency to be ratio noise
f. Change level of frequency
43. what generates potential of skeletal muscle ?
Moving of sodium and potassium
44. question about analysis of experiment, finding result results, support the expected finding
a. Discussion
b. Hypothesis
45. question about judgment mean
• Critical thinking
• Decision making

46. The role for hospitals is to insure their medical devices are in the list of
FSN field safety notice
47. Question about CIBAHI ?
48. systemic circulation in the blood
a. In heart circulations between heart and lung
b. Take crbon dioxide from body and oxgyen to lungs
c. Take oxgyen from lung and carbon dioxide to body
d. Take oxgyen from lung and drop carbon dioxide to lungs

49. How to improve quality for an equipment?

a. Analyst of risks….
b. PPM regularly

50. When there is a medicine or a device we need to test it, and already used it in 10 people who
previously tried it, and in. 10 people who just tried it for the first time. The result varies but
not much, so not enough for verification. The plan changed to verify the device is working
probably so what should they do?
a. Mix the two groups together
b. Bring more people to the experiment

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