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Instruction Booklet

© 2022. Brad Johnson.

New Earth Teachings.

It is my honor to introduce the

third Healing Code Card deck in
the series: The Energy Deck.

The Healing Code Cards: Body

Deck (Special Edition) was the
first deck to introduce 44 cards
altogether. Now, the Energy
Deck also contains 44 living
cards and is a unique spiritual
healing technology. They
contain the essence of
Spirit/Source energy and are
imbued into each card While I
am in an altered state of
consciousness. In this state, I
command the Spirit/Source
energy through affirmations
depositing those commands

directly into the sacred

geometry contained upon each
card. This geometry acts as a
container holding the
Spirit/Source energy
permanently into each Healing
Code card.

These cards do not need to be

energetically cleaned in any
way. The Spirit/Source energy is
a permanent charge, and if each
card is completely intact, it will
work exactly as designed.

The role of the Energy Deck is

somewhat different from the
earlier series (Body and Mind
Deck). It works to purify,
optimize and strengthen not

just the physical body, but also

the mental and emotional
bodies as well. The Body and
Mind decks could be seen as
detoxification decks, whereas
the Energy deck focuses more
on strengthening, purifying and
rejuvenating whomever uses it.

The Energy Deck would also

have the greatest arrangement
of unique cards that are very
different from the two previous
Healing Code Card decks. The
Energy Deck’s first two cards,
for example, work directly with
your body’s living prana helping
to repair and rejuvenate any
area of your body. This is a

unique pairing of cards that I

will get more into shortly.

The Energy Deck also focuses

more on “capturing” the
vibration of living frequencies
that are directly imbued into the
sacred geometry of the deck.
Such examples of this can be
found in the PEMF Integrator
and the Tree Life Force
Integrator. Captured vibrational
frequencies contained directly
into the cards, enhanced and
optimized for the purest
delivery of living frequencies
that will aid and assist your
body in its natural healing.

This instruction booklet will give

you a brief overview on the type
of cards included within this
deck and how to use them. The
process is astoundingly simple,
and it brings profound results
when you use these cards daily.

First off, you can use as many

cards within the deck as you like
daily if the energies within the
cards are not overwhelming
you. Some people are highly
sensitive to energies, and if you
are one of them, please take it
slow and work with one card
each day. If you are feeling
overwhelmed energetically, put
the cards aside, drink a glass of

water and ground yourself by

walking in nature, sitting by a
tree, perform deep-breath
meditation or use earthing
mats/technology to assist. Your
body needs time to process the
energy you’re receiving, so be
sure to give yourself the time
you need if you are sensitive.

How to Use the Cards

All cards, except for the

Positive Polarity Charger,
Negative Polarity Receiver and
Conflict Energy Container
Cards (explained below),
works in the same flow to
deliver the Spirit/Source

healing codes directly into

your body emotionally,
mentally, and physically.
Working with the Energy Deck
cards involves restoring your
body back to optimal health as
blockages/obstructions within
the living prana of your body
are purified and optimized in
letting your body run its
natural course of healing to
improve your health overall.

There are four types of

methods that you can use
either by themselves or
together when working with
the Healing Code Cards. The

choice is yours as all three

work equally well.

The first method is known as

the “Gazing Method.” When
using the card of your
choosing, hold the card up
approximately one foot (12
inches) from your face. Focus
on the center of the card as
you gaze at it for a total of 60
seconds. 60 seconds is the
minimum amount of time
needed for the healing codes
to enter your body’s energy
field. This is known as the “60
second rule”.

The second method is known

as the “Charging Method.”
Using the 60 second rule, lean
your card(s) over a cup of
water, juice, tea, etc. The cup
can be of any material. After
60 seconds, remove the
card(s) and sip your beverage.
You can place multiple cards
around the cup. As you sip, the
healing codes enter your body
and deliver immediately into
the area(s) of the body

The third method is known as

the “Body Method.” This
involves taking card(s) and

placing them anywhere upon

your body (Head, neck, chest,
abdomen, etc.) Keep them
upon your body for at least 60
seconds, or you can keep them
on for even longer if you wish.

The fourth method is the

“Capture Method” where you
can place a photo of yourself
face down on the card image,
and instantly, the healing
codes within the card will go
to work upon the hologram
contained in the photo. This
can also work for distance
healing involving others as you
use their photo to provide

them with the healing codes

effect from the Healing Code
Cards. However, out of
courtesy and respect, it is
recommended to inform
others that you are performing
distance healing on them with
the cards beforehand.

Talking to the Cards

Yes, the cards have their own

spiritual intelligence. As I
mentioned earlier, the cards are
alive. You can communicate
with the cards either vocally
within your mind or aloud
instructing them on what you
would like a particular card to

do for you. For example, you

may want the Liver Purifier card
to work only on your gall
bladder. Or the Large Intestine
Purifier to work only on your
colon. Communicate this
directly to the card as you gaze
at its center and then use any of
the four methods of your
choosing for the Healing Codes
to go to work As I mentioned
above, there are certain cards in
the Energy Deck that do not
work with all four methods due
to their orientation. Please read
on to discover more regarding

About the Cards


Before going any further, I

recommend you visit to
discover more detailed
information regarding the
contents of each Energy Deck
card, watch tutorials and review
testimonials from our
customers. You can also
download free sample cards
that are available on our

Card Layout:

The Healing Code Cards: Energy

Deck contains 44 cards. These
cards include:

1 Charger Card
1 Receiver Card
30 Purifier Cards
7 Integrator Cards
1 Container Card
4 Amplifier Cards

Positive Polarity Collector &

Negative Polarity Receiver

This pair of cards are the most

unique cards out of all three
series of the Healing Code Card

The Positive Polarity Collector

works to receive living prana
through your solar plexus area
of the body. It has been
programmed to imbue the

residual living prana within the

solar plexus and transfer into
the Negative Polarity Receiver
flipping its polarity to integrate
the living prana collected into
an area of the body where the
Negative Polarity Receiver has
been replaced.

The Negative Polarity Receiver

can be placed anywhere on the
body of your choosing. The
Positive Polarity Collector MUST
be placed on your solar plexus
(stomach area) in order for the
pairing of cards to function

These two cards are only

compatible with the “Body

Method” meaning you can only

use these cards in printed form
to have physically placed on the
body for them to operate. They
do not work with the Gazing
method, Charge method or the
Capture method. Only the Body
method can be used with these
two cards.

You can keep these two cards

on your body for as long as you
wish. In fact, the longer, the
better as your body will reap the
benefits of having living prana
distributed in areas of your body
where the living prana is in low
supply. This means that your
body will have overall improved

circulation in the area(s) that

greatly require it.

For added protection, you can

use plastic wrap or Ziplock bags
to further guard both cards as
they will be used frequently
upon the body. The plastic will
not in any way affect the
integrity or operation of the
Healing Code Cards.

Purifier Cards

Brain Purifier
Sensory Purifier
Spinal Purifier
Thyroid Purifier
Thymus Purifier

Heart Purifier
Pericardium Purifier
Lungs Purifier
Liver Purifier
Stomach Purifier
Pancreas Purifier
Spleen Purifier
Small Intestine Purifier
Large Intestine Purifier
Reproductive Purifier
Skin Purifier
Bodily System Purifier
Joint Purifier
Cellular Body Purifier
Musculoskeletal Purifier
Red Ray Purifier

Orange Ray Purifier

Yellow Ray Purifier
Green Ray Purifier
Aqua Ray Purifier
Blue Ray Purifier
Violet Ray Purifier
Subtle Body Purifier
Sleep Purifier
Food & Drink Purifier

The Purifier cards can be

used by working with any of
the four methods
mentioned previously:
Gazing, Charging, Body, and
Capture methods. Using
any of the four methods,

work with the cards for a

minimum of 60 seconds so
your body can receive the
minimal amount of healing
codes naturally imbued
within your prana to bring
you tremendous subtle
healing benefits.

Color Ray Purifiers

The bodily purifiers are pretty
self explanatory as they work
on the organs, glands and
bodily systems of the body.
The Color Ray Purifier cards
work on a deeper etheric level
as they function in cleansing

the color frequencies of your

body on an etheric level. Every
organ and even every cell and
your body operate on a
particular color ray frequency
based on its function and
orientation within the body.
Work with the Color Ray
Purifiers brings and extra
cleansing to the areas of your
body that work naturally
within these color frequencies.
The Red Ray Purifier, for
example, works well with the
heart and small intestine and
even with the red blood cells
of the body. For more info on
how each Color Ray Purifier

helps your body, visit our

website and go to the Energy
Deck’s “Contents of Energy
Deck Cards” page in the Nav

Integrator Cards

Multivitamin Integrator
PEMF Integrator
Pyramid Torsion Integrator
Tree Life Force Integrator
Amethyst Crystal Integrator
Shungite Crystal Integrator
Selenite Crystal Integrator

The Integrator cards work with

living prana in association to a
complimentary healing effect
within the body. For example,

the Multivitamin Integrator

works to purify and enhance
minerals/nutrients that are
already within your body
increasing their potency and
delivering a nutritional benefit
to you overtime through
frequent usage of the card.

The PEMF Integrator, for

example, captures the Pulsed
Electromagnetic Field from
PEMF technology and delivers
the pure, optimized frequency
directly into your body on a
subtle level through frequent
usage of the card.

There are also crystal integrator

cards for those of you who are

crystal healers or simply crystal

admirers. This works by having a
amethyst, shungite or selenite
crystal placed upon or near your
body to purify, optimize and
enhance its living prana and
integrating it on a subtle level
into your body to receive the
benefits from the natural
crystals themselves with a
serious boost from the Healing
Code Cards.

Conflict Energy Container

This is another unique card that

only works with the Capture
method. The other methods will
not work with this card.

To use this card, write on a

small piece of paper any single
conflict that you want to have
released from yourself: be it
physical, emotional, or mental
in nature. Keep the conflict you
write on the paper simple in
nature: like a short sentence.

“Clear away my headache”

“Remove my financial lack” or
“Eliminate my guilt” for

Once you have your written

command, fold the paper so
that it is small enough to be
placed on the center of the
card. Place it upon the center of
the card and let the Conflict

Energy Container go to work.

Check back with it within about
24 hours and see how you feel

Remember, the Conflict Energy

Container should be used only
for what you are willing to
personally let go of. If you are
still feeding a fear for example,
the Conflict Energy Container
will be unable to release it. This
is where a short meditation on
what you are willing to let go of
should commence firstly before
using this card. Forgive yourself
and the conflict first knowing
you can imagine it released
from you, and this can then lead

to working with the Conflict

Energy Container.

Amplifier Cards

5x Amplifier
10x Amplifier
20x Amplifier
30x Amplifier

These cards work on every card

(One card at a time) to give it a
greater amplification effect. To
use, place the desired Amplifier
card directly BEHIND the single
card of your choosing to deliver
an automatic amplification
effect. These cards are
programmed to work with only
one card at a time. The

Amplifier cards should not be

used if you’re highly sensitive
energetically to the Healing
Code Cards in their natural

It’s recommended for Amplifier

Cards to be used in printed form
for best results. They can,
however; be used on a digital
device if a printed Healing Code
card is placed overtop of the
display screen to receive the
amplification effect.

Final Note

The Healing Code Cards: Energy

Deck is an additional tool for
your healing journey. They are

not intended to replace your

doctor or health practitioner.
They are therapeutic in nature
and can lend a helping hand in
helping to build a sound body
and mind through both the
Healing Code Card decks: Body
and Mind.

The Healing Code Cards are

designed to assist in
compliment with adults,
children, animals, and with
some cards, they can also be
used on plant life. For young
children and animals, I would
recommend working with the
“Charging Method” so that they

may receive the full effect of the

healing codes.

Feedback on the Healing Code

Cards: Energy Deck is always
welcome. You can email us
through our Contact page on
our website:

Thank you for your purchase of

the Healing Code Cards: Energy
Deck. The more that you are
willing to use them each day will
lead to greater assistance in
bringing your physical, mental
and emotional body into greater
health and wellness. I wish you
well on your healing journey.

With Love and Appreciation,

Brad Johnson


Through our website, you can


• Video Tutorials
• Card Contents
• Testimonials
• Product updates &

Don’t forget to check out our

Body Deck as well!
©2022. Brad Johnson.
New Earth Teachings.

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