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Data Handling

Do you know how to handle data securely?

You may not be aware, but the information you process daily, contains highly
sensitive and valuable data. If it fell into the wrong hands, there could be
serious consequences.

It is important that you understand how to protect this information. All

confidential and sensitive information should be stored, processed and
disposed securely. This includes physical and digital assets. It should then be
categorised and marked with its relevant classification, and always ensure that
it is only shared with the relevant users. When sharing with third parties,
ensure you have the consent of your organisation.

There are other basic steps that can help keep your organisation’s data
protected. You should always lock your screen when leaving your computer
and mobile devices unattended. You should also store away and secure any
paper copies and external storage devices when not in use. It is also important
to ensure that when these are no longer needed that they are destroyed with
the appropriate method.

Always be aware that it is your responsibility to keep sensitive information safe

and secure.

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