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QI. 56 years old present with vasomotor rhinitis a) Local anti-histamine b) Local decongestion ¢} Local steroid 4) Systemic antibiotic. Q2.9 years old patient come with ear pain, red tense tympanic membrane, and negative Rhine! test withpositive Weber test with lateralization (conductive loss) for TOW days only? a) Otitis media b) Otoselerosis ) cholesteatoma Q3.Q-Cholesteatoma: A) Topical Steroids B) Oral Steroids €) T Tube insertion D) Surgery Q4. A child was treated for otitis media with 3 different antibiotics for 6 weeks but without improvement.Which antibiotic is the best treatment? a) Amoxicillin b) Penicillin ¢) Cepahlosporin (ceprofioxacin) ) Amoxicillin and Clavulonie acid ) Erythromycin and sulfamethoxazol Q5. best initial treatment for acute otitis media is A-Amoxcillin D-only supportive care : Q6. Patient presented with ear pain , red tympanic membrane , apparent vessels , with limited mobility of thetympanic membrane , what the most likely diagnosis a) Acute otitis media. b) Tympanic cellulites. ) Mastoditis. QT. Nasal decongestant (Vasoconstrictive) can cause: a) Rhinitis sicca b) Rebound phenomena ) Nasal septal perforation 3 weeks : need laryngoscopy ©) if due to overuse, advise to whisper a few weeks 4) commonly seen in bronchus Ca ¢) Feature of myxedema Q37. Regarding tinnitus all true except: a) A symptom that is not experienced by b) Present in anemia ( iron deficiency anemia, B12 def) ) As salicylate complication that improves with érug 4) If associated with deafness it improves if hearing loss improves. Q38. A lady with epistaxis after quttary of the nose, all true except:- 42) Don't snuff for 1-2 days b) Use of nasal packing if bleeds again ¢) Use of aspirin for pain Q39, What is the commonest cause of otorrhea? a) Otitis externa b) CSF otorrhea ©) Liquefied eczema 4) Enstachian tube dysfunction 40. Regarding aphthous ulceration in the mouth all are true except: a) There is no treatment for acut ulcer b) Tetracyelin suspension helps in healing ©) There is immunological role in its role in its development 4) Mostly idiopathic in orgin Q41. Patient had hoarseness of voice for 3 weeks, what is the next to do? a) Throat swab b) Laryngoscopy Q42. Patient is complaining of right side pharynx tenderness on examination patient had inflamed right tonsiland redness around tonsil with normal left tonsil. The diagnosis is: a) Parenchymal tonsillitis E }b) Quinseparapharyngeal abscess ©) Peritonsillar abscess “hot potato voice” (Q43. Child patient after’ swimming in pool came complaining of right ear tenderness on examination patienthas external auditory canal redness, tender, and discharge the managemen’ a) Antibiotics drops gentamicin or cipro avoid aminoglyco b) Systemic antibiotics--only if cervical lymphadenopathy or cellulitis ¢) Steroid drops--only if chronic 4) Antibiotics and steroid drops “The best if both drops” (Q44. Child came with inflammation and infection of the ear the most complication is itis can be but nof the most common racranial complication but for extracranial is posturicular ) Encephalitis Q45. Anosmia (unable to smell) a) Frontal b) Occipital ) Temporal ) Parietal (Q46, Patient suffer sensorineuralloss vertigo, dizziness 3 years ago and now developed numenessandweakness of facial muscles dx a) Menier disease b) Acoustic neuroma ©) Acute labrinthitis, Q47. Patient with seasonal nasal discharge , watery , what is the first management: a) Decongestant b) Antihistamine ©) steroid (Q48. Patient presented with nausea and vomiting and nystagmus with tinnitus and inability to walk unless heconcentrates well on a target object. His Cerebellar function is intact: a) Benign positional vertigo b) meniere's disease (vertigo, tinnitus, hear loss, aural fullness) ©) vestibular neuritis(nausea vomiting, inability to stand, vertigo) (Q49.swhat is the most common cause of otorrhea?_ A-Acute otitis media B-Cholesteatoma iustachian tube dysfunetion D-leakage of cerumen (50-most prominent symptoms of acute otitis media is A-pain Behearing loss C-ear disel D-tinnitus Evvertigo ge Q51.Ranula: a) Forked uvula b) Thyroglossal cyst ¢) Swelling at the floor of mouth (Q52, Fetal unilateral nasal di tharge is feature of: a) Adenoid b) Choanal atresia ©) Foreign body @) RT atrophy Q53. the most common cause of epistaxis in children is: a) polyps b) Trauma (Le. nose pickins ©) dry air 4) thrombocytopenia (Q54. Swallowed foreign body will be found in all of the following except: a) Stomach b) Tonsil ) Pharyngeal pouch. eo 4) Piriform fossa - All are normal in association with teething EXCEPT: a) Rhinorrhea - b) Diarrhea c) Fever >39C 4) Irritability Q56. Adenoids: a) Can be a chronic source of infection. b) Causes snoring. ¢) Located at the back of the nasopharynx 1 inch above the uvula. 4) Involved in the immune system reaction. e) All of the above. (Q57-Tonsillectomy is absolutely contraindicated inz a) chronic tonsillitis b) quinsy ©) haemophilia ) below five years Q58. Case scenario ,child present with rhinorrhea & sore throat for 5 days present with middl« ear perfusion examination of the ear : no redness in the ear the cause of perfusion + a) otitis media because no pain 1b) Upper respiratory infection. Q59, Patient smoker and alcoholic come with difficulty in swallowing and neck mass, Investigation? a) Indirect laryngoscope b) Neck CT ©) Head CT 4) Biopsy ©) Aspiration (Q60. child fall from stairs came with mild injury to the nose, no bleeding and edema in the nas sputum treatment: a) Nasal packing b) Reassure o) Analgesia 4) Refer to ENT (he will give analgesia) Q61. 16 years old female become deaf suddenly. Her mother become deaf when she was 30, diagnosis a) Otosclerosis b) acostic neuroma ) tympanic perforation Q62, Regarding barret esophagitis which correct? a) Risk of adenocarcenoma b) risk of Squamous cell CA (if said in Qs w\o history of GERD it'll the correct answer) (Q63. 35 year old smoker, on examination shown white pafch on the tongue, what is the management? a) Antibioties b) No treatment ©) Close observation 4) Excision biopsy (64, acute otitis media criteria a) Not should be with effusion b) rapid sign and symptom (Q65. Patient was presented by ear pain ,red tympanic membrane , apparent vessels , with limited mobility ofthe tympanic membrane , what the most likely diagnosis : a) Acute otitis media b) Tympanic cellulitis. ©) Mastoditis. 266. Patient after swimming pool (clear Dx of otitis externa) treatment is: b) nothing ©) amphotericin B 4) steroid ©) ciprofloxacin drops 3. Q67. Post-partum female with recurrent attack of hearing loss , which diagnosed as conductive hearing loss ,on CT the is adhesion in the of semicircular canal diagnosis is a) Otosclerosis b) miner's ¢) Tuberous sclerosis. (Q68. Puruient discharge from middle ear how to treat him a) systemic AB b) local AB ©) steroid Q69. Child with URTI then complained from ear pain on examination there is hyperemia of T? &+veinsufiiations test he tri 2 drug no benefit what is the best treatment? a) Augmantine b) azythromyein ©) ciprofioxacin/steroid Q70. A15-year-old child presents with severe pain and deafness in his left ear for two days. He is afebrile. There are haemorrhagic blisters on the tympanic membrane extending along the external auditory canal. Which is the SINGLE MOST likely diagnosis? Select ONE option only A Acute otitis media B Eczematous otitis externa C Herpes simplex D Otitis externa E Varicella Q71- In a patient with vertigo, what sign or symptom would not lead to a diagnosis of viral Iabyrinthitis? a) Otorrhea b) Nystagmus ) Hearing loss 4) Tinnitus Q72. URTI with meningiococcus type A treatment is, a) Rifampicin ) Penicillin, ampicillin, chloramphenicol, ceftriaxone (Q73. Q1- All of the following statements regarding otitis media is correct except: a) Otitis media is more prevalent among boys than among girls b) Otitis media is equally prevalent in poor and in well-to-do children c) The peak prevalence of otitis media is in the first 2 years of life 4) Breast feeding provides protection against otitis media ¢) Otitis media tends to run in families Q74. Patient has snoring in sleeping and on exam there is large tensile, what u will do for him? a) Weight reduction b) Adenoidectomy Q75. 5 years old seen in ER presented with fever & sore throat , which of the fallowing suggest viral etiology : a) Presence of thin membrane over the tonsils, bb) Palpable tender cervical LN ¢) Petechial rash over hard or soft palate 4) absence of cough ¢) Rhinorthea of colourless secretion Q76. 4 years old presented with 2 day history of shortness of breath a seal like cough with no sputum and mildfever. on examination he did not look ill or in distress a) acute Epiglottitis b) croup ©) angioedema (Q77. Child right ear pain and tenderness on pulling ear , no fever , O/E inflamed edematous rt ear canal withyellow discharge, diagnosis a) Otitis media b) Otitis externa ¢) Cholesteatoma Q78. Child with decrease hearing, her grandmother has deafness, Renie& Weber revealed bon conductionmore than air conduction, mx “osteosclerosis” a) reassure ) refer her to hearing aid ©) Prescribe hearing instrument. 4) Refer her to otolaryngologist 3 (Q79. Child came to you with barking cough, Stridor and by examination you see “ Steeple Sign “what is yourdiagnosis ? a) Epigiottis b) Croup ‘Q80. 50 years old male , smock 40 packs / year develop painless ulcer on the lateral border of the tonguewhich is rolled in with indurated base and easily bleed what is you diagnosis ? a) Squamous cell carcinoma b) Aphthous ulcer ©) Syphilis Q81. patient with URTIs , she said , I saw flash when I sneeze why a) Mechanical irritation b) Chemical irritation (Q82. One of them causes conductive hearing loss : a) Acute ottis media ) Syphillis ©) Meneria disease (Q83. Patient develop nasal discharge with frontal headache a) Acute sinusitis b) Migraine ¢) Temporal arteritis d) Temporal (Q84. 55 years old male pt, presented with just mild hoarseness, on exam, there was a mid cervical mass, bestinvestigation is a) Indirect laryngoscope b) CT brain ©) CT neck. (Q85. Old patient presented with Ear pain headache , hem paresis, most likely cause: a) Epidural abscess }) Spinal abscess ¢) Subd Subdural hematoma Q86, Which of the following doesn't cause ear pain? 2) Pharyngitis, b) Otitis ¢) Dental caries 4d) Vestibular neuritis Q87. Old man came complain of progressive hearing loss , it is mostly propounded when he listening te theradio, he does not has any symptoms like that before Weber and rinne tests resu in bilateralsensorineuralhearig loss... Diagnosis a) Meniere's disease b) Otesclerosis ©) Noise induced deafness d) Hereditary hearing loss Q88. Child presented with dysphagia, sore throat, postnasal drip, drooling of saliva, rhonchi & fever of 38.50c. The treatment 2) Hydrocortisone injection immediately ) Call otorhinolaryngology for intubation ©) Admit to ICU 4) Give antibioties & send him home Q89. Q-Sinusitis most common complication is A)Orbital cellutitis B)Meningitis C)Brain abscess D)Septicemia (290. Patient find perforated tympanic membrane with foul whitish discharge dX? A-Otosecierosis B-DOtitis externa C-Cholesteatoma Q91. Young male had pharyngitis, then cough and fever, what is the most likely organism? 2) Staph aureus ») Streptococcus pneumonia 4 Q02.7 years old child coming with SOB and wheezing he was sitting in bed, leaning forward, with drooling &strider, what is diagnosis? a) Epiglottits b) Bronchial asthma Q93. Child with epiglotitis will present with all of the following EXCEPT: a) Fever b) Dysphagia ¢) like to lie in supine position 4) Stridor Q94,A Weber test that lateralizes to the deaf ear with a Rinne test that is negative detects whict Kind of hearing loss? A-Conductive B-Sensorineural C-Electrical D-Hysterical E-Semantic Q05. Patient with hx of acute otitis media , came with cloudy discharge from his left ear you should managehim by : 2) topical antibiotic b) systemic antibiotic ©) steroids (96. All the following are present in otitis media except: 2) Signs & symptoms of inflammation b) Signs & symptoms of effusion ¢) High grade fever 4) Pain Q97-Chifd came with inflammation and infection of the ear the most complication a) Labrynthitis, b) Meningitis ) Encephalitis ) Mastoi (Q98- In assessing hearing test in child bone condu fs as air conduction Asame . B50%élonger C100selonger D.200%longer (09. Child with chronic otitis media for one year with dull tympanic membrane enlarged adenoids. Along with adenoidectomy you advise Aumyringotomy insertion Q100- 5 years old child with history of fever and swelling of the face ant to the both ears (parotid gland enlargement) what is the most common complication 2) Orehitis, b) encephalitis ) mastoiditis ¢) Meningitis. Answer of Paper - Section 3 10 fir-[12 [1a [14 [1s [16 [47 [18 [19 [20- -B| 8 |-B|-Bl-c)-D|-Al-Al-cl-a)c 30 [31 [32 [33 [34 [5 [36 [37 [38 [39 [40- ecf-al-al-alalal-efal-elal a «a1 [a2 [a3 [aa [as | a6 [47 [as [49 [50 [1/52/33 [54 [55 [50 [57 /58 [50 [oo- eB |-£|-c|-B|-a| D 74 |75 |76 [77 -a|-8|-B |B 95 | 96 |97 | 98 -A|-A|-A|-A|-a|-D|-c|-B|-a]-C)-B|-A|-A|-A|-B|-B|-D|-B|-B|-D DAntihistamines and oral decongestants. media: Caused by infection with Strep. Pneumonia, H. influenza. It follows URTI, this Jeads toswelling of the Eustachian tube, thus compromising the pressure equalization.

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