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My name is Monique Scarle and I serve as one of seven Sioux City Community School District Board of

Directors. I was elected in 2019 with the focus of Student Support, Educator Empowerment and
Community Connec on. Those core principles s ll guide my work and vision as a member of the board.
As I near the end of my term, I have decided not to rerun for my seat on the school board. While the work
on the board has been rewarding in many ways, it has nonetheless been unnecessarily grueling and
personally unse ling. I have ac vely listened to ci zen and student concerns and have championed the
causes of those who are unable to speak for themselves with responsibility and without apology. Now
that I stand alone against the bullying tac cs of the leadership of the board of directors, I have been
targeted with calculated character assassina on a empts and slanderous comments.

Throughout my term, this district has faced numerous challenges such as Covid 19, the hiring of a new
Superintendent and assistant, resizing of classrooms, staffing shortages, and the revisioning of diversity,
equity, and inclusion training. Through difficult conversa ons, tough decisions, staff shi s, and leadership
fluctua ons, our unifying goal has been to serve the students and families of this city with integrity and
honor. Somehow, someway, despite the differences of our opinions, we remained as one Board! That is,
un l recently!

Board policy code 200.7 provides in per nent part that “[b]oard members are public officials who strive
to perform all the du es of office in an ETHICAL manner.” [Emphasis mine]. Board members are mandated
to operate within the Code of Ethics established by the Iowa Associa on of School Boards. Truth, respect,
and a commitment to do that which is good and right should always be the standards of any conversa on
and/or ac on taken as a Board member.

During a ci zen report on August 14, 2023, at the regular school board mee ng, ci zen Chad Krastel made
comments and then later during the board member reports, President Dan Greenwell stated that I was in
cahoots with four other people to silence a concerned parent’s First Amendment rights which endorsed
those comments. It was further stated that I contacted the FBI to ini ate an inves ga on. I was shaken
and appalled by the vehemence and absurdity of such outlandish allega ons. I have never contacted the
FBI for any reason during my tenure on this board or for that ma er in my en re life!

Secondly, as an elected director, I took an oath to serve not only my community but my fellow board
members. I will always stand against bullying and bad behaviors that are fueled by personal agendas to
destroy someone’s character! Such tac cs are evil, malicious, juvenile, and disrespec ul to past and
current board members who operate with integrity and honesty. And for the record, the arrogant display
of disrespect from the board president on August 14 was not the first a ack directed towards me and
other board members at a public-school board mee ng. A deliberate pa ern of hos lity and abuse has
been executed against those who do not line up in agreement and endorsement with the board president’s
rhetoric and agenda.

The vile contempt demonstrated by the leadership of the Sioux City Community School District Board of
Directors cannot be taken lightly and excused. Accountability must be held! We cannot move forward as
a des na on district when our very own board leader will go to any extent with verbal, wri en abuse,
fake email addresses with sarcas c messages to conduct hos le board mee ngs and malign those who
take seriously the work of public service. How can we teach our students to refrain from being a bully
when the main one is in leadership?
This must stop today! Bullying in any form and from anyone—even those in leadership—will NOT be

Cast your votes in November for people who truly care!

My name is Monique Scarle and I serve as one of seven Sioux City Community School District Board of
Directors. I was elected in 2019 with the focus of Student Support, Educator Empowerment and
Community Connec on. Those core principles s ll guide my work and vision as a member of the board.
As I near the end of my term, I have decided not to rerun for my seat on the school board. While the work
on the board has been rewarding in many ways, it has nonetheless been unnecessarily grueling and
personally unse ling. I have ac vely listened to ci zen and student concerns and have championed the
causes of those who are unable to speak for themselves with responsibility and without apology. Now
that I stand alone against the bullying tac cs of the leadership of the board of directors, I have been
targeted with calculated character assassina on a empts and slanderous comments.

Throughout my term, this district has faced numerous challenges such as Covid 19, the hiring of a new
Superintendent and assistant, resizing of classrooms, staffing shortages, and the revisioning of diversity,
equity, and inclusion training. Through difficult conversa ons, tough decisions, staff shi s, and leadership
fluctua ons, our unifying goal has been to serve the students and families of this city with integrity and
honor. Somehow, someway, despite the differences of our opinions, we remained as one Board! That is,
un l recently!

Board policy code 200.7 provides in per nent part that “[b]oard members are public officials who strive
to perform all the du es of office in an ETHICAL manner.” [Emphasis mine]. Board members are mandated
to operate within the Code of Ethics established by the Iowa Associa on of School Boards. Truth, respect,
and a commitment to do that which is good and right should always be the standards of any conversa on
and/or ac on taken as a Board member.

During a ci zen report on August 14, 2023, at the regular school board mee ng, ci zen Chad Krastel made
comments and then later during the board member reports, President Dan Greenwell stated that I was in
cahoots with four other people to silence a concerned parent’s First Amendment rights which endorsed
those comments. It was further stated that I contacted the FBI to ini ate an inves ga on. I was shaken
and appalled by the vehemence and absurdity of such outlandish allega ons. I have never contacted the
FBI for any reason during my tenure on this board or for that ma er in my en re life!

Secondly, as an elected director, I took an oath to serve not only my community but my fellow board
members. I will always stand against bullying and bad behaviors that are fueled by personal agendas to
destroy someone’s character! Such tac cs are evil, malicious, juvenile, and disrespec ul to past and
current board members who operate with integrity and honesty. And for the record, the arrogant display
of disrespect from the board president on August 14 was not the first a ack directed towards me and
other board members at a public-school board mee ng. A deliberate pa ern of hos lity and abuse has
been executed against those who do not line up in agreement and endorsement with the board president’s
rhetoric and agenda.

The vile contempt demonstrated by the leadership of the Sioux City Community School District Board of
Directors cannot be taken lightly and excused. Accountability must be held! We cannot move forward as
a des na on district when our very own board leader will go to any extent with verbal, wri en abuse,
fake email addresses with sarcas c messages to conduct hos le board mee ngs and malign those who
take seriously the work of public service. How can we teach our students to refrain from being a bully
when the main one is in leadership?
This must stop today! Bullying in any form and from anyone—even those in leadership—will NOT be

Cast your votes in November for people who truly care!

My name is Monique Scarle and I serve as one of seven Sioux City Community School District Board of
Directors. I was elected in 2019 with the focus of Student Support, Educator Empowerment and
Community Connec on. Those core principles s ll guide my work and vision as a member of the board.
As I near the end of my term, I have decided not to rerun for my seat on the school board. While the work
on the board has been rewarding in many ways, it has nonetheless been unnecessarily grueling and
personally unse ling. I have ac vely listened to ci zen and student concerns and have championed the
causes of those who are unable to speak for themselves with responsibility and without apology. Now
that I stand alone against the bullying tac cs of the leadership of the board of directors, I have been
targeted with calculated character assassina on a empts and slanderous comments.

Throughout my term, this district has faced numerous challenges such as Covid 19, the hiring of a new
Superintendent and assistant, resizing of classrooms, staffing shortages, and the revisioning of diversity,
equity, and inclusion training. Through difficult conversa ons, tough decisions, staff shi s, and leadership
fluctua ons, our unifying goal has been to serve the students and families of this city with integrity and
honor. Somehow, someway, despite the differences of our opinions, we remained as one Board! That is,
un l recently!

Board policy code 200.7 provides in per nent part that “[b]oard members are public officials who strive
to perform all the du es of office in an ETHICAL manner.” [Emphasis mine]. Board members are mandated
to operate within the Code of Ethics established by the Iowa Associa on of School Boards. Truth, respect,
and a commitment to do that which is good and right should always be the standards of any conversa on
and/or ac on taken as a Board member.

During a ci zen report on August 14, 2023, at the regular school board mee ng, ci zen Chad Krastel made
comments and then later during the board member reports, President Dan Greenwell stated that I was in
cahoots with four other people to silence a concerned parent’s First Amendment rights which endorsed
those comments. It was further stated that I contacted the FBI to ini ate an inves ga on. I was shaken
and appalled by the vehemence and absurdity of such outlandish allega ons. I have never contacted the
FBI for any reason during my tenure on this board or for that ma er in my en re life!

Secondly, as an elected director, I took an oath to serve not only my community but my fellow board
members. I will always stand against bullying and bad behaviors that are fueled by personal agendas to
destroy someone’s character! Such tac cs are evil, malicious, juvenile, and disrespec ul to past and
current board members who operate with integrity and honesty. And for the record, the arrogant display
of disrespect from the board president on August 14 was not the first a ack directed towards me and
other board members at a public-school board mee ng. A deliberate pa ern of hos lity and abuse has
been executed against those who do not line up in agreement and endorsement with the board president’s
rhetoric and agenda.

The vile contempt demonstrated by the leadership of the Sioux City Community School District Board of
Directors cannot be taken lightly and excused. Accountability must be held! We cannot move forward as
a des na on district when our very own board leader will go to any extent with verbal, wri en abuse,
fake email addresses with sarcas c messages to conduct hos le board mee ngs and malign those who
take seriously the work of public service. How can we teach our students to refrain from being a bully
when the main one is in leadership?
This must stop today! Bullying in any form and from anyone—even those in leadership—will NOT be

Cast your votes in November for people who truly care!

My name is Monique Scarle and I serve as one of seven Sioux City Community School District Board of
Directors. I was elected in 2019 with the focus of Student Support, Educator Empowerment and
Community Connec on. Those core principles s ll guide my work and vision as a member of the board.
As I near the end of my term, I have decided not to rerun for my seat on the school board. While the work
on the board has been rewarding in many ways, it has nonetheless been unnecessarily grueling and
personally unse ling. I have ac vely listened to ci zen and student concerns and have championed the
causes of those who are unable to speak for themselves with responsibility and without apology. Now
that I stand alone against the bullying tac cs of the leadership of the board of directors, I have been
targeted with calculated character assassina on a empts and slanderous comments.

Throughout my term, this district has faced numerous challenges such as Covid 19, the hiring of a new
Superintendent and assistant, resizing of classrooms, staffing shortages, and the revisioning of diversity,
equity, and inclusion training. Through difficult conversa ons, tough decisions, staff shi s, and leadership
fluctua ons, our unifying goal has been to serve the students and families of this city with integrity and
honor. Somehow, someway, despite the differences of our opinions, we remained as one Board! That is,
un l recently!

Board policy code 200.7 provides in per nent part that “[b]oard members are public officials who strive
to perform all the du es of office in an ETHICAL manner.” [Emphasis mine]. Board members are mandated
to operate within the Code of Ethics established by the Iowa Associa on of School Boards. Truth, respect,
and a commitment to do that which is good and right should always be the standards of any conversa on
and/or ac on taken as a Board member.

During a ci zen report on August 14, 2023, at the regular school board mee ng, ci zen Chad Krastel made
comments and then later during the board member reports, President Dan Greenwell stated that I was in
cahoots with four other people to silence a concerned parent’s First Amendment rights which endorsed
those comments. It was further stated that I contacted the FBI to ini ate an inves ga on. I was shaken
and appalled by the vehemence and absurdity of such outlandish allega ons. I have never contacted the
FBI for any reason during my tenure on this board or for that ma er in my en re life!

Secondly, as an elected director, I took an oath to serve not only my community but my fellow board
members. I will always stand against bullying and bad behaviors that are fueled by personal agendas to
destroy someone’s character! Such tac cs are evil, malicious, juvenile, and disrespec ul to past and
current board members who operate with integrity and honesty. And for the record, the arrogant display
of disrespect from the board president on August 14 was not the first a ack directed towards me and
other board members at a public-school board mee ng. A deliberate pa ern of hos lity and abuse has
been executed against those who do not line up in agreement and endorsement with the board president’s
rhetoric and agenda.

The vile contempt demonstrated by the leadership of the Sioux City Community School District Board of
Directors cannot be taken lightly and excused. Accountability must be held! We cannot move forward as
a des na on district when our very own board leader will go to any extent with verbal, wri en abuse,
fake email addresses with sarcas c messages to conduct hos le board mee ngs and malign those who
take seriously the work of public service. How can we teach our students to refrain from being a bully
when the main one is in leadership?
This must stop today! Bullying in any form and from anyone—even those in leadership—will NOT be

Cast your votes in November for people who truly care!

My name is Monique Scarle and I serve as one of seven Sioux City Community School District Board of
Directors. I was elected in 2019 with the focus of Student Support, Educator Empowerment and
Community Connec on. Those core principles s ll guide my work and vision as a member of the board.
As I near the end of my term, I have decided not to rerun for my seat on the school board. While the work
on the board has been rewarding in many ways, it has nonetheless been unnecessarily grueling and
personally unse ling. I have ac vely listened to ci zen and student concerns and have championed the
causes of those who are unable to speak for themselves with responsibility and without apology. Now
that I stand alone against the bullying tac cs of the leadership of the board of directors, I have been
targeted with calculated character assassina on a empts and slanderous comments.

Throughout my term, this district has faced numerous challenges such as Covid 19, the hiring of a new
Superintendent and assistant, resizing of classrooms, staffing shortages, and the revisioning of diversity,
equity, and inclusion training. Through difficult conversa ons, tough decisions, staff shi s, and leadership
fluctua ons, our unifying goal has been to serve the students and families of this city with integrity and
honor. Somehow, someway, despite the differences of our opinions, we remained as one Board! That is,
un l recently!

Board policy code 200.7 provides in per nent part that “[b]oard members are public officials who strive
to perform all the du es of office in an ETHICAL manner.” [Emphasis mine]. Board members are mandated
to operate within the Code of Ethics established by the Iowa Associa on of School Boards. Truth, respect,
and a commitment to do that which is good and right should always be the standards of any conversa on
and/or ac on taken as a Board member.

During a ci zen report on August 14, 2023, at the regular school board mee ng, ci zen Chad Krastel made
comments and then later during the board member reports, President Dan Greenwell stated that I was in
cahoots with four other people to silence a concerned parent’s First Amendment rights which endorsed
those comments. It was further stated that I contacted the FBI to ini ate an inves ga on. I was shaken
and appalled by the vehemence and absurdity of such outlandish allega ons. I have never contacted the
FBI for any reason during my tenure on this board or for that ma er in my en re life!

Secondly, as an elected director, I took an oath to serve not only my community but my fellow board
members. I will always stand against bullying and bad behaviors that are fueled by personal agendas to
destroy someone’s character! Such tac cs are evil, malicious, juvenile, and disrespec ul to past and
current board members who operate with integrity and honesty. And for the record, the arrogant display
of disrespect from the board president on August 14 was not the first a ack directed towards me and
other board members at a public-school board mee ng. A deliberate pa ern of hos lity and abuse has
been executed against those who do not line up in agreement and endorsement with the board president’s
rhetoric and agenda.

The vile contempt demonstrated by the leadership of the Sioux City Community School District Board of
Directors cannot be taken lightly and excused. Accountability must be held! We cannot move forward as
a des na on district when our very own board leader will go to any extent with verbal, wri en abuse,
fake email addresses with sarcas c messages to conduct hos le board mee ngs and malign those who
take seriously the work of public service. How can we teach our students to refrain from being a bully
when the main one is in leadership?
This must stop today! Bullying in any form and from anyone—even those in leadership—will NOT be

Cast your votes in November for people who truly care!

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