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Rearrange the jumbled sentences in the correct order with the correct

infinitive of purpose

Example:They/used/to/ print out/photos/some/printer

They used printer to print out some photos.

1. managed/to/The astronauts/training/their/on time. /complete/

The astronauts managed to complete their training on time.

2. They/how/survive/learned/without/gravity./in space/to

They learn how to survive in space without gravity.

3. an astronaut/Being/ achieve/will/enable you/life/great success/to/in life./

Being and astronaut will enable you to achieve great success in


4. Think/help you/of trouble./in time/hesitate/who wouldn’t/fellow

astronauts/of your/to/
Think of your fellow astronauts who wouldn’t hesitate to help you
in time of trouble.

5. really want/We/ visit/planets/other/to/ and find out/life exists/on them./if/

We really want to visit other planets and find out if other life
exists on them.
6. scientists/Many/not/ take/ have warned us/to/ journey/this dangerous/we
are/but/ not discouraged. /
Many scientists have warned us not to take this dangerous
journey, but we are discouraged.

7. in on our journey/ if /you could? /accompany/Would/you/to/agree/us/

Would you agree to accompany us on our journey if you could?

8. endure/We/have been/how/taught/during/hardship/our training./to/

We have been taught how to endure hardship during our training.

9. Money. /of/a waste/think/We/it is/them/of /but/our

We told them to come with us on our trip, but some of them think
it is a waste of time.
10.Can’t afford/We/waste/ chickening out. /Nasa’s money/by/to

We Can’t afford to waste Nasa’s money by chickening out.

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