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out_dt, mr_code, patient_nm, srvc_unit_nm, medical_service_name, dr_visite, jml1,

dpjp, dr_lab, jml2
from (
me,e.employee_nm dr_visite,count(*)jml1 ,e1.employee_nm dpjp from patient p
join registry r on r.mr_id=p.mr_id
join hospital_ci h on h.registry_id=r.registry_id
join unit_visit u on u.registry_id=r.registry_id
join visite v on v.unit_visit_id=u.unit_visit_id
join room rm on rm.room_id=h.room_id
join employee e on e.employee_id=v.employee_id
join employee e1 on e1.employee_id=h.employee_id
join service_unit su on su.srvc_unit_id=rm.srvc_unit_id
join billing b on b.registry_id=r.registry_id and b.billing_id=v.billing_id
join medical_service ms on ms.medical_service_id=b.medical_service_id
where date (r.out_dt) between '20190101' and '20190231'
#and p.mr_code='056595'
and r.in_out_sts='I' group by r.registry_id,e.employee_nm ,ms.medical_service_name
)c left join(
select r.registry_id,e2.employee_nm dr_lab,count (*)jml2 from patient p
join registry r on r.mr_id=p.mr_id
join hospital_ci h on h.registry_id=r.registry_id
join billing b on b.registry_id=r.registry_id and b.srvc_unit_id='17'
join service_unit su on su.srvc_unit_id=b.srvc_unit_id
join employee e2 on e2.employee_id=b.employee_charge
where date (r.out_dt) between '20190101' and '20190231'
and r.in_out_sts='I' group by r.registry_id,e2.employee_nm)x on

#Tanpa dr_laboratorium (Rawat Inap)

ce_name,e.employee_nm dr_visite,count(*)jml1 ,e1.employee_nm dpjp from patient p
join registry r on r.mr_id=p.mr_id
join hospital_ci h on h.registry_id=r.registry_id
join unit_visit u on u.registry_id=r.registry_id
join visite v on v.unit_visit_id=u.unit_visit_id
join room rm on rm.room_id=h.room_id
join employee e on e.employee_id=v.employee_id
join employee e1 on e1.employee_id=h.employee_id
join service_unit su on su.srvc_unit_id=rm.srvc_unit_id
join billing b on b.registry_id=r.registry_id and b.billing_id=v.billing_id
join medical_service ms on ms.medical_service_id=b.medical_service_id
left join unit_visit uvruang on uvruang.unit_visit_id=v.unit_visit_id
left join service_unit suruang on suruang.srvc_unit_id=uvruang.unit_id_to
where date (r.out_dt) between '20190101' and '20190131'
and r.in_out_sts='I'
group by r.registry_id,e.employee_nm ,ms.medical_service_name;

#Dengan Nama dokter (spesifik) dan tanpa dr Laborat

me,e.employee_nm dr_visite,count(*)jml1 ,e1.employee_nm dpjp from patient p
join registry r on r.mr_id=p.mr_id
join hospital_ci h on h.registry_id=r.registry_id
join unit_visit u on u.registry_id=r.registry_id
join visite v on v.unit_visit_id=u.unit_visit_id
join room rm on rm.room_id=h.room_id
join employee e on e.employee_id=v.employee_id
join employee e1 on e1.employee_id=h.employee_id
join service_unit su on su.srvc_unit_id=rm.srvc_unit_id
join billing b on b.registry_id=r.registry_id and b.billing_id=v.billing_id
join medical_service ms on ms.medical_service_id=b.medical_service_id
where date (r.out_dt) between '20200801' and '20200930'
and srvc_unit_nm='Ruangan Wijaya Kusuma'
and e.employee_nm ='dr. DIAN EVA SANJAYA, Sp.S'
and r.in_out_sts='I' group by r.registry_id,e.employee_nm ,ms.medical_service_name;

select * from unit_visit where unit_id_to='17';

select * from lab_diagnostic where unit_visit_id='190228081247274460RSJM';
select * from billing where billing_id='190228094032361689RSJM';

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