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Pull Ups (Athlean-x)

Day 1 Test Day

Inverted rows to faillure
2 min rest
Dead arm hanging for as long as possible

Day 2
Chair assisted pull up (Do one more than your inverted row)
2 min rest
Inverted row (40% more than test day)

Day 3
Eccentrick Pull ups (1/2 of the inverted rows from test day, stop 2
before failure)
2 min rest
Inverted row (50% more than test day)

Day 4
Hollow rock as long as you can (time it)
2 min rest
Inverted rows (60% more than in test day)
Day 5 Test Day
Inverted rows to faillure
2 min rest
Dead arm hanging for as long as possible

Day 6
Chair assisted pull up (Do one more than your inverted row)
2 min rest
Inverted row (40% more than test day)

Day 7
Eccentrick Pull ups (1/2 of the inverted rows from test day, stop 2
before failure)
2 min rest
Inverted row (50% more than test day)

Day 8
Hollow rock as long as you can (time it)
2 min rest
Inverted rows (60% more than in test day)
Day 9 Test Day
Inverted rows to faillure
2 min rest
Dead arm hanging for as long as possible

Day 10
Chair assisted pull up (Do one more than your inverted row)
2 min rest
Inverted row (40% more than test day)

Day 11
Eccentrick Pull ups (1/2 of the inverted rows from test day, stop 2
before failure)
2 min rest
Inverted row (50% more than test day)

Day 12
Hollow rock as long as you can (time it)
2 min rest
Inverted rows (60% more than in test day)
Day 13 Test Day
Inverted rows to faillure
2 min rest
Dead arm hanging for as long as possible

Day 14
Chair assisted pull up (Do one more than your inverted row)
2 min rest
Inverted row (40% more than test day)

Day 15
Eccentrick Pull ups (1/2 of the inverted rows from test day, stop 2
before failure)
2 min rest
Inverted row (50% more than test day)

Day 16
Hollow rock as long as you can (time it)
2 min rest
Inverted rows (60% more than in test day)
Day 17 Test Day
Inverted rows to faillure
2 min rest
Dead arm hanging for as long as possible

Day 18
Chair assisted pull up (Do one more than your inverted row)
2 min rest
Inverted row (40% more than test day)

Day 19
Eccentrick Pull ups (1/2 of the inverted rows from test day, stop 2
before failure)
2 min rest
Inverted row (50% more than test day)

Day 20
Hollow rock as long as you can (time it)
2 min rest
Inverted rows (60% more than in test day)
Day 21 Test day
Dead arm hang (20 secs increase)

Day 22 Test Day

How many pull ups in 1 set.

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