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Mỗi project tương ứng với một file thực hành. Hãy mở đúng file thực hành để hoàn thành nhiệm vụ.

Overview: You work for theYOUNG Museum. You are creating research and training document.

☐ Task 1
In the file properties, add “Dinosaur” as a category.

☐ Task 2
In the “When and Where Dinosaurs Lived” section, copy the formatting of the first paragraph and apply it to the second

☐ Task 3
In the “Geologic eras” section, sort the table data by “Geologic period” (Ascending) and then by “Dinosaur” (Ascending).

☐ Task 4
In the “Ornithischian Dinosaurs” section, change the list level for “Developed a narrow eyebrow” to Level 3.

☐ Task 5
In the “Kids love dinosaurs” section, in the blank paragraph at the end of the page, use the 3D Models feature to insert the
T-Rex model from the 3D Objects folder. Position the model In Line with Text.

☐ Task 6
In the “Theropod” section, apply the Pencil Sketch artistic effect to the dinosaur fossil picture.
Overview: You work for theYOUNG Coffee. You are finalizing a training manual for employees who will bake muffins for the coffee shop.

☐ Task 1
Display the Integral header on all pages of the document except page 1.

☐ Task 2
In the “Depanning” section, insert a thermometer symbol before the phrase “The muffin tray will still be hot!”. Use the
Webdings font and character code “225” (the thermometer symbol).

☐ Task 3
Set the line spacing to 1.3 lines for the entire document.

☐ Task 4
In the “Top Sellers” section, continue the numbering of the list at the top of the second column, so the list items are numbered
from 1 through 6.

☐ Task 5
In the “Overview” section, apply the Soft Round Bevel Shape effect to the SmartArt Graphic (Be sure to select the entire
SmartArt Graphic)

☐ Task 6
In the “Serving” section, change the text wrapping for the picture to Square.

Overview: You work for theYOUNG Bank. You are preparing a brochure that explains bank account options.

☐ Task 1
Find the word “national” and delete it from the document.

☐ Task 2
Use a Word feature to replace all instances of “HSBC” with “TYB”.

☐ Task 3
In the “Banking Fees” section, convert the tab-delimited text to a two-column table. Accept the default AutoFit behavior.

☐ Task 4
In the blank paragraph after the document title, insert a table of contents. Use the Automatic Table 1 style.

☐ Task 5
In the “Checking Account” section, in the dark blue text box, insert the text “EASY AND FAST!”.

☐ Task 6
In the “Fast and convenient” section, delete the comment that is attached to the text “$5,000”.

Overview: You create a memo in Word and then decide to send the information as a text message.

☐ Task 1
Remove all of the Document Properties and Personal Information of the document. Leave all other hidden

☐ Task 2
Change the Company property of the document to Contoso.

☐ Task 3
Remove all formatting of the first paragraph “Considering the responses …. April 2, 2021”.

☐ Task 4
Apply the style Minimalist to the whole document.

☐ Task 5
Change the orientation to Landscape.

☐ Task 6
Save a copy of the document in your Documents folder as a plain-text file named “Memo”.

Overview: You are preparing a brochure for a conference. You plan to distribute the brochure and in print.
☐ Task 1
Apply the Centered style set to the document.

☐ Task 2
In the “Contact Us” section, merge the cells in the first table row.

☐ Task 3
In the “Conference topic” section, convert the five paragraphs starting with “Applying Psychological Theories to Classroom
Instruction” to a bulleted list. Align the bullets with the left page margin (Do not change the hanging indent distance).

☐ Task 4
In the “Mission” section, insert a footnote to the right of the heading. Enter the footnote text “Includes digital and hard files”.

☐ Task 5
Accept all tracked insertions and deletions. Reject all formatting changes.

Overview: The owner of Mekong’s Travel has asked you to finish information of an event.

☐ Task 1
Add a 3pt Blue, Accent 1, Darker 50% Box page border to the whole document.

☐ Task 2
Inspect the document and remove all headers, footers and watermarks that are found. Do not remove other information.

☐ Task 3
At the end of the document, change the line spacing of the last two paragraph to exactly 14 pt.

☐ Task 4
Apply the Intense Emphasis style to the paragraph after the picture.

☐ Task 5
Split the four paragraphs before the picture into two columns with columns spacing of 0.3’’.

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