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I would like you to pay attention and listen carefully to my instructions. You don’t need to

Please sit comfortably and allow your back to be straight but not stiff. Your hands could be
resting on your lap or at your side. Gently close your eyes.

(Note: if individual is wearing glasses, then “Please take your glasses off and gently close your eyes”.)

Take a few long, deep breaths. And then exhale slowly. Again, take a deep breath and then
exhale slowly. Feel your breath as it goes in and comes out.

Now slowly bring your attention to the top of your head. How does it feel? Just gently observe your
sensations in this area. (pause for 4 seconds)

Slowly, shift your attention to your forehead and observe this part of your body. What do you feel here?
Is your forehead feeling warm or cold? Just observe your sensations.

Gradually bring your focus downward to your eyes, nose, chin, and ears. Become curious about the
sensations you experience. (long pause for 7-10 seconds)

Now very gently shift your attention to your shoulders and sweep it down to your upper back and chest.
Observe how your chest rises and falls as you take a breath and release it. (pause for 4 seconds)

And as you are doing this, gradually move your attention to your stomach and lower back. What do you
feel here? How come you have these feelings? With lovingkindness, just observe these feelings. (pause
for 4 seconds)
Now slowly, bring your awareness to your upper arms, then go down to your lower arms, hands and
fingers. Notice what your fingertips are telling you. Just gently observe the sensations on these parts of
your body. (pause for 4-5 seconds)

As you are noticing these sensations, you might find your mind wandering off. That's okay. That's what
the mind does. Gently bring your mind back to noticing the sensation at your fingertips.

Now gradually move your focus to your hips, thighs, calves and ankles. Observe the sensation of the sofa
against your thighs. Is it hard or soft? Bring your attention to your feet and toes. Notice the sensations
here – what is going on with these parts of your body? (pause for 5-6 seconds)
Now take a moment to scan your whole body – just sweep your attention from the top of your head
down to your toes. Feel the sensation, feel the gentle rhythm of the breath as it moves through the
body. (say this paragraph with firmness yet slowly – 5-7 seconds)

And now take a deep, long breath and then exhale it slowly. Again, slowly inhale and then exhale. (pause
for 5 seconds)

One more time take a deep, long breath and then exhale it slowly. (pause for 5 seconds)

When you are ready, please open your eyes slowly and return your attention to the present moment. 

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