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Fear on the Inner Journey

When you attempt sushumna application, ask your If you don’t want to know yourself or don’t care to
mind to focus at the nose bridge. Let your thoughts come know yourself, then no one can force you. But as you
and do not be afraid. The whole unconscious mind will grow you will come to a point where you will want to
become active and bring forward many hidden and know your deeper Self, and then you become committed
forgotten things. When this happens, people often get to the idea that you will know yourself in this lifetime.
upset, thinking that the meditation is disturbing them. If you learn to have an internal dialogue, you’ll
But it is not the meditation that causes the disturbance, it never be afraid of yourself, and you’ll also never be afraid
is what you have bottled up. You have to go through that of anyone else. Today you cannot face yourself; you don’t
process of release in meditation therapy. This is a very want to know yourself because you are afraid. Once you
good process. Let the distracting thoughts come forward, know how to have that kind of dialogue with yourself, it
and then allow them to go. A time will come when no will help you enormously.
thought patterns disturb you, and you can watch your As you examine your fears, you will learn that
thoughts. Then, you can witness your whole life. all your fears are somehow false and based on
Do not be afraid to meditate. Be confident that you misunderstandings. There is no truth or reality to your
will not become lost—you are within yourself. fears. You are afraid to examine your fears, but you
Path of Fire and Light, Vol. II, pp. 76, 122-123 should learn to examine each fear, one by one, and to
When both nostrils flow freely, that is called encounter them and then be free of their control.
sandhya, the wedding of the sun and the moon, or This process is very important.
between pingala and ida. This is a delightful Start observing your own mind. Do not try to
moment, in which neither worry, fear nor other escape; do not be afraid of your thinking. If
negative thoughts can distract the mind. anything comes into your mind, and if you
When there is fear in meditation, the do not accept it within the mind, then it is not
problem often occurs in those who have avoided yours. Even your realization that a thought
does not belong to you involves the thought of
knowing and becoming aware of their subtle
thoughts, desires, suppressions, and ~
~ ~~ someone else. What is that thought that is your
repressions, as well as those who want
~~ ~~ own thought? No thought is really yours.

~~ ~~
to escape from self awareness, not wanting Try to consider a single thought that is
to analyze or understand their thinking purely yours. In all of your thoughts,
processes. Actually, a student is there is either someone else involved
~ ~~ or there is an image from outside.
always safe during his or her
meditation periods, because
the closer that one is to
~ The way to work with your
intruding thoughts is to
the Reality and awareness, the safer one becomes. let each thought come, whether it is good or bad.
Sincere effort and practicing one’s meditation consist- What happens to most people is that any thought that
ently, at a regular time will, with firm determination, comes into their mind disturbs their whole being. They
help the student to eventually overcome such hurdles and become afraid because some particular thought is coming
obstacles that arise in one’s own mind. into their mind. This may happen to you; thoughts that
To fear and try to escape from examining one’s own were hidden or unconscious are no longer hidden and
thought processes is a serious mistake for a student to come to your attention, and they disturb you because you
make. You should examine all your fears, and then you react to them emotionally.
will find that fears are imaginary and irrational. All the time you are afraid; fear is a major part of
Meditation is the highest of all therapies, provided your life. In your entire life, your major motivation is
it is systematically practiced. Gradually, one learns to fear, yet you never try to examine your fears. You should
deal with one’s own problems, fears, and habit patterns. sit down and ask your mind what your fears are. If you do
Every human being has the capacity to advance and is that, you’ll discover that all your fears are imaginary—all
fully equipped to deal even with gigantic problems, pro- are the result of your imagination.
vided one follows his or her path with firm determination The Art of Joyful Living,
and sincerity. pp. 15, 87-88, 121, 122, 201
Meditation and Its Practice, pp. 90, 93, 100-101, 104 Modern man is trying to kill his conscience. He
Taking their present condition for granted, most relies on the feedback from others and is afraid of
people refuse to explore the possibility of other states of becoming aware of himself as he really is. One should
existence. Afraid to explore the unknown and unseen, never condemn himself for thinking a particular thought.
they emphasize only the existence of the manifest aspect No one is a criminal for having bad thoughts. He be-
of the Truth. comes a criminal when he identifies himself with those
We must not be afraid to ask questions and find thoughts and starts acting according to them—but not
answers. We must not be afraid to discard illusion and before that. If one lets the thoughts pass away, they are
embrace the Truth. gone.
A Call to Humanity, pp. 11, 46 A Practical Guide to Holistic Health, pp. 109-110

20.12.97 SRfear

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