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My finances were OK.

But they were not just

enough to make me live the life that I
dreamed of. I have a government job and a
stable salary but it was just not enough for
me. My wife, unlike me was quiet content with
the flat that we owned, the Maruti car that we
had and the minimal jewellery that I had
bought for her. But I somehow, was not really
cherishing the routine life that we had. In my
teens, I had dreamed of Mercedes and luxury
apartments and somehow those dreams kept
reappearing again. It was just then that I saw
an advertisement in Hindu. It said that a
reputed television soap company wanted TV
serial actresses and that they were looking for
normal housewives to make the serial more
realistic. It read “Wanted housewives to act in
Family Drama Serial”. Something prompted
me from within and I immediately called the
mobile number that accompanied the ad. A
gruff voice answered the phone.

“Halo, Sir, I am Guhan here . Is it Mr. Shyam,

the head of Shri Productions?” I asked

“Haan, Shyaam here”

“I just saw your ad in Hindu! Can I know more

details about it Sir?”

“See, Mr.Guhan, We make family soaps. This

time our Director has come up with a novel
idea of making real housewives act in the
serial rather than casting the known TV
Actresses again and again”

“ Ya, I read about it in the ad Sir!, Can I know

some more details like timings of shootings
and the remuneration” When I said
remuneration, I almost bit my lips.

“Oh, we shoot only in days. Cant afford the

lighting cost you know. And remuneration
also is not comparable to films. We cant pay
as much as filmwallahs do, U know!”

“How much will it be Sir?” I asked edgingly.

“ If its Heroine or some other major role, we
can pay at the most Rs.10,000 per day.
That’s all”

My heart skipped a beat. “10,000 Rupees per

day. That’s all” My monthly salary was just

“Sir, Actually I thought if it is possible for my

wife to get a chance in your Tele – serial”
I pleaded.

“How old is she?”


“Sure Man, Bring your wife to hotel Maurya

tomorrow morning at 10. We will have an
audition” . The man collected my mobile
number and then phone line got cut.

I was now all the more determined to get a

chance for my wife Rani. Let me tell about my
wife. She is a gorgeous homely beauty of
wheaty complexion. She is not lean but not
fat either but she is slightly towards the
plumper side. Almost like actress Rani
One look at her and no one will deny that she
is beautiful. But the problem was convincing
my wife to take up acting . Being brought up
very conventionally in a traditional family,
acting in a tele serial will be tantamount to
taboo for her. So , I just thought of what to
say to her to convince her and reached my

Once I reached, Rani was her usual self and

she was treating me with her evening tiffin
and Coffee.

“ Rani, today I saw an ad. It is for actresses

for teleserials”

I slowly broached the subject.

“Ji , U r planning to act in teleserials is it?”

Her eyes showed surprise.

“No No, I said Actresses, I was thinking

whether you can try it!”

“ Me!” She almost shouted.

“Ya, Ya, It’s a family drama it seems and they

want only housewives who have no prior
experience in acting. They pay well. Why
don’t u try. Anyway u have told me that u
used to act in dramas in your college.” I
started convincing her.

“Ji, are u joking. How can I…….?

“hey , come on Rani, I know u can do it. U’ve

got the talent. Look at your eyes. How
expressive they are! “ I started cajoling her.
And to my surprise, Rani looked mildly
pleased now at this strange idea of her acting
in TV soaps. She gave me a radiant smile
and I took it as a green signal.
“ We’ve got to go for the audition tomorrow
morning at 10! Once we go there and
participate, I am sure you will get a good role.
Who can deny a role to such a beauty!”

Again my wife was blushing.

That day night, I dint disturb her. I thought

that a good night’s sleep will certainly help
her look fresh and appealing next day.

Exactly at 9.15, we started from our house.

The hotel was only 20 minutes ride from my
house and we landed there quite early to our
appointment. We were waiting in the lounge.
At about 10.15, my mobile rang. It was the
same Shyaam on line. He asked me to come
to Room No 10. Myself and my wife entered
the room with bated breath. In the room were
three large sofas and in the middle one, three
persons were seated. A stout guy who looked
around forty got up and shook hands with us.

“Hi, I am Shyaam, executive producer of the

teleserial!” While Shyaam shook hands with
my wife, I felt his hands lingered in her palms
for some more time. He then introduced us to
the other persons in the room. There was an
elderly man in his sixties who was the director
of the serial and there was a cameraman who
was in his thirties. I felt that every one of them
was looking at my wife with keen interest.

“So, Rani, U want to try acting?” The director

asked my wife.
“Yes Sir!” My wife’s reply was not even
audible to me. Her face showed that she was
under high tension.

“Hey, Rani , don’t get tensed , Be relaxed.

Have a drink!” Shyaam offered her some wine
which my wife refused. Then they gave her
Coke and my wife sipped it. Once she looked
comfortable enough, Shyaam said,

“OK, Rani, its time for auditioning. Now our

Director Saab will explain the situation to you.
You have to act it out”.
Then my wife got up and stood in the middle
of the hall. She was carrying her rose colour
sari very graciously .

The director in his sixties took over…….

“Rani, just walk from this end to that end!”

Rani did just as she was told. While she

walked , her Sari just flowed with her body
and at times her slender hips were visible to
all four of us. Rani walked upto Sofa and

“Now walk away from us showing your back

to us!”

Rani turned and walked away from us. Her

beautiful back just bulged in her Sari while
her hips swayed in the walking motion. The
director looked impressed. He turned to the
cameraman and said
“She will look very good in posterior angle!” I
understood that they were indirectly meaning
that my wifes’s got a sexy ass. It looked odd
to sit in that room with three other men staring
at my wifes’s ass. But still, I sat there just

“Ok Rani, come back to us!”

“Now, I will narrate a scene to you. You are

the eldest sister of a family. And your younger
brother has just passed an exam. He comes
and says the news to you. That’s the scene.
Can you act it out for us?”

My wife was very impressed with this scene

because she has an younger brother and she
loves him so much. So, I knew that she will
be very comfortable in this scene.

“Rani, U can act out the scene for us with the

boy whom we have selected yesterday for
this brother role. Shyaam, call that boy who is
waiting in the next room .!” Shyaam called in
the intercom and a young boy of 18 entered
the room.

“He is Naren who is studying his first year

BSc in Bishop’s college. Like U, he is also an
amateur who is acting for the first time!”

Naren looked quite slim but tall. He entered

the room nervously and smiled at my wife.

“See Naren, U walk into the room. Rani is

standing there. U come shouting that U have
passed in the exam. Rani is also very happy.
U both hug each other affectionately. That’s
the scene, OK!?

The trial started. Naren shouted happily that

he has passed. My wife responded with a
smile. Then he neared her and hugged her.
Both of them were very edgy and there was
clearly a lot of space between them when
they hugged. The director looked unsatisfied.

“What is this? U r hugging as if Bush is

hugging Bin Laden. U r brother sister and that
affection has to be shown! Hug tightly!”

Again Naren cud not come up with a tight hug

and my wife’s body too was involuntarily
moving away from him. After all no other male
has hugged her except me in all her life. The
director lost his cool.

“Hey Naren, U come out, I will show!” he

acted out the scene with my wife. After saying
his dialogue, he hugged my wife tightly.
Though my wife tried to move away, he
forcefully held her in his arms and pulled her
towards him and hugged her. My wife’s
breasts were pressing against his chest and
he had his hands wrapped around her. Naren
was watching all this and when he got his
turn, he too hugged my wife real hard. I felt
that my wife was also responding very
favourably to his hug than she had with the
director and because of this it turned out to be
a real intimate hug. My wife's breasts were
crushed against Naren T shirt. And her belly
was pressing against his jeans.

“Stay still in the hugged position!” The director

shouted and then called the cameraman.

“Hey Nataraj, let's take some trial stills.”

Immediately Nataraj took out his zoom focus
camera and went near my wife and Naren.
The director too was closely looking at them.
Nataraj took 2, 3 snaps. Then the director
went near Naren. Naren’s hands were around
my wife’s hips.

“What is this, U r hugging her like a lover. U

show the intimacy of a brother Man !” So
saying, the director took Naren’s hands and
gently placed it on my wife’s ass cheeks. He
then presses those hands there. Naren took
the hint and pressed his hands on my wifes
fleshy ass cheeks. My wife was moving
uncomfortably at this new development. She
looked at me and I signaled her with my eyes
to stay there. Nataraj’s camera was capturing
Naren’s hands pressing against my wifes’s
soft ass cheeks. After about ten snaps the
director said cut and Naren immediately
released my wife. My wife came back to me
like a kitten released from jail.

After that tea was served and I found it odd

that my wife was giving stealthy glances at
Naren and blushing whenever he was seeing
her. After tea, again the director got up and
signaled to my wife and Naren to come up to

“Ya , position please!”

Both of them were standing there just like


“See, one of the main requirement when you

shoot is whenever a scene gets cut and gets
cut and continued, u should immediately
come back and stand in your original position
that u were when the scene was cut!” The
director was almost shouting and my wife and
Naren immediately hugged each other and
returned to the original position. Once again
Naren was pressing my wife’s ass cheeks.
This time , my wife too dint seem to mind it.

“Now, rani, u have got a real test of ur acting

skills. This is an emotional scene. U have to
say with pride that “I always knew that u will
pass , brother!” and fondly kiss him in the
forehead, cheeks,etc. Your face should show
love, pride, happiness, everything…Ok!”

My wife tried to act out the scene. Once

again, when it came to kissing Naren on the
forehead and cheeks, she was just pecking at
his face quite meekly. Once again, the
director lost his cool. “Rani, kiss him with full
love. Don’t peck.” He pulled my wife towards
him and kissed her on the cheeks. His lips
were pressing against her cheeks for almost
10 seconds. When he released my wife, I cud
even see the wetness of his saliva on my
wife's cheeks. Ya, kiss him like that!” He told
my wife. Since the director was elderly and in
his late sixties, my wife cud not resist his
kisses as it all appeared to be very
“Then, my wife kissed Naren as told and this
time I found that her lips really pressed aginst
his forehead and cheeks. Nataraj was clicking
his camera for every kiss.

Now, the director turned to Naren and said “u

also respond by kissing your sister!”. Now
Naren kissed my wife on her forehead and
cheeks and he needed no guidance from the
director and he kissed her real hard.

“Hey Rani, why have u stopped kissing, u kiss

him and he will kiss u. Mind u, its an
emotional scene and both of u r highly

So both my wife Rani and Naren were kissing

each other alternately and at one point of
time, the timing goit missed and both of them
moved towards each other to kiss the other
one’s forehead and it ended up as a lip kiss.
Nataraj captured this too. Naren dint expect
this and once his lips came into contact with
my wife’s rosy bud lips, it must have been too
much for him and he pressed my wife’s head
against his and gave a pretty good lip kiss.
This was evident as once his hands were
released from my wife’s head, I saw her
wiping off his saliva traces from her lips with
her hand. The director was very pleased with
this unepected development and he patted
“That’s good my boy! That scene was acted
out very emotionally!”
He turned to Rani and said “Good show

After that , Shyaam said , we will continue

after lunch. My wife came and sat next to me
and said she wants to have a private moment
with me. I took her to the lounge again.

Guhan, I am not very comfortable with this,

we will go!”

“Why, what happened?”

“No, I am not professional enough to take all
this kissing, hugging and all as acting. It feels
odd! We will go!”

I also felt things are carried a bit too far.

Afterall they told it’s a family soap but already
my wifes ass cheeks have been fondled
many times and she has been kissed in the
lips by a college boy!

“Ok Rani, I will tell them and come. Afterall its

not courteous to leave just like that!”

When I went to Shyaam , he had just then

completed his lunch and on seeing me he
smiled amiably at me. Before I cud start
talking he said,

“Hey Guhan, Ur wife is a real find man. The

director is very impressed. He says hes
gonna make a mega serial with her for sure.
By the way, I forgot……..Here’s your wife’s
audition allowance Rs. 25000/- Take it. He
thrust rupee notes into my hands. Instead of
telling him anything, my hands silently started
counting the notes.

“Be back at the audition room by 3 OK, The

director is very strict on time.” Shyaam told
me and I nodded to him and returned to my

“Rani, They are very good people. They are

highly professional. Afterall wont u kiss ur
own brother. Take it like that. And that
director is anyway much older than your
father. Whats wrong in his teaching you by
touching u?”

I argued with my wife and convinced her to

continue the audition. After having a quick
lunch, we went back to the room and this time
I found that the room’s lighting had changed
and it almost looked like a television setting
and Nataraj was in one corner with a film
shooting camera. He was adjusting the
lighting of the room.
“Haan, Rani, u have come in time” The
director looked pleased. Shyaam told me that
my wife had cleared the photo trials and now
they will be shooting some reels of the serial
to see how she looked on screen. So, it
almost will be a real simulation of a shooting.
My wifes’s face started sweating with the
heavy focus lights on her as she was not
used to this. Shyaam called for a touch up
boy and a 14 yr old boy entered the room with
a make-up set and he went to my wife . He
was clad in trousers. He wiped her face with a
towel and then took a sponge and applied
some powder on her. After applying, he
touched her up with his plain hands and he
dint just stop with her face. He did this for her
neck, her hips and also the exposed portion
of her back which was not covered by her
choli. While his hands were caressing my
wife’s hips, I heard my wife give a mild gasp
but she restrained herself. Then the touch up
boy went to the side of the room and waited
there. Because he was wearing just trousers,
I cud clearly see a bulge in that. A 14 yr old
boy having an erection after fondling my
wifes’ hips. If anybody had told me yesterday
that this will happen, I wudn’t have believed.
But here, it was , happening right in front of

Once all lighting arrangements were made

the director called Naren and Rani and told
them to enact the morining’s scenes from
first. Naren started with the dialogue “Sister, I
have passed!” and followed it with a tight hug.
This time his hands automatically went to my
wife’s ass cheeks to press them and my wife
too was pressing against his body without any
resistance. Nataraj’s video camera was
shooting the whole thing. Then the kissing
sequence started and my wife and Naren
started kissing each other on the forehead
and cheeks. This time Naren looked
desperate to make contact with my wife’s lips
with his lips and he was purposefully
positioning his lips whnever my wife leaned
forward to kiss his forehead and whwn the
lips contacted he was just pressing against
his lips against my wifes lips . The
encouraging pat given by the director in the
morning for the stolen kiss must have
emboldened him and he pulled my wifes face
to his and kissed her 4, 5 times. All along, his
hands too were playing with my wife’s ass
cheeks. After 4,5 kisses both Naren and my
wife were waiting for the director to signal cut
but since nothing happened, Naren
proceeded to plant another kiss on my wife’s
lips. This time he started to suck her lower lip
and even gently bit it too. I cud realize this as
I saw a teeth bitten mark in my wife’s lower lip
once he released my wife’s lips. My wife tried
to pull out but Narens hands pressed hard
against her ass cheecks and she cud not get
away from him. After naren had sucked my
wife’s lips for about 30 seconds, the director
called cut.

This was really too much for me and I cud

see my wife’s face redden with anger. I
simply wanted to pull my wife from that place
and get out of the room but the twenty five
thousand rupees in my pocket forced me to
sit calm there. My wife too looked at me
enquiringly and I had to plead with her with
my eyes to stay there. My wife gave a
resigned look and stood there.

Once again, the director patted Naren for his

good acting and he gave an appreciating hug
to my wife.
“Rani, that scene was just great! U r going to
rule the state with this tele serial. I am telling
U!” Though my wife was evidently disturbed
by the kissing scene , she was very happy to
hear these words and she started to blush.
Seeing my wife blush, the director too
laughed and gently pinched her cheeks.
Pinching her cheeks , he said,
“U mark my words Rani”.
Again the director signaled to the touch up
boy and the boy dutifully went to my wife. He
again proceeded to touch up my wife’s face
and neck and this time my wife herself turned
and showed her back to him like a
professional actress. He touched up her back
and after hands went near my wife’s hips and
touched up, the director started to shout…

“ hey, Shyaam, what sort of inexperienced

touch up boy u have hired? He is not doing a
complete job. Look, even after touching up ,
there are beads of sweat here!” So saying,
the director pulled open Rani’s pallu and her
Sari came in his hands. My wife’s hips were
well exposed and her petticoat which was just
touching her sweet navel was also seen. Her
navel was wet with sweat and the director
himself proceeded to wipe them off with his
hand kerchief. After wiping, he did take care
to keep his plain hand on my wife’s hips and
brushed his hands against her hips. My wife
sighed a little but the director took his own
time caressing my wifes hips and navel with
his plain hands. He even slid the sari further
apart to clearly see her hips and after he did
this my wife was practically without a pallu
and her big breasts were protruding from her
jacket. I must say here that my wife is really
naturally gifted with big breast and it is just
not possible for any bra or jacket to hold them
in place. She manages this only with a well
covered sari, and today without the pallu, she
was almost looking like a sex bomb there.
Nataraj, Naren, the touchup boy and even the
highly professional Shyaam were staring at
my wife’s jacket and the director’s fingers
playing with my wife’s navel. Once the
director completed, as if driven by force the
touch up boy went near her and wiped her
navel again like how the director
demonstrated. My wife was too shocked to do
anything and only after about a minute , it
stuck upon her to put back her pallu.

The director and Nataraj had a private

discussion which almost sounded like an
argument. Finally the director announced to
everybody that,
“sorry, Nataraj has goofed up with the camera
angle. The whole scene has to be shot again!
Everyone back to position!”
Again my wife stood in the middle of the room
and Naren came towards her eagerly. When
the director had told that the scene had to be
shot again itself, I saw a pleased smile in
Naren’s face and this time he really gave a
passionate hug. He dint even wait for my wife
to tell her dialogues and proceeded to kiss
her straight on the lips. He held her face close
to his and sucked her lips vigorously. My wife
responded meekly to this attck and all she
cud do was offer her lips for sucking by
Naren. Naren bit my wife’s lips real hard and
she even gave a mild “Ah”. When it looked as
if Naren will bite up and chew off my wife’s
lips altogether, the director said “cut”. My wife
appeared to be relieved. She looked
thankfully at the director for saving her tender
lips from naren. The director saw that my wife
was tensed and he put a comgforting arm
around her shoulders. I cud bet that his
fingers were brushing against her breasts but
after having had to face the rude &
Passionate attack of Naren, this soft gesture
must have been soothing for her and she
smiled at him.The director turned and
shouted at Naren..

“hey , whats this u r doing man? Biting lips

and all that? Do just as I say! We are
shooting a scene between brother & sister ,
mind you!”

My wife looked genuinely pleased with this

support from director. I too thanked my stars
that atlast some sense prevailed in shooting
the scene.

The director said,

“Cool rani, Cool! “ and left. Nataraj also came
near my wife and said that she looked so
good in camera. My wife blushed. He gently
patted her ass cheeks and left. By now,
except me every other male was getting more
bolder with my wife and even the very
professional Shyaam too went near her and
said she is doing a great job and planted a
kiss on her cheeks. My wife appeared to take
it all in her stride. She dint even bother this
time when the light boy came near her and
removed her pallu and wiped off the sweat
from her navel and other areas.
“Hey boy, wipe her cleavage too! That’s
reflecting in the camera!” natraj yelled and my
wife even bent to the boy who was kneeling in
front of her to show her cleavage and he
wiped her cleavage too! This time it looked as
though his cock wud pop out of his trousers.
Even Naren who, just a few minutes back
was about to aggressively chew off my wife’s
lips went to her and apologized “ Sorry Didi,
Just became emotional!” and when my wife
accepted his apology and smiled back at him,
he gave a tender kiss on her lips and moved
away. My wife was surprised but dint react. I
was just astonished how these very people
who had just met my wife today had the guts
to behave so intimately with my wife. I
thought that that is the way they moved with
all actresses and so they were just being

The director this time went on to proceed with

the next scene. He said that my wife’s
feelings towards Naren was not just sisterly
but even motherly and this should be shown
symbolically to the audience. So he asked
Naren to keep his head just beneath my
wife’s breasts and asked my wife to hold
Naren’s head as if she was milk - feeding
him. Like every woman, this motherly touch
appealed to my wife and she very
enthusiastically held Naren close to her
breasts. She dint even mind Narens lips
brushing against her breasts throught he Sari.
Suddenly the cut command came from
Nataraj. He came close to my wife and
adjusted her pallu such that her pallu is
slightly inclined to one side and Naren’s face
is in contact with my wife’s palluless jacket.
Naren pressed his face against my wifes’s
jacket and my wife too hugged him tightly and
pressed his face against her boobs in a very
motherly way. Naren must have been really
stimulated by brushing his face against the
big boobs of my wife .Then Naren got up and
held my wife tightly. His hands were around
her round buttocks again and he pulled her
towards her. As her buttocks was being
caressed repeatedly that afternoon, my wife
hardly felt anything and dint even move away.
Instead she looked staright at Naren and said
her dialogue “ Brother , I am not just a sister
to you. I am like your mother!” She then
kissed his forehead as narrated by the
director. Once my wife started kissing, again
Naren went to his old ways and started
kissing Rani’s lips. Though this was not in the
script and was not told by the director, Since
he was not biting, my wife did not resisit
much. Seeing that my wife was not
resisting,this time naren got really bold and
even put his tongue into my wife’s mouth. My
wife tried to withdraw her mouth but he held
her tight and licked her lips with his tongue. I
must say here that my wife has a weekness
for French kiss. Even at home, whenever she
is not in mood, I French kiss her and bring her
to mood. When Naren repeatedly inserted his
tongue into her mouth, she gave in and
responded with her tongue. Seeing my wife
extend her tongue, Naren was overjoyed and
he sucked her tongue with his mouth. He then
extended his tongue and looked at my wife.
Naren was twisting his tongue just in front of
Rani’s lips in a very inviting way .My wife was
hesitant for a second or 2. then her impulse
got the better of her and she too extended
her tongue and met Naren’s tongue. After
brushing her tongue against his for two three
seconds she opened her mouth and sucked
his tongue. Naren hugged her blissfully and
started caressing the exposed portion of her
back . My wife too was entirely lost in a world
of passion and was sucking this college boys
tongue. After about 3 minutes of passionate
kissing and mutual tongue sucking, my wife
came to her senses and withdrew. The
director also timed his “cut” signal to match
this. My wife was ashamed to look at any of
us and simply bowed her head and looking at
the floor. She must have felt completely
uneasy after sucking a young boys tongue in
afit of passion in front of four men out of
which one was her husband. The director
immediately patted her encouragingly and
asked her to take a break. My wife came and
sat next to me very hesitatingly. She just
cud’nt bring herself up to look at my eyes. I
was also thourighly shaken by what had
happened. Never in my wildest dreams had I
imagined that my wife will be tongue kissing a
college boy in front of me. My mind was
telling me that things had gone too far. Atleast
initially , it looked OK. Brother – sister hug
and all that. But now, it had totally gone out of
control. Which brother will tongue kiss his
sister and which sister will suck her brothers
tongue like this. And which family soap is
gonna telecast this. My suspicions about the
whole project grew in my mind . And as long
as my wife was hesitant about acting
intimately and withdrawing herself from
Naren’s face , I cud sit there watching it. But
the scene which they shot just now…..She
seemed to go after his tongue like anything
and it appeared as if she wanted to
permanently keep his tongue inside her
mouth. No….things were going out of control !
But no point in blaming my wife for it. I only
put her into this and which woman of 28 can
repeatedly control herself after about 2 hours
of kissing, ass fondling and navel caressing.
Afterall she was a woman too ! I made a
quick decision. I put my arms comfortingly
around my wife and my wife turned to look at
me. I cud see guilt written all over her face.
There were tears in the corner of her eyes
and I wiped it.

Lets go from here, guhan” she hissed!

“Ya, I also thought the same thing! Lets go!” I
said and was about to get up. Just then
Shyaam’s hand touched my shoulders and I

“Mr.Guhan , I want to have a discussion with

you!” He took me to the next room. This room
looked like an office. I understood that they
used this room for making agreements.

“Pls be seated Guhan!” Shyaam’s voice was

very friendly.
“See, I just had a word with our Director and
Nataraj. Both of them are 100 % sure that
your wife is definitely a star material. But
based on the scenes we shot, we have come
to a conclusion. We feel that your wife is not
suited for this homely sister role. She has
sensuous appeal in her. And she has got a
great body too. And her face is very childish.
Afterall if u had not told her that she was 28,
we wud have never guessed. And the
chemistry which she exhibited with her co-
star was also very good. So, keeping all this
in mind, we thought we will drop the idea of
making a family soap with her and make a
movie instead. Its going to be a multi lingual
movie taken in 3 languages. We will take a
love story starring your wife and Naren and
even a normal box office collection should net
in atleast 10 crores. Since your wife will be
the main attraction of the movie, we are
willing to sign her for 50 lakhs rupees. Think
about it Guhan. The great Sridevi was paid 50
lakhs for her last film and we are offering 50
lakhs to your wife for her first movie itself. I
will give u and your wife 10 minutes to think
over. “ He took his check book and signed a
check for 50 lakhs and put it into my hands.
“If u refuse, u can return it!” was all he said
before leaving. I sat there stunned for a few
minutes. Then I decided to make my wife a
movie star. I went to my wife. I tooke her to
the lounge and told her about the offer. When
I told her that they were offering 50 lakhs for
acting in the movie, I cud see a glint of pride.
When I told her that she wud be acting as a
teenage girl pairing Naren , the happiness
was more evident in her face. But still she
cudn’t forget what happened a few moments

“But darling, I sometimes lose myself

and……….” Words trailed off and I knew she
was referring to the tongue sucking incident.
Again , I put my arms around her and said in
a very comforting way,
Hey, what is this? I know that this is all acting.
I dint even think for a moment that u r
attracted to him. I know u r always loyal to
me. The scene required it, U did it. I
understand it. I am proud that my wife is very
professional!” I bluffed. Both of us knew that
she dint suck his tongue because the scene
was so or because of professionalism but still
I pretended as though it were true. The 50
lakh cheque was making me talk like this.
Seeing me pretend like this, my wife too got
the hint. She said,
“Darling, If u have trust in me, I will act. And I
promise u that I will be professional through
out!” I was so happy she agreed. I hugged
her and we returned to the shooting room.
The director, Shyaam and Nataraj were sitting
together and going through various script
pages. I went near Shyaam and told him that
my wife agreed to act as heroine in their
movie. Shyaam shook my hands happily.

“because of this change of plan, we need to

come up with a different script to take make-
up test for your wife. That’s why we are
frantically searching for a suitable script
among the various love stories submitted to
us. Please wait” I went back and sat next to
my wife. I saw that Naren had sat next to my
wife on the other side and both were chatting
very amiably. My wife was teasing him about
the number of girl friends he had and he kept
on addressing my wife as Didi! Anyone who
looked at them will say they are brother and
sister and no one will tell these two people
were sucking each other’s tongue

After about fifteen minutes, The director and

the other two had agreed upon a script and
they called us. My wife was standing just next
to me. The director pulled my wife from me
towards himself and putting both his hands
around her, he said, “I am going to make u
the dream girl of the state!”.
So saying he hugged her tightly. My wife dint
know how to react and she too put her hands
around him. The director slid his hands down
and cupped my wife’s ass cheeks. The
director and my wife remained hugged to
each other for a few seconds and we were all
watching it. By this time, I was quite
accustomed to people hugging my wife in
front of me and fondling her ass. So I just
stood there as if nothing unusual has
happened. Then the director was back to his
professional self.. He said that they will be
taking a footage of this screen test and show
it to distributors so that they can do some
territory business right away. With that fund
they will be able to take a grand movie. That
was the plan. So, he said that it is very
important for this screen test footage to be
very appealing. He quickly narrated the scene
to be shot for the screen test. He said that
both Naren and my wife were collegemates
and they had come on a private picnic. And in
that they had hired a room and were alone in
this hotel room. Both were young and the
situation was very tempting. They begin to get
intimate. With that the scene begins and they
go to bed. As per the script, the scene breaks
there and a dream song shot in Khandala
begins. My wife and Naren listened to the
scene intently. And as my wife turned to go to
the centre of the room to act the scene out,
Shyaam interrupted her and said,

“We have a new costume for this script. In

this u have to dress up as a modern teenage
girl and this sari wont do! U can go to the next
room and changeover to this costume. So
saying he handed over her a new costume.
My wife went into the adjoining room with the
new costume. She dint come out even after
10 minutes and cameraman nataraj went
inside. We cud only hear their voices. First I
cud hear my wife mumbling meekly. Then I
heard Nataraj’s gruff voice.
“Arey Rani, U will look so good in this”
“No , No, its too short!”
“Hey, Rani your thighs are so good. This will
expose them. Sridevi shot into limelight only
with her thighs”
“There’s so much cleavage!”
“No , No, I will take care with the camera that
it looks decent enough!”
Then there was a minute's silence. I guessed
that Nataraj would have by now put his hand
around her in a comforting way. After a few
seconds, I even heard a kissing sound. By
now, every fellow in the room was aware that
the best way to convince my wife was to put
arms around her, press her ass cheeks and
put his tongue into her mouth. Though I
guessed that Nataraj was using his moments
of intimacy with her, I kept quiet. Then Nataraj
came out. He just signaled thumbs up to
everybody as if to show he had convinced
her. After five minutes, my wife emerged from
the room. She was almost blushing and she
kept each step hesitatingly into the room. My
God! She was looking too sexy in a mini. No
one can tell that she is a married housewife
who is twenty eight years old. The mini
gripped her body real tight and her breasts
looked like they can pop out any moment out
of her mini. The mini was barely covering her
panty and my wife had to frequently place a
hand on the skirt and pull it down so that her
red colour panty remained covered. Now, I
was convinced that my wife starring as a
college girl will be a big hit.
Already my wife was quite uncomfortable with
this sexy costume. When she noticed that all
the men in the room were staring at her
assets which were well exposed by this
dress, she became very shy and she almost
rushed to me and hid herself behind my back.

“ Guhan Ji, Is it OK if I were this dress?” She

hissed in my ears. Before I cud answer her,
Shyaam told everyone in the room “ My God!
If the stills of her in this costume come out,
she can command atleast 60 lakhs for her
next movie……!” That observation of Shyaam
settled the issue for me and I immediately told
my wife
“Its OK, Darling, U look really sweet in this!”
“Sweet” is the last word anyone can think of
when they saw my wife in that dress. She
looked like a sex bomb who cud make a
boner out of anyone. But still, I had to
maintain a dignified image in front of her and
not let her know that I am allowing her to
wear this whorish dress just for the money.
My wife must have been relieved….
“Ji, I was very tensed what u will say when I
walk out in this dress! But Natraj Sir
convinced me somehow….!” And her voice
trailed off. What Natraj did to her in that room
privately must have flashed in her mind.
Since she now knew that I was approving of
her wearing this dress, She became more
confident. Exactly at the same time the
director called “Alright, Rani and Naren,
Come to the bed and take your position!” . As
soon as she heard the director’s command,
immediately my wife went to the bed almost
like a schoolgirl obeying the orders of head
master. It was amazing how the director had
that scaring effect on her. Both Naren and
Rani stood adjacent to the bed. The director
started explaining the scene to them.

“See, Naren, U r alone with your girlfriend and

the whole mood is very passionate. Secluded
room. Your girlfriend’s dress is also very
tempting. Your eyes should show that
passion, that lust. Rani! You also become
passionate. First Naren will come and hug
you. You also have to hug him. You are also
feeling very erotic. Naren, after hugging, you
have to gently make her sit in the bed. Then u
sit by her side, turn her face to you with your
hands and kiss her on the lips. Let it be a long
kiss. Keep kissing till I say cut.”

The scene started. As advised Naren hugged

Rani. And She too hugged him. Then Naren
made her sit on the bed. Till then my wife was
in a standing position. But once she sat on
the bed, the skirt portion of the mini which
was barely covering her mini could not do it
now and her fleshy thighs in all its fairness
was evidently displayed to everybody. The
red colour panty which she had worn in the
morning whole coming for audition was also
clearly visible. Natraj’s camera was gobbling
up this Up-skirt panty show of my wife. Just
When he acted as her brother, Naren was
very passionate with her. Now, he was acting
as her lover. And added to it , my wife’s sexy
costume. So needless to say, within a second
he was all over her kissing her violently and
sucking and licking her lips. My wife too
responded to the kiss very favorably . This
further kindled Naren and his hands explored
her body boldly. Again he started with his
favourite area, her ass cheeks, but this time
he had the luxury of the mini. So, he easily
pulled up her skirt and caressed her exposed
thighs and then proceeded to Rani’s ass
cheeks with just the red colour panty between
his fingers and my wife’s naked buttocks.
When it appeared as though he might even
insert a finger into the panty, suddenly the
director called “cut”. At that time Naren and
my wife were too deeply immersed into a kiss
that it took them about 5 more seconds to
withdraw their lips from each other. Naren
pulled his fingers back from Rani’s ass
cheeks very reluctantly. After the cut, he got
up from the bed. The bulge in his pants was
very distinct by now. I saw even Rani ogle at
his bulge with a tinge of shyness. And I was
observing one more interesting phenomena
also. Everytime after Naren and Rani break
up after a kiss scene, while Naren will simply
walk away or stay still, my wife will always
wipe her lips as if if she wipes the saliva of
Naren off her lips , she would become a loyal
family wife agaiun. I was wondering how she
let Naren lick every inch of her lips during the
scene but how she was behaving now. I was
wondering why the director said cut when the
scene was proceeding so very erotically. After
all , he had told them that he wanted a very
erotic effect and that’s what he got. So
everyone looked at the director. The director
“See, the action is good, but somehow this
red panty is not matching. In such an erotic
scene red panty will give a cheep image and
a “B” grade effect. We are not making a “B”
grade movie. We are making a passionate
love story which has to appeal to high class
audience. This red panty combined with the
hot action will show her like a whore. Not as a
passionate lover. My heroine is not a randi.
She is a passionate girl .”
I saw the expression in Rani’s face when the
director said that. She was genuinely pleased
with the director. She looked at him
thankfully. Even I had to re-assess my
opinion of the director. Afterall, the man was a
gentleman who knew his art well.

The director immediately turned to Shyaam

and said,
“get her another panty!”. Shyaam rushed to
the adjoining room where costumes were
kept. The director yelled to the touch up boy
to touch her up. The touch up boy went near
Rani and gave her a wiping.. In this costume,
much of her flesh was exposed and he had a
jolly good time wiping her thighs and neck.
While wiping near the cleavage, I felt that his
hands slid further and even penetrated her
bra a little, but my wife showed no emotion
After finishing wiping her top portion of the
body. The boy kneeled in front of her. Rani
was still sitting in the bed with her legs on
floor. She was cross legged. The touch up
boy said,
“Didi, pls spread you legs !” and gently
uncrossed her legs himself. As he uncrossed
her legs, her milky white thighs and the her
panty was seen by all. Till yesterday, even if
her sari raises a few inches above her foot,
my wife would immediately lower it. But
today, she was sititng in front of all these men
spreading her legs and showing everyone her
panty! What a transformation! The boy who
had knelt in front of her had a close up view
of her thighs and panty. The boy proceeded
to wipe her thighs and even from this distance
I could sense that he accidently brushed his
fingers against her panty too. My wife
remained blissfully unaware of this and she
treated the boy in a very brotherly way
affectionately because he had called her Didi.
After his touch up was over, she even patted
his buttocks in a friendly way. The boy shyly
went to the corner of the room.

By the time touch up was over, Shyaam

brought a while laced panty which was
matching the white mini that she was
wearing. He gave it to her and Rani
immediately took it to the adjoining room.
Again, She dint come out for quite some time.

The director was getting annoyed…..

“ Yeh Sali kya kar raha hai! Dekhne keliye
Natraj ko andar beja tho who bhi time lega! (
What is this whore doing! If I send Natraj to
see, he will also take his own time…) .

It was amazing that he dint have a tinge of

hesitation to call my wife “Sali” when I was
there. After a minute, the director became
impatient and said,

“Rani….! Come out now! Its getting late!”

There was such a commanding tone in his
voice that my wife immediately rushed out of
the room. The sight that we saw was simply
unbelievable. My wife came out in the mini.
But the panty which Shyaam had given her
was just upto her thighs. It had not gone up
the skirt at all. My wife was so scared of the
director that she had come out of the room
halfway wearing her panty. My God.!

Even the stubborn director was taken aback

by this sight.

“Arey, Rani, U shud have worn it fully and

then come out!” he said.

“No Sir, I tried but it is too tight for me!” Rani’s

voice was almost feeble and it looked as
though she wud die of shame. The director
lost his cool again….

“Arey, what if it is tight, u shud have adjusted

and worn it! “ So saying, he went near her
and placed his hands on the panty and pulled
it up . The director tried to pull it up but the
panty was not able to accommodate the big
buttocks of my wife and stood at thigh level
only. Only then I noticed that while the
director’s hands went beneath my wife’s skirt,
the panty stood just where it was. His hands
lingered inside her pantyless skirt for a few
seconds. Rani was eaten by shame at this
situation where a sixty year old man was
trying to make her wear a tight panty in front
of other men. All the men’s eyes were glued
to her skirt and everyone’s mind was
guessing what the director’s hands wud be
doing under them. Rani was almost on the
verge of tears because she thought that it
was her fault that she was not able to wear
the panty in time. After having explored with
his hands himself ,the director by now was
convinced that it was not Rani’s fault that she
had such a big rounded ass and so he said
“ hey, poor girl, this panty is too small for her!
What can she do? Shyaam, u have to get
another panty for her!” .
Rani who was almost on the verge of tears
was now slightly relieved that the director
understood that it was not her fault. She even
gave a faint smile still oblivious to the
director’s hands under her skirt. Seeing that
the colour was returning in Rani’s face, the
director pinched her ass cheeks
mischievously and said in a joking way,
“Saali ki gaand bahuth badi hain!” (The ass of
this whore is too big!). Everyone except me
laughed at this lecherous joke about the ass
of my wife. Even my wife dint mind being
called Saali or being pinched in her naked
ass cheeks and she too gave a relieved smile
that the director was not shouting at her but
instead joking at her. The director removed
his hand from her skirt and went to discuss
the lighting with Natraj. Rani rushed back to
the room to change back to her old red
panties. I noticed that she dint wait for a
second to go into the room once the director
had left her and I was proud that my wife still
hadn’t lost her shyness and she remained the
same loyal housewife who was ashamed to
stand pantyless. She returned wearing her
red panties with the same mini on her.

Shyaam went to the adjoining room and

returned with a dozen panties but they all
were about the same size as the white one.
Since these panties had been ordered for
regular slim heroines who sometimes had to
use pads also to fill in these panties , they
were all too small. Because Rani was a 28 yr
old housewife with big fleshy buttocks, this
panty problem has arisen. This time Natraj
gave a suggestion.

“Ok, there’s a shop nearby, we will buy some

new panties which will match Rani’s size”

The director too agreed. But neither Rani nor

me knew her size since we always used to
take one of her old panties to the shop and
buy a new one.
Shyaam went to Rani and asked her the
panty size and Rani simply blinked. She
turned to me and I came to her rescue. I told
Shyaam that we always buy giving the old
one as sample. Immediately Shyaam said,
“OK, give me any old panty that u have!”.
Since the prospect of Rani needing another
panty never struck us that morning when we
had come for audition for the tele-serial,
obviously the only old panty of Rani was the
red panty which was wearing now. Since I felt
almost guilty that I dint even know the panty
size of my wife despite having been married
to her for 3 yrs, I cud not bring myself to say
that to everyone. So before somebody cud
raise a question, I myself told Rani to give the
panty that she was wearing. Rani again
looked at me as if to confirm whether I am
actually asking her to remove the single panty
that she had and remain pantyless before all
these men.

I told her , we had no other option and

anyway, she cud always cover up with her
skirt. So Rani went to the adjoining room and
removed her panty and came out and gave it
to Shyaam. Shyaam collected the panty as if
it were a gift and I saw him taking a sniff of
my wife’s just worn panty while he was
walking out of the room. My wife too noticed it
and it was very clear that , she was highly
embarrassed by the whole situation. After
giving the panty, my wife walked upto the bed
taking all possible care not to expose beyond
her thighs and sat on the bed carefully
crossing her legs so that there was no real
danger of exposure. I too was relieved that
my wife had handled herself with common
sense and still managed to save her pride in
front of these men. Thye director was busy
telling Naren what he shud be doing in the
scene while Natraj was adjusting the lighting
for the forthcoming scene. Only myself and
the touch up boy were standing idel and the
director must have noticed this. He also
noticed that my wife had started to sweat
again! He immediately told the touch-up boy,

Arey, Panty aaney thak thumara kaam tho kar

ke rakho! Saali is sweating like hell and u r
standing and watching!” . I noticed that the
director had by now successfully nicknamed
my wife as “Saali”(Whore). The director’s
shout had immediate effect. The touchup boy
rushed to my wife and started to wipe my
wife’s face and hands. He was even talking in
a friendly way to my wife while wiping.

“Didi, I very lucky boy! I touch up for Preity

Didi, Kareena Didi and they all become big
star!” he said in his broken English. My wife
took an instant liking to this innocent touch up
boy and smiled at him.

“Bhaiyya, hope your luck works on me too! “

she said while allowing him to wipe the seat
beads from her cleavage.

“U also become star Didi!” The touch up boy

changed from wiping with sponge to direct
hands and wiped off her cleavage. Because
the fellow looked so innocent , my wife did not
suspect for a moment why his hands were
lingering around her breasts even after wiping
the sweat.
“Thanks Bhaiyya! Thumara naam kya hain?”
she asked while he was wiping her legs. The
boy was kneeling before her by now and was
wiping her legs in the cross-legged position!”

“my name Raamu Didi” He had completed to

wipe her feet and knees.
“Acha naam hain!” my wife put her hands on
the boys hairline and gently ran through his
hair in an affectionate sisterly way.

“Thanks Didi!” said the boy and proceeded to

uncross my wife’s legs by himself all by
himself. He uncrossed her legs and because
my wife was not wearing any panty, he cud
see her hairy mound very clearly now. Not
only him, every one of us present in the room
were able to see my wife’s pussy mound and
the hairy bush surround it. The director and
Naren stopped their discussion and were
eying my wife’s pussy. Especially Naren
looked as though he was waiting for the
scene to start so that he cud put his hands on
this delicious mound which was erotically
covered by hair. I even saw that Natraj was
zooming his camera to cover my wife’s pussy.
I wanted to warn my wife with my eyes but my
wife was deeply in conversation with the
touch up boy. The boy too, though he was
initially taken aback by the sight of the bush
of my my wife’s pubic area, he quickly
returned to his normal self and was
continuing the friendly conversation with her.

Already my wife was quite uncomfortable with

this sexy costume. When she noticed that all
the men in the room were staring at her
assets which were well exposed by this
dress, she became very shy and she almost
rushed to me and hid herself behind my back.

“ Guhan Ji, Is it OK if I wear this dress?” She

hissed in my ears. Before I could answer her,
Shyaam told everyone in the room “ My God!
If the stills of her in this costume come out,
she can command atleast 60 lakhs for her
next movie……!”. That observation of
Shyaam settled the issue for me and I
immediately told my wife
“Its OK, Darling, You look really sweet in this!”

“Sweet” is the last word anyone can think of

when they saw my wife in that dress. She
looked like a sex bomb who cud make a
boner out of anyone. But still, I had to
maintain a dignified image in front of her and
not let her know that I am allowing her to
wear this whorish dress just for the money.
My wife must have been relieved….

“Ji, I was very tensed what u will say when I

walk out in this dress! But Natraj Sir
convinced me somehow….!” And her voice
trailed off. What Natraj did to her in that room
privately must have flashed in her mind.
Since she now knew that I was approving of
her wearing this dress, She became more
confident. Exactly at the same time the
director called “Alright, Rani and Naren,
Come to the bed and take your position!” . As
soon as she heard the director’s command,
immediately my wife went to the bed almost
like a schoolgirl obeying the orders of head
master. It was amazing how the director had
that scaring effect on her. Both Naren and
Rani stood adjacent to the bed. The director
started explaining the scene to them.

“See, Naren, you are alone with your

girlfriend and the whole mood is very
passionate. Secluded room. Your girlfriend’s
dress is also very tempting. Your eyes should
show that passion, that lust. Rani! You also
become passionate. First Naren will come
and hug you. You also have to hug him. You
are also feeling very erotic. Naren, after
hugging, you have to gently make her sit in
the bed. Then u sit by her side, turn her face
to you with your hands and kiss her on the
lips. Let it be a long kiss. Keep kissing till I
say cut.”

The scene started. As advised Naren hugged

Rani. And She too hugged him. Then Naren
made her sit on the bed. Till then my wife was
in a standing position. But once she sat on
the bed, the skirt portion of the mini which
was barely covering her mini could not do it
now and her fleshy thighs in all its fairness
was evidently displayed to everybody. The
red colour panty which she had worn in the
morning whole coming for audition was also
clearly visible. Natraj’s camera was gobbling
up this Up-skirt panty show of my wife. Just
When he acted as her brother, Naren was
very passionate with her. Now, he was acting
as her lover. And added to it , my wife’s sexy

So needless to say, within a second he was

all over her kissing her violently and sucking
and licking her lips. My wife too responded to
the kiss very favorably . This further kindled
Naren and his hands explored her body
boldly. Again he started with his favourite
area, her ass cheeks, but this time he had the
luxury of the mini. So, he easily pulled up her
skirt and caressed her exposed thighs and
then proceeded to Rani’s ass cheeks with just
the red colour panty between his fingers and
my wife’s naked buttocks. When it appeared
as though he might even insert a finger into
the panty, suddenly the director called “cut”.
At that time Naren and my wife were too
deeply immersed into a kiss that it took them
about 5 more seconds to withdraw their lips
from each other.
Naren pulled his fingers back from Rani’s ass
cheeks very reluctantly. After the cut, he got
up from the bed. The bulge in his pants was
very distinct by now. I saw even Rani ogle at
his bulge with a tinge of shyness. And I was
observing one more interesting phenomena
also. Everytime after Naren and Rani break
up after a kiss scene, while Naren will simply
walk away or stay still, my wife will always
wipe her lips as if if she wipes the saliva of
Naren off her lips , she would become a loyal
family wife agaiun. I was wondering how she
let Naren lick every inch of her lips during the
scene but how she was behaving now. I was
wondering why the director said cut when the
scene was proceeding so very erotically.

After all , he had told them that he wanted a

very erotic effect and that’s what he got. So
everyone looked at the director. The director
said, “See, the action is good, but somehow
this red panty is not matching. In such an
erotic scene red panty will give a cheep
image and a “B” grade effect. We are not
making a “B” grade movie. We are making a
passionate love story which has to appeal to
high class audience. This red panty combined
with the hot action will show her like a whore.
Not as a passionate lover. My heroine is not a
randi. She is a passionate girl .”

I saw the expression in Rani’s face when the

director said that. She was genuinely pleased
with the director. She looked at him
thankfully. Even I had to re-assess my
opinion of the director. Afterall, the man was a
gentleman who knew his art well.

The director immediately turned to Shyaam

and said, “get her another panty!”. Shyaam
rushed to the adjoining room where costumes
were kept. The director yelled to the touch up
boy to touch her up. The touch up boy went
near Rani and gave her a wiping.. In this
costume, much of her flesh was exposed and
he had a jolly good time wiping her thighs and
neck. While wiping near the cleavage, I felt
that his hands slid further and even
penetrated her bra a little, but my wife
showed no emotion

After finishing wiping her top portion of the

body. The boy kneeled in front of her. Rani
was still sitting in the bed with her legs on
floor. She was cross legged. The touch up
boy said, “Didi, please spread you legs !” and
gently uncrossed her legs himself. As he
uncrossed her legs, her milky white thighs
and the her panty was seen by all. Till
yesterday, even if her sari raises a few inches
above her foot, my wife would immediately
lower it. But today, she was sititng in front of
all these men spreading her legs and showing
everyone her panty! What a transformation!

The boy who had knelt in front of her had a

close up view of her thighs and panty. The
boy proceeded to wipe her thighs and even
from this distance I could sense that he
accidently brushed his fingers against her
panty too. My wife remained blissfully
unaware of this and she treated the boy in a
very brotherly way affectionately because he
had called her Didi. After his touch up was
over, she even patted his buttocks in a
friendly way. The boy shyly went to the corner
of the room.

By the time touch up was over, Shyaam

brought a while laced panty which was
matching the white mini that she was
wearing. He gave it to her and Rani
immediately took it to the adjoining room.
Again, She dint come out for quite some time.

The director was getting annoyed…..

“ Yeh Sali kya kar raha hai! Dekhne keliye
Natraj ko andar beja tho who bhi time lega! (
What is this whore doing! If I send Natraj to
see, he will also take his own time…) .

It was amazing that he dint have a tinge of

hesitation to call my wife “Sali” when I was
there. After a minute, the director became
impatient and said,
“Rani….! Come out now! Its getting late!”
There was such a commanding tone in his
voice that my wife immediately rushed out of
the room. The sight that we saw was simply
unbelievable. My wife came out in the mini.
But the panty which Shyaam had given her
was just upto her thighs. It had not gone up
the skirt at all. My wife was so scared of the
director that she had come out of the room
halfway wearing her panty. My God.!

Even the stubborn director was taken aback

by this sight.

“Arey, Rani, U should have worn it fully and

then come out!” he said.

“No Sir, I tried but it is too tight for me!” Rani’s

voice was almost feeble and it looked as
though she would die of shame. The director
lost his cool again….

“Arey, what if it is tight, you should have

adjusted and worn it! “ So saying, he went
near her and placed his hands on the panty
and pulled it up . The director tried to pull it up
but the panty was not able to accommodate
the big buttocks of my wife and stood at thigh
level only. Only then I noticed that while the
director’s hands went beneath my wife’s skirt,
the panty stood just where it was. His hands
lingered inside her panty-less skirt for a few

Rani was eaten by shame at this situation

where a sixty year old man was trying to
make her wear a tight panty in front of other
men. All the men’s eyes were glued to her
skirt and everyone’s mind was guessing what
the director’s hands would be doing under
them. Rani was almost on the verge of tears
because she thought that it was her fault that
she was not able to wear the panty in time.
After having explored with his hands himself
,the director by now was convinced that it was
not Rani’s fault that she had such a big
rounded ass and so he said soothingly,
“ hey, poor girl, this panty is too small for her!
What can she do? Shyaam, you have to get
another panty for her!” .

Rani who was almost on the verge of tears

was now slightly relieved that the director
understood that it was not her fault. She even
gave a faint smile still oblivious to the
director’s hands under her skirt. Seeing that
the colour was returning in Rani’s face, the
director pinched her ass cheeks
mischievously and said in a joking way,
“Saali ki gaand bahuth badi hain!” (The ass of
this whore is too big!). Everyone except me
laughed at this lecherous joke about the ass
of my wife. Even my wife dint mind being
called Saali or being pinched in her naked
ass cheeks and she too gave a relieved smile
that the director was not shouting at her but
instead joking at her. The director removed
his hand from her skirt and went to discuss
the lighting with Natraj. Rani rushed back to
the room to change back to her old red
panties. I noticed that she dint wait for a
second to go into the room once the director
had left her and I was proud that my wife still
hadn’t lost her shyness and she remained the
same loyal housewife who was ashamed to
stand pantyless. She returned wearing her
red panties with the same mini on her.

Shyaam went to the adjoining room and

returned with a dozen panties but they all
were about the same size as the white one.
Since these panties had been ordered for
regular slim heroines who sometimes had to
use pads also to fill in these panties , they
were all too small. Because Rani was a 28 yr
old housewife with big fleshy buttocks, this
panty problem has arisen. This time Natraj
gave a suggestion.

“Ok, there’s a shop nearby, we will buy some

new panties which will match Rani’s size”

The director too agreed. But neither Rani nor

me knew her size since we always used to
take one of her old panties to the shop and
buy a new one.
Shyaam went to Rani and asked her the
panty size and Rani simply blinked. She
turned to me and I came to her rescue. I told
Shyaam that we always buy giving the old
one as sample. Immediately Shyaam said,
“OK, give me any old panty that u have!”.
Since the prospect of Rani needing another
panty never struck us that morning when we
had come for audition for the tele-serial,
obviously the only old panty of Rani was the
red panty which was wearing now. Since I felt
almost guilty that I dint even know the panty
size of my wife despite having been married
to her for 3 yrs, I cud not bring myself to say
that to everyone. So before somebody cud
raise a question, I myself told Rani to give the
panty that she was wearing. Rani again
looked at me as if to confirm whether I am
actually asking her to remove the single panty
that she had and remain pantyless before all
these men.

I told her , we had no other option and

anyway, she cud always cover up with her
skirt. So Rani went to the adjoining room and
removed her panty and came out and gave it
to Shyaam. Shyaam collected the panty as if
it were a gift and I saw him taking a sniff of
my wife’s just worn panty while he was
walking out of the room. My wife too noticed it
and it was very clear that , she was highly
embarrassed by the whole situation. After
giving the panty, my wife walked upto the bed
taking all possible care not to expose beyond
her thighs and sat on the bed carefully
crossing her legs so that there was no real
danger of exposure. I too was relieved that
my wife had handled herself with common
sense and still managed to save her pride in
front of these men. Thye director was busy
telling Naren what he shud be doing in the
scene while Natraj was adjusting the lighting
for the forthcoming scene. Only myself and
the touch up boy were standing idel and the
director must have noticed this. He also
noticed that my wife had started to sweat
again! He immediately told the touch-up boy,
Arey, Panty aaney thak thumara kaam tho kar
ke rakho! Saali is sweating like hell and u r
standing and watching!” . I noticed that the
director had by now successfully nicknamed
my wife as “Saali”(Whore). The director’s
shout had immediate effect. The touchup boy
rushed to my wife and started to wipe my
wife’s face and hands. He was even talking in
a friendly way to my wife while wiping.

“Didi, I very lucky boy! I touch up for Preity

Didi, Kareena Didi and they all become big
star!” he said in his broken English. My wife
took an instant liking to this innocent touch up
boy and smiled at him.

“Bhaiyya, hope your luck works on me too! “

she said while allowing him to wipe the seat
beads from her cleavage.

“U also become star Didi!” The touch up boy

changed from wiping with sponge to direct
hands and wiped off her cleavage. Because
the fellow looked so innocent , my wife did not
suspect for a moment why his hands were
lingering around her breasts even after wiping
the sweat.
“Thanks Bhaiyya! Thumara naam kya hain?”
she asked while he was wiping her legs. The
boy was kneeling before her by now and was
wiping her legs in the cross-legged position!”

“my name Raamu Didi” He had completed to

wipe her feet and knees.
“Acha naam hain!” my wife put her hands on
the boys hairline and gently ran through his
hair in an affectionate sisterly way.

“Thanks Didi!” said the boy and proceeded to

uncross my wife’s legs by himself all by
himself. He uncrossed her legs and because
my wife was not wearing any panty, he cud
see her hairy mound very clearly now. Not
only him, every one of us present in the room
were able to see my wife’s pussy mound and
the hairy bush surround it. The director and
Naren stopped their discussion and were
eying my wife’s pussy. Especially Naren
looked as though he was waiting for the
scene to start so that he cud put his hands on
this delicious mound which was erotically
covered by hair. I even saw that Natraj was
zooming his camera to cover my wife’s pussy.
I wanted to warn my wife with my eyes but my
wife was deeply in conversation with the
touch up boy. The boy too, though he was
initially taken aback by the sight of the bush
of my my wife’s pubic area, he quickly
returned to his normal self and was
continuing the friendly conversation with
her.Didi, this your first movie?” he asked as
he applied sponge on her thighs and his eyes
were feasting on my wife’s exposed cunt.
Unaware that her precious mound was visible
to all, my wife answered him,
“Ya, its my first movie!”

“Are, I very much surprise. Didi acting like

experience heroine!” The touch up
appreciated her acting performance as he
deftly replaced the wiping of the sponge with
his hands and his hands were groping up her
thighs towards her mound in the pretext of
wiping sweat. Though I tried frantically to
catch my wife’s attention , I cud not and I was
not able to walk in front of all these men to my
wife to say that her mound was visible to all. I
felt ashamed to do that. So, I kept trying to
draw my wife’s attention to me. But the boy
was doing everything to keep my wife in the
same exposed position with his friendly talk. I
cud see that Natraj had not moved for a
second from his camera and I was sure that
he was shooting the whole thing in the pretext
of adjusting camera. My wife took this
“experienced heroine” compliment with a shy
blush. That was too much……here was my
wife sitting in the centre of the room with her
mound displayed to all and she was blushing
for a praise.
“Hey Ramu, don’t say things just to make me
feel happy!” She said with a smile.

“No No Didi, Ramu always tell correct. Any

heroine I touch up, I judge correctly. Didi
become big star” Ramu was again buttering
my wife with praise while his hands caressed
my wife’s thighs and was almost on the edge
of Rani’s pussy. While praising my wife,
Ramu also deftly spread her legs more wide
and by now I cud even see the vagina of my
wife very very clearly. I cud see Naren licking
his lips in lust on seeing the spread pussy of
my wife. Rani had completely forgotten that
she was not wearing a panty and with slight
prodding from the fingers of Ramu, she
herself spread her legs wider to
accommodate the prying hands of Ramu on
her thighs so that he cud wipe her thighs out
comfortable. I think it must have been too
much of a control on Ramu till then and this
time his fingers went up and touched the
pussy mound of my wife. Since Rani had
been fondled and kissed throughout the day,
she must have felt highly passionate and
juices must have been flowering from her
pussy and when the boy touched her pussy,
he felt that it was very very wet.

The moment his fingers touched Rani’s

pussy, she came to her senses and
immediately realized that she was not
wearing a panty and she looked up at us and
saw that Naren, director and Natraj were all
looking at her mound. She understood that
she was giving a free show of her mound to
everyone in the room. As if in an involuntary
reaction, she immediately closed in her thighs
to prevent people seeing her mound. But she
had forgotten about the 14 year old boy’s
hands that were on her pussy and due to the
closing action of her thighs , Ramu’s hands
got gripped into her pussy.

Even then Ramu was keeping his cool and

continuing wiping her pussy with his hands..
My wife realized that this boy’s hands were
inside her pussy and she had to again spread
her legs wide and removed his hands from
her pussy and then closed back her legs.
During this, again the free darshan was given
to all . The boy acted surprised that she threw
away his hands and said,
“Didi, it is very wet there. Lot of sweat. I will
wipe it”. He was telling the wetness of my
wife’s juice as sweat. My wife simply bowed
her head and dint even bother to respond to
him. Her legs were firmly crossed. It looked
like my wife was about to lose her temper.
She was angry with herself for allowing so
many men see her mound and allowing a 14
ye old boy feel up her pussy and she was
about to show her anger on the boy. The
director understood the situation immediately.
He immediately rushed near my wife and
“Arey Ramu, that wetness is different. You
go!” and pushed the touch up boy away. He
then turned to my wife and said,

“ Sali , just by kissing u have become so wet

is it?” in a mocking way. He expected my wife
to blush and give her usual timid smile. But
the fact that so many had seen her pussy and
worse they had all come to know that she
was oozing cunt juices made my wife very
embarrassed and she wud have felt like
simply walking out the whole damn thing.
Seeing that my wife did not respond with the
usual blush, the director understood that she
was tensed. He proceeded to convince her.

“Arey Rani, why r u upset. Such things

happen. Do u know the famous Hema malini.
I was an assistant director in her movie.
There was a scene where she had to climb a
tree wearing a sari. I had to stay under the
tree to prompt the diologues to her. As I
looked up to prompt the dialogues , I realized
that she was not wearing any panty. I cud
clearly see Hema’s pussy. I was very young
then and the sight of this dream girl’s pussy
was just too much. I forgot to prompt her the
dialogues. Hema looked down at me and
realized that I was looking at her pubic
mound. She simply told all her dialogues
herself without any prompting and after the
scene she called me privately and told, “Sorry
Bhaiyya, I forgot to wear a panty and
distracted u!” . there was no trace of shyness
in her voice that she had shown her pussy to
me. She was very cool. Such professionalism
u shud also have!” So saying, he touched my
wife’s hair in very fatherly way and my wife
wud have really been touched by this
affectionate display of this strict director. She
just placed her hands on his shoulders and
started crying. The director hugged my wife
and rubbed her back soothingly.

“Its alright Rani! Its alright! “ he kept telling.

After crying for a minute , rani regained her
poise and sat upright. Seeing that the director
also was back to her normal self. He pinched
her cheeks naughtily and said,
“Sali ka pussy dekh kar yeh budda ka lauda
bhi bada hogaya!” and pointed at the erection
at his pants. Everyone laughed except me.
My wife too gave a faint smile and I cud even
see traces of pride that she had given an
erection to an old man.

The director returned to Naren and started

giving instructions. Shyaam came back within
a few minutes with a new set of panties and
my wife went in to the adjoining room and
returned quickly wearing one of them. She
must have also had a face wash as the tears
were gone from her face and her childish face
looked as radiant as ever. That is the
specialty of my wife. One moment she will
look like a voluptuous sex bomb and next
moment she can look like a innocent homely
housewife. Anyone looking at her shy childish
face now cannot believe that this is the same
woman who had spread her legs and showed
her cunt to all the men in the room.

She walked like a radiant princess and

straightaway took her position in the bed. It
was just then that I decided to go to the
adjoining RTO office where I wanted to
enquire something about renewing my driving
license. I went to my wife and told her that I
will be back about an hour or so later. She
gave me a look as though she was frightened
to be left alone in this room with these people.
But I told her that I will try to be back within an
hour and left.

When I was walking along the corridors only I

realized that I had not brought my original
license and so I had to go back. When I
entered the audition room again, this time the
lighting was very dull and I silently went to a
corner chair and sat. I noticed that Naren was
sitting by her side. But Natraj was still making
some last minute changes in the lighting. So
Naren and Rani were engaging themselves in
a friendly conversation. I noticed that my wife
had not noticed my coming back into the
room again. Though unintentional, I thought
that I got an opportunity to see how my wife
behaves when I am not there. I started
observing how Rani was moving with Naren.
For the initial few seconds Rani was slightly
uncomfortable and was not seeing Naren eye
to eye because the thought that only a few
minutes back , he had seen her hairy mound
must have flashed in her mind. But Naren
very carefully avoided any reference to that
and he was talking to her very casually.
“Didi, u look so young in this dress……in fact
younger than my college girls!”
“Don’t flatter me Naren” my wife blushed.
“No, No Didi, I am telling u the truth. If u walk
into our college with this mini, people may
think that u r a student of first year only! I am
telling u that for sure!” when he said sure, just
to stress his point, he pressed his hands on
my wife’s mini. Half his hands were in contact
with my wife’s mini and the other half on her
thighs. My wife was too pleased with this
comment and dint mind his placing his hand
on her thighs. Since the director was still not
satisfied with the lighting, Naren went on to
tell an adult joke to her. I saw that my wife
was really enjoying the joke and laughing.
She even moved more closer to Naren so
that she cud hear the jokes clearly. Naren
took this as a positive sign and casually put
his left arm around my wife’s shoulders while
his right hand was still lingering over her
thighs. I guess the next joke must have been
explicitly vulgar…..because I cud clearly hear
Naren say the words cock and cunt many
times in the joke. My wife enjoyed that joke
too. I saw that she was no more embarrassed
with Naren and was comfortable with him to
discuss sex jokes with explicit words. Naren
sensed this too and he said to her,
“Didi, u have got very good boobs!” while
saying this he looked at her cleavage that
was exposed by the mini.
“All woman have it!” my wife was just bowing
her head but she managed to answer him
nevertheless thereby encouraging him to talk
about her body.
“ no no didi, these ones are real special. Look
how big & firm they are. Nobody will tell that u
r married.!” He went on.
She asked Naren,
“why, what difference will marriage make?”
“ no no, its just that your boobs wud have
been pressed many times, sucked and all
that. So they will lose shape.. thats why?”
“ who told u if all these are done , then they
will lose shape?” my wife asked.
“ that is what they generally say!”
“That’s wrong. U see me….” My wife blurted
out and then she realized what she had said.
She bit her lips.
“Didi, it means your husband must have done
lots of boob sucking and pressing then…..?”
Naren was asking her a very intimate
question. My wife bowed shyly but she
nodded her head affirmatively. Slowly,
Naren’s left hand which was on her shoulders
came down further and was nibbling at her
exposed cleavage.
“u like it Didi?” Naren was probing further. My
wife still cud not meet him in the eyes but
mumbled an yes. This time Naren’s fingers
slowly went on top of her breast over her mini
and gently cupped them. My wife did not
resist at all. She was closing her eyes and
enjoying the breast cupping that Naren was
giving her. Naren was balling her breast with
increased confidence. At the same time, he
kept talking to her also…..
Now, we are having a kissing scene na, how
do u like to be kissed?”
My wife must have been taken aback by this
question. She has not even discussed with
me things like how to kiss. I have never once
asked her whether she liked her boobs being
sucked. But here she was discussing it with a
total stranger. She remained silent. Naren
helped her by giving some choices…..
“Didi , shall I bite your lips or lick them?” Now
my wife had to make a choice. She said
“Don’t bite….!”
“Ok didi, I wont bite, I will lick your lips
ok……. I love putting my tongue on your soft
lips and then lick your tongue also. Your lips
are so sweet Didi. I will suck your lips also
OK” I cud see that Naren was telling it in a
very seductive way and while saying, his right
hand which were on her thighs gently went
underneath the skirt and he was mildly
rubbing her thighs too. His left hand was
gently balling her boobies. I cud see that this
sexual talk had its effect on my wife and I cud
see her taking deep breaths. Just then the
director said.
“Ok, we are ready!”
He called “Camera, Action!”
Naren immediately started executing
whatever he was planning with my wife during
their talk. He pulled her closer to him and
kissed her lips. Within a few seconds, he
started licking her lips. I saw a change in my
wife too this time. She too kissed him
passionately and she also boldy extended her
tongue and licked Naren’s lips. Both their
tongues were alternatively going into each
other’s mouth and it was difficult to tell whose
tongue was where. Natraj also was facing the
same problem. So he must have told the
director. Immediately the director called “cut”.
The director went near Naren and my wife
and adjusted their faces such that their faces
were sideways to the camera. He then asked
them to kiss. As usual they were kissing each
other very intimately but nothing was seen
from outside. The director was not satisfied
with this. He asked Naren to get up and he
himself sat next to my wife. He then kissed
my wife on her lips. Because, it was a sixty
year old man and that he dint look that good
enough, my wife was not very inclined to kiss
him. But her fear of the director made her sit
there and receive the kisses. The director
held my wife’s head and tilted it expertly so
that the camera cud clearly see what was
happening. Then he put out his tongue and
slowly licked my wife’s lips. His tongue was
running through her lips as if he was licking
some jam. He then ordered,
“Rani, put out ur tongue!” Rani did as she was
told. Then again in open view, he met her
tongue with his tongue and played with it.
After having demonstrated how to lick my
wife’s lips clearly, he told Naren to do as he
he had done and came back. This time Naren
did exactly as he was told and camera cud
capture the meeting of my wife’s tongue with
Naren’s tongue very clearly. Then Naren slid
my wife on the bed and started kissing her
from her feet. He went up slowly and kissed
her knees and thighs. He gently raised her
skirt and planted kisses just near her white
laced panty. He even licked the insides of her
thighs. My wife bit her lips and was enjoying
the tongue caressing of Naren in her thighs.
Naren then took his face further up and
brushed his face on her breasts. Since in the
already shot mother care scene, he had put
his head on her breast, this time also he stuck
his head in between my wife’s big boobs and
my wife automatically encircled her arms
around his head and pressed them against
her boobs. Naren kissed her cleavage and
licked the ridge between her boobs with his
tongue. He then went up to her face and
kissed her lips . The director said “cut”. Naren
was about to get up. But the director said,

No Naren, u remain where u are! Once I

come near and tell u , u can continue from
there onwards” He then proceeded to discuss
the camera angles with Natraj leaving my wife
lying on the bed with Naren on top of her.
Seeing that the director might take some
time, Naren again started discussing with her
something intimate. I cud see that in the
position that they were lying, my wifes’ skirt
was raised well above and her panty was
exposed and Naren’s cock (inside his pants)
was just pressing against my wife’s panty. I
even saw that while talking to my wife, he
was slowly moving his hips so that his cock
brushed against her panty. It was clearly
evident that once again he was discussing
about her sex life as I cud see my wife lower
her head shyly. Naren’s face was so close to
my wife’s face and sometimes his lips
brushed against hers also. The sight of my
wife lying there with her skirt raised and her
panty exposed must have been very tempting
for anyone and I cud see that the touch up
boy immediately went near my wife and
started touching up her legs. My wife cudn’t
even see him because Naren was on top of
her but by this time she was very familiar with
the touch of this 14 yr old boy, she dint even
raise her head to see who was rubbing his
hands on her legs and thighs. Naren too
slightly spread his legs and exposed my
wife’s legs to accommodate this boy’s
touching up. Even as Naren spread his legs ,
I noticed that he did not move his hips away
from my wife’s and his cock was still pressing
against my wife’s panty. With Naren on top of
her and Ramu rubbing her thighs my wife
must have looked like a seasoned whore to
anyone and Shyaam who was watching all
this found it too very hard to resist.

He just went up to my wife and sat by the side

of the bed. He took her hands in his hands
and kissed it.
“U look so great Rani, too sexy, just too good!
You acted out this scene very well” he kept
saying and wud have planted atleast 20
kisses on her hands. My wife simply blushed..
Seeing that my wife was not treating him as
an intrusion, Shyaam felt encouraged and he
turned to Naren and said,

“ Naren, I saw that u were sucking her lower

lips. Why don’t u try sucking her upper lip
alone….? See, let me show u…….” So
saying, Shyaam bent upon my wife’s face and
kissed her and sucked her upper lips alone.
Naren too got the hint and once Shyaam
removed his lips from my wife’s lips, Naren
sucked my wifes upper lips and asked

Shyaam and Naren kissed and sucked my

wife’s lips alternatively for 4 ,5 times. My wife
was just lying there allowing her lips to be
licked at by 2 strangers.
“while kissing, why don’t u put a hand on her
boobs sideways like this and press them
together so that the fleshiness of Rani’s
boobs gets exposed well through this top cut
of the mini.” Shyaam kept his hands on both
sides of my wife’s boobs and pressed them.
Naren too followed suit and they took turns at
pressing my wife’s boobs. My wife had by
now reached a highly charged state and she
was eagerly responding to their kisses. At
one stage both Shyaam and Naren were
extending their tongues in front of my wife’s
face and my wife met both their tongues with
hers. She was feeling extremely hot and her
cunt juices were flowing out of her panty too.
The boy who was touching up her thighs and
was fondling her very close to her pantyline
saw that juice was flowing out and he started
rubbing the juice on her thighs. My wife was
too engrossed in licking both the men’s lips
and tongues that she failed to notice that
Ramu’s hands was gradually entering her
panty and was slowly trying to explore her
mound. While trying to rub my wife’s panty ,
the touch up boy’s hands came in contact
with Naren’s cock which was pressing against
her cunt and he rubbed both my wife’s cunt
as well as Naren’s cock. This cock rubbing
had a great stimulating effect on Naren and
he forcefully kissed my wife and bit her lips.
When he had bit my wife’s lips in the morning,
my wife was new to all this but at this moment
she was in highly passionate mood and she
put both hands on Naren’s head and sucked
his lips with great passion. Naren was
pleased by this and once she released him,
he said,
“Thanks Didi!” Watching this, Shyaam was
stroking himself in his pants. When Naren
and Rani broke their kiss, Shayam asked
“what about me?” My wife looked at him as if
what he wants. Shyaam was sitting sideways
near my wife’s hands and he gently took her
hands and placed it on his bulging cock. My
wife started to strike it while she again tongue
kissed Naren. Suddenly Shyaam must have
remembered something and said,
“Rani, U r so good! Why don’t we sign the
agreement today itself?” Since my wife was
too deeply involved in licking Naren’s face
she failed to hear this. Shyaam turned to me
and called me nearby to discuss about
agreement. I went and stood near the bed
where my wife was oblivious of my presence
and she was running her tongue wild on
Naren’s ears and face. She was also fervently
stroking Shyaam’s cock. Despite my wife
stroking his cock Shyaam very professionally
asked me , “ Guhan, shall we sign the
agreement today itself?” I thought that things
had gone too far and decided that there was
no point going back now. I said “OK , we will
sign it today itself!” On hearing the voice of
her husband in such close quarters, my wife
gave a jerk and withdrew her face from Naren
. She also stopped stroking Shyaam and
turned and looked at me.”Guhan ji, when did
u come?”she blurted out. Though my wife cud
control herself and withdraw on seeing me,
Naren was by now too deeply passionate and
he kept licking my wife’s face while she was
talking to me. Shyaam’s cock too was by now
enjoying the soft stroking of my wife’s hands
and he too promptly took back her hands and
placed them on his cock and started rubbing
her hands against his cock. My wife was
highly embarrassed to face me in this
position. Imagine facing the husband with a
guy lying on top of u and licking u and a guy
is being stroked by u and a boy who is
sniffing at your cunt . must have been really
awkward position. But still my wife managed
to say,
“Guhan ji, practice is going on till lighting
arrangements” she managed to say. Just as
she completed the sentence Naren ran
through his tongue on the cheeks of my wife.
My wife looked at me with her eyes showing
real fear. I too had reached my breaking point
and was about to shout at her “U horny bitch!”
when Shyaam noticed the angry expression
on my face. He told me,
“Guhan ji , shall we put in the agreement all
these 50 lakhs or shall we show a less
amount in writing..otherwise u may have
income tax problem u know!” . Once he
mentioned that 50 lakhs, I came to my senses
and immediately said in a soft voice,
“ya ya we will show only less amount in the
agreement.” Shyaam said,
“That’s right. I must tell u Guhan ji that your
wife is co-operating with us excellently. Why
don’t u appreciate her for that?” While he said
this his hands were still rubbing my wife’s
hands on his pants. I turned to my wife and
gave a very nice smile and said,
“That’s very good darling. I am glad that u r
co-operating!” My wife gave a relieved look
and she said to me,
“Thanks Guhan ji”. Before she cud complete
the sentence Naren had kissed her on her
mouth and my wife too, with the relief that I
have no objection, took part very eagerly in
the kiss. I even saw that, Shyaam had
removed his hands and my wife was by
herself stroking him. I went back to my
position in the corner of the room and
resumed watching the whole thing. Watching
my wife’s whorish display in such close
proximity had given me an erection and since
in this corner , no one cud see me very
clearly due to poor lighting, I gently started
stroking myself watching Naren lick my wife
and Shyaam getting stroked
By this time the director and Natraj had made
all arrangements and the director announced
“Alright, lets start!” I was surprised that he or
Natraj dint even bother to comment on the
mini orgy that was going on during the break
and I guessed that they must be used to such
orgies by heroes and heroines during
shootings. Immediately, Shyaam left the
place. The touch up boy quickly removed his
hands from my wife’s panty and went up and
wiped her face and went to the corner. The
scene resumed. Naren continued his licking
and sucking. My wife too acted very well. The
passionate scene was shot for some ten
minutes. The director was shouting from the
“ Lick her lips!”
“Haan, put ur tongue inside!”
“ Saali, Why are u keeping quite, u too suck
“Naren, press that randi’s (whore’s) boobs!
“Sali, turn this side and show ur cleavage to
the camera!”
“Put ur hands on his head while he is licking
“Lick that Randi’s face Naren, let her face be
fully covered with your saliva!”
“Sali, spread your legs a little. Natraj , zoom
on her panty.”
“ Now go up, zoom on her boobies. Sali ki
choonchiya bahuth badi hain. ( The breasts of
this bitch is too big). Let the whole world see
how much big breast this whore has got!”
Already Naren and my wife were giving a
great passionate display. With such expert
guidance from the director, the scene became
very erotic.

Naren, camera is on her boobs. Put your

tongue there!”
“Rani, press his face on your boobs. Let his
tongue lick ur total cleavage.”
“ Now, go for a face close-up Natraj…..!”
“Hey Naren, slightly lift ur head. Let the
camera foucus on this Randi’s face”
Naren who was intimately kissing my wife
lifted his head. My wife dint like this
intervention. Her face was showing

“Hey rani, ur face shud show enjoyment” The

director was yelling at her. But when Naren
was doing all the kissing and fondling, my
wife’s face was very passionate. When he
stopped , it was very difficulty for her to show
that emotion. After all this was her first day at
acting. She tried to twist and bite her lips and
all that but the director was not very happy
with her expressions.
He shouted “ Randi, Don’t show your childish
face! everyone here knows that you are a top
class whore and u can take all the cocks
here. Show your horny expressions!” But still
my wife cud not satisfy the director.

The director decided that he had to act .He

walked near her and sat by her legs. He
asked Natraj to focus only on her face. Then
he did a very unexpected thing. He coolly
inserted his hands into my wife’s panty and
touched her naked cunt. From the position of
his hand , it looked like he had inserted his
finger into her cunt. It wud have gone in very
easily since by now everyone cud see that
cunt juice was flowing out of her panties
along her thighs. He started fucking her cunt
with his fingers. My wife gave a gasp
“Ahhhhhh” when he inserted his fingers but
once the director set himself into a rhythmic
motion , she closed her eyes and enjoyed the
finger fuck of this sixty year old man. The
director rounded his finger and changed
angles and was expertly finger fucking her.
“Ahhhhhhh Nooooooooo,………!” My wife
was shouting and enjoying herself and
Natraj’s camera was taking in all her horny
expressions. After that close up was over the
director pulled his fingers from her cunt and to
my shock openly put it into his mouth and
sucked her cunt juice which was sticking to
his fingers.
“Sali ki fuck juice masth hain. (The cunt juice
of this bitch is tasty). One day I have to allot
for licking her cunt alone. Now there is no
time!” he dint even bother that I was there in
the room when he said that. He also
proceeded to explain how he learnt this finger
“Standard technique! Always works. I have
tried it with Jayaprada, meenakshi sheshadri
and all. Almost all whores fall for this. Only
Randi who is an exception to this was
Shabana Azmi.”
He paused for a second and then said
“To get the expression out of that whore,
finger fuck wont do. U have to lick her pussy!”
Then he went back near the camera and
gave instructions for continuing the scene
After the finger fuck of director, my wife was
looking restless. She resembled a horny bitch
now. Once the director told “Action” this time,
I cud see that my wife was biting Naren’s lips
vigourously .She had put her hands on him
and was hugging him tightly . She even slid
her hands down and pressed Naren’s ass
against her hips. As the scene got hotter, I
cud see that she was repeatedly prodding
Naren’s buttocks and pressing as if to signal
that she wanted a fuck.

But the scene was being shot and obviously

Naren cud not oblige her. But by this time, my
wife was totally out of her senses and was in
a height of passion. The director calling her
repeatedly “randi” and “Sali” also must have
played in her mind and she started almost
behaving like one. When she found that
Naren was only petting her breasts and
kissing, she looked like as if she was craving
for a cock. But this young college boy was
really no match my wife and it was becoming
very clear that it was my wife who was
controlling the action in the bed. At one point,
my wife became very horny and she pulled
Naren’s head to her face and bit his lips with
passion. Naren’s lips were pulled by my wife’s
teeth and he even gave a shout “Ah” . But my
wife still did not stop. She also started
gyrating her hips so that her panties rubbed
against Naren’s cock. The situation was
clearly going out of control. Sensing this, the
director immediately said “cut.” On hearing
the cut, Naren must have been very much
relieved and immediately tried to get up. But
my wife forcibly pulled him back to her and
kept licking at his face and ears and only after
director shouted,
“Hey Randi, Leave him!” she came to her
senses and withdrew her hands. Naren
literally jumped out of the bed and went
straight to the toilet. The wetness in his pants
showed that he had ejaculated within his
pants because of persistent hip rubbing by
my wife. This time my wife’s face showed
more anger than shame. From morning, the
repeated fondling and kissing had made her
very very horny . All she needed now was a
good fuck and she was angry that she was
not getting it now. Sensing my wife’s anger,
Shyaam did not go near her this time. But the
touch up boy Ramu had a job to do. During
this erotic scene shooting, since my wife had
been very very active , she was sweating like
anything now and so Ramu had to go near
her . by this time my wife had got up and was
sitting at the edge of the bed. Ramu stood
next to her and started wiping her face and
neck. My wife’s face showed that still she was
very very horny and she started looking at
this young boy with lot of lust. She herself
pulled his hands towards her breast and
when Ramu was as usual lingering on the
edges of her cleavage, she pulled his hands
into her bra. Ramu looked around and saw
that everyone was busy. So he too took the
chance and put his fingers inside my wife’s
bra and kneaded her fleshy breasts. But my
wife was not satisfied with this light kneading.
She wanted her breasts to be crushed. She
herself put her hands over Ramu’s hands and
pressed it. She led his fingers to her nipples
and said in a soft voice,

Ramu Bhaiyya, Zara idhar bhi karna!” (Ramu,

Pls do it here also!”)
Ramu was too shocked but he obliged my
wife by saying,
“Ok didi!” His fingers were now into her bra
and they were twisting and turning my wife’s
nipples . My wife gave a erotic sigh and
closed her eyes and enjoyed this nipple
twisting by this 14 yr old boy. Ramu was by
now having an erection and since he was
wearing only trousers, his cock had shifted
towards one side and was peaking high.
Since his trousers were lose and he dint wear
any underwear , his cock cud be seen from
beneath. My wife opened her eyes and
because she was sitting and Ramu was
standing by her side, the first thing she saw
was Ramu’s naked cock trying to come out of
his trousers. She cud also see a glint of pre
cum in the tip of the cock. On seeing that
precum, my wife licked her lips. I must tell u
here that my wife has never sucked me.
Though I had requested her some times, she
had always refused it saying that such things
are not done by chaste family women. But
now, I saw that she was ogling this 14 year
old boy’s tender cock with lust and licking her
lips. This sight made me too hot and my
stroking of my cock gained pace. My wife
looked around and saw if anyone was
watching. As usual, Natraj and Director were
arguing over some camera angle in one
corner. Shyaam and Naren had left for a
smoke. She then looked in my direction and
saw that I was watching them. Our eyes met
for a few seconds.

My wife saw that I was stroking myself on

seeing her. She saw the erect cock in my
hand and she saw the to and fro motion of my
hands. My wife stared at me blankly as if she
was hesitating what to do since I was
watching. After almost a day full of fondling
and kissing, she appeared to be a bitch in
heat. She took a decision that even if her
husband was watching, her passion was too
much to resist and her hands gently slid along
Ramu’s trousers below. She put her hands
through the lower portion of his trousers and
exposed his cock openly. Now his cock was
in open air dangling just in front of my wife’s
face. Again my wife looked at me for a
second. Then she turned to Ramu. She
slowly moved her face towards Ramu and
planted a soft kiss on the tip of his cock. She
then slowly let out her tongue and licked his
cock in small circles. Initially she licked the
sides and then she licked the tip also along
with the precum. Ramu gave an excited sigh .
Having tasted his cock, my wife was
convinced that cock sucking was’nt as bad
she had feared and in fact this cock should
have tasted good in her mouth. So she was
into full fledged sucking. She sucked him for
about a minute and when she had brought his
cock to about 12 inches , she withdrew her
mouth. She lifted her skirt above her panties
and slightly pushed her panty to one side.
She again gave a cunt darshan to this boy
and said,
“Bhaiyya, zara apni didi ko chodo na…..!
Dekho Didi kitni garam ho gayi!”
(Brother, Pls fuck your sister, see how hot
your sister has become!” and gently took his
hands and placed on her mound. Ramu cud
immediately feel both the wetness and
hotness of her mound.
“Bhaiyya, chodo na muje!” ( Brother, fuck me
!” ) I was shocked to see my wife use such
words, that too to a young boy who was half
as old as her. I realized that my wife had
become too desperate now. By this time
Shyaam and Naren also had returned but
were just standing in a corner and watching
this amazing scene of my wife begging a 14
yr old for a fuck. For Ramu, all this must have
been too much. After all he was just 14 and
this experience of a heroine sucking his cock
and spreading her cunt and asking him to
fuck him must have been a new experience
for him and he had become too very
emotional and dint know what to do. My wife
mistook his silence as if he wants some more
cock sucking and she dutifully licked his cock
for some more time. This was too much for
Ramu and just as my wife withdrew her
mouth from his cock , Ramu ejaculated. The
drops of his cum just missed my wife’s face .
The whole scene of a 14 year old boy
ejaculating in front of my wife’s childish face
made me real hot. My wife looked like a
cheap whore when those cum drops of a low
class touch up boy flew near her face and I
found that this was too erotic for me and my
cock was throbbing like anything. My
strokings increased and I too ejaculated. My
wife looked annoyingly at the semen drops
that flew from the cock of this boy. My wife
cud not have her fuck again. She was very
disappointed. Instinctively she turned and
looked at me and saw that I was also
enjoying an orgasm and this must have
infuriated her further. Everyone seemed to
enjoy an orgasm except for my wife.

Just then the director approached my wife

and saw what had happened. He glanced
down and saw that Ramu had wet the floor
and told Ramu
“Hey boy, woh tho Randi hain. Kuch bhi
karega. Kisiko bhi chodega! Magar thum
behave karna chahiye na!”
(She is a prostitute and she will do anything.
She will fuck anybody. But you have to
behave yourselves!)
Ramu repeatedly kept telling “Sorry Saab!
Galthi hogaya!”
The director must have taken pity on him.
Afterall who can resist such a beauty like my
wife spreading her pussy and sucking cock!
The director said matter of factly,
“Ok, clean this mess!”
Then he went to Rani who was still in an
agitated state after having missed a fuck with
the boy. He gently place his arms around her
in a comforting way and said,
“Ok Sali. Today we will stop this audition and
continue with the shooting tomorrow!”
He turned to Shyaam and asked him when is
the distributor’s meet. Shyaam told it was on
the day after tomorrow. The director turned to
me and said, we are planning for a small
party for our main distributors that night. U
can bring ur wife and we can introduce our
new heroine to the distributors. I nodded my
head. Then he turned to my wife and helped
her get up from the bed. My wife who was
expecting that another scene wud be shot
and somehow she cud get Naren fuck her this
time was disappointed that the audition had
come to an end.
The director understood this and gave her a
friendly hug. He said to her,
“Are meri sweet randi, I know how u feel!
That’s why I have got a gift for u. He then put
his hands in his pocket and took out the car
keys of a Honda City. He kissed my wife on
her lips and said,
“Sali, this car is for u ! Because I know how
hot u feel, I have arranged a car driver also!”
he then called out

Daniel, come here…..!” and next moment a

well built Six feet tall Negro walked into the
room. He was dressed in white and white in a
driver’s uniform. He obviously did not wear an
underwear and his penis had slid to one side
of his pants. My God, it was almost touching
his knees. Daniel went and stood dutifully in
one corner. The director pointed towards
Daniel and said to my wife,
“He will be your personal chauffer!” I cud see
that my wife was ogling at the crotch of this
Negro and when she saw that this negro was
quite well hung, I cud see that she was again
licking her lips.
The director pulled my wife towards himself
and put his hands into her skirt. He pinched
her cheeks and said in her ears softly,
“He can drive anything u want him to! He will
be your slave” He gently licked my wife’s ears
after saying this.

I cud see that my wife was too very overjoyed

upon this new development. She was looking
at Daniel as if he were a toy and she was a
baby who cant wait to play with it. The color
returned in her face now and she was back to
her cheerful self.

The director turned to me and put his arms

around my shoulders . he took me aside and
“I am telling u from my personal experience . I
have worked with many actresses. They are
all Randis. And ur wife also has become a
Randi today. So u alone cannot keep her in
control. Its better to keep a guy like Daniel by
ur side to satisfy her if things go out of hand!”

By this time, I was too shocked and dint say

My wife was now telling good night to the
director. She herself went and hugged him
and gave him an affectionate kiss .The
director also hugged her affectionately.
“Thanks for the special gift!” My wife said to
“Enjoy kar, Sali”the director said . He pinched
her cunt and said,
“Sali ka pussy masth hain. (Bitch’s cunt is
very good) . But shave and come for next
shooting. Otherwise in swimsuit scenes, your
bush will also be seen. Then everyone will fall
flat like our touch up boy looking at your hairy
cunt!” everyone including my wife laughed at
this joke. Then Rani went up to her co-star
Naren .She playfully put her fingers on his
hair and said,
“Hey Boy, U cud not even hold ur dick for
some time. U wet it so soon .I am making u
sooo hot and u call me Didi…Anyway better
luck next time Bhaiyya!”
Naren smiled and accepted her wishes.
She went to Shyaam too and kissed him and
squeezed his cock with her hands. Natraj
himself came to her and knelt in front of her
and raised her skirt, gently pulled her panties
and planted a soft kiss on her cunt. My wife
took this kiss on her cunt gracefully and
moved ahead. Just as she was about to leave
the room, she remembered the touch up boy
Ramu and called him towards her and fondly
hugged him too. She even slid her fingers into
his trousers and gently squeezed his cock. I
cud see that some of the cum that were still
on his cock came on to my wife’s hands too.
But she dint seem to mind squeezing his wet
I said to her softly,
“Rani, shall we go!”
She said , “ Ya Guhan ji, just make sure that
Daniel is there!”
My wife’s audition was successfully over……

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