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Character Information for Character ID 2240

Owner: somerandumdude#8991
Status: Approved

Name: Carl

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Abilities/tools: [Magic Sword] — Whenever he is in a pickle, Carl can summon an

average sized sword (about 30 CM's in length). However, whenever he summons one, he
loses a little energy, disabling abilities for 10 seconds. He can summon up to 4 of
them at the same time, but when he exceeds 4 he faints of exhaustion. [Food Summon]
— Carl can summon any type of food that he has either cooked or learnt the recipe
to. He can also summon ingredients to a recipe if he never cooked that recipe.
[Lucky Charm] — Carl always carries his lucky charm with him, which happens to be
two of a kind. When he found it, he remembered seeing his friend wear it before,
and was confused because his friend said the charm was a one of a kind. [Time
Stopwatch] — Carl once found a small, antique stopwatch while exploring through a
forest. When he tried it, all the sounds around him stopped. He was amazed, then
saw a waterfall stuck in place when he decided to keep the stopwatch. What he
doesn't know is that the stopwatch can only be used twice a day and can only stop
natural things (waterfalls, falling rocks, small background animals like birds etc)
BUT it can slow down people, the weaker they (physically) are the more it slows
them down and if they're about one hit away from death, it can fully stop them. If
they are still strong and healthy they completely ignore it.

Appearance: He wears a size 19 orange shirt with 3 magenta stripes. He has a light
yellow skin color and always wears his lucky charm (more info in Tools).

Species: None

Backstory: Carl's parents abandoned him when he was 11 years old because they
couldn't afford to take care of him anymore. He was moved to an orphanage in Newer
Home to live with the monsters, then realized monsters can be a lot kinder and
forgot about his parents there. But one day, he and his friend went camping in the
forest when they suddenly saw something in the distance. They decided to go and
explore and saw a huge doorframe carved into Mt. Ebott where Carl's friend said
that it used to be a barrier that separated humans and monsters. He was amazed, and
had never seen anything like it in his 5 years of exploring the forest and city.

Personality: Carl is usually very paranoid whenever he is alone but is also amazed
pretty easily. He hates swimming (even though he can swim), he would eat just about
anything edible, and loves architecture and exploring. Carl can be amazed by
showing him any type of ancient ruins or any thing/place that seems to defy physics
and/or gravity.


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