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Weekly Reflection 2

The statement by Mary Wollstonecraft is taken from her book A Vindication of the
Rights of Woman (Wollstonecraft, 1982). In this statement she is asserting the fact that
even though men and women are distinct to each other and have contrasting
responsibilities to attend to, the concepts of their way of conducting them should be fair
and equal. 

Wollstonecraft reflects in her statement that, the fundamentals that should govern the
responsibilities of women should include their right to reason adequately and be valued
culturally as men.

Women should be given the opportunity to validate their decisions and opinions on the
basis of their own reasoning, rather than being influenced by other factors. The norms
of our society show that most of the women take their decisions for the sake of their
family, children etc. This creates a sense of emotional imprisonment as they cannot
validate themselves. Women being rational is taken as a drawback in the society,
especially by men which in return causes them to be disliked. This practice should be
stopped and women should be given the right to be logical and rational as well reason
their actions by their own virtue.

In our history and culture, it has been proven innumerous times where it was shown that
women are inferior human beings which had deprived them of basic human rights,
leading to live a separate kind of life full of obligations and obstacles in every stance.
This as a result altered their way of choices in fulfilling their responsibilities. These are
still visible in many forms of life, though not significant but subtly hampering women,
which needs to drastically change.

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