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Reference Scripture: see Isaiah 55:8-11

• Today I want us to look at, prosperity of the Word.

• Honestly, if you stop memorising verses, it shows that you're getting old.
Memorising verses is for everybody.

• Memorisation of verses should be done in King James.

• Memorisation of verses will help to prevent Alzheimer’s disease which is becoming

common nowadays.

• Alzheimer’s occurs when the neurons are not connecting.

• However, Scripture memorisation helps with neuronal activity and may help prevent
Alzheimer’s in the long term.

• Today's preaching message is titled, “Prosperity of the Word.

• You must believe that when the Word of God comes into you, it will prosper in you.

• The Word of God is a very fantastic thing.

• In John 1:1 we see the mysterious nature of the Word.

• Prosper in Hebrew means Tsalach which means to break out, to come mightily

Window: The origins of the First Love Church was a result of the Quiet Time I
had. I believe The Quiet Time I had was telling me to, go back to my first love.

I thought that I loved God but the circumstances in my life revealed to me that I
indeed needed to go back to my First Love.

The Quiet Time indeed prospered in me and now see how it has become a big
thing. The Word of God became mighty and prospered in me.

• Tsalach means to break out and make progress.

The Word of God making progress means the Word of God is advancing in us.
• It is very wild that the Word of God is being associated with prosperity.

• To Tsalach means to push forward.

The Word of God has the ability to push out patterns, traditions and demonic fixations.
When this occurs, it makes the Word of God take a higher place in your life.

• The Word of God must be the most important thing in our life.

• When you become rebellious and start practising evil openly it means the Word of God is
no more important in your life.

• I am encouraging you to allow the Word of God to take utmost importance in your life.

• To prosper means to flourish.

• Every parent will be happy that the Word of God is that which controls their children
especially in these dark times.

• To prosper means to break out.

The Word of God breaking out means it comes out of hiding and becomes a great thing.

Window: When the missionaries came to Ghana and settled around the coast;
The Methodist settled in and around Cape Coast. The Presbyterians settled in and
around Osu, around the Christianborg area. Other missionaries ventured into
Keta area. The missionaries were lined up across from East to West, Coast to

Eventually the Word of God broke out from the coast and went up into mainland
Ghana. The missionaries went up the mountains, hills and eventually the gospel
got to the North as well. When the missionaries begun to dominate Ghana, they
spilled over into neighbouring countries like by crossing borders.

• Initially when the Word of God comes, it is hides in a cocoon and it eventually breaks out.

• The beginning of your good life begins from the Word.

• The word of God which you're hearing was with God and was God.
You must not always understand everything.

• The human mind is limited in the things that it can grasp and understand.

• As humans we are even struggling to learn about nature and technology.

• In the same way, you can’t always understand everything contained within the Bible, but
you must believe in it. We don’t understand how telephone calls are made between
Ghana and Australia but we still believe in its power and make calls

• You must quote the Word, memorise the Word, depend on the Word for it prosper in

• When you're the pioneer and the first walking through life with no one in front of you,
you must depend on the Word for your complete guidance (see Job 29:2).

• When you finish school, you realise there is darkness even as there is no guidance on
what to do.
Some of us continue with Masters etc because we don't want to start life proper.

• The Word of God brings us light that will guide us in all aspects of life (eg: marriage)
(Reference Scripture: see Job 29:3)

• The darkness in this life is too much and we need light.

Illustration: When swimming in a pool and you open your eyes, it is different
from when you’re swimming in the vast ocean and you open your eyes. In the
ocean, it's pitch darkness.

Therefore, for submariners they really need to trust in their video instruments
for navigation since great darkness exist all around them in the very depths of the

When swimming in the ocean, you're trying to navigate your movement in the
midst of the very high waves.

• In life, there is pitch darkness all around and we need to trust something (which is the
Word of God) in order to navigate through this life safely.

• All around us, there are demons and other evil entities seeking to destroy our lives.
When the dark times come, what will you do?
How will you navigate through them?

• You need the light of the Word of God for guidance because we don't actually know what
exists in this pitch darkness called life.

Prophetic Declaration: I am walking through the darkness by His light.

• This life is all about walking through darkness.

Window: During my time in senior high school, I became born again. After my
medical school education, I was guided by the Word, “to give myself wholly” and
that is why I am still here today

The light of the Word of God has guided and directed me this far

• The secrets of God are normally revealed unto us during our youth, because young
people are full of life and faith. (see Job 29:4)

Window: When I heard the blessed voice that, “from today you can teach,” I
believed it although my church was just up to 4 rows.

When I get revelations, I start walking and moving around and carrying it out.

• Don't listen to many messages. Just listen to messages that check you and will cause a
change in you.

• Sometimes, I have my Quiet Time from the same place because I feel it has not entered
into me nor accomplished anything.

• As a Christian, if you have not read your Bible nor meditated on it, you should really be
afraid because your day will not be successful. (see Joshua 1:8)

• As a pastor, you should have your Quiet Time separately aside from your preaching
If you don't do that as a pastor, shame on you because as a pastor you're acting like a
penguin or hyena who is only half baked or is partly digesting and regurgitating the
Word of God.

• As a Christian, the Word of God should dominate every area of your life.
When the Word of God dominates every area of your life, it shows that the Word of God
has entered you.

✓ When you're questioned on whether loyalty is biblical and important, your

answer lies in the Word of God (see Proverbs 20:28 ERV)

✓ When someone comes up with topic of divorce, you should have your answers in
scripture again. (see Matthew 5:32)

Prophetic Declaration: The candle of the Lord is guiding me.

• I want everyone here to look forward to God's Word guiding them.

• The Word of God is precious because visions are infrequent. (1 Samuel 3:1)
• The Word of God is equal to a vision and this allusion is so wild. The Word of God has
revelations and visions embedded in it.
Therefore, if you haven't had the revelation of God's Word, it may seem ordinary or
normal to you.

Prophetic Declaration: From today, God will be revealing Himself to you through
the Bible all the time

• The Word of God is exactly like the voice of man and we must be careful to discern when
God is speaking through a man.

• Most of us want to see an angel in 3D before we believe that God is trying to speak to us.

• Supernatural things may seem like natural things but if you don't have the revelation, it
may seem like a normal experience

Window: Hope Center was built out of a dream or vision I had. I woke up
weeping for people who are blind, amputees etc

• The Word of God is really wild because if it enters you and prospers in you, you do
mighty things.

• For some of us, we want to picture seeing a projector screen in our dreams before we
think that we have seen a vision.

• God appears to us time and time again through His Word (see 1 Samuel 3:21)

• For some of us, God has been appearing unto us everyday through His Word but we
discount it because we are waiting for the spectacular (visions through projector screens,
angelic appearances etc)

• Let the Word of God become the main thing in your life.

Window: Whilst praying in the night today, I was reading Isaiah and all of a
sudden the Scriptures entered into me and gave me energy.

• Stop saying that you don't have visions because the Lord appears to you everyday by His

• Let the Word of God enter into you, be turned in you and be soaked into you, that is
when the Word of God will begin to prosper in you.

• For those of us here, we are not listeners of messages but we are soakers of messages.

• When you begin to understand this mystery, you will begin to have multiple visions even
as you read or listen to the Word of God.
Prophetic Declaration: Thank you for blessing the church and causing the Word
of God to prosper in us
(speaking in tongues)

May you receive multiple visions by the Word of God.

Lord appear and let your Word flourish in us like never before in
Jesus' name.


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