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A Primer on Selected Aspects of Evidence-

Based Practice Relating to Questions of
Treatment, Part 1: Asking Questions,
Finding Evidence, and Determining Validity
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s the physical therapy profession continues the transition making and to assist clinicians in select-

A toward autonomous practice, the emphasis on decreasing

practice variation and standardizing care around best practice
ing and applying interventions that will
maximize positive patient outcomes.33
Copyright © 2008 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

According to the Guide to Physical

patterns to maximize clinical outcomes and cost effectiveness Therapist Practice,7 patient management
will continue to evolve.10,18 Providing “best care” is linked to the basic consists of 5 interrelated elements: exam-
concept of evidence-based practice (EBP): integration of clinical ination, evaluation, diagnosis, prognosis,
expertise with the patient’s values and the best available research and interventions and outcomes. Data
evidence to ensure optimal outcomes.50 Clinical expertise refers to collected during the initial examination
should be evaluated and should facilitate
the clinician’s proficiency and acuity when Ideally, the best available evidence, in- decision making regarding management
making judgments and applying clinical tegrated into decisions about individual strategies that are most appropriate for
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

skills in the care of individual patients. patients, should be based on patient-cen- the individual patient. The diagnostic
Finally, another goal of EBP is to improve tered clinical research.46 Many physical process in physical therapist practice
clinical performance through critical therapists believe that practicing EBP has been described in detail elsewhere.20
evaluation of the current evidence and requires too much time for the busy cli- Once the diagnostic process surpasses
the integration of the “best evidence” in nician; but, in reality, a purpose of EBP is the treatment threshold, or the point in
the management of individual patients.15 to improve efficiency in clinical decision the examination at which the clinician
has determined that treatment may be-
TIODEFI?I0 The process of evidence-based principles relating to steps 1, 2, and 3 of this gin,20 the clinician must determine the
practice (EBP) guides clinicians in the integration 5-step model. The purpose of this commentary is optimal intervention or combination of
of individual clinical expertise, patient values and to provide a perspective to assist clinicians in for- interventions needed to maximize pa-
expectations, and the best available evidence. tient outcomes. The clinician uses data
mulating foreground questions, searching for the
Becoming proficient with this process takes time
best available evidence, and determining validity collected during the examination, along
and consistent practice, but should ultimately lead
to improved patient outcomes. The EBP process of results in studies of interventions for orthopae- with the diagnosis and patient goals, to
entails 5 steps: (1) formulating an appropriate dic and sports physical therapy. J Orthop Sports determine the patient’s prognosis and
question, (2) performing an efficient literature Phys Ther 2008;38(8):476-484. doi:10.2519/ likely response to treatment. All elements
search, (3) critically appraising the best available jospt.2008.2722 of patient management as described by
evidence, (4) applying the best evidence to clinical
TA;OMEH:I0 critical appraisal, physical the Guide to Physical Therapist Practice7
practice, and (5) assessing outcomes of care. This
first commentary in a 2-part series will review therapy, treatment effectiveness relate to components of EBP. However,
this clinical commentary will focus on as-

Associate Professor, Department of Physical Therapy, Franklin Pierce University, Concord, NH; Physical Therapist, Rehabilitation Services, Concord Hospital, Concord, NH.
Associate Professor, School of Physical Therapy, Regis University, Denver, CO. 3 Assistant Professor, School of Physical Therapy, Regis University, Denver, CO; Faculty, Regis
University Manual Therapy Fellowship, Regis University, Denver, CO. 4 Professor, Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions, Provo, UT; Associate Professor, Baylor University,
Waco, TX. Address correspondence to Dr Joshua Cleland, Franklin Pierce College, 5 Chenell Drive, Concord, NH 03301. E-mail:

476 | august 2008 | volume 38 | number 8 | journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy
pects of EBP associated with determining questions: background and foreground. (CINAHL). Search strategies entail using
appropriate treatment. Background questions are developed to 1 or more key words that may be found
In the clinical decision-making pro- enhance knowledge relative to a specific in the article’s title or abstract. Addition-
cess, a certain degree of uncertainty ex- disorder.46 For example, a clinician may ally, some databases use Medical Subject
ists with regard to interventions that ask “What causes carpal tunnel syn- Headings (MeSHs), which are biomedi-
will most likely maximize the chance drome?” or “Why do patients develop cal terms that designate major concepts
of obtaining successful outcome for an coronary artery disease?” While these within the MEDLINE database.32 Search
individual patient.14,54 Although the vol- background questions will lead clinicians strategies for a specific MeSH term will
ume and quality of evidence for the effi- to information regarding the specific reveal articles relevant to that heading
cacy and effectiveness of many commonly pathology,46 they usually do not provide and others associated within the respec-
used physical therapy interventions is im- the clinician with up-to-date information tive database. It has been reported that
proving, the ability to identify the most about optimal treatment options for the combining MeSH terms and key words
appropriate treatment strategy can be patient. Foreground questions of therapy yields the most sensitive search results
a difficult task when faced with varying are developed in response to the need to (ability to detect all citations in the data-
levels of uncertainty about the validity of identify evidence regarding the use of a base) in MEDLINE, as compared to sim-
a respective study’s findings. Efficiency specific intervention in the management ply searching by key words or MeSH.51
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in incorporating EBP into clinical prac- of a particular patient.46 As it is the pur- PubMed offers several helpful tutorials
tice specifically related to treatment is a pose of this commentary to discuss stud- for using MeSH terms in online searches
5-step process: (1) developing an answer- ies of treatment effectiveness, foreground (
able question, (2) identifying the evidence questions will remain the focus of this pubmed.html).
Copyright © 2008 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

for treatment, (3) critically appraising the section. PubMed Clinical Queries4 is a very
evidence (which requires an understand- Foreground questions of therapy con- helpful and efficient utility available
ing of research design and statistical prin- sist of 4 components: (1) a patient or within PubMed (http://www.ncbi.nlm.
ciples33), (4) incorporating evidence into problem, (2) an intervention, (3) a com-, the public access
clinical practice, and (5) evaluating the parison intervention (if relevant), and (4) portal for MEDLINE searches. Key words
effectiveness and efficiency with which an outcome.46 These 4 components may entered into PubMed Clinical Queries
steps 1 through 4 were carried out when be referred to as PICO (patient, interven- search fields are automatically incorpo-
determining an appropriate intervention tion, comparison, outcome). Some exam- rated into predetermined EBP-compliant
strategy for the particular patient.46 The ples of foreground questions, including search strategies to find the best evidence
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

purpose of this clinical commentary will these 4 components, are as follows: (1) In to answer foreground questions on diag-
be to provide a perspective of the first 2 a 38-year-old female with carpal tunnel nosis, prognosis, therapy, or etiology/
steps related to treatment and that part syndrome, what is the efficacy of exercise harm. For each search type, users can
of step 3 related to validity of evidence, and ergonomic interventions compared specify whether narrow (specific) searches
with an emphasis on studies of interven- to no treatment for decreasing pain and or broad (sensitive) searches are desired.
tions in orthopaedic and sports physical disability? or (2) In a 43-year-old female Additional search strategies within Clini-
therapy. This commentary is the first with plantar fasciitis, are custom-fit or- cal Queries target systematic reviews and
of a 2-part series. Part 2 will provide a thotics more effective than prefabricat- clinical prediction guides (rules). Search
perspective of principles for interpreting ed orthotics in decreasing plantar foot strategies used within Clinical Queries
results from evidence for treatment, ap- pain? have been systematically tested to filter
plying the evidence to patient care, and results based on study design. This ap-
evaluating proficiency with EBP skills. IJ;F($I;7H9>?D= proach can substantially reduce time and
J>;B?J;H7JKH; effort for a busy clinician searching to
IJ;F'$:;L;BEF?D=7D identify studies of a particular design; but
7DIM;H78B;GK;IJ?ED we must be aware that it does not provide

t is crucial to develop accurate
and efficient search strategies when an assessment of how well the study was
seeking the best available evidence in conducted. To illustrate the efficiency of

he first and often most dif-
ficult step is the development of the literature. Computerized literature searches using PubMed Clinical Queries,
a well-built clinical question that searching is an essential skill necessary we can compare results obtained with
facilitates a literature search, ultimately to efficiently practice EBP.16 A number and without the methodologic filters. A
leading to the best evidence available to of searchable databases exist, including PubMed search using the search string
remove or optimally reduce clinical un- MEDLINE and the Cumulative Index “exercise AND patellofemoral” yields 161
certainty.44 There are 2 types of clinical of Nursing and Allied Health Literature hits when used without the filters. How-

journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy | volume 38 | number 8 | august 2008 | 477
available to APTA members through the
Results Obtained Entering the Same
APTA web site (
J78B;' Search String Into the Pubmed 4
opendoor). The mission of Open Door is
Search Engine in 3 Ways
to allow physical therapists easy access
I[WhY^Jof[ Search String JWh][j[ZIjkZoJof[i H[ikbjid>_ji to clinical research. This service provides
PubMed search without exercise AND patellofemoral All 161 full-text access online to articles directly
Clinical Queries filters relevant to physical therapy practice
Broad, sensitive filter for (exercise AND patellofemoral) Cohort, case-control, 54 through ProQuest, the Cochrane Library,
therapy using PubMed AND ((clinical[Title/Abstract] RCT* and CINAHL. Readers are referred to the
Clinical Queries3 AND trial[Title/Abstract]) OR article by Doig and Simpson16 for more
clinical trials[MeSH Terms] OR information on conducting efficient lit-
clinical trial[Publication Type]
erature searches.
OR random[Title/Abstract] OR
random allocation[MeSH Terms] OR
therapeutic use[MeSH Subheading]) IJ;F)7$9H?J?97BBO
Narrow, specific filter for (exercise AND patellofemoral) RCT* 22 7FFH7?I?D=J>;B?J;H7JKH;0
therapy using PubMed AND (randomized controlled 7H;J>;H;IKBJIL7B?:5
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Clinical Queries4 trial[Publication Type] OR

(randomized[Title/Abstract] AND

he EBP method requires indi-
controlled[Title/Abstract] AND
vidual clinicians to make indepen-
dent professional judgments about
Filter for systematic (exercise and patellofemoral) AND Systematic review 7
Copyright © 2008 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

the validity and strength of the research,

reviews using PubMed systematic[sb]
Clinical Queries4 and relevance of the evidence to the cli-
nician’s particular patient. This process
Abbreviation: RCT, randomized controlled trial.
* Note that search string content other than “exercise AND patellofemoral” was appended automatically is based on the premise that the inter-
in the searches performed with PubMed Clinical Queries.4 pretations and conclusions of authors in
published studies should not be accept-
ever, a Clinical Queries search using the EBP (, the ed without close scrutiny by the reader.
same string yields only 54 hits using the Cochrane Library (www.cochranelibrary. Fortunately, the EBP approach defines a
broad, sensitive filter for therapy, but only com), and the American Physical Thera- finite set of key validity issues for consid-
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

22 hits (a more manageable number) us- py Association’s (APTA) Hooked on Evi- eration and provides methods for making
ing the narrow, specific filter for therapy. dence online database (http://www.apta. decisions about clinical meaningfulness
Examination of the automated transfor- org/ Hooked on of treatment effects reported. The criti-
mations of the simple search string us- Evidence allows APTA members to per- cal appraisal process enables a clinician
ing the 2 search hedges (J78B;') reveals form a quick search on a specific topic to answer 3 questions24 once the best evi-
that broad searches include lower-quality and provides detailed description of the dence is found: (1) Are the results valid?
studies, while narrow searches target current evidence and allows for clinicians (2) What are the results? and (3) How
higher-level studies. Using these filters to quickly implement evidence into clini- can I apply the results to patient care?
a clinician can avoid inefficient searches cal practice.34 An extensive list of EBP- The remainder of this commentary will
that yield too many studies of lesser qual- related databases with advantages and address the first of these 3 questions. The
ity, searching first for studies of higher disadvantages of each can be found in remaining 2 questions will be addressed
quality when looking for best available the article by MacDermid.33 Additional- in part 2 of this series.
evidence. ly, a number of free online rehabilitation
In addition to electronic search en- and medical journals and lists of these Hierarchy of Evidence
gines, a number of online databases pro- online journals exist, such as British When evaluating evidence for effective-
vide clinicians with evidence summaries, Medical Journal (http://bmj.bmjjour- ness of an intervention, clinicians often
as well as quality ratings of the available, BioMed Central (http://www. find it helpful to use a system to deter-
evidence. A number of evidence sources mine the level of evidence for a particu-
currently exist including the Australian- ernmed), free full-text journal listings (eg, lar study. A level of evidence is a label
based Physiotherapy Evidence Database, reflecting a study’s position on the hier-
(PEDro) ( and Google Scholar, which is often able archy of evidence, providing a rough in-
au/), McMaster University’s Health Infor- to find full text ( dication of inherent protections against
mation Research Institute and Centre for com). Lastly, Open Door is a new feature validity threats, or sources of bias, based

478 | august 2008 | volume 38 | number 8 | journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy
on the study design and methods.41 Af-
Levels of Evidence for Treatment
ter assessing over 100 different systems
J78B;( Studies From the Oxford Centre for
for rating the strength and quality of
Evidence-Based Medicine* 1
evidence, the Agency for Healthcare Re-
search and Quality identified 7 systems B[l[b J^[hWfo"Fh[l[dj_ed"7[j_ebe]o">Whc
that fully address all important domains 1a SR (with homogeneity†) of RCTs
for a body of evidence.5 Among these 7 1b Individual RCT (with narrow confidence interval)
systems is one developed by David Sack- 1c All or none‡
ett and colleagues, freely accessible from 2a SR (with homogeneity†) of cohort studies
the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine 2b Individual cohort study (including low-quality RCT [eg, less than 80% follow-up])
website.1 Levels of evidence applicable 2c “Outcomes” research; ecological studies
for studies exploring the efficacy of clini- 3a SR (with homogeneity†) of case control studies
cal treatments were extracted from that 3b Individual case control study
system and presented with descriptions 4 Case series (and poor-quality cohort and case control studies§)
in J78B;(. In addition to identifying the 5 Expert opinion without explicit critical appraisal, or based on physiology, bench research, or “first principles”
level of evidence on the hierarchy, thera- Abbreviations: RCT, randomized controlled trial; SR, systematic review.
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pists must also consider critically ap- * Adapted with permission from Bob Phillips, Chris Ball, Dave Sackett, Doug Badenoch, Sharon Straus,
Brian Haynes, Martin Dawes since November 1998.1 Source:
praising the study’s overall quality and
† By homogeneity we mean a systematic review that is free of worrisome variations (heterogeneity)
the study’s internal and external validity, in the directions and degrees of results between individual studies. Not all systematic reviews with
prior to implementing the results in clini- statistically significant heterogeneity need be worrisome, and not all worrisome heterogeneity need be
Copyright © 2008 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

statistically significant.
cal practice.
‡ Met when all patients died before the treatment became available, but some now survive on it; or
when some patients died before the treatment became available, but none now die on it.
?dj[hdWbWdZ;nj[hdWbLWb_Z_jo § By “poor-quality” cohort study we mean one that failed to clearly define comparison groups and/
or failed to measure exposures and outcomes in the same (preferably blinded), objective way in
When critiquing a study regarding treat-
both exposed and nonexposed individuals and/or failed to identify or appropriately control known
ment, one must consider threats to both confounders and/or failed to carry out a sufficiently long and complete follow-up of patients. By “poor-
internal and external validity. Internal quality” case-control study we mean one that failed to clearly define comparison groups and/or failed
to measure exposures and outcomes in the same (preferably blinded), objective way in both cases and
validity relates to elements of research
controls and/or failed to identify or appropriately control known confounders.
design intended to exert control over
extraneous variables that could poten-
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

tially impact the outcomes of the study, exist in diverse clinical situations includ- using an effectiveness or pragmatic ap-
including interactions between patient ing multimodal treatments, skill level of proach seek to examine the outcomes
assignment, competing interventions, the treating clinicians, compliance with of interventions under circumstances
history, maturation, and instrumen- home exercise programs, and competing that more closely approximate clini-
tation.43 External validity refers to the interventions.23 Another critique of the cal reality, including less standardized
generalizability of the study’s results to controlled trial design is that patients multimodal treatment protocols applied
actual clinical practice.17 While validity who do not receive any treatment have to more heterogeneous patient popula-
is not a true dichotomy (ie, either inter- no expectations as to their potential out- tions. Although there may be a current
nal or external), some would argue that comes; hence the effects of expectation bias towards efficacy, a growing trend
the most optimal single-study design alone could potentially account for any exists in the importance of studies of ef-
for determining treatment effectiveness differences observed between patients or fectiveness in evidence-based guideline
is a randomized controlled design with groups of patients.54 development.19
strong internal validity where a single in- Intimately associated with issues of Although it is sometimes feasible
tervention of interest is being compared validity is the relative importance of effi- to have a true control (no treatment)
to a group receiving either no treatment cacy versus effectiveness study approach- group28,36,37 or a placebo group,11,26 or
or a placebo intervention.19 This type of es to research. Studies using an efficacy both,30 in trials of orthopaedic and sports
research design provides strong internal approach are designed to investigate the physical therapy, there may be situations
validity by exerting more rigid control benefits of an intervention under ideal when it is considered unethical to with-
over all possible extraneous variables and highly controlled conditions. Al- hold treatment. In such circumstances,
and is the optimal method for determin- though this design typically minimizes the preferred pragmatic design is to com-
ing the efficacy of a particular interven- threats to internal validity, the generaliz- pare the intervention of interest to anoth-
tion. However, this study design does not ability to clinical practice (external valid- er intervention considered a standard of
account for a number of variables that ity) may be less ideal. In contrast, studies practice in the physical therapy profes-

journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy | volume 38 | number 8 | august 2008 | 479
sion.19 While the latter design sacrifices shoulder. The results demonstrated rapid groups. An analysis of covariance (AN-
some internal validity, studies with this and dramatic improvements in range of COVA) provides an adjusted comparison
design21,39 do not subject the patients to motion, pain, and function. Based on the between groups, in which important co-
placebo treatments and exhibit increased immediate improvements in this popula- variates are identified and used to make
external validity, allowing for greater gen- tion with a known natural history, one can statistical adjustments to posttreatment
eralizability to everyday clinical practice. more readily accept a cause-and-effect re- group mean scores for outcomes of inter-
Clinical trials examining treatment lationship between the intervention and est. The ANCOVA may produce results
effectiveness will often trade off between the outcomes. However, in circumstances that are easier to interpret and may have
strong internal and strong external valid- where a great deal of uncertainty exists more precision than an unadjusted anal-
ity. For example, Childs and colleagues9 between alternative interventions, the ysis of variance.
examined the effectiveness of thrust RCT is still the best method to resolve
manipulation in patients who satisfied a these uncertainties.14 9edY[Wbc[dje\7bbeYWj_edje=hekfi
clinical prediction rule. The researchers Even when randomization procedures
exerted rigid control over the interven- HWdZec_pWj_edWdZ8Wi[b_d[ are followed, bias from investigators in-
tions delivered to assure that all patients >ece][d[_joe\=hekfi fluencing subject enrollment and group
received a standardized lumbopelvic Randomization should theoretically en- composition can threaten validity if al-
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thrust manipulation and exercise pro- sure that each group of subjects is similar location to groups is not concealed from
gram. Conversely Deyle and colleagues13 at baseline so that no extraneous variables those enrolling subjects in the study.49
utilized a pragmatic approach to treat- (such as known and unknown prognostic Concealment of group allocation is typi-
ment in their clinical trial, which exam- factors) compete with the intervention cally accomplished by first obtaining
Copyright © 2008 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

ined the effectiveness of manual therapy to explain observed outcomes. Extrane- informed consent and enrolling a new
and exercise for the management of knee ous variables that could potentially af- subject into a clinical trial, and only then
pain secondary to osteoarthritis. Clini- fect outcomes in studies of treatment opening a sealed envelope obtained from
cians selected the regions and specific effectiveness include patient, age, race, a locked filing cabinet to reveal group as-
type of manual intervention the patients gender, symptom duration, condition se- signment. Readers performing a critical
would receive based upon their individual verity, comorbidities, intellectual status, appraisal should look for language in a
clinical examinations. motivation, and treatment expectations. published RCT reflecting these or similar
After formulating an appropriate fore- Although randomization should ideally methods for concealing group allocation.
ground question and performing an ef- produce observed homogenous groups Interestingly, despite strong rationale for
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

fective search, one may discover that no at baseline, there is always a chance, par- concealment of group allocation, a study
systematic reviews of randomized con- ticularly with small samples, that groups of 2297 RCTs in the PEDro database re-
trolled trials (RCTs) or single RCTs have may be dissimilar in important known vealed that only 16% of these studies re-
been conducted on the topic of interest. and unknown prognostic factors, which ported concealment of allocation. 38
In these situations, clinical decisions may affect group homogeneity. For this
must be based on evidence from sources reason a reader performing a critical ap- 8b_dZ_d]
lower on the evidence hierarchy. While praisal must independently judge the ex- In an attempt to minimize the effect of
nonrandomized study designs are report- tent to which groups are similar in key rater or subject bias, studies use various
ed to provide much weaker evidence than prognostic factors. This task can usually blinding schemes. There are 4 categories
randomized designs,25 it should be recog- be accomplished by inspecting values in of study participants who should ideally
nized that RCTs are not always necessary, the table reporting baseline patient char- be blinded to group assignment: (1) pa-
especially when the treatment effects are acteristics. The implication of baseline tients, (2) treating clinicians, (3) data col-
dramatic and readily recognizable,14 or dissimilarities for overall appraisal of lectors, and (4) data analysts.48 Although it
when rapid changes occur in chronic the evidence will depend on whether the is usually feasible to blind those from all 4
conditions with well-documented natu- specific dissimilar attribute constitutes a categories in a pharmaceutical study, this
ral history. For example, the natural his- prognostic factor for the outcome being is usually not possible in studies of physi-
tory of adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder studied. For example, if gender does not cal therapy interventions. Physical thera-
may involve symptoms and impairments pose a competing explanation for why pists are usually aware of the treatment
for up to 2 years.52 However, in a pro- groups might have different posttreat- they are delivering (rater bias); blinding
spective single-group study, Placzek and ment outcome scores, dissimilar group- the patient with sham interventions may
colleagues42 performed translational gle- wise proportions of men and women at be difficult or impossible.29 Addition-
nohumeral thrust manipulation on 31 baseline will not seriously affect the in- ally, most current Institutional Review
patients with adhesive capsulitis of the terpretability of comparisons between Boards require that patients are aware of

480 | august 2008 | volume 38 | number 8 | journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy
all of the possible interventions they may in the dataset that were missed because (45%) had dropped from the study and
receive as part of the informed consent the subject dropped out of the study. This their data were not available to include in
process, which provides another barrier form of ITT analysis allows subject data the analysis. While the authors state that
to complete patient blinding. However, that otherwise would have been removed the dropouts were related to work pres-
the person measuring outcomes in phys- to be used in the final analysis. sure, impossible timetables, etc, the high
ical therapy trials can almost always be Results of the ITT analysis are of- dropout rate in the absence of an ITT
blinded to group assignment in order to ten compared to results from a separate analysis casts considerable doubt on the
minimize rater bias. Authors should re- analysis based only on the subjects who results of this particular study. Therefore,
veal this antibias protection with clear completed all aspects of the study (a per- clinicians should be very cautious about
language, such as, “An investigator, who protocol analysis or completer analysis). applying the results of such studies in
was blinded to the treatment condition… A per-protocol analysis will usually over- their clinical practice.
performed this measurement.”53 Never- estimate the benefit of treatment if there Dichotomous outcomes (presence
theless, Moseley et al38 found that only are dropouts in a study.46 If significant versus absence of some clinically impor-
5% of studies in the PEDro database re- results favor the treatment group with tant end point) require a different form
ported using blinded outcome assessors. both per-protocol and ITT analyses, this of imputation in an ITT analysis. The
Therefore, a reader performing a critical strengthens the findings and suggests most common method of imputation for
Downloaded from at on July 25, 2023. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.

appraisal must decide whether blinding that the dropout rate did not threaten these outcomes is the worst-case-sce-
occurred and, if not, how serious a threat validity of the results. On the other hand, nario analysis.46 This entails assigning a
to validity is posed by this problem. The if significant benefit is found with a per- bad outcome to every dropout patient in
implication of nonblinding for overall ap- protocol analysis, but not with the ITT the treatment group; every dropout pa-
Copyright © 2008 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

praisal of the evidence will depend on the analysis, this seriously undermines the tient from the control (or comparison)
context and particulars of the study. For initial findings. group is assigned a good outcome. This
example, self-report outcome tools (eg, An ITT analysis is not always neces- is a conservative approach that makes
Oswestry Scale, WOMAC scale, etc) are sary to comply with the intention-to-treat it more difficult to find a statistically
not as readily subject to rater bias, even principle. For example, Herrington and significant difference favoring the treat-
when the outcomes assessor is not blind- Al-Sherhi28 randomized 45 subjects with ment group. As with continuous scale
ed to group assignment. patellofemoral pain into 3 treatment outcomes, if the dropout rate is high
groups. At the end of the 6-week inter- and no ITT analysis was performed for
9ecfb[j[d[iie\<ebbem#kf0 vention, all 45 patients had complied dichotomous outcomes, any statistically
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

?dj[dj_ed#je#Jh[WjFh_dY_fb[ with treatment regimens or control con- significant findings in favor of the treat-
The authors should report the reasons for ditions and were available for posttreat- ment are suspect.
any patient dropouts from the study and ment outcomes measurement. Therefore Although some authors50 suggest a
identify any patients who were lost to fol- the intention-to-treat principle was satis- rule of thumb for maximum acceptable
low-up.6 It is important for the clinician fied without an ITT analysis. dropout rate (20% is common), others24
to know if the patient withdrew from the A reader performing a critical ap- state that rules of thumb are misleading.
study due to full resolution of symptoms, praisal must decide whether an ITT Guyatt et al24 recommend, instead, that
for reasons unrelated to the study, or be- analysis was indicated, whether one was authors perform a worst-case analysis,
cause the person experienced a worsening performed, and, if not, how serious a as described above for dichotomous out-
in status that was directly or potentially threat to validity is posed by this problem. comes: if results favoring the treatment
related to the examination or treatment For example, if the RCT is a “negative group are still statistically significant with
program provided by the study protocol. trial” in which no statistically significant this conservative approach, then dropout
When subjects are lost to follow-up, it benefit of treatment was found, failure to rates exceeding 20% are not threats to
may still be possible to include data from perform an ITT analysis may not threat- the validity of the results.
all subjects in the final data set using an en the validity of the results. Savolainen
intention-to-treat (ITT) approach, which et al47 examined the effectiveness of active ;gk_lWb[dj;nf[h_[dY[e\=hekfi"
has been used in a variety of recently pub- or passive treatment in the management 7fWhj\hecJh[Wjc[dje\?dj[h[ij
lished studies.8,12,55 Although several im- of neck and shoulder pain. The research- It is possible to introduce bias into a
putation methods are possible, the most ers initially randomized 75 subjects to study of treatment if there are important
common approach to substitute a value receive either an active range-of-motion between-group differences in the overall
for a missing data point with continuous exercise program or thrust manipulations patient experience, aside from the treat-
scale outcomes is to carry the last known directed at the thoracic spine. At the time ment itself. For example, if one group re-
value forward to any subsequent times of the 6-month follow-up, 34 subjects ceives more time with treating therapists

journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy | volume 38 | number 8 | august 2008 | 481
or receives cointerventions in addition
Elements of the PEDro Scale 3 for
to the intended treatment, this disparity J78B;)
Randomized Controlled Trials*
can present a competing explanation for
any observed benefits. For this reason, 1. Eligibility criteria were specified
investigators often try to structure study 2. Subjects were randomly allocated to groups (in a crossover study, subjects were randomly allocated an order in which
protocols to minimize any unnecessary treatments were received)
between-group differences in overall ex- 3. Allocation was concealed
perience during the study, other than the 4. The groups were similar at baseline regarding the most important prognostic indicators
treatment(s) of interest. For example, in 5. There was blinding of all subjects
a study comparing general exercise plus 6. There was blinding of all therapists who administered the therapy
trunk muscle stabilization to general ex- 7. There was blinding of all assessors who measured at least one key outcome
ercise only for patients with recurrent 8. Measures of at least 1 key outcome were obtained from more than 85% of the subjects initially allocated to groups
low back pain, Koumantakis et al31 took 9. All subjects for whom outcome measures were available received the treatment or control condition as allocated or,
careful precautions to ensure that both where this was not the case, data for at least 1 key outcome was analysed by “intention to treat”
groups were treated the same, except 10. The results of between-group statistical comparisons are reported for at least 1 key outcome
for the difference of interest. Patients in 11. The study provides both point measures and measures of variability for at least 1 key outcome
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both groups warmed up with identical * Although the PEDro scale includes all 11 items listed, only items 2 through 11 are used for the PEDro
regimens prior to targeted exercise per- scale score, which ranges from 0 (no validity protections satisfied) to 10 (all validity issues satisfied).
formance. The same treating therapist One point is awarded for each validity issue satisfied (only items 2 through 11). Adapted with
permission from the Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro).
conducted the exercise sessions for both
Copyright © 2008 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

groups. Both groups received the same

frequency and duration of exercise. Sub- confirmed when annotated as such. A unsystematic reviews are more common
jects in both groups kept exercise diaries PEDro search for “Pilates AND low back in older literature and may be considered
and were asked to repeat the exercises at pain” yields 3 clinical trials.3 Judging by expert opinion (level 5 evidence), because
home. Finally, all subjects in the study PEDro scale scores alone, seeking best conclusions by authors are subject to
received the same informational booklet evidence would suggest initial prefer- multiple forms of bias.
about low back pain management. Read- ence for the study by Rydeard et al45 Oxman et al40 suggest 4 key validity
ers performing critical appraisal need to (PEDro scale score of 8) over the study issues that one should consider when
decide whether any between-group dis- by Gladwell et al22 (PEDro scale score critically appraising a systematic review:
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

parities in the overall research experience of 5). Although a convenient and freely (1) authors should address a clinical fore-
constitute unintended beneficial cointer- available resource to get a quick indica- ground question that is explicit and suffi-
ventions for the treatment group, and, if tion of validity for many trials, consulting ciently narrow in scope; (2) the search for
so, whether this problem threatens valid- PEDro scale scores does not obviate the relevant studies should be detailed, ex-
ity of the results.50 need for independent professional judg- haustive, and fully revealed; (3) authors
ments regarding validity threats as part should use and report explicit criteria for
LWb_Z_joIYeh[i7lW_bWXb[Edb_d[ of the critical appraisal process. assessing methodologic quality of stud-
Clinicians may gain some insight into ies considered for inclusion or exclusion
relative overall validity for published tri- LWb_Z_joe\Ioij[cWj_YH[l_[mi in the review; (4) adequate reliability
als for treatments relevant to physical Systematic Reviews are conducted by between 2 or more assessors should be
and occupational therapists by searching employing explicit methods for exhaus- reported for decisions about which stud-
the PEDro3 and OTSeeker2 databases. tive searching and selective inclusion ies to include, quality of included studies,
Both databases use the PEDro scale to of original studies for analysis based on and data extracted from original studies.
rate overall quality of clinical trials based specified methodologic criteria. System-
on adherence to the principles of validity atic reviews of treatment studies can be LWb_Z_joe\9b_d_YWbFhWYj_Y[=k_Z[b_d[i
discussed above. The PEDro scale ranges performed for RCTs, cohort studies, or Clinical practice guidelines are another
from 0 to 10, with 1 point assigned for ad- case control studies (J78B; (). Readers form of synthesized evidence wherein
equate protection against each of 10 valid- must take care to distinguish systematic broader cultural, societal, and patient in-
ity threats (J78B;)). The PEDro scale has reviews from unsystematic “literature re- terest considerations are integrated with
been shown to have fair to good interrater views” in which authors survey published the best available evidence. Although
reliability (ICC1,1 = 0.68; 95% confidence literature without explicit search criteria the quality and completeness of practice
interval [CI]: 0.57 to 0.76).35 PEDro scale or without specified selection criteria for guidelines can vary, the best guidelines
scores posted online are independently studies to include in the review. These are created by panels of experts repre-

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