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Journal of Mathematical Economics 106 (2023) 102831

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Mechanism design with general ex-ante investments✩ , ✩✩

Hitoshi Matsushima 1 , Shunya Noda
University of Tokyo, Japan

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Article history: We investigate mechanism design problems wherein agents take hidden actions that affect the state
Received 11 August 2022 distribution. As agents’ action space expands, the set of mechanisms that yields a targeted action
Received in revised form 18 February 2023 profile reduces. When agents can choose from various actions to change the state distribution in full-
Accepted 22 February 2023
dimensional directions, the payment rule that induces a targeted action profile along with a given
Available online 26 February 2023
allocation rule becomes unique up to a constant. We subsequently utilize this characterization result
Keywords: to examine efficient mechanism design and demonstrate that the pure-VCG mechanism, the most basic
Hidden action form of the canonical VCG mechanism, is the only mechanism that produces an efficient action profile
Hidden information when agents can choose from various actions. Contrarily, the widely used pivot mechanism frequently
VCG-necessity fails to induce an efficient action profile as long as an agent’s action impacts the private types of other
Equivalence agents, even if the agent’s action space is one-dimensional.
© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license

1. Introduction not be publicly observable. In such environments, an ideal mech-

anism should resolve not only the issue of hidden information
In many real-world allocation problems, agents have oppor- (i.e., to incentivize truthful reporting of agents’ private informa-
tunities to take ex-ante actions, such as acquiring information, tion) but also the problem of hidden actions (i.e., to induce a
targeted action profile that leads to a desirable state distribution)
conducting research and development, engaging in environmen-
to produce an intended outcome.
tal protection, controlling patents, standardizing, merging and
This paper investigates a broad range of mechanism design
acquiring, engaging in rent-seeking activities, launching posi-
problems in which both a hidden action problem and a hidden
tive/negative campaigns, differentiating products, making en- information problem coexist. Initially, agents take ex-ante actions
try/exit decisions, preparing infrastructure, and recruiting. These (or investments) that determine the probability distribution over
actions affect the state of the world in various ways. Additionally, the state. Following the realization of the state, the mechanism
the optimal actions of agents depend on the mechanism design determines the allocation and payment in a state-contingent
for determining the allocation, while agents’ ex-ante actions may manner. Neither actions nor states (i.e., agents’ private types) are
assumed to be observable. As a result, the central planner must
meticulously design a mechanism to (i) induce the targeted action
✩ This paper supersedes ‘‘Mechanism Design in Hidden Action and Hidden
profile to produce a targeted state distribution (i.e., the targeted
Information: Richness and Pure-VCG.’’ This study has been supported by Grant-
in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI 25285059, 26J10076, 16H02009) from action profile becomes a Nash equilibrium of the game implied
the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) and the Ministry of by the mechanism), and (ii) incentivize the truthful reporting of
Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of the Japanese agents’ private types to implement the targeted allocation rule.
government, the Funai Overseas Scholarship, the E.K. Potter Fellowship, the Our aim is to characterize how the variety of agents’ actions
JSPS Research Fellowship (DC1), and the CARF Research Fund of the University
limits the set of mechanisms that induce a targeted action profile.
of Tokyo. We thank Gabriel Carroll, Philippe Jehiel, Fuhito Kojima, Benny
Moldovanu, Julia Salmi, Takuo Sugaya, and Yuichi Yamamoto, and seminar The variety of an agent’s action space is measure by the dimen-
participants at Hitotsubashi University, University of Tokyo, Osaka University, sion of the state distributions that the agent can achieve through
Kyoto University, Stanford University, Seoul National University, and Waseda a unilateral deviation, which we term the dimension of the action
University. All errors are ours. space. We identify a tradeoff between the dimensionality of the
✩✩ Manuscript handled by Editor: Carmen Bevia.
∗ Correspondence to: Graduate School of Economics, University of action space and the dimensionality of the set of well-behaved
mechanisms: as the dimensionality of the action space increases
Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan.
E-mail addresses: (H. Matsushima),
by one, the upper bound of the dimensionality of the set of (S. Noda). payment rules inducing the targeted action profile decreases by
1 Graduate School of Economics, University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, one (Theorem 1). Notably, if the agent gains the ability to make a
Japan. slight change in the state distribution in a different direction at a
0304-4068/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
H. Matsushima and S. Noda Journal of Mathematical Economics 106 (2023) 102831

small cost, then nearly all payment rules that were well-behaved VCG mechanism (Corollary 2).3 Our results complement previous
with the initial action set cannot induce the targeted action pro- studies by Rogerson (1992), Bergemann and Välimäki (2002), and
file. This means that the set of well-behaved payment rules with Hatfield et al. (2014), which demonstrated that (expectation-)
the new (larger) action set has a zero measure relative to the set VCG mechanisms can achieve full efficiency with independent
of well-behaved payment rules with the old (smaller) action set. types.
As a result, an opportunity to undertake hidden actions imposes The rest of the manuscript is structured as follows. Section 2
reviews the literature. Section 3 describes the model. Section 4
a significant restriction on the well-behaved mechanisms’ class.
studies the hidden action problem. Section 5 studies an efficient
We subsequently establish a theorem of uniqueness for cases
mechanism design. Section 6 considers the case without exter-
where action spaces are large. An action space is considered to
nality and compares the result with those of previous works.
be rich if an agent can unilaterally alter the state distribution Section 7 concludes.
in full-dimensional directions. The payment rule that induces a
targeted action profile along with a given allocation rule becomes 2. Literature review
unique up to a constant (Corollary 1). This theorem implies that
there will be no degree of freedom for designing a payment rule Several papers have highlighted the advantages of using sim-
for other objectives, such as incentivizing truthful reporting of ple contracts in complex situations. For example, Holmström and
private information. This concept is a novel interpretation of the Milgrom (1987) investigate the moral hazard problem using a
‘‘revenue-equivalence principle’’, which extends Theorem 3 of principal–agent model and demonstrate that, in the case where
Holmström and Milgrom’s (1987) work (originally proven for a the agent’s set of actions is sufficiently large, there is a solitary
contract that leads to the desired level of effort. Carroll (2015) es-
principal–agent problem) to a mechanism design problem.
tablishes that when the principal confronts uncertainty regarding
The results of our characterization have implications for a
the range of activities, the optimal robust contract must be linear
number of previous studies on efficient mechanism design re-
in the resulting output. This article considers a broad range of
garding hidden action and information problems. Firstly, we mechanism design problems, of which the principal–agent model
demonstrate that the widely-used pivot mechanism (originally is a specific example. We demonstrate how a large action space
proposed by Green and Laffont in 1979), which seeks to align limits the range of desirable mechanisms and propose a condition
an agent’s payoff with their marginal contribution to social wel- under which the mechanism that achieves the targeted action is
fare, frequently fails to induce efficient actions (Proposition 2) unique, except for a constant factor.
when agents have the ability to influence other agents’ type The literature has also demonstrated that in cases where the
distributions. This phenomenon can be attributed to the fact that action spaces are limited, we can design incentive mechanisms
each agent is tempted to exaggerate their marginal contribution that are efficient by customizing the payment rule to detailed
by increasing the likelihood of their participation being impor- specifications. This can even lead to full surplus extraction or
tant for social welfare. This can be achieved, for instance, in an budget balance, as demonstrated in works by Matsushima (1989),
auction setting, by decreasing other agents’ value for the item Legros and Matsushima (1991), Williams and Radner (1995), and
Obara (2008). However, as our Corollary 1 demonstrates, when
being auctioned. Our finding generalizes the observation made
agents can take various actions, the mechanism’s dependence on
by Krähmer and Strausz in 2007, which pertained to the case of
detail tempts each agent to deviate. We not only study the case
a one-dimensional investment space.
with extremely large or extremely small action spaces but also
In addition, we present a characterization of fully efficient intermediate ones. Specifically, our Theorem 1 shows that even
mechanisms for rich action spaces. Previous studies by Krähmer if the dimension of agents’ action space is substantially smaller
and Strausz (2007) and Athey and Segal (2013) demonstrate that, than the dimension of the set of state distributions, the set of
unlike the pivot mechanism, the pure-VCG mechanism always mechanisms inducing targeted actions is small.
induces an efficient action profile. The pure-VCG mechanism, It is well-known that when the state space is ‘‘large’’, the set
which is a basic type of the canonical Vickrey–Clarke–Groves of incentive-compatible mechanisms becomes ‘‘small’’. Green and
(VCG) mechanisms,2 grants each agent the welfare of the other Laffont (1977, 1979) and Holmström (1979) show that in hid-
agents and then charges a fixed monetary fee. Our new finding den information environments with differentiable valuation func-
shows that pure-VCG is a necessary mechanism to induce an tions, differentiable path-connectedness, and private values, VCG
efficient action profile. If the action space is sufficiently large, mechanisms are the only efficient mechanisms. This study recon-
siders VCG mechanisms from the viewpoint of the hidden action
any mechanism other than pure-VCG fails to induce an efficient
problems and shows that only pure-VCG mechanisms, which are
action profile. Therefore, for rich action spaces, pure-VCG is the
special cases of VCG, can induce an efficient action profile.4 In this
unique mechanism that can induce an efficient action profile sense, our result is a new version of the VCG-necessity theorem,
(Theorem 2). which characterizes the set of action spaces under which the
Finally, we extend our analysis to an environment with in- pure-VCG mechanism becomes the unique efficient mechanism.
dependent types, where the influence of each agent’s action is
limited to their own type distribution. Despite this restriction, the 3 Matthews (1984), Hausch and Li (1991), and Tan (1992) show that the
range of mechanisms that can solve the hidden action problem is first- and second-price auctions provide each agent with the same incentive in
still limited due to the variety of available actions. Using a large hidden action in symmetric environments, in which the first-price auction is
action space assumption, we derive a characterization theorem an indirect implementation of an expectation-VCG mechanism, and the second-
price auction is equivalent to the pivot mechanism. Tan (1992), Stegeman (1996),
(Theorem 3) showing that all payment rules inducing a targeted
and Arozamena and Cantillon (2004) also show that, with private values, the
action profile are interim equivalent (i.e., expectations conditional second-price auction (the pivot mechanism) induces an efficient hidden action.
on private information is the same), rather than ex-post. We This study provides a comprehensive understanding of these previous works.
4 Hausch and Li (1993) and Persico (2000) are relevant to this point.
also establish that a mechanism induces an efficient action pro-
file if and only if it is the expectation-VCG mechanism, where They illustrate that in cases where values are affiliated, first- and second-
price auctions provide diverse incentives to acquire more precise information
each agent’s interim expected payment is equal to that from a regarding one’s own value and, consequently, more information regarding the
valuations of others. This study establishes that the disparity in the resulting
action profile arises from the discrepancy in the ex-post payoffs between these
2 Vickrey (1961), Clarke (1971), and Groves (1973). auction formats.

H. Matsushima and S. Noda Journal of Mathematical Economics 106 (2023) 102831

3. Model planner determines the allocation g(ω0 , ω̃−0 ) ∈ A and the side
payment vector x(ω0 , ω̃−0 ) ∈ Rn . The resultant payoff of agent i is
Consider a setting with one central planner and n agents given by
indexed by i ∈ N = {1, 2, . . . , n}. The central planner commits to
vi (g (ω0 , ω̃−0 ) , ω) − xi (ω0 , ω̃−0 ) − ci (bi ) .
a mechanism at the beginning. Observing the committed mech-
anism, agents choose ex-ante actions that determine the state Here, we assume that each agent’s payoff function is quasi-
distribution. After observing the realized private types, agents linear and risk-neutral, and the cost of the agent’s action choice
participate in the mechanism and report their private types. is additively separable.
In the following, we specify the ‘‘game’’ more concretely. In
the beginning, the central planner commits to a mechanism. 4. Characterization
Stage 1: The central planner commits to a mechanism defined as
4.1. Inducibility
(g , x), where Ω denotes the set of states, A denotes the set of
allocations, g : Ω → A, and x ≡ (xi )i∈N : Ω → Rn . We assume that
We first characterize the mechanism that induces a targeted
Ω and A are finite. We call g and x the allocation rule and payment action profile, assuming that all agents truthfully report the state
rule, respectively. ω = (ω0 , ω1 , . . . , ωn ) in Stage 4. We say that a mechanism
For each i ∈ N, we call a pair of an allocation rule and a induces an action profile if each agent can maximize her expected
payment rule for agent i (i.e., (g , xi )) a mechanism for agent i. payoff by taking the action, where the expectation is taken with
Slightly abusing notation, xi is sometimes regarded as a |Ω |- respect to the state distribution associated with the action choice.
dimensional vector (i.e., xi = (xi (1), . . . , xi (|Ω |)) ∈ R|Ω | ). We also
denote x = (x1 , . . . , xn ) = (xi (ω))i∈N ,ω∈{1,...,|Ω |} ∈ Rn|Ω | . Definition 1 (Inducibility). A mechanism for agent i, (g , xi ), induces
Observing the mechanism, agents choose an action privately. agent i’s action bi given b−i if bi is a best response to b−i , i.e., for
For example, if the allocation problem is a procurement auction, all b′i ∈ Bi ,
agents can invest for facilities or hire/fire employees. Actions
incur some costs (specified later). E [vi (g (ω) , ω) − xi (ω) |b] − ci (bi )
≥ E vi (g (ω) , ω) − xi (ω) |b′i , b−i − ci b′i ,
[ ] ( )
Stage 2: Each agent i ∈ N selects a hidden action bi ∈ Bi , where Bi
denotes the set of all actions for agent i. The cost function of agent where E [·|b] denotes the expectation operator given that action
i′ s action choice is given by ci : Bi → R+(. We
) assume that there is profile b is taken: For every function ξ : Ω → R, E [ξ (ω)|b] is
a no-effort option b0i ∈ Bi such that ci b0i = 0. Let B ≡ ×i∈N Bi defined as follows:
and b ≡ (b1 , . . . , bn ) ∈ B. ∑
The action profile determines the state distribution. In the E [ξ (ω)|b] ≡ ξ (ω) f (ω|b) .
procurement auction example, firms’ (agents’) cost for supplying ω∈Ω
good or service depend on their equipment and human resources. A mechanism (g , x) induces an action profile b if (g , xi ) induces
Stage 3: The state ω = (ω0 , ω1 , . . . , ωn ) is randomly drawn from bi given b−i for every i ∈ N, i.e., b is a Nash equilibrium of the
the probability function f (·|b) ∈ ∆(Ω ), where b ∈ B is the action game implied by the mechanism (g , x).
profile selected at Stage 2. We call ω0 a public signal and ωi a type Define Xi (b, g ) as the set of all of agent i’s payment rules that
induce the targeted action bi given b−i along with the allocation
for each agent i ∈ N. We denote the set of all public signals by
rule g. Formally,
Ω0 and the set of all types of agent i by Ωi . Let Ω ≡ ×i∈N ∪{0} Ωi ,
and Ω−i ≡ ×j∈N ∪{0}\{i} Ωj . Agent i observes her type ωi and public Xi (b, g ) ≡ x̃i ∈ R|Ω | : (g , x̃i ) induces bi given b−i .
{ }
signal ω0 . However, she cannot observe ω−i at this stage.
The action profile jointly determines the distribution of the Xi (b, g ) is nonempty if and only if there is a function ui : Ω →
state, which is defined as a profile of all agents’ types. In this R such that
sense, our model allows an agent’s actions to have externalities, bi ∈ argmax E ui (ω)| b′i , b−i − ci b′i
{ [ ] ( )}
i.e., to influence the other agents’ types. We discuss how the b′i ∈Bi
conclusion changes when we assume each agent’s action only
In other words, if the planner has an objective function (such
changes the agent’s (marginal) type distribution in Section 6.
as social welfare) to maximize and b is an optimal solution,
Finally, the central planner runs the mechanism that was
then Xi (b, g) is nonempty. Hereafter we focus on (b, g) such that
announced in Stage 1. Without loss of generality, we focus on
Xi (b, g) is nonempty for every i ∈ N.
direct revelation mechanisms, and agents simultaneously report
We will characterize the relationship between the largeness
their types to the central planner.6
of Bi and the smallness of Xi (b, g ) by their dimensionality. The
Stage 4: Each agent i ∈ N reports ω̃i ∈ Ωi about her type. dimension of a vector space L ⊂ Rh , denoted by dim L, is defined
Afterward, all agents, as well as the central planner, observe the as a cardinality of a basis of L. The dimension of a set L′ ⊂ Rh ,
public signal ω0 . According to the profile of the agents’ reports denoted by dim L′ , is defined as the minimal dimension of vector
ω̃−0 = (ω̃i )i∈N and the observed public signal ω0 , the central spaces containing L′ .

5 This study assumes that the central planner commits to the mechanism 4.2. Example
before agents take actions. Without the assumption of commitment, the desired
outcomes, such as efficiency, may be unachievable due to time inconsistency: To illustrate our characterization, we first focus on a simple
The central planner wants to induce a targeted action profile ex-ante, whereas example, where the central planner wants agent(s) to complete a
she wants to use a different mechanism once an action profile is fixed. To avoid research project successfully. For brevity, we assume that agents
this complexity, we assume that the central planner’s mechanism choice is made have no interest in allocation itself, i.e., v (a, ω) = 0 for all a ∈ A
in the very beginning of the game.
6 See Proposition 1 in Obara (2008). Obara (2008) argues that, if the central and ω ∈ Ω , so that we can focus on whether a payment rule can
planner attempts to induce a mixed action profile, we need to consider
induce a targeted action. The outcome space is threefold, Ω =
mechanisms in which each agent reports not only her type but also her selection {1, 2, 3}, and the realizations represents ‘‘fail’’, ‘‘small success’’,
of pure action. and ‘‘big success’’, respectively. While f : Ω → R is originally
H. Matsushima and S. Noda Journal of Mathematical Economics 106 (2023) 102831

Fig. 1. Timeline.

defined as a function where f (ω) represents the probability that +f (3) x (3) − (1 − f (1))2 − (f (3))2
the state ω realizes, slightly abusing notation, we sometimes
Similar to the case of the one-dimensional action space, we can
regard f as a |Ω |-dimensional vector, f = (f (ω))ω∈Ω . Specifi-
obtain a necessary condition for a payment rule to induce f ∗ using
cally, every state distribution f lies in a two-dimensional simplex,
the first-order condition. The resultant condition is (1) and
i.e., ∆ (Ω ) = ∆2 = f ∈ [0, 1]3 : f (1) + f (2) + f (3) = 1 .
{ }
We start from the case of a single agent (n = 1), and we 4
drop subscripts denoting the agent for visibility. Since this single-
x (2) − x (1) = . (2)
agent’s action solely determines the state distribution, the agent’s
As before, the agent can control the ratio between f (2) and
action space, B, is equivalent to the set of achievable state distri-
f (3). To prevent the agent from making such a deviation, (1)
butions, F ⊂ ∆2 . While we discuss the single-agent example, we
must be the case. Now, in addition, the agent can control the ratio
denote the agent’s action as a state distribution, f ∈ F .
between f (1) and f (2). To prevent this new class of deviations,
One-agent, one-dimensional action. We first consider a one- the payment rule must satisfy an additional constraint, (2). The
dimensional action space, F = f ∈ ∆2 : f (1) = 1/3 . In words,
{ }
two constraints, (1) and (2), uniquely specifies the payment rule
by exerting effort, the agent can turn a small success (ω = 2) to up to constant: When x (1) = ȳ, then x (2) = 4/3 + ȳ and
a big success (ω = 3) but cannot decrease the probability of a x (3) = 2 + ȳ must be the case.
failure. The agent’s cost function is specified by c (f ) = (f (3))2 , The observations above do not rely on the assumptions made
meaning that it is costly to increase the chance of a big success. for simplicity. When the agent’s valuation for allocations, v (a, ω),
Suppose that the central planner wants to induce f ∗ such that is not a constant, we can replace x (ω) of the above argument
f ∗ (1) = f ∗ (2) = f ∗ (3) = 1/3. A payment rule x ∈ R3 induces f ∗ with v (a, ω) + x (ω) and then all the arguments go through
if and only if f ∗ is a solution of the following utility maximization without any modifications. As long as the cost function c is differ-
problem: entiable, the first-order condition becomes a necessary condition
{ ( ) } for optimality. Since the agent’s payoff is linear in payments, each
1 2
max x (1) + − f (3) x (2) + f (3) x (3) − (f (3))2 necessary condition appears as a linear constraint on the set of
3 3
[ ]
f (3)∈ 0, 32 inducible payment rules. Furthermore, the number of the first-
order conditions is equal to the number of directions to which
Since the payoff from the payment rule is linear in f and the the agent can shift the state distribution. Accordingly, for a single-
cost function is assumed to be differentiable, the agent’s opti- agent problem, the dimension of payment rules that induce a
mal choice of the action, f (3), is characterized by the following targeted action (state distribution) can be characterized by the
first-order condition: dimension of the set of state distributions the agent can choose
− x (2) + x (3) − 2f (3) = 0. from.

Accordingly, the payment rule induces f ∗ , i.e., f (3) = 1/3, if and Multiple agents. In a multiple-agent case, the state distribution
only if is associated with an action profile, rather than a single agent’s
action. However, once we fix the other agents’ actions b−i , we can
2 characterize the set of state distributions that can be achieved by
x (3) − x (2) = . (1)
3 agent i’s unilateral deviation as follows:
The agent can control the ratio of f (2) and f (3). If (1) is not { }
satisfied, the agent would want to increase or decrease f (3) to Fi (b−i ) = f˜ ∈ ∆ (Ω ) : f˜ = f (·|bi , b−i ) for some bi ∈ Bi .
obtain a better payoff. By contrast, since the agent cannot change
In the multi-agent case, multiple actions could lead to the
f (1), the central planner can choose any value for x (1). Here, ′
same state distribution, i.e.,
) there could exist bi ̸= bi such that
the agent’s ability to control the ratio of f (3) to f (2), which can
f (·|bi , b−i ) = f ·|b′i , b−i . In such a case, the agent wants to
be represented as a one-dimensional action space, decreases the
choose an action with the smallest cost, and therefore, agent i’s
dimension of the set of payment rules that induce the targeted
indirect cost function Ci (·; b−i ) : Fi (b−i ) → R+ is given by
action by one. ( )
One-agent, two-dimensional action. Now, we instead consider Ci f˜ ; b−i = min ci (bi ) subject to f (bi , b−i ) = f˜ .
bi ∈Bi
a two-dimensional action space, F = ∆2 . Different from the
previous case, the agent can decrease the probability of a failure, Replacing F and c with Fi (b−i ) and Ci (·|b−i ), we can apply the
f (1), by exerting effort. We specify the cost function by c (f ) = argument of the single-agent case to multiple-agent cases. That
(1 − f (1))2 + (f (3))2 . For a payment rule x to induce f ∗ ≡ 1/3, is, when Ci (·|b−i ) is totally differentiable, we can characterize
f ∗ must be a solution of the following problem: inducibility by using the first-order condition argument.
The exact characterization we provide from the next sub-
f (1) x (1) + (1 − f (1) − f (3)) x (2)
max section is weaker than the naïve extension of the single-agent
f (1),f (3)

H. Matsushima and S. Noda Journal of Mathematical Economics 106 (2023) 102831

Fig. 2. Deviation path. If zi is not perpendicular to t(βi ), agent i has an incentive to make a unilateral deviation along with βi (i.e., increase or decrease α slightly).
(For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

case discussed above. Since our characterization exploits the first- every set A and vector a, dim A = dim (A + a) holds. Therefore,
order condition argument, the differentiability of the cost func- we have
tion is essential. However, even when the original cost function
ci is differentiable, the indirect cost function Ci (·; b−i ) may not, dim Xi (b, g ) = dim Zi (b, g , xi ) .
because of the minimum operator. From the next subsection, we Proposition 1 shows that each deviation path constrains Zi
discuss that the differentiability of Ci (·; b−i ) is not necessary for (b, g , xi ) (and Xi (b, g )) by imposing one equality constraint.
applying the first-order condition argument to the multi-agent
case. Instead, we provide a way to characterize the desirable Proposition 1. Suppose that (g , xi ) induces bi given b−i and there
payment rules using agents’ local deviations. exists a deviation path βi of (i, b) ∈ N × B. Then, we have zi ∈
Zi (b, g , xi ) only if
4.3. Deviation path
zi · t(βi ) = 0. (3)
We first define the deviation path, a class of local deviations
that an agent can take. In the single-agent example, the agent All proofs are shown in Appendix A. Proposition 1 implies that
can take an action such as ‘‘increase f (2) by ϵ and decrease f (3) a payment rule x̃i for agent i is never included in Xi (b, g) if the
by ϵ ’’. This is a ‘‘class of actions’’ in the sense that the agent can payment increment zi ≡ x̃i − xi is not perpendicular to the tangent
specify how much to shift by selecting the value of ϵ . Likewise, a of the deviation path βi (i.e., zi · t(βi ) ̸ = 0). Since the mechanism
deviation path defines a pattern of actions that an agent can take. (g , xi ) induces bi , agent i is (approximately) indifferent for local
deviations along the deviation path βi in (g , xi ). If (g , xi + zi )
Definition 2 (Deviation Path). A mapping βi : [−1, 1] → Bi is said induces bi , agent i must also be indifferent for local deviations
to be a deviation path of (i, b) ∈ N × B if along βi in (g , xi + zi ). This implies that the expected value of
zi must be (approximately) unchanged even if agent i locally
βi (0) = bi , deviates. In Fig. 2b, we illustrate the situation in which zi · t (βi ) ̸ =
βi (α) = βi α ′ ⇒ α = α ′ ,
[ ( )] [ ]
0, and thus the agent has an incentive to deviate from bi .
ci (βi (α)) is differentiable in α at α = 0, In general, there exist multiple deviation paths whose tan-
gents are linearly independent. In such a case, the equality condi-
and there exists a tangent of βi at b, which is denoted by t(βi ) ∈ tion (3) must be satisfied for all deviation paths. Accordingly, one
R|Ω | , where deviation path decreases the upper bound of the dimensionality
f (·|βi (α) , b−i ) − f (·|b) of Xi (b, g) by one as follows:
t (βi ) ≡ lim .
α→0 α
Theorem 1. Suppose there exist Ki deviation paths of (i(, b),) denoted
Mathematically, a deviation path is an ordered subset of the K
action space. An agent can always make a local unilateral devia- by( βi1 ,). . . , and βi i , such that the respective tangents t βi1 , . . . , and
tion ‘‘along with’’ the deviation path; i.e., to take βi (α) ∈ Bi with t βi
are linearly independent. Then, we have
α ̸= 0, which leads to a smooth shift of the state distribution.
Fig. 2a illustrates an example of deviation path βi . We assume dim Xi (b, g ) ≤ |Ω | − Ki . (4)
|Ω | = 3, and the triangle represents the probability simplex
∆ (Ω ) = ∆2 . The blue point represents f (·|b). Each point on the Theorem 1 exhibits the tradeoff between the dimensionality
orange curve corresponds to a probability distribution that can be of the action space and that of payment rules inducing a targeted
generated by agent i’s unilateral deviation along deviation path action profile. The variety of desirable payment rules sharply
βi . The tangent of βi at b, t(βi ), is depicted as the green-dotted decreases as the action space becomes larger in the following
arrow. The tangent specifies the consequence of local deviations sense. Consider a mechanism that successfully induces a targeted
along with the path. action profile under the current action space. Now, assume that
Now, we characterize the dimensionality of the set of mech- there arises a new class of actions (deviation path). With the
anisms that induce the targeted action profile, Xi (b, g ). Fix an new (larger) action space, the mechanism induces the targeted
arbitrary payment rule for agent i, xi ∈ Xi (b, g). We define action only when the tangent of the new deviation path, t (βi ),
is perpendicular to the payment increment, zi (Proposition 1).
Zi (b, g , xi ) ≡ zi ∈ R|Ω | : xi + zi ∈ Xi (b, g) .
{ }
However, we have no reason to expect that this condition holds,
Recall that we defined dimension of general sets as the dimension and therefore, the mechanism ‘‘typically’’ fails to induce the tar-
of the minimal vector space that contains the set. Accordingly, for geted action with the new action space. In this sense, the set
H. Matsushima and S. Noda Journal of Mathematical Economics 106 (2023) 102831

5. Efficiency

This section studies efficient mechanism design (i.e., maxi-

mization of social welfare). We denote the valuation function of
the central planner by v0 : A × Ω → R. An allocation rule g is said
to be allocatively efficient if
∑ ∑
vi (g(ω), ω) ≥ vi (a, ω)
i∈N ∪{0} i∈N ∪{0}

for all a ∈ A and ω ∈ Ω . A combination of an action profile and an

allocation rule (b, g) is said to be fully efficient if g is allocatively
efficient and the selection of b maximizes the total welfare in
Fig. 3. Rich action space. The case of |Ω | = 3. Bi is rich at b if there are two expectation. That is, it satisfies
(= |Ω | − 1) different deviation paths of (i, b). ⎡ ⏐ ⎤
∑ ⏐ ∑
vi (g (ω) , ω)⏐⏐ b⎦ − ci (bi )

of mechanisms to solve the hidden action problem is greatly i∈N ∪{0} ⏐ i∈N
reduced if an agent’s action space is slightly increased. ⎡ ⏐ ⎤

Since Proposition 1 and Theorem 1 characterize Xi (b, g ) only
∑ ∑ ( )
vi (g (ω) , ω)⏐⏐ b̃⎦ −

≥E ⎣ ci b̃i
using local deviations (i.e., the first-order condition argument),
i∈N ∪{0} ⏐ i∈N
the inequality (4) may not provide a tight upper bound. To tightly
characterize Xi (b, g ), we need to consider nonlocal deviations, for all b̃ ∈ B. A mechanism (g , x) is fully efficient if there exists an
i.e., the possibility that an agent can jump the state distribution action profile b ∈ B such that (g , x) induces b and (b, g) is fully
by paying a substantial cost (relative to the targeted action). efficient.7
Whether an agent actually has an incentive to take such a nonlo- A payment rule x is said to be VCG if there exists yi : Ω−i → R
cal deviation depends on the fine detail of the agent’s valuation for each i ∈ N such that
function vi and cost function ci , and therefore, a concise and ∑
tractable characterization is hopeless. xi (ω) = − vj (g(ω), ω) + yi (ω−i )
j∈N ∪{0}\{i}

4.4. Richness for all i ∈ N and ω ∈ Ω . A VCG payment rule gives each agent i ∈
N the monetary amount equivalent to the∑other agents’ welfare
From now, we analyze the case in which an agent has a
plus the central planner’s welfare (i.e., j∈N ∪{0}\{i} vj (g(ω ), ω ))

maximal number of deviation paths. Since ∆ (Ω ) is a (|Ω | − 1)- and retrieves the monetary payment yi (ω−i ) that is independent
dimensional space, there are at most |Ω − 1| linearly indepen- of ωi .
dent tangent vectors. We say that agent i’s action space Bi is rich We now introduce a subclass of VCG mechanisms, namely, the
at action profile b if there indeed exist |Ω | − 1 deviation paths class of pure-VCG mechanisms. A payment rule x is said to be
whose tangents are linearly independent (see Fig. 3). pure-VCG if it is VCG and yi (·) is constant for each i ∈ N; there
exists a vector ȳ = (ȳi )i∈N ∈ Rn such that
Definition 3. Agent i’s action space Bi is rich at action profile b ∑
x i (ω ) = − vj (g(ω), ω) + ȳi
if there exist |Ω | − 1 deviation paths of (i, b) whose tangents are
j∈N ∪{0}\{i}
linearly independent. An action space B is rich at b if Bi is rich at
b for all i ∈ N. for all i ∈ N and ω ∈ Ω . Pure-VCG payment rules are special
cases of VCG payment rules, where the central planner imposes
When Bi is rich at b, Theorem 1 implies that dim Xi (b, g) = 1. on each agent i a fixed amount ȳi as a non-incentive term. We
Accordingly, whenever xi and x̃i induce bi given b−i , then xi and term a combination of efficient allocation rule and a VCG pay-
x̃i are the same up to constants. Hence, we have proved the ment rule (pure-VCG payment rule) a VCG mechanism (pure-VCG
following equivalence result: mechanism).
The pure-VCG mechanism can be interpreted as a general-
Corollary 1. Suppose that Bi is rich at b and (g , xi ) induces bi given ization of the selling-out contract of the principal–agent prob-
b−i . Then, the following are equivalent: lems. The selling-out contract perfectly aligns the output and
the agent’s payoff (by selling out the firm from the principal to
(i) xi ∈ Xi (b, g) and x̃i ∈ Xi (b, g).
the agent). Under the selling-out contract, the agent’s problem
(ii) x̃i = xi + z i for some z i ∈ R.
becomes isomorphic to the maximization of the expected profit;
To interpret Corollary 1, let us suppose that bi is a maximizer thus, the first-best effort level is induced (Harris and Raviv, 1979).
of an objective function ui given that other agents take b−i , that In an efficient mechanism design problem, the ‘‘output’’ is
is, social welfare, and the pure-VCG mechanism perfectly aligns each
[ ] agent’s payoff with the social welfare. Accordingly, pure-VCG
bi ∈ max E ui (ω) |b̃i , b−i − ci (bi ) . induces efficient actions. We further show that, when the action
b̃i ∈Bi
space is rich, only pure-VCG mechanism can be fully efficient: all
Clearly, the payment rule xi (ω) = ui (ω) − vi (g (ω) , ω) the other mechanisms are exploited by some actions.
can induce bi given b−i . Corollary 1 implies that, when agents
have ‘‘many’’ actions and can shift the state distribution to any 7 Our definition of full efficiency of mechanisms is different from the
direction, the payment rule specified above is indeed the only efficiency defined in Hatfield et al. (2014) in that we fix agents’ action spaces
way (up to constant) to induce the focused action, bi . and cost functions.

H. Matsushima and S. Noda Journal of Mathematical Economics 106 (2023) 102831

Theorem 2. Proof. zi , defined by (5), is the difference between a pure-

VCG payment rule and the pivot payment rule. Since pure-VCG
(i) Pure-VCG mechanisms are fully efficient.
mechanisms induce b, it follows from Proposition 1 that the pivot
(ii) Suppose that, for every fully efficient (b, g), B is rich at b. Then,
mechanism induces bi given b−i only if zi · t(βi ) = 0. □
a mechanism is fully efficient if and only if it is pure-VCG.
Proposition 2 indicates that the pivot mechanism induces an
When the action space is rich, even if such information is avail-
efficient action profile only when a special congruence condition,
able, the pure-VCG mechanism is the only choice for maximizing
i.e., the negation of (6), is satisfied. Therefore, even if there exists
the social welfare.
at least one deviation path around the efficient action profile, the
We say that we have private values if, for every i ∈ N, (i)
pivot mechanism typically fails to achieve full efficiency in the
the valuation vi (a, ω) is independent of the other agents’ type
sense that there is no reason to expect the negation of (6).11
profile ω−0−i ≡ (ωj )j∈N \{i} ∈ Ω−0−i ≡ ×j∈N \{i} Ωj , and (ii) v0 (a, ω)
is independent of ω−0 . We write vi (a, ω0 , ωi ) instead of vi (a, ω)
Remark 1. In Appendix B, we propose an open-bidding proce-
for each i ∈ N, and v0 (a, ω0 ) instead of v0 (a, ω).8 It is well-
dure that implements pure-VCG mechanisms. In our procedure,
known that, when we have private values, a truthful reporting
the mechanism determines the compensation for losers, rather
is a dominant strategy for every agent under a VCG mechanism.
than the payment to the winner (as in standard auctions). The
Thus, the pure-VCG mechanism not only solves the hidden-action
mechanism starts with a sufficiently high price and gradually
problem but also the hidden-information problem.
descends the price until one bidder declares to win the object.
By contrast, Theorem 2 also implies that achieving full effi-
The winner obtains nothing, and the losers are compensated with
ciency by an incentive compatible mechanism is impossible when
the price determined by the mechanism. This procedure contrasts
we have interdependent values (i.e., the private-value assump-
with the ascending auction implementing the pivot mechanism.
tion is violated). While VCG incentivizes truthful reporting only
with private values, even with interdependent values, allocative
Remark 2. Although the pure-VCG mechanism achieves full
efficiency is sometimes achievable by using some mechanisms
efficiency, it cannot earn non-negative revenue in a very general
other than VCG.9 Nevertheless, Theorem 2 indicates that the
class of environment. In Appendix C, we analyze the revenue
pure-VCG mechanism is the only choice for inducing an effi-
collected by the pure-VCG mechanism.
cient action profile. Hence, with interdependent values, (i) an
efficient action profile, (ii) an efficient allocation rule, and (iii)
6. Independent types and interim equivalence
incentive compatibility for reporting cannot be achieved at the
same time, in general.10 This generalizes the observation for the
Thus far, we have assumed that each agent’s action choice
mechanism design problem with information acquisition, studied
(possibly) has externality effects (i.e., may influence the distri-
by Bergemann and Välimäki (2002).
bution of the entire state ω, rather than his private type ωi ). We
Although any VCG mechanism is incentive compatible and
have seen that, even if the dimensionality of unilateral deviations
allocatively efficient in the private-value case, they do not always
is low, the pivot mechanism fails to achieve full efficiency un-
induce an efficient action profile. For example, consider the pivot
less a special congruence condition is satisfied (Proposition 2).
mechanism (g , x), which is a VCG mechanism specified by
∑ If agents can take various unilateral deviations (i.e., if the action
yi (ω−i ) = min vj g ωi′ , ω−i , ω0 , ωj . space is rich), only the pure-VCG mechanism can be full efficient
( ( ) )
ω′ ∈Ω
i i (Theorem 2).
j∈N ∪{0}
This section excludes externality effects by assuming that one
The pivot mechanism’s ‘‘non-incentive term’’ yi is defined for agent’s action only influences his own type distribution. Even
making agent i’s ex-post payoff equal to zero when agent i has the with such an assumption, Theorem 1 holds without any mod-
worst type. Clearly, the pivot mechanism is not pure-VCG because ifications. However, the assumption reduces the set of possible
yi is not a constant. The following proposition demonstrates a deviation paths; thus, the set of mechanisms inducing a targeted
sufficient condition under which the pivot mechanism fails to action profile becomes substantially larger.
achieve full efficiency: As in Bergemann and Välimäki (2002) and Hatfield et al.
(2014), this section assumes independent types of information
Proposition 2. Suppose that allocation rule g is allocatively effi- structure. We have independent types if each agent i’s action
cient. Define zi : Ω → R by choice bi ∈ Bi influences only the marginal distribution of the
agent’s own type ωi ; for every ω ∈ Ω and b ∈ B, the (joint) type

zi (ω) = min vi g ωi′ , ω−i , ω0 , ωj .
( ( ) )
ω′ ∈Ω
i i distribution f can be written as follows.
j∈N ∪{0}

Then, a pivot mechanism fails to achieve full efficiency if, for every f (ω|b) = f0 (ω0 ) fi (ωi |bi ) .
b ∈ B such that (b, g) is fully efficient, there exists an agent i ∈ N i∈N
and a deviation path βi of (i, b) such that Here, fi (·|bi ) denotes the marginal distribution of each agent i’s
type ωi , which is assumed to depend only on bi , and f0 (·) denotes
zi · t(βi ) ̸ = 0. (6)
the distribution of the public signal ω0 , which is assumed to
be independent of the action profile, b ∈ B. When we have
8 We permit the valuations to depend on the public signal ω . We write
independent types, agent i’s action space is equivalent to the
v0 (a, ω0 , ω0 ) instead of v0 (a, ω0 ).
9 See, for example, Crémer and McLean (1985, 1988), Maskin (1992), Das- set of available marginal distributions on agent i’s type. With
gupta and Maskin (2000), Jehiel and Moldovanu (2001), and Bergemann and independent types, for every ξ : Ω → R and ξi : Ωi → R, we
Välimäki (2002). can simply write Eω−i [ξ (ω̃i , ω−i )|b−i ] and E [ξi (ωi )|bi ] instead of
10 Mezzetti (2004) shows that, if the realized valuation v (g(ω), ω) is observ-
i Eω−i [ξ (ω̃i , ω−i )|b, ωi ] and E [ξi (ωi )|b], respectively.
able as an ex-post public signal and is contractible, even with interdependent
values, (allocatively) efficient mechanisms can be implemented providing any
VCG expected payoffs to each agent (see Noda, 2019 for more general ex-post 11 Krähmer and Strausz (2007) showed that the pivot mechanism generi-
signals). If these schemes are available, full efficiency is achievable even with cally fails to induce an efficient investment for the case of one-dimensional
interdependent values. investments. Proposition 2 generalizes this observation.

H. Matsushima and S. Noda Journal of Mathematical Economics 106 (2023) 102831

With independent types, the action set cannot be rich (i.e., available, the central planner’s only option to achieve full effi-
cannot have |Ω | − 1 distinct deviation paths). With independent ciency is to use a VCG mechanism.12 This result is a special case
types, the choice of bi is isomorphic to the choice of fi ∈ ∆(Ωi ), of our Theorem 3 in the sense that the class of VCG mecha-
where dim ∆(Ωi ) = |Ωi |. Accordingly, there are at most |Ωi | − 1 nisms can be characterized as the class of ‘‘detail-free’’ (i.e., it
deviation paths whose tangents are linearly independent. We say can be constructed without using information about (f , B, c ))
that the action space Bi is individually rich at bi if such deviation expectation-VCG mechanisms.
paths exist. Finally, we discuss the incentives for truthful reporting. When
the type distribution is fixed and we have private values, the
Definition 4 (Individual Richness). Agent i’s action space Bi is expectation-VCG mechanism is Bayesian incentive compatible
individually rich at bi if there exist |Ωi | − 1 deviation paths of (BIC): if a profile of truthful reporting consists a Bayesian Nash
(i, b) whose tangents are linearly independent. equilibrium. However, in our model, standard BIC is not sufficient
for preventing deviations. The traditional definition of BIC only
Parallel to Corollary 1, when the action space is individually considers deviations in reporting (assuming a type distribution
rich, the payment rule inducing a targeted action profile becomes to be fixed). By contrast, in our model, agents can make a joint
unique up to ‘‘constants’’ in the interim sense. deviation in actions and reporting. Accordingly, both targeted
action and allocation are achieved in equilibrium only if the
Corollary 2. Suppose that Bi is individually rich at b and (g , xi ) following condition is satisfied.
induces bi given b−i . Then, the following are equivalent:
Definition 5 (Bayesian Inducibility and Incentive Compatibility). A
(i) xi ∈ Xi (b, g) and x̃i ∈ Xi (b, g). combination of an action profile and a mechanism (b, (g , x)) is
(ii) x̃i = xi + ri for some ri : Ω → R such that Eω−i [ri (ωi , ω−i )|b−i ] Bayesian inducible and incentive compatible (BIIC) if the selection
is independent of ωi ∈ Ωi . of action profile b at Stage 2 and the truthful revelation at Stage
The distribution of ω−i is determined solely by the choice of 4 result in a perfect Bayesian equilibrium; for every agent i ∈ N,
b−i , which agent i cannot manipulate. Accordingly, agent i’s uni- action b′i ∈ Bi , and reporting strategy σi : Ωi → Ωi ,
lateral deviation does not change the value of Eω−i [ri (ωi , ω−i )|b−i ] E [vi (g (ω) , ω) − xi (ω) |b] − ci (bi )
whenever it is independent of ωi . Hence, Condition (ii) implies (i).
≥ E vi (g (σi (ωi ) , ω−i ) , ω−i ) − xi (σi (ωi ) , ω−i ) |b′i , b−i
[ ]
When the action space is individually rich, agent i can manipulate
− ci b′i .
( )
the distribution of ωi in full-dimensional directions. Hence, if
Eω−i [ri (ωi , ω−i )|b−i ] depends on ωi , agent i has a way to take
The expectation-VCG mechanism indeed satisfies this condi-
advantage of it. Accordingly, Condition (i) implies (ii).
Now, we consider fully efficient mechanisms. A payment rule
x is said to be expectation-VCG if, for each i ∈ N, there exist Proposition 3. Suppose that we have private values and indepen-
ri : Ω → R such that for every i ∈ N and ω ∈ Ω , we have dent types. Then, any expectation-VCG mechanism satisfies BIIC

xi (ω) = − vj (g (ω) , ω) + ri (ω) , For example, the AGV mechanism, established by Arrow (1979)
j∈N ∪{0}\{i} and D’Aspremont and Gerard-Varet (1979), is an expectation-VCG
and Eω−i [ri (ωi , ω−i )|b−i ] is independent of ωi ∈ Ωi . We term the mechanism. Furthermore, by construction, ∑ the AGV mechanism
satisfies budget balance: for all ω ∈ Ω , i∈N xi (ω ) = 0. Accord-
combination of an efficient allocation rule and expectation-VCG
ingly, with independent types, the central planner can achieve
payment rule an expectation-VCG mechanism. Clearly, any VCG
full efficiency along with BIIC and budget balance.
mechanism (including pure-VCG) belongs to expectation-VCG.
It is straightforward to show that any expectation-VCG mech-
7. Conclusion
anism can induce an efficient action profile (Rogerson, 1992).
Furthermore, by Corollary 2, any mechanism inducing the effi-
We have studied a mechanism design problem in which agents
cient action profile is interim equivalent if the action space is
take hidden actions that determine the state distribution. The
individually rich. Accordingly, only expectation-VCG can be fully
diversity of possible actions greatly limits the mechanisms that
can effectively induce a desired action profile. When agents are
able to make various unilateral deviations, i.e., when the action
Theorem 3. Under the assumption of independent types:
space is rich at the targeted action profile, the mechanism that
(i) Any expectation-VCG mechanism is fully efficient. successfully induces the desired action profile becomes unique
(ii) Suppose that, for every fully efficient (b, g), b is individually up to constants.
rich. Then, a mechanism is fully efficient if and only if it is We then apply our characterization results to efficient mech-
expectation-VCG. anism design and establish that the pure-VCG mechanism is the
only fully efficient mechanism if the action space is rich. The
The statement (i) was proved by Rogerson (1992) and known pure-VCG mechanism, however, has a highly constrained form
in the literature. We prove the converse: The statement (ii) of that cannot satisfy certain desirable properties, such as budget
Theorem 3 provides a condition under which the expectation- balance. As a result, this finding may be interpreted as a negative
VCG is the only class of fully efficient mechanisms. Bergemann outcome.
and Välimäki (2002) studied information acquisition for each To address this impossibility result, it is crucial for the central
agent’s own hidden state with independent types and private planner to have a comprehensive understanding of the set of
values and demonstrated that VCG mechanisms achieve full effi- possible action choices. If the planner lacks this knowledge, she
ciency. We derive the full characterization while allowing general
action spaces. Hatfield et al. (2014) showed that when detailed 12 On the other hand, Tomoeda (2019) pointed out that VCG mechanisms fail
information about the environment (action space, cost function, to induce an efficient action profile as a unique equilibrium even under the
and state distribution associated with each action profile) is not absence of externality effects.

H. Matsushima and S. Noda Journal of Mathematical Economics 106 (2023) 102831

for all k = 1, 2, . . . , Ki .
must opt for a robust and detail-free mechanism like the pure-
VCG, which achieves full efficiency regardless of the specifics K
Since t βi1 , . . . , and t(βi i ) are linearly independent,
( )
of the action and state distributions. On the other hand, if the
planner has detailed knowledge of the action set, she can design
dim zi ∈ R|Ω | : zi · t βik = 0 for all k = 1, 2, . . . , Ki ≤ |Ω | − Ki .
{ ( ) }
a mechanism that is tailored to the specific problem at hand.
However, such a mechanism requires detailed information about Therefore,
the set of actions, state distributions corresponding to each action
profile, and agents’ perceptions. dim Zi (b, g , xi ) ≤ |Ω | − Ki .
An alternative option for the central planner is to choose
Hence, we have dim Xi (b, g) = dim Zi (b, g , xi ) ≤ |Ω | − Ki as
to sacrifice full efficiency in order to gain more flexibility in
desired. □
mechanism design. One approach is to use the pivot mechanism
to achieve allocation efficiency and non-negative revenue, while
Proof of Theorem 2. If (b, g) is fully efficient and x is pure-VCG,
compromising on action efficiency. Alternatively, the planner can
then, for every i ∈ N and for any action b′i ∈ Bi ,
use rewards or punishments to deter action deviations, while
sacrificing allocation efficiency. It would be intriguing to examine E [vi (g (ω) , ω) − xi (ω) |b] − ci (bi )
the optimal trade-off between the two types of efficiency.
− E vi (g (ω) , ω) − xi (ω) |b′i , b−i + ci b′i
[ ] ( )
An intriguing potential application of our theory is in the realm ⎡ ⏐ ⎤
of mechanism design for addressing environmental problems, ∑ ⏐
vj (g (ω) , ω)⏐⏐ b⎦ − ci (bi )

which has gained increasing attention in recent years. Economic =E ⎣
activities related to environmental issues are varied and fre- j∈N ∪{0} ⏐
quently involve externalities, while the methods for monitoring, ⎡ ⏐

evaluating, and incentivizing these activities are also quite di- ∑
vj (g (ω) , ω)⏐⏐ bi , b−i ⎦ + ci b′i
⏐ ′ ( )
verse. To encourage favorable behaviors, the central planner must −⎣
carefully decide which activities to monitor, assess, and reward. j∈N ∪{0} ⏐
This paper highlights the need for caution when choosing in- ≥ 0,
centives that encourage unmonitored activities with externalities.
Detailed designs should be explored in future studies that focus which implies that (g , x) induces b. Furthermore, if B is rich at
on specific issues. b, it is clear from Corollary 1 and the definition of the pure-VCG
payment rule that only pure-VCG mechanisms will induce b. □
Declaration of competing interest
Proof of Corollary 2. (i) ⇒ (ii) is straightforward from the fact
The authors declare that they have no known competing finan- that Eω−i [ri (ωi , ω−i )|b−i ] is independent of ωi and bi .
cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared To show the other direction, we first prove the following
to influence the work reported in this paper. lemma.

Data availability Lemma 1. With the assumption of independent types, if βi is a

deviation path of b and t(βi ) ∈ R|Ω | is its tangent, then there exists
No data was used for the research described in the article. ti (βi ) ∈ R|Ωi | such that
fi (·|βi (α )) − fi (·|bi )
Appendix A. Omitted proofs lim ≡ ti (βi ) .
α→0 α
Furthermore, for all deviation paths βi1 , . . . , βiK , their respec-
Proof of Proposition 1. Consider an arbitrary zi ∈ Zi (b, g , xi ).
tive tangents t(βi1 ), . . . , t(βiK ) are linearly independent if and only
Since (g , xi ) induces bi given b−i , the following first-order con-
dition is necessary for preventing agent i from locally deviating if ti (βi1 ), . . . , ti (βiK ) are linearly independent.
along βi :
⏐ Proof. By independent types,
{E [vi (g(ω), ω) − xi (ω)|βi (α ), b−i ] − ci (βi (α ))}⏐⏐ = 0. (A.1)

dα f (ω|βi (α) , b−i ) − f (ω|bi , b−i )
α=0 ∏ (
fj ωj |bj · (fi (ωi |βi (α)) − fi (ωi |bi )) .
Similarly, (g , xi + zi ) must satisfy the following first-order =
condition: j̸ =i

d Accordingly, we have
{E [vi (g(ω), ω) − xi (ω) − zi (ω)|βi (α ), b−i ] − ci (βi (α ))}⏐⏐ = 0.

dα α=0
∏ ( fi (ωi |βi (α)) − fi (ωi |bi )
t (ω, βi ) = fj ωj |bj · lim
(A.2) α→0 α
j ̸ =i
Subtracting (A.2) from (A.1), we obtain ∏ (
fj ωj |bj · ti (ωi , βi ) .
⏐ = (A.3)
E [zi (ω)|βi (α ), b−i ]⏐⏐ = 0,

j ̸ =i
dα α=0 This indicates that whenever t(βi ) exists, ti (βi ) also exists; thus,
or equivalently, zi · t(βi ) = 0. □ ti (βi ) is well-defined.
Suppose that t(βi1 ), . . . , t(βiK ) are not linearly independent;
Proof of Theorem 1. Proposition 1 implies then, there exists (λk )Kk=0 such that λk ̸ = 0 for some k ∈ 1, . . . , K ,
Zi (b, g , xi ) ⊂ zi ∈ R|Ω | : zi · t βik = 0 for all k = 1, 2, . . . , Ki .
{ ( ) }

λk · t(ω, βik ) = 0
|Ω |
dim Zi (b, g , xi ) ≤ dim zi ∈ R : zi · t βik = 0
{ ( )

H. Matsushima and S. Noda Journal of Mathematical Economics 106 (2023) 102831

for all ω ∈ Ω . Fix some ω−i ∈ Ω−i arbitrarily. It follows from An efficient allocation rule g is given by
(A.3) that
g (ω) ∈ argmax ωi for all ω ∈ Ω .
K K i∈N
∑ 1 ∑
λk · ti (ωi , βik ) = ∏ λk · t(ω, βik ) = 0 The pure-VCG payment rule is given by
j ̸ =i f j (ωj |bj )
k=1 k=1
if g (ω) = i,
for all ωi ∈ Ωi . Hence, ti (βi1 ), . . . , ti (βiK ) are not linearly indepen- xi (ω) =
−ωg(ω) + ȳi otherwise,
dent either. If ti (βi1 ), . . . , ti (βiK ) are not linearly independent, we
can show that t(βi1 ), . . . , t(βiK ) are not independent in a similar where ȳi ∈ R is an arbitrary real number for each i ∈ N.
manner. □ We consider the following open-bid descending procedure:

Proof of Corollary 2 (continued). Suppose that both (g , x) and 1. Each agent pays a fixed participation fee ȳi to the central
(g , x̃) induces b. Then, for all i ∈ N, the following first-order planner at the beginning.
condition of necessary condition must be satisfied: for k = 2. The mechanism initially sets the price sufficiently high, and
1, . . . , |Ωi | − 1, then gradually descends the price.
3. When an agent declares taking the object, this descending
∂ { [

E vi (g(ω), ω) − xi (ω)|βi (α ), b−i − ci βi (α) ⏐⏐ = 0,
] ( k )}⏐
procedure is immediately terminated. The agent who de-
∂α α=0 clares taking the object becomes the winner and obtains
and this object.
∂ { [ 4. The central planner does not require the winner to pay

E vi (g(ω), ω) − x̃i (ω)|βi (α ), b−i − ci βi (α) ⏐⏐ = 0.
] ( k )}⏐
any additional fee. Instead, the central planner gives any
∂α α=0
other agent (i.e., any loser) the price at the ending time as
Comparing these equations, we obtain a compensation.
∂ [

E xi (ω) − x̃i (ω)|βi (α ), b−i ⏐⏐ It is a weakly dominant strategy13 for each agent to ‘‘declare
=0 (A.4)
∂α α=0 taking the object’’ exactly when the current price is equal to the
for k = 1, . . . , |Ωi | − 1. With independent types, (A.4) can be agents’ value. If all the agents adopt this dominant strategy, then
rewritten as (i) the agent with the highest value wins, (ii) the winner’s pay-
∂ ment is ȳi , and (iii) the loser’s payment is −ωg(ω) + ȳi . Accordingly,

Eω Eω−i [xi (ωi , ω−i ) − x̃i (ωi , ω−i )|b−i ]|βi (α ) ⏐⏐
[ k
=0 (A.5) this open-bid descending procedure generates the same outcome
∂α i α=0 as a pure-VCG mechanism.
for k = 1, . . . , |Ωi | − 1. Define The pivot mechanism (the second-price auction) is imple-
mented by the popular ascending auction that determines the
wi (ωi ) ≡ Eω−i xi (ωi , ω−i ) − x̃i (ωi , ω−i ) |b−i .
[ ]
winner’s payment. By contrast, our procedure descends the price
Then, (A.5) is equivalent to and determines the compensation for losers, implementing a
pure-VCG mechanism.
wi · ti (βik ) = 0 (A.6)
|Ωi |−1
for k = 1, . . . , |Ωi | − 1, where ti (βi1 ), . . . , ti (βi ) are obtained Appendix C. Individual rationality and revenues
k |Ωi |−1
by Lemma 1. Since ti (β
{ }
i ) k=1 are linearly independent,
Assuming private values, this section studies whether the
dim wi ∈ R|Ωi | : wi · ti (βik ) = 0 for k = 1, . . . , |Ωi | − 1 = 1.
{ }
central planner can achieve efficiency without deficits. We define
This and (A.6) imply that there exists z i ∈ R such that the central planner’s ex-post revenue by14

wi (ωi ) = Eω−i [xi (ωi , ω−i ) − x̃i (ωi , ω−i )|b−i ] = z i v0 (g(ω), ω0 ) + xi (ω) , (C.1)
for all ωi ∈ Ωi . Since ri (ω) = xi (ω) − x̃i (ω), Corollary 2 is
proved. □ and the expected revenue in the ex-ante term by
[ ⏐ ]

Proof of Theorem 3. Whenever (b, g) is fully efficient and x is

E v0 (g (ω) , ω0 ) + xi (ω)⏐ b .

pure-VCG, then (g , x) induces b. Furthermore, if x is a pure-VCG i∈N

payment rule, x̃ satisfies x̃i (ω) = xi (ω)+ri (ω) and Eω−i [ri (ωi , ω−i )|
We introduce three notions of individual rationality below.
b−i ] is independent of ωi ∈ Ωi , then x̃ is an expectation-VCG
The timings of the exit opportunities are depicted in Fig. 1.
payment rule. Accordingly, by Corollary 2, (g , x̃) induces b if and
only if x̃ is an expectation-VCG payment rule. □
Definition C1 (Ex-ante Individual Rationality). A combination of
Appendix B. Open-bid implementation of pure-VCG an action profile and a mechanism (b, (g , x)) satisfies ex-ante
individual rationality (hereinafter EAIR) if for all i ∈ N, we have
In a single-unit auction with private values, we can implement E [vi (g(ω), ω0 , ωi ) − xi (ω)|b] − ci (bi ) ≥ 0
a pure-VCG mechanism with an open-bid procedure, just as we
can implement a pivot mechanism with an ascending auction. The
13 This open-bid descending procedure satisfies obvious strategy-proofness as
allocation a ∈ A ≡ 1, 2, . . . , n specifies the agent who is the
winner (who obtains the object). Each agent’s type ωi ∈ Ωi ⊂ R+ defined in Li (2017), same as the ascending auctions.
14 Note that the central planner’s revenue includes not only payments from
specifies the payoff of that agent when she obtains the object, i.e.,
the agents but also the valuation of the central planner. In the single agent
ωi if a = i,
case, where the allocation space is degenerate, the value of (C1) corresponds to
vi (a, ωi ) = the principal’s payoff in a standard principal–agent model with a risk-neutral
0 otherwise.
principal and agent.

H. Matsushima and S. Noda Journal of Mathematical Economics 106 (2023) 102831
⎡ ⏐ ⎤⎫
Definition C2 (Interim Individual Rationality). A combination of

∑ )⏐ ⎬
vj g (ω) , ω0 , ωj ⏐⏐ b⎦ ,
an action profile and a mechanism (b, (g , x)) satisfies interim −E ⎣ (C.5)
individual rationality (IIR) if j∈N ∪{0}\{i} ⏐ ⎭

Eω−i [vi (g(ωi , ω−i ), ω0 , ωi ) − xi (ωi , ω−i )|b, ωi ] ≥ 0 respectively.

for all i ∈ N and ωi ∈ Ωi , where Proof. By Theorem 2, we can focus on pure-VCG payment rules,
∑ where the constraint for EPIR is equivalent to
Eω−i [ξ (ω̃i , ω−i )|b, ωi ] ≡ ξ (ω̃i , ω−i )f−i (ω−i |b, ωi ) ∑
vj g (ω) , ω0 , ωj ≥ zi for all i ∈ N .
( )
ω−i ∈Ω−i min (C.6)
j∈N ∪{0}
denotes the expectation of a function ξ (ω̃i , ·) : Ω−i → R condi-
tional on (b, ωi ). We can maximize the expected revenue by letting zi satisfy
(C.6) with equality for each i ∈ N. Accordingly, the central planner
Definition C3 (Ex-post Individual Rationality). A mechanism (g , x) can receive from each agent i the expected value given by
satisfies the ex-post individual rationality (EPIR) if for all i ∈ N and

vj g (ω) , ω0 , ωj
( )
ω ∈ Ω , we have ω∈Ω
j∈N ∪{0}

Eω−i [vi (g(ωi , ω−i ), ω0 , ωi ) − xi (ωi , ω−i )|b, ωi ] ≥ 0.

⎡ ⏐ ⎤
∑ ⏐
vj g (ω) , ω0 , ωj ⏐⏐ b⎦ ,
( )⏐
EPIR implies IIR; however, IIR does not necessarily imply EAIR −E⎣
j∈N ∪{0}\{i}
because the cost for the action choice at Stage 2 is sunk. The

following proposition shows that EPIR implies EAIR: which implies (C.2), where we add E [v0 (g(ω), ω0 )|b].
Similarly, the constraint for IIR is equivalent to
Proposition C1. Suppose that (g , x) induces b. Whenever (g , x) ⎡ ⏐ ⎤
satisfies EPIR, (b, (g , x)) satisfies EAIR. ∑ ⏐
vj g (ωi , ω−i ) , ω0 , ωj ⏐⏐ ωi , b⎦ ≥ zi
( )⏐
min Eω−i ⎣ (C.7)
ωi ∈Ωi
Proof. Because ci (b0i ) = 0, it follows from EPIR and inducibility j∈N ∪{0} ⏐
that for all i ∈ N and ωi ∈ Ωi . We can maximize the expected revenue
by letting zi satisfy (C.7) with equality for each i ∈ N. Accordingly,
E [vi (g (ω) , ω0 , ωi ) − xi (ω) |b] − ci (bi )
the central planner can receive from each agent i the expected
≥ E [vi (g(ω), ω0 , ωi ) − xi (ω)|b0i , b−i ] − ci (b0i ) ≥ 0, value given by
⎡ ⏐ ⎤
which implies EAIR. □ ∑ ⏐
vj (g(ωi , ω−i ), ω0 , ωj )⏐⏐ ωi , b⎦

min Eω−i ⎣
The following proposition calculates the maximal expected ωi ∈Ωi
j∈N ∪{0} ⏐
revenues (i.e., the least upper bounds of the central planner’s ⎡ ⏐ ⎤
expected revenues): ∑ ⏐
vj g (ω) , ω0 , ωj ⏐⏐ b⎦ ,
( )⏐
Proposition C2. Suppose that (b, g) is fully efficient, B is rich at j∈N ∪{0}\{i} ⏐
b, and we have private values. Then, the maximal expected revenue which implies (C.3), where we add E [v0 (g(ω), ω0 )|b].
from (b, (g , x)) in terms of x ∈ ×i∈N Xi (b, g) that satisfies EPIR, IIR, The constraint for EAIR is equivalent to
EAIR, and IIR and EAIR are given by ⎡ ⏐ ⎤
∑ ⏐
vj g (ω) , ω0 , ωj

REPIR ≡ n · min vj (g(ω), ω0 , ωj )⏐⏐ b⎦ − ci (bi ) ≥ zi
( ) ⏐
E⎣ (C.8)
j∈N ∪{0} j∈N ∪{0} ⏐
⎡ ⏐ ⎤
for all i ∈ N. We can maximize the expected revenue by letting zi
∑ ⏐
− (n − 1) E ⎣ vj g (ω) , ω0 , ωj ⏐⏐ b⎦ ,
( )⏐
(C.2) satisfy (C.8) with equality for each i ∈ N. Accordingly, the central
j∈N ∪{0} ⏐ planner can receive from each agent i the expected value given
⎡ ⏐

⎤ by
∑ ∑
vj g (ωi , ω−i ) , ω0 , ωj ⏐⏐ b, ωi ⎦
)⏐ ⏐ ⎤
( ⎡
≡ min Eω−i ⎣ ⏐
ωi ∈Ωi

vj g (ω) , ω0 , ωj ⏐⏐ b⎦ − ci (bi )
( )⏐
i∈N j∈N ∪{0} ⏐ E⎣
⎡ ⏐ ⎤
⏐ j∈N ∪{0} ⏐
∑ (
− (n − 1) E ⎣ g (ω) , ω0 , ωj ⏐⏐ b⎦ ,
)⏐ ⎡ ⏐ ⎤
(C.3) ∑ ⏐
vj g (ω) , ω0 , ωj ⏐⏐ b⎦
( )⏐
j∈N ∪{0} ⏐ −E ⎣
⎡ ⏐ ⎤
⏐ j∈N ∪{0}\{i} ⏐
= E [ vi (g(ω), ω0 , ωi )| b] − ci (bi ) ,
∑ ∑ ( )
vj g (ω) , ω0 , ωj ⏐⏐ b⎦ − cj bj ,
≡E⎣ (C.4)
j∈N ∪{0} j∈N
which implies (C.4), where we add E [v0 (g(ω), ω0 )|b].

REAIR,IIR ≡ E [ v0 (g (ω) , ω0 )| b] The constraint for IIR and EAIR is equivalent to
⎧ ⎧ ⎡ ⏐ ⎤
∑ ⎨ ⎨ ∑ ⏐
E [ vi (g (ω) , ω0 , ωi )| b] − ci (bi ) , vj g (ω) , ω0 , ωj ⏐⏐ b⎦ − ci (bi ) ,
( )⏐
+ min min E ⎣
⎩ ⎩
i∈N j∈N ∪{0} ⏐
⎡ ⏐ ⎤ ⎡ ⏐ ⎤⎫
∑ ⏐ ⏐ ⎬

vj g (ωi , ω−i ) , ω0 , ωj ⏐⏐ b, ωi ⎦ vj (g(ωi , ω−i ), ω0 , ωj )⏐⏐ b, ωi ⎦ ≥ zi .
( )⏐ ⏐
min Eω−i ⎣ min Eω−i ⎣ (C.9)
ωi ∈Ωi ωi ∈Ωi ⎭
j∈N ∪{0} ⏐ j∈N ∪{0} ⏐
H. Matsushima and S. Noda Journal of Mathematical Economics 106 (2023) 102831

We can maximize the expected revenue by letting zi satisfy (C.9) We say that we have conditionally independent types if for
with equality for each i ∈ N. Accordingly, the central planner can every b̃ ∈ B, there exists a marginal type distribution of agent
receive from each agent i the expected value given by i, fi (·|bi ) such that for all ω ∈ Ω , we have
⎧ ( ) ∏ ( )
⎨ f ω|b̃ = fi ωi |b̃ ,
min E [ vi (g (ω) , ω0 , ωi )| b] − ci (bi ) ,
⎩ i∈N ∪{0}

⎡ ⏐ ⎤ When we have conditionally independent types, once we fix

an action profile, ωi provides no information for predicting ω−i .
∑ ⏐
vj g (ωi , ω−i ) , ω0 , ωj ⏐⏐ b, ωi ⎦
( )⏐
min Eω−i ⎣
ωi ∈Ωi The following proposition states that, when we have condi-
j∈N ∪{0} ⏐
⎡ ⏐ ⎤⎫ tionally independent types, the central planner can earn the same
∑ ⏐ ⎬ expected revenue as in the case of observable actions:
vj (g(ω), ω0 , ωj )⏐⏐ b⎦ ,

−E ⎣
j∈N ∪{0}\{i} ⏐ ⎭ Proposition C4. Suppose that (b, g) is fully efficient, B is rich at
b, and we have private values and conditionally independent types.
which implies (C.5), where we add E [v0 (g(ω), ω0 )|b]. □
Then, the expected revenue achieved by any VCG mechanism that
satisfies IIR and EAIR is less than or equal to RIIR,EAIR . Furthermore,
Clearly, R is equal to the maximized expected social wel-
fare. From the relative strength of the incentive compatibility there exists a pure-VCG mechanism that satisfies IIR and EAIR and
constraints, it is also clear that achieves RIIR,EAIR .
Proof. We have already shown that there is a pure-VCG mecha-
and nism that achieves RIIR,EAIR . Assuming conditionally independent
RIIR,EAIR ≤ REAIR . types and private values, we consider an arbitrary VCG mecha-
nism (g , x) such that for each i ∈ N, there exists yi : Ω−i → R
Whether RIIR or REAIR is larger depends on the situation. such that
The following proposition indicates that, with the constraints ∑
xi (ω) = − vj g (ω) , ω0 , ωj + yi (ω−i ) for all ω ∈ Ω .
( )
of EPIR, it is difficult for the central planner to achieve full
efficiency without deficits: j∈N ∪{0}\{i}

Proposition C3. Suppose that (b, g) is fully efficient, B is rich at b, EAIR implies

i∈N (bi ) > 0 and

and we have private values. Suppose also that c
⎡ ⏐ ⎤
i ⏐
there exists a null state ω = (ω0 , . . . , ωn ) ∈ Ω in the sense that

E [ yi (ω−i )| b] ≤ E ⎣ vj g (ω) , ω0 , ωj ⏐⏐ b⎦ − ci (bi ) ,
( )⏐
v0 (a, ω0 ) = 0 for all a ∈¯ A, and¯ for every
¯ i ∈ N, vi (a, ω0 , ωi ) = 0
¯ ¯ has j∈N ∪{0}
for all a ∈ A and ω0 ∈ Ω0 . Then, with EPIR, the central planner

a deficit in expectation: REPIR < 0. while IIR requires
⎡ ⏐ ⎤
Proof. If REAIR < 0, the conclusion would be immediate from ∑ ⏐
E [ yi (ω−i )| b, ωi ] ≤ Eω−i ⎣ vj (g(ωi , ω−i ), ω0 , ωj )⏐⏐ b, ωi ⎦

the fact that REPIR EAIR
∑ ≤ R . Suppose R
≥ 0. Because for
(ω0 , ω1 , . . . , ωn ), i∈N ∪{0} vi (a, ω0 , ωi ) = 0 holds for all a ∈ A,
j∈N ∪{0} ⏐
¯ have
we ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
∑ for all ωi ∈ Ωi , or, equivalently,
min vi (g(ω), ω0 , ωi ) ≤ 0. ⎡ ⏐ ⎤
ω∈Ω ⏐
i∈N ∪{0}

E [ yi (ω−i )| b] ≤ min Eω−i ⎣ vj g (ωi , ω−i ) , ω0 , ωj ⏐⏐ b, ωi ⎦ .
( )⏐
ωi ∈Ωi
It follows from REAIR ≥ 0 and i∈N ci (bi ) > 0 that we have

j∈N ∪{0} ⏐
⎡ ⏐ ⎤
∑ ⏐ ∑ Here, we used the fact that E [ yi (ω−i )| b] = E [ yi (ω−i )| b, ωi ]
vi (g(ω), ω0 , ωi )⏐⏐ b⎦ ≥ ci (bi ) > 0.

E⎣ because of conditional independence. Accordingly, we have
i∈N ∪{0} ⏐ i∈N
E [ yi (ω−i )| b]
From these observations, ⎧ ⎡ ⏐ ⎤

∑ ⎨
vj g (ω) , ωj

REPIR = n min vj g (ω) , ω0 , ωj ⏐⏐ b⎦ − ci (bi ) ,
( ) ( )⏐
≤ min E ⎣
ω∈Ω ⎩
j∈N ∪{0} j∈N ∪{0} ⏐
⎡ ⏐ ⎤ ⎡ ⏐ ⎤⎫
∑ ⏐ ⏐ ⎬
− (n − 1) E vj g (ω) , ω0 , ωj ⏐⏐ b⎦
( )⏐ ∑
vj g (ωi , ω−i ) , ω0 , ωj ⏐⏐ b, ωi ⎦ ,
( )⏐
⎣ min Eω−i ⎣
ωi ∈Ωi
j∈N ∪{0} ⏐ ⎭
j∈N ∪{0} ⏐
< 0. □
which implies
If REAIR < 0, the conclusion is ∑ immediate from REPIR ≤ REAIR . [ ⏐ ]
Suppose REAIR ≥ 0. It follows from i∈N ci (bi ) > 0 that the second

xi (ω)⏐ b ≤ RIIR,EAIR . □

E v0 (g(ω), ω0 ) +

term of REPIR in (C.2) is negative. Due to the presence of the null i∈N

state, the first term of REPIR in (C.2) is non-positive. Accordingly,
REPIR is negative. One may expect that the central planner will receive a greater
By replacing EPIR with weaker participation constraints, such expected revenue than RIIR,EAIR once we assume that the actions
as IIR and EAIR, and adding some restrictions, it becomes much are fixed or publicly observable. However, Proposition C4 indi-
easier for the central planner to achieve full efficiency without cates that, with conditionally independent types, no VCG mecha-
deficits. nism can achieve the expected revenue greater than RIIR,EAIR . This
H. Matsushima and S. Noda Journal of Mathematical Economics 106 (2023) 102831
⎡ ⏐ ⎤
implies that RIIR,EAIR is the upper bound of the expected revenue ∑ ⏐
vj (a, ω0 , ωj )⏐⏐ b⎦ .

irrespective of the requirement of inducibility.15 = Eω−i ⎣ max
Proposition C4 is related to the observation from a classical j∈N ∪{0}\{i} ⏐
principal–agent model. When both the principal and the agent
Therefore, we have
are risk-neutral, one of the revenue-maximizing contracts (which ⎡ ⏐ ⎤
achieves the first best of the principal) is to sell the company to ∑ ⏐
vj (g(ωi , ω−i ), ω0 , ωj )⏐⏐ b⎦

that agent—that is, to give the entire outcome (externalities to min Eω−i ⎣
ωi ∈Ωi
the principal) in exchange for a fixed constant fee (Harris and j∈N ∪{0} ⏐
Raviv, 1979). By regarding pure-VCG mechanisms as an extension ⎡ ⏐ ⎤

of such selling-out contracts, Proposition C4 indicates that selling

vj (g(ω), ω0 , ωj )⏐⏐ b⎦ ≥ 0

the company is the unique revenue-maximizing contract when
j∈N ∪{0}\{i} ⏐
the action space is rich at the efficient action profile and the agent
has unlimited liability (which corresponds to EAIR and IIR). From the assumption of non-negative expected payoffs, we have
It is widely accepted that efficiency is achievable through a
E [ vi (g(ω), ω0 , ωi )| b] − ci (bi ) ≥ 0
VCG mechanism without running expected deficits if inducibility
is not required. With conditionally independent types and some From these observations, for every i ∈ N
moderate restrictions, the non-negativity of RIIR,EAIR is guaranteed ⎧
as follows:

min E [ vi (g(ω), ω0 , ωi )| b] − ci (bi ) ,

Proposition C5. Assume the hypotheses of Proposition C2, condi- ⎡ ⏐ ⎤
tionally independent types, and the following conditions: ∑ ⏐
vj g (ωi , ω−i ) , ω0 , ωj ⏐⏐ b⎦
( )⏐
Non-Negative Valuation: For every i ∈ N ∪ {0} and ω ∈ Ω , min Eω−i ⎣
ωi ∈Ωi
j∈N ∪{0} ⏐
vi (g(ω), ω0 , ωi ) ≥ 0. ⎡ ⏐ ⎤⎫

∑ ⏐ ⎬
−E ⎣ vj (g(ω), ω0 , ωj )⏐⏐ b⎦ ≥ 0,
Non-Negative Expected Payoff: For every i ∈ N, ⏐ ⎭
j∈N ∪{0}\{i}
E [vi (g(ω), ω0 , ωj )|b] − ci (bi ) ≥ 0. (C.10)
which, along with non-negative valuations, implies RIIR,EAIR ≥
With IIR and EAIR, the central planner has non-negative expected 0. □
revenue: RIIR,EAIR ≥ 0.
Non-negative valuation excludes the case of bilateral bargain-
ing addressed by Myerson and Satterthwaite (1983), where it is
Proof. From conditionally independent types, non-negative val-
impossible for the central planner to achieve allocative efficiency
uations, and null state, it follows that, for every i ∈ N and ωi ∈
without deficits. Non-negative expected payoff excludes the case
Ωi , of opportunism in the hold-up problem, where the sunk cost ci (bi )
⎡ ⏐ ⎤
∑ ⏐ is so large that it violates inequality (C.10). By eliminating these
vj g (ωi , ω−i ) , ω0 , ωj ⏐⏐ b⎦
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j∈N ∪{0} ⏐ possibility result in liability implied by Proposition C5.
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∑ ⏐
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( )⏐
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