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The Thunee Bible

A – Dealer (First Black Jack)

B – Cutter (Cuts the deck) [left of dealer]
C – Plays First [right of trumper]
D – Trumper (Sets Trump) [right of dealer]


You need 4 Players, 2 Players per team. Teammates sit diagonally opposite each other.
e.g. Team 1 – A + C, Team 2 – B + D

You only use the following cards:

Jack – 30 points
9 – 20 points
Ace – 11 points
10 – 10 points
King – 3 points
Queen – 2 points

Each hand consists of four cards (one from each player) and the player with the highest scoring card
wins the hand. The winner of set hand plays first and begins the next hand and the same rule as
above is followed. Once all 6 hands have been played (a total of 24 cards) one round of thunee is
Using the above point system, it is always the non-trumping team’s objective to count to 105 points.
Winner of last hand always gets 10 points.
i.e. If the counting team wins the last hand, they get +10 to their score, subsequently meaning they
only need to make 95 points.
If the trumping team wins the last hand, they get +10, subsequently meaning the counting team
needs to make 115 points.
If the counting team makes 105 points, they take 1 ball, if they don’t make 105 points the trumping
team gets 1 ball.
First to reach 12 balls wins the game of thunee.
(the 6 cards are used to keep score)

How to Play
1. Always match suite
2. If you can’t match suite, Play Trump
3. If you can’t match suite and you don’t have or don’t want to play trump, play anything.
(if partner is winning the hand play high, if losing the hand play low)
If you’re coming down (playing first) play Jack because the probability of everyone having that suite
is high. If you don’t have a Jack, play a Queen or any other low card. However, if you have a Jack and
3 other cards of the same suite, do not play the Jack, because it will get chopped.

How to Determine Who is Dealing

Take all the cards and after shuffling begin dishing the cards out to the four players one at a time
until the first Black Jack is dealt. Whoever is dealt the first Black Jack begins the game dealing.
The deal will shift to the right during the game when:
- The dealing team takes the lead
- The dealing team equals Score
A cross deal (Switch of deal between two partners) may take place when:
- The dealing team has not equalled score or taken the lead but have reached 6 balls.
- The dealing team has not equalled score or taken the lead, but the trumping team has
reached 6 balls and given permission to cross deal.

How to Deal
After the dealer has offered the player to his right the opportunity to cut, he begins by dealing four
cards per player starting with the player to his right. After each Player has his/her four cards and
trump has been set by the player who is trumping the dealer then deals the remaining cards. Each
player gets two cards again starting with the player to the dealers right.

What is Trump
Trump is the most powerful suite in the game. Meaning that any card of this suite can win you a
hand even if it isn’t necessarily the “highest” card.
i.e. Queen of Trump is stronger than any other non-trump card but is the weakest trump card.
Within the Trump Suite the point system still applies. Hence Jack of trump suite is the most powerful
card in the game.
i.e. if there’s a Queen and Jack of trump in the same hand, the player who played Jack will win the
Remember trump can only be played if you can’t match suite.

How to Set Trump

Traditionally the player to the right of the dealer sets trump based on his first four cards. Trump
must be set on a suite that you have 2 or more cards of. Trump is set by simply placing any card of
the suite you choose face down on the table before receiving your next 2 cards. The card and
subsequently the trump suite is shown to everyone after the first card of the game is played.

If the trumping player has one card of every suite in his first four cards, he will set trump on last
card. That simply means that his 6th card dealt to him will be trump suite. The 6th card will stay face
down on the table until the first card of the game is played and then everyone will be shown trump.

If a player from the non-trumping team sees his first four cards and decides he wants to set trump
he may. The player will simply call “10”, but if a player from the apposing team still wants to set
trump, he will call “20” and it may continue right up until “104”. Essentially the players are bidding
for trump and the highest bidder wins. However, this call or bid is subtracted from the required
points score.
i.e. if a call of 30 is made, the counting team needs to make 105-30=85 points.
NB If the counting team makes their required score this is seen as a call and loss and they get to
open 2 balls.
However, if the trumping team wins, they only get 1 ball.

The player who set trump or his partner should aim to pull all the trump out of the game at the
earliest chance by playing the Jack of trump if they have it, or their lowest ranking trump card in an
effort to pull the other high ranking trumps out of the game so they can run. This manoeuvre is
known as pulling trump or bleeding trump.

Jodi Calls
These are calls made in the game after one member of a team wins either the first hand or the third
hand. The player needs to have King and Queen of the same suite OR Jack, King and Queen of the
same suite.
- King and Queen of non-trump suite = 20 points
- King and Queen of trump suite = 40 points

- Jack, King and Queen of non-trump = 30 points

- Jack, King and Queen of trump = 50 points

These calls either add or subtract from the score (105 points).
If the trumping team makes the call it adds to the score.
If the counting team makes the call it subtracts from the score.

If the Jodi Call isn’t made after a member of the calling team has won either the first or third hand,
i.e. the Jodi call is made after winning the 2ndor 4th hand, the opposing team can call marials on the
Jodi call which means the call can no longer be made.

A Khanuck occurs when the Jodi calls in the game + 11 are worth more than the hands won by the
opposing team.
e.g. a Jodi 50 call is made. The opposing team wins a hand only worth 40. A Khanuck can occur. In
order to prevent the Khanuck the opposing team would have had to make a minimum of 61.
A Khanuck is called by the player who wins the last hand. The player simply calls “Khanuck” when he
plays his last card. The team who calls Khanuck gets to open 3 balls. If its not a Khanuck and it is
called the opposing gets to open 4 balls. If the Khanuck is called by the non-trumping team, it is a
back side Khanuck and the team gets to open 6 balls.

If between you and your partner, you win all 6 hands it is a double game. The doubles is called by
the player who wins the last hand. The player who is winning the hand must say “doubles” when
playing his last card in order for the game to be regarded as a doubles game. If it is a successful
doubles the winning team gets 2 balls. If it is an unsuccessful doubles the opposing team gets 4 balls.
If the non-trumping team calls doubles it is known as a back-side double and the winning team gets
4 balls.

If you as an individual win all 6 hands then it is a thunee game. Thunee must be called in the
beginning of the game once you have all 6 of your cards. The first card that you play becomes the
trump suite. If you go through on a successful thunee call you get to open four balls, however if you
are caught out by the opposing team, they get four balls. If you are caught by your partner the
opposing team gets 8 balls.

Blind Thunee
The same rules as thunee apply accept you call it after seeing your first four cards. The remaining
two cards remain face down on the table until your first four cards have been played, then you may
pick it up. If you make it successfully your team gets 8 balls however if you are caught the opposing
team gets 4 balls.

The same rules of thunee apply accept the points system is reversed, Queen becomes the most
powerful card and the Jack the weakest. You as an individual must win all 6 hands. The first card you
play becomes trump suite. A successful Royals gets 3 balls however if you are caught the opposing
team gets 4 balls.

Blind Royals
The same rules as royals apply accept you call it after seeing your first four cards. The remaining two
cards remain face down on the table until your first four cards have been played, then you may pick
it up. A successful Blind Royals gets 6 balls however if you are caught the opposing team gets 4 balls.

Written and Compiled by: IssyBoii™

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