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Lack of employment is a social problem that affects many people around the world.
This problem refers to the difficulty people face in finding paid work, which can have
serious consequences in different areas of life, such as the economy, health,
education and social life.

The consequences of lack of employment include poverty, social exclusion, lack of

access to basic services, lack of opportunities for personal and professional
development, and economic inequality. These problems can generate a negative
cycle that can be difficult to break for people affected by lack of employment.

Solution should

• The government should invest in education and job training programs to help
workers develop the skills needed to fill available jobs. Because we need
highly trained personnel for a better future.
• Companies should consider offering more flexible work arrangements, such
as telecommuting, job sharing, and flexible schedules. This to make it easier
for workers and more effective work.

Solution must

• We must create more job opportunities by promoting entrepreneurship and

small business development. Because no matter how small the company is,
generates more employment.
• Individuals must improve their skills and education to meet the demands of
the changing job market. This is because the market is constantly changing.

Solution have to

• Individuals have to be willing to acquire new skills and adapt to changing job
market demands.
• We have to encourage businesses to invest in job creation by offering tax
incentives and other benefits. This, so that people are motivated and do an
efficient job.

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