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Global trade tensions: Analyze the impacts of trade wars and protectionist policies on international

trade, economic growth, and global supply chains. can you explain me two seconds this topics in
simple words
1. Trade Wars: Trade wars involve countries imposing tariffs or trade barriers on each other's
goods and services in an attempt to protect domestic industries and gain a competitive
Impact on International Trade: Trade wars have a negative impact on international trade because
they restrict the flow of goods and services between countries. When countries impose tariffs or
quotas, it becomes more expensive or difficult for businesses to export their products. This leads to a
decline in imports and exports, reducing the overall volume of international trade.

Impact on Economic Growth: Trade wars can hamper economic growth because they disrupt global
supply chains and reduce business investments. When trade barriers are imposed, companies may
face higher costs for raw materials or parts sourced from other countries. This can make their
products more expensive and less competitive in the global market. Consequently, businesses may
reduce production or even lay off workers, leading to slower economic growth.

Impact on Global Supply Chains: Trade wars disrupt global supply chains by increasing trade barriers,
resulting in higher costs, delays, and uncertainty for businesses.

Companies may need to reassess their supply chain strategies, potentially shifting production
locations or finding alternative suppliers, which can be costly and time-consuming.

In summary, trade wars and protectionist policies restrict international trade, hamper economic
growth, and disrupt global supply chains, impacting businesses, consumers, and overall economic

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