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Full Moon in Gemini 7-Dec-2022

Changing Your Mind

Under this Full Moon, you'll notice unusual events, "over-the-top" attitudes, and drama! You may be
trying to make sense of "too much information." And yet, that makes it the perfect time to re-evaluate
past decisions, conclusions, opinions and viewpoints. The lesson: Dare to change your mind about
something or someone.


Ottawa, Canada and

Washington DC, USA:
Dec. 7, 2022, 11:08 PM EST

Dec. 8, 2022:
12:08 AM AST
12:38 AM NST

London, UK:

Dec. 8, 2022, 4:08 AM GMT

Sydney, AU:

Dec. 8, 2022, 3:08 PM AEDT

"When is this in my time zone?"


A Wild Ride

Out of This World

Our Inner dialogue

Second Thoughts

Sabian Symbol

Dare to Change Your Mind

First Things First ~ Don't Miss The Sky Show!

On the  night of December 7th  and into the wee hours of Dec. 8th, if you're in North America, Greenland
or Europe, you might get to see  Mars occulted by the Full Moon!  (conjunct and parallel) That means the
Moon will cross over Mars which will disappear for a time behind the Moon. Depending on where you're
located, this could last for a few minutes or more than an hour!

Check out a list of  cities and times  (in the local time zones) where/when you can watch this event, both
in the sky and streaming online ( Also, the Sky and Telescope website has an
extensive  article  and  video  about this beautiful spectacle.
This rare event happens within a couple of hours of the exact Sun-Mars opposition, when Mars is at its
brightest during this retrograde cycle and marks its half-way point. However, Mars is bright in the sky for
weeks/months before and after, peaking at the Sun-Mars opposition, so be sure to check out the
midnight sky throughout this month.

A Wild Ride

What good are wings without the courage to fly?

~ Atticus Poetry, Love Her Wild

The chart for the Full Moon in Gemini is full of drama! Mars retrograde, 4 Out of

Bounds planets, Venus conjunct the Galactic Centre, Uranus making life complicated, and Jupiter in mid-
stride before he goes back into Aries. There's a lot going on! Let's go through them one by one...

1First and foremost, the Full Moon is exactly conjunct Mars – we're talking 5 teensy-weensy itty-bitty

minutes of arc apart. You couldn't get them any closer without a shoehorn.

Gemini is all about our thoughts, observations, communication and

perception. Mars is about impulse, instinct, high energy and movement. So, if your brain feels a bit like
it's on fire, it wouldn't be surprising. Possibly vivid feelings and reactions, impulsive thoughts and
desires, and perhaps an overwhelming urge to take action based on quick impressions or snap decisions.

With Mars retrograde exactly conjunct the Full Moon, you may find you are more sensitive than usual to
volatile emotions in the world around you. You might pick up on hostile attitudes more easily, or you
could find your own impatience or frustration flaring up more quickly.

Conflict, disruption or changeable energy could be more likely to throw you a bit off-balance. You might
even wonder if you're being a bit paranoid, and while the reality of the situation might not be quite as
dramatic as your intuition thinks it is, you're probably still picking up on something that's really there to
some extent.

This can be put to good use if you are able to be a bit detached, so you can be objective and figure out
what's actually going on apart from your personal reactions and feelings.

Related Articles

  Gemini: Sentience

  Mars Retrograde

  Sun and Moon Cycles

2Add to this the fact that Mars is retrograde right now (Oct. 30 to Jan. 12, 2023). This is a time when
your energy, motivation and bravado could either go into high gear, or might go a bit flat, or fluctuate
between the two.

As a result, with the Moon crammed up against Rx Mars, your emotions and reactions might be
unpredictable or changeable. In fact, you might be somewhat impressionable to the emotional
atmosphere around you or the tone of whatever you are focusing on (e.g. on social media, reading a
book, watching a movie or TV show, etc).

So, if you find yourself getting heated, angry, afraid or upset, check to see if you're exposing yourself to
this energy outside of yourself – pulling back from that for a while could help you become centered and
grounded again. On the other hand, if your environment has you feeling motivated, energized and
focused, you might want to take advantage of that and let its wind fill your sails.

3Mars is Out of Bounds (OOB) by declination (Oct. 22 to May 5, 2023). When Mars exceeds the Sun's
maximum declination (roughly 23.4° north or south of Earth's equator), it can behave like a "loose
cannon." (Imagine loose cannon balls rolling around a ship's floor as it tosses and turns on the waves.
Watch your toes!)

Therefore, all things Mars may become erratic, reactive, impulsive, or more likely to crash through the
usual societal boundaries. On the difficult side, this could result in amplified expressions of anger,
hatred, defensiveness, blame, fear, distrust, or even violence. When Mars tilts toward this side, it's wise
to pick and choose your battles to avoid reacting in a way you might regret later.

On the more constructive side, that wild Mars OOB energy could be harnessed and channeled into a
project, a cause, a goal, or just getting a clearer focus on what you want to accomplish. Again this
energy, while potentially blowing up a storm, might also be the wind that fills your sails and propels you

4The Moon is also Out of Bounds (Dec. 7 to 12), and is tightly parallel Mars by just half a degree orb.
Although the Sun is precisely opposite the Moon, it does not mean the Sun is also Out of Bounds, since
the maximum declination of the Sun (at the Summer and Winter Solstices) defines where the Bounds
are. However, at the Full Moon in Gemini the Sun is tightly parallel Pluto (exact Dec. 10), and this puts
an extra intense spin on the Moon and Mars being parallel and Out of Bounds.

When the Moon is OOB, it may be easier to detach emotionally when things
get overwhelming. This can be a healthy thing if you need some distance to cool off or find a safe space
to get centered and grounded. This is especially helpful if Mars cranks up the volume of triggering
energy (e.g. upset, anger, fear, hostility, etc).

On the other hand, it might also be tempting to reflexively disconnect completely – to pull back so far
and so fast that you lose the ties to people and places around you. As a result, you might wind up feeling
isolated, exiled or unwanted. It's good to acknowledge your feelings and keep yourself safe, but it's also
wise to keep a lifeline handy so you can find your way back to "civilization" when things calm down a bit.
For example, reach out to a close friend or family member and let them know how you're doing.

Write down a list of things you have accomplished, things you feel good about in your life, things you
like about yourself (and give yourself the benefit of the doubt), and times when someone has shown you
that they care. Then, when you're feeling low or uncentered, go back and read the list – really read it
and take it in.

Out of This World

Nobody ever figures out what life is all about, and it doesn't matter. Explore the world. Nearly everything
is really interesting if you go into it deeply enough.
~ Richard P. Feynman

5In fact, we have 4, count 'em—four planets Out of Bounds right now. This is pretty rare! We had 4
planets OOB at once only 33 times between 1900 and 2100 (for up to 5 days at a stretch). And five OOB
planets is even rarer – only 4 times during that time range (3 times in 1948 and once in 2029). There are
4 OOB planets twice in December 2022 – from Dec. 7-12 and for a few hours on Dec. 21st.

Bear in mind that only 7 planets are even capable of going OOB at all in modern times (Moon, Mercury,
Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto) – the other 3 planets remain In-Bounds
(Saturn, Neptune and Chiron). And out of those 7, only 3 go OOB regularly and frequently (Mercury,
Venus and Mars).

The others have long stretches of time between their OOB periods. Pluto and Uranus spend many
decades In-Bounds. Jupiter currently goes OOB sporadically, often decades apart (last time was 2002,
next time is 2055). And the Moon spends about 9 years In-Bounds and then another 9 years or so able
to go OOB – the current OOB-capable period runs from 2020 to 2030. Only 4 planets are able to go OOB
right now, since Pluto and Uranus won't be able to go OOB until 2025 and 2031, respectively, and Jupiter
stays In-Bounds until 2055.

Therefore, for all 4 planets that are currently able to, to be OOB at once is very significant. And after this
month, we won't see that many planets Out of Bounds again until 2025. So yes, this is kind of a Big Deal.
These 4 OOB planets are the Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars. OOB planets
tend to operate at an independent, unconventional, "out there" kind of frequency, dancing to the beat
of their own drumming. Therefore, this month we could see moments of great bravery, heroism,
compassion or insight, as these planets reach beyond their usual "normal" and exceed their usual
capacity. Or we might also see times of incredible recklessness, overreaction, protectionism, or leaping
to unlikely conclusions.

If you have Natal or Progressed planets that are OOB, you might feel those planetary energies more
vividly – perhaps as "Ahhh, this finally feels normal to me" or "Yikes, this again??" Whether you do or
don't have OOB planets, this is a time when you may find you have an embarrassment of riches in the
energy of the transiting OOB planets, or feel like you have a backpack of rocks that you're hauling uphill,
depending on how you work with those planets.

6Mercury and Venus are also Out of Bounds which means the Mercury and Venus parts of us are
reaching for extraordinary experiences. Mercury is currently in Capricorn, which signifies a call to
logical, organized information, and a compartmentalized viewpoint to help you see multiple aspects of
what's happening around you. If you are an especially intuitive person, you might feel like you're being
squeezed into a box at the thought of having to deal with logic or structured thinking. On the other
hand, you might discover something new and fascinating if you imagine you're navigating a sacred
labyrinth, or identifying important landmarks from a bird's eye perspective.

On the other hand, if you are more comfortable with logical, structured thinking, this can be a time
when you are able to identify increasing complexity or stretch your analytical abilities. Or you might be
able to embrace a different approach to responsibility, commitment or problem-solving that you hadn't
considered before. The possible downside warns against becoming so entrenched in methodology or
rational thought that you rigidly insist the world must fit precisely into your expected pigeon holes.

As for Venus, she is not only Out of Bounds as well, she has the extra distinguishing feature of being
exactly conjunct the Galactic Centre (GC) at 27° Sagittarius. OOB Venus invites us to find love, beauty,
pleasure and plenty beyond the mundane world, and when she's conjunct the GC, even more-so.

This Venus wants to touch a level of these experiences that is transcendent, inspiring, and life
transforming, in ways that could heal the world of all its ills. Well, that's the idea anyway... At best, this
Venus can seduce us into reaching for the best in life which will uplift us to be the best we can be. On
the other hand, under the intoxicating influence of this over-the-top energy, we might be determined to
find the magic, that we believe we have found it when in fact we're mostly filling in the blanks with what
we want to see.
Both Mercury and Venus are also in a stressful square aspect with
Jupiter (90°). Under this transit, you might find you feel a bit conflicted, discouraged, and/or over-
confident (as compensation) about something that was promised versus what can realistically be
delivered. Honesty (rather than trying to conjure up a more convincing truth) is probably the best policy
in this case, even if it leads to some awkward karma.

By now Jupiter is in the final degree of Pisces and remains there until going back into Aries on Dec. 20.
Jupiter has been in Aries already for 5½ months (May 10 to Oct. 28) and then took a jog back into Pisces
for 7 weeks (Oct. 28 to Dec. 20). Now, in the last degree of Pisces, we are at the jumping-off point to
return to Aries, staying there until May 15, 2023. So, for the next 5 months we get to get things moving
so that our imagination, dreams, creativity and hope can begin to manifest in reality, hopefully for the
long haul.

Jupiter has also been indecisively straddling 0° by declination this year and must finally make a decision
in early 2023 (May 25, Sep. 26, Jan. 13). You may find that by mid-January things become clearer about
what you need to do to make your goals, dreams and intentions become reality.

Our Inner Dialogue

The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our
~ Albert Einstein

7Neptune forms a T-square aspect pattern with the Sun-Moon/Mars opposition. There is an abundance

of Mutable energy in the Full Moon chart, including the Sun, Moon, Mars and Neptune, as well as
Jupiter and Venus. Neptune brings that Mutability into focus by squaring the Sun and the Moon-Mars

Mutable energy is about adaptability, flexibility, and the ability to go with

the flow. And Neptune's Mutable flavour of choice looks to the universal ocean of possibilities and the
greater whole of which we are a part.
This also brings into focus the Mars-Neptune square that has permeated our skies since September, and
is just now passing out of orb. Mars has made 2 exact passes so far – Oct. 12 and Nov. 19 (in 7° orb from
Sep. 22 to Dec. 9) – and makes the final pass on March 14, 2023 (in orb from Feb. 24 to March 30).

Mars and Neptune make somewhat awkward partners in crime, since Neptune seeks to transcend mere
individuality and ego-consciousness, while Mars aims to celebrate, embrace and act out those qualities.
Being in a conflicting square aspect, this may invoke a struggle in our motivations and goals between
what we want on a personal level and what we aspire to on a spiritual level.

So, in this T-square, the Sun and Moon pulls Mars and Neptune back together for one more dialogue so
that we can work more consciously with our personal desires, needs and fulfilment, especially through
monitoring our ideas, our self-talk, our assumptions, and our reactions and triggers.

In addition, this is a time to pay attention to signs of unconscious thoughts and reactions to life events.
These may be camouflaged by familiarity that we just take for granted – thoughts, emotions, feelings
and impressions that flicker through our awareness so quickly that we barely notice, yet which often
trigger automatic outward reactions and responses.

This could be "negative" as in hostility, anger, defensiveness or standing up to a perceived threat, or it

might be "positive" as in being nurturing and supportive, being placating or compliant, soothing
conflicts, or being agreeable. One is not necessarily better than the other, but if we are not aware of
them then we aren't in a position to be able to choose how we feel is best to respond.

Second Thoughts and Second Chances

The chances of a positive change increase manifold when there is a connected combination of disruption
and opportunity.
~ Mukesh Borar

8There are more aspect patterns to explore in the chart. All of them start with the Sun-Moon
opposition, and of course includes Mars since he is fused with the Moon.

Uranus forms a very tight quincunx to the Sun (150°) and semisextile to the

Moon and Mars (30°), creating an Irritation Wedge pattern. If you're looking for calm, tranquility and
going with the flow, Uranus is probably the last planet you want in this configuration. The effect is more
likely to feel like burrs in your boxers or a cactus in your corset.

With all the mercurial Mutable energy in the chart, Uranus is likely to make sure it all stays moving,
shifting and mobilized. His message seems to be: whatever you think is the end game to all this, open
your eyes and look again—there's something more to see. With Uranus still closely conjunct the North
Lunar Node, that "something more" may well have important implications and point to unexpected
resources. So, don't just dismiss something that is uncomfortable, annoying or frustrating – it could have
hidden benefits.

There are also two regular Wedge aspect patterns, involving Chiron and
Saturn. Each figure combines a stressful opposition aspect with easy-going aspects: a trine and a sextile.
The standard Wedge figure gives us options, support, opportunities and a more forgiving approach to a

Chiron is trine the Sun and sextile the Moon and Mars, and since Chiron is in Aries, it is also ruled by
Mars. Saturn is trine the Moon-Mars twins and sextile the Sun. Each of them in their own way provides a
point of mediation or resolution, or escape from the tension of the Full Moon axis.

The Full Moon's challenge is to especially address the Mars tension, as well as the restlessness of all
those OOB planets reaching out for bigger and better perspectives, preferably without stretching the
energy so far that it bursts like a balloon.

Chiron says: aim to find your sense of courage and confidence without needing to inflict damage in the
process. Saturn says: you have a chance to build a new way of seeing and understanding the Big Picture
you want to embrace, so don't just settle for breaking up the old order. Think about what it might look
like when it's pieced back together.

Sabian Symbol

Sabian Symbol for Gemini 17: The head of health dissolved into

the head of mentality, OR The head of a robust youth changes into that of a mature thinker.

Dane Rudhyar (An Astrological Mandala: the second wording) interpreted this Symbol as "a process of
quiet and steady metamorphosis of biological energy into mind-power." In other words, this represents
the journey by which we shift from a physical focus into a mental one, or from raw instincts into reason
and perspective.

The retrograde Mars can reflect the physical side of this Symbol, in that Mars normally prefers to act on
instinct and impulse. Yet, being in cerebral Gemini and conjunct the Gemini Moon, we are called to bring
increased awareness to our instincts, emotions and reactions, so that we can consciously consider and
decide what we think will be the best response in a given situation.

Dare to Change Your Mind

I feel I change my mind all the time. And I sort of feel that's your responsibility as a person, as a human
being – to constantly be updating your positions on as many things as possible. And if you don't
contradict yourself on a regular basis, then you're not thinking.
~ Malcolm Gladwell

It's written all over the chart in many ways that the Full Moon in Gemini is an opportunity to consider
changing your mind about something or someone, or even about yourself. How could it not be? Mars is
retrograde and joined at the hip with the Full Moon, both in Gemini. In many ways, this energy is
reminiscent of a retrograde Mercury that challenges you to rethink, reconsider, rehash, reflect and
repeat actions or decisions from the past.

Then, there's a hundred or so planets that are Out of Bounds all at once, urging you to reach beyond the
usual familiar realm to find answers, possibilities and a fresh perspective. Included in this high-flying
group is Mercury who rules the Gemini Moon and Mars. Being in Capricorn, he is searching for a more
enlightened and innovative way to group ideas together in a structured and reasonable way.

So: What could move you to change your mind about something? Facts? Ideas? A different perspective?
Listening more closely to your emotions that arise in certain situations? Hearing a friend talk about their
own change of heart?

What struggles, arguments, or lack of understanding do you carry inside that could be helped by
approaching it from a different perspective? What actions have you been trying to take except you keep
tripping over old habits, ineffective assumptions, or the lack of a solid plan?

How are you being indecisive or "sitting on the fence" that might benefit from you taking more direct
action? What has held you back from doing this before now? Although it may take a bit of time before
it's resolved, now could be the perfect time to start planning it out, gathering resources, figuring out the
best way to go about it.

What are the opinions and beliefs that guide your priorities, conclusions and actions? How's that
working for ya? If it's working well, then what's the next step in what you're trying to accomplish? If it's
not working well, what do you keep stumbling over? What's missing? What gets in the way? Try being
analytical in how you problem-solve the situation, while also being aware of your feelings, emotions,
reactions and desires.

The lid is off the usual familiar world right now. It's a chance to explore beyond what you already know.
Dare to take a walk through the stratosphere of ideas and view the world from a different perspective.

The next update will be for the New Moon in Capricorn on December 23, 2022. In the meantime, stay
safe. Stay sane. Stay awesome. The world needs you. ❤️

Progress is impossible without change; and those who cannot change their minds cannot change
~ George Bernard Shaw
More Articles

  Full Moon in Sagittarius 14-Jun-2022

  Gemini Horoscope

  Full Moon in Aries 9-Oct-2022

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