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1-As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
When I was a child I really loved the sky and I wanted to be an astronaut. At the moment, I’m
studying to be a lawyer, but I’ve continued studying about the sky.

2-What skills did you learn as a child that you still use today?
When I was 7 years old I learned to ride my bike and I’m still using that skill, I love riding my
bike it feels like freedom when I feel the wind on my face.

3-What songs can you remember from your childhood?

A song that I can’t forget from my childhood is “tengo la camisa negra” by Juanes. My cousins
are older than me and when I was 8 or 9 they were 15 years old, and they listened to music all
day. I remember hearing this song a lot.

4-What is your favourite childhood birthday memory?

my favourite childhood memory it was when I turned 8, I remembered that I was so happy
because I received a new bike and I had a great party with my friends and family.
In fact, having my family with me on my birthdays is the really happiness to me.

5-What games did you play when you were a child?

I used to play a lot of video games when I was a child. I knew about GTA vice city when I was 9,
while my cousins were playing that game and I’ve been playing since then. I love that play.

6-What pets did you have as a child?

When I was a child I had my first dog, his name was Pit, he was a friendly and lovely dog but he
had leishmaniasis and unfortunately he died. Now I have 2 dogs and 6 cats.

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