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Anto: Hi, how are you? I didn’t see you since high school.
Adri: Yes, it’s been a while.
Sebas: What have you been doing in this time?
Anto: Well, I’ve moved to Mexico last year and I’ve been studying for my thesis, and working
as an assistant in a legal studio, I’m actually here visiting my family for my mother’s birthday.
And how about you?
Adri: Well, we have been in a relationship since 5 years ago and we decided to get married last
year, by the way, we have two children.
Also I have been working as journalist in Fox news, I’ve left my last job in a car company
because they paid me little.
Anto: I can’t believe, but I’m really happy for you and I’m glad that you changed your job. And
what about you Sebastian?
Sebas: I’m still working with my father in his library, and I’ve been looking for a new job
because we need more money because we want to have another baby soon. And what about
your mom?
Anto: She’s doing well. She’s been taking up cooking lessons and she’s really enjoying it.
Sebas: That’s great to hear, she always cooked delicious.
Have you seen Maria recently?
Anto: Yes, I’m so sorry to hear about her passing. She was such a great person.
Adri: I can’t believe that she had cancer.
Sebas: Me neither. Well, It has been nice to see you Anto, but we have to pick up our children.
Anto: That’s ok, I hope we get in touch to go to take a coffee or something. See you soon.

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