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ENGLISH Research about the ‘Horn Bill Festival’ celebrated in Nagaland. Prepare an itinerary
and paste pictures of the various days of the celebration.
HINDI लाि टक से होने वाले द ु प रणाम के बारे म बताते हुए एक व ापन तैयार कर |


You are in charge of a group party. Refer the ingredients of the recipe given on
page 2, your friend and you need to figure out how much of each item will be used
for making different number i.e. 30 cookies and 90 cookies. Help the Baker to
complete the table of ingredients using FRACTIONS and DECIMALS. Use A4 size
sheet and create an ingredient list with table of quantity using attractive cutouts or
drawings. (Sample printed overleaf)
SCIENCE 1. Collect minimum 5 samples of various fabrics and mention their sources.
2. Research about Tibetan Antelope (Chiru). Write an article and paste some
pictures related to same.
3. Do a comparative study between the woolen fibre used in Alungstu (Traditional
dress of Nagaland), Angora wool and Pashmina wool. The comparison should be
done on the basis of the following :
Wool used in Angora wool Pashmina
Quality of wool
Source of wool
Cost / Availability
in the market
Their substitutes/
4. Find out where do you get woollen clothes in your local markets? Where do they
procure these garments from?
SOCIAL STUDIES Study how Nagaland and Rajasthan contribute to the diversity of India. Select a
place of interest – One popular tourist place of each state. Mention their names
and the reason(s) of popularity. Paste relevant pictures in the form of a collage.
Research a well-known folk tale of those two places. Write gist of the two stories
with creative illustrations.
Sanskrit सं कृत पु तक के प ृ ठ 6 पर द गई सर वती व दना को हंद अथ स हत
लख एवम ् माँ सर वती का च भी बनाये | सर वती व दना क ा -
तु तकरण हे तु याद भी कर |
-सभी काय सुंदर ढं ग से A4 पेपर पर कर |

French Find out 5 famous monuments of France and paste their pictures. Choose any one
of them and prepare a short talk on it in French. Present the same in the class in
 Revise the topics in all the subjects, taught in the month of April and May.
 Also practice school hand writing every day.
 Holiday HW of all the subjects is to be done in the form of a Journal.

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