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Recording 2
Presenter: Today's guest is Bill Murphy, who worked for the police force for over 17 years until his
retirement last week. Welcome to the show, Bill. You're going to tell us how to protect our homes, is that
Bill Murphy: Thank you, yes, that's right. As you say, I used to work for the police force and I must have
seen hundreds of burglaries during that time. Unfortunately, burglary seems to be on the increase; the
number of burglaries in our area rose by 25% last year. What's so frustrating is that it's possible to prevent
many burglaries. For example, a few weeks ago a woman called to report a robbery at her house. It
happened at five in the afternoon while she was watching the news on TV in a room at the back of the
house. Her son was also at home; he was doing his homework in his bedroom when the burglar came into
the house.
Presenter: So, how did the burglar break in without anybody hearing him?
Bill Murphy: Well, this woman used to keep the front door locked at all times, but when her son got
older he often went out to visit his friends after school, so she would leave the door unlocked whenever
she was at home so he could come and go easily. The burglar simply walked in through the front door,
which was unlocked, and no one heard a thing. So you see, you do need to be careful to lock your door at
all times of the day.
Presenter: Absolutely. And what did the burglar steal?
Bill Murphy: On this occasion, the burglar came in through the front door, picked up the woman's
handbag and while she was watching the TV, he emptied it out and stole her purse. The son didn't hear
anything because he was listening to music and working on his computer upstairs. Then the burglar went
into the front room, opened all the cupboards and took a valuable collection of CDs. But the surprising
thing is that after that he went into the kitchen and stole the roast chicken the woman had cooked for
dinner! So you see, it really is important to…..

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