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Annotated Bibliography Template

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Annotated Bibliography Template

Annotated Bibliography Directions: Use this template for your Annotated Bibliography based on the
5 articles found in Week 2. Remember to avoid writing in first person. See the example posted in Bb.
Summary: 2-3 sentences that state: Evaluate/Reflect: 4-6 sentences that explains:
 where/when the study took place;  conclusions/implications of the study;
 what was being studied (describe how it  flaws/inconsistencies/reliability/ways it
relates to SEL); can be improved;
 the purpose of the article;  how this does or does not connect to
 the major findings. what you are researching;
 how can this be used to support your  how can this be used to support your
topic of interest/SEL competency; topic of interest/SEL competency;
 how does the SEL competency intersect  how does the SEL competency intersect
with the environment? with the environment?
Sel = social emotional learning

Article #1 Citation in APA 7th ed.

Soenens, B., Wuyts, D., Vansteenkiste, M., Mageau, G. A., & Brenning, K. (2015). Raising
trophy kids: The role of mothers' contingent self-esteem in maternal promotion of extrinsic
goals. Journal of Adolescence, 42, 40-49.
Summary (2-3 sentences in your own words)
This study involved 10 and 12th-grade schoolchildren from three high schools within Belgium

and their mothers. The researchers assessed the role of the mothers' adolescent invested
contingent self-worth, for instance, the tendency of mothers to center their self-worth on the
accomplishments of their child, in motherly facilitation of extrinsic goals as viewed by
teenager and also evaluated whether the maternal facilitation of extrinsic goals would
ultimately connect to the Social Dominance Orientation (SDO). The results indicated that
motherly child investment contingent self-worth foretold teenage alleged maternal facilitation
of extrinsic objectives considering the variation between the facilitation of extrinsic aims and
the mothers' application of a controlling style of parenting.

Evaluation (4-6 sentences)

This article is significant and adds to the existing knowledge about the impact of mothers'
raising styles on a child's performance. According to the authors, mothers have a significant
role in enhancing the achievement of extrinsic goals among their adolescents as it enhances
their self-esteem and self-worth. The findings from this research connect to social-emotional
learning as it associates the maternal promotional extrinsic goals with social dominance
orientation. Besides, the research can be improved by involving both parents, for instance,
evaluating the influence of both mothers and fathers in the study. Moreover, future research
should mind and control for social desirability and assess the long-standing consequences of
parental facilitation of extrinsic and intrinsic goals. SEL competency ensures the provision of
social and emotional learning features featured by safe and well-management surroundings,
enhancing attachments and lowering risky behaviors among adolescents.

Article #2 Citation in APA 7th ed.

Morin, A. (n.d.). The importance of self-awareness in

Summary (2-3 sentences in your own words)

This article defines self-awareness as the capability to tune into one's thoughts, actions, and
feelings. The article articulates the process of development of self-awareness, its importance,
and the process of helping a child gain self-awareness. The article sufficiently supports my
topic of interest through its coverage concerning self-awareness as a competency for SEL.
Evaluation (4-6 sentences)
One of the significant implications of the finding of this article is that when kids develop self-
awareness, they can comprehend that how they perceive themselves is diverse from how others
view them. Moreover, according to the article, kids who possess self-awareness can recognize
challenges and strengths. Furthermore, self-awareness enhances the establishment of self-
esteem among children and the need to speak up. The relevance of the article is noticed when
it highlights the importance of self-awareness in boosting social-emotional learning.
According to the author, children can understand the emotions of others and also care for their
feelings. The article presents its findings as individual thoughts without research backing, and
therefore, future research should focus on the significance of the findings by conducting
statistical research.

Article #3 Citation in APA 7th ed.

Summary (2-3 sentences in your own words)

Evaluation (4-6 sentences)

Article #4 Citation in APA 7th ed.

Browning, A. (2020). Mindfulness in Education: An Approach to Cultivating

Self-Awareness That Can Bolster Kids' Learning. WestEd.
Summary (2-3 sentences in your own words)
This article documents the significance of integrating mindfulness in schooling to help
educators at each level in the school system operate with k-12 students in every learning

environment. The author introduces mindfulness as an approach to promoting social and

emotional learning in schools and describes the befits for educators and students; thus, this
article is important in supporting the subject of SEL. According to the author, mindfulness is
complementary to other SEL strategies that are associated with learning outcomes. Besides,
this article proves relevant as it provides techniques for enhancing mindfulness to ensure
social-emotional learning among students.

Evaluation (4-6 sentences)

The findings presented in the article demonstrate the significance of mindfulness in
establishing awareness that further enhances learning among kids. According to the author,
mindfulness provides significant benefits and ensures students understand their experiences
and the healthy ways of navigating challenges. As such, the results demonstrate the
significance of self-awareness as one of the SEL competencies in teaching and understanding
SEL at school. However, even though the study presents significant findings concerning the
importance of mindfulness, there is a need to support the findings with relevant research.
Therefore, future research should evaluate the statistical significance of the above findings and
associate them with student performance.
Article #5 Citation in APA 7th ed.
Baker, C. E., & Rimm‐Kaufman, S. E. (2014). How homes influence schools:
Early parenting predicts African American children's classroom social-emotional
functioning. Psychology in the Schools, 51(7), 722-735.
Summary (2-3 sentences in your own words)
The study used the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study to assess the degree by which early
parenting foretold the socio-emotional working of African American kids. The children's
classroom social-emotional functioning was categorized into four groups; self-control,
personal skills, externalizing factors, and approaches to learning. The regression analyses
indicated mothers frequently involved in home learning simulation had children exhibiting
positive teacher ratings of learning approaches, interpersonal skills, social-emotional
functioning, and self-control.
Evaluation (4-6 sentences)
The study adds to the present findings that support home-based academic socialization as a
significant factor for enhancing children-related school development. The study found out that
motherly warmth did not add to the socio-emotional working of African American kids.
Additionally, demographic characteristics contribute to the socio-emotional working of
children. This study, therefore, is significant in adding knowledge to the subject of SEL
competencies as it associates the impact of demographic statistics on social, emotional
functioning. Future research should concentrate on combining the mother reports concerning
warmth with assessments from unbiased, trained spectators to understand and expansively
measure the association between warmth and child growth and development among mothers
and their African American mothers.

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