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The interplay of psychological factors and social environment on

smoking initiation among adolescents aged 13-15 years in Uganda.

Background of study
Tobacco use among adolescents is a significant public health concern and it is
attributed to 5 million death worldwide. Half of the smokers are estimated to die
prematurely because of persistent smoking habits (Sela B. 2014). Smoking is
associated with different health disorders that include Leukaemia, Liver, lung
cancer, asthma attacks and cardiovascular disease, (West R. 2015).
The World health organization estimated that 20% of global population smokes
tobacco (Ahmed, et al. 2013). 80% of global tobacco is associated with mortality
that takes place in low and middle income countries, (Binnal A. 2013). Uganda is
not left behind in tobacco smoking amongst adolescent which also contribute to
the largest global tobacco related mortality. Preference of adolescents who
initiate in smoking in adolescents ages 13-15 years is set to be more males than
female with 51.25 males and 31.7% females, (John R. 2016). Smoking is attributed
for burden on economy of the country since the cost of treating tobacco
attributed illness is estimated to be $41.56 million in Uganda, (Kenyangi R. 2016).
There are several factors that contribute to smoking initiation amongst the youth.
Majority of youth are influenced by peer pressure and social norms which plays
the vital role in smoking initiation. Most of the youth want to fit in with their
peers and start smoking. Inside the imposed restriction of tobacco advertising
youth are still exposed to smoking in TV shows, media, and imagery movies still
contribute to youth initiation in smoking, (Anton E. 2021).

Statement of problem
Despite the extensive efforts and campaigns conducted to raise awareness on risk
factors associated with smoking there remains a notable gap in understanding of
determinates that contribute to smoking initiation in among the youth. Most of
the current research conducted they focused more on external factors such as
peer pressure and advertising. Limited attention has been given to individual
cultural factors, social economic and psychological determinates of which this
factor might play significant role to youth initiation in smoking.
The aim of this study is to understand the interplay of psychological factors and
social environment on smoking initiation among adolescents in Uganda,
ultimately informing evidence-based prevention strategies to prevent smoking
initiation among youth.

• Determine the average age at which adolescents start smoking
• Asses how family smoking habits impact adolescents psychologically to initiate
in smoking.
• Recommend prevention and intervention strategies, based on finding .

Significance of study
The age of smoking initiation among youth is far reaching implications for
individual and public health at large. Exploring the age initiation smoking among
youth is important in the public health realm as it will help with policy formulation
and develop targeted intervention and strategies that can work effectively to
reduce tobacco use amongst this vulnerable demographic.

Majority of youth who are involved in tobacco smoking at young age are at risk of
developing severe health conditions during their lifetime. They are likely to suffer
from respiratory diseases, cardiovascular disease, and several cancers. Exploring
smoking initiation will help in prediction of long-term impact of tobacco on health
of the youths. Also, identification of age at which youth start smoking will provide
insight into designing of targeted health education and interventions campaigns.

Dwelling into factors that initiation will assist in the development of interventions
that are aimed at specific age group. Interventions will focus more on
vulnerabilities and other determinates that influence youth to start smoking.
Moreover, that investigating the age that youth initiate smoking will provide a
clear picture of how Cultural Revolution social norm affect youth. Understanding
will assist in adaptations of anti-smoking campaigns to effectively resonate with
contemporary youth perspectives.

This research will help uncover the psychological dynamics that influences
smoking initiation at various stage of youth development by identifying factors
like peer pressure, self-image, stress, and personal motivations. Exploring the
smoking initiation among youth will contribute to knowledge by uncovering age
specific patterns contextual factors psychological dynamics and implication for
policies and intervention.

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