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Identify a Problem Worth Solving – Part 1

Problem worth solving part 1

1. Look around you, talk to your friends and family, talk to other people in your network. Research on the
Internet and identify a problem that you can spot. Explain the context as well.
Foundational Course in Entrepreneurship

The fashion industry in notoriously fast paced with new trends emerging all the time. However, the
current online boutiques often wait weeks or months to get a new merchandise in stock as a result.
Customers wait a long time to get their hands on latest fashion. This is frustrating to customers who
feel like they are missing out on latest trends. On the other hand, the current online boutiques only
sends pictures of their clothes which makes it difficult to get good sense of the size and fabric. Lastly
the prevailing issue with current online boutique revolves around consistent delivery of poor quality
products to customers. And majority of online boutique prioritize on cost cutting measures and often
customers receive products that fail to meet their expectations.

Problem Identified – Most of the customers are not satisfied with the items they receive from online store
due to delay delivery of their clothes and poor quality products.

2. What is the opportunity that you perceive from the above problem?

If clothes can be made readily available all the time and each and every week bring new clothes in online
store and customers be given chance to get good sense of size and fabric it would results in greater
revenue for the service provided.

Opportunity Discovery
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Identify a Problem Worth Solving – Part 1

3. Who is the customer?

Tertiary students

4. What according to the customer are the main problems?

The customers in this case, tertiary student find it difficult to find trending fashion since their order takes
time to arrive and sometimes they end up missing the latest trends of fashion.
Foundational Course in Entrepreneurship

5. Identify the Job to be done here.

The clothes will be bought from wholesaler every week and will be made readily available to customers.

6. What job was currently getting done?

Clothes are ordered and made available to customers every week.

7. What do they do now to meet the challenges currently faced?

Most of customers choose not to buy clothes online but if they really have to buy clothes they end up
buying from physical stores of which they end up receiving clothes that have long stayed in the boutique.
They find this challenging since they do not have access to trending fashion.
8. What is the market size?
The perfect boutique comprise 70 percent of the tertiary students. By solving the problem identified
perfect boutique can increase revenue earned from the online selling by 20 percent.

9. Does this seem to be a problem worth solving? Explain.

Yes, it worth solving because perfect boutique is convinced that if they can sell readily available clothes where customers will
get good sense of size and fabric and not missing out latest fashion trends, the perfect boutique will be able to earn 20 percent
more revenue. Therefore this is a problem worth solving from the venture perspective

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Identify a Problem Worth Solving – Part 1

Opportunity Discovery
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