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Section 2

Cue Card 1

Talk about your favourite application (app) on a mobile device. Please say

- What app is it?

- How is it useful to you?
- Will you use it in the future? Why?


- How long have you been using it for?

- Why is technology so useful today?

Cue Card 2

Describe an interesting conversation between you and your friend that you had
in the recent weeks. Please say

- Who is this person?

- What was your conversation about?
- Where did you meet him/her for this conversation?
- Why do you think it was an interesting conversation?


- What are the differences between topics that women and men usually
- What is the difference between opinions of women and men?
- Do you prefer wearing fashionable shoes or regular shoes? Why?
- Why are some people afraid of public speaking?
Cue Card 3

Describe good news that you saw on TV or the Internet. Please say

- What and when was it?

- Why do you think it’s good?
- How did you feel after that?


- What sort of news do we usually read in newspapers?

- What age group is interested in the news more? Why?
- Is it necessary to get updated information? Why?
- Do you think we get too much information nowadays?
- Do you think the way we receive news will change in the future?

Cue Card 4

- Describe a situation when you have got an advice from somebody. Please say
- Where and when was it?
- What was the advice?
- How useful was it? Why?


- Do you often give advice to others?

- Do you think it’s a good idea to look for advice? Why?
- How can it affect someone’s career?
- Is it good when young people get advice?
- Whose advice should you usually seek?
- Who could give a better advice in your opinion? Why?
Cue Card 5

Describe an occasion when you received a very good service from a

company or a shop. Please say

- What company/shop was it?

- What was the product that you purchased?
- Describe the person that helped you there.


- Do you think that customers should always receive good service?

- If you received a faulty product, would you prefer to repair or to replace it?
- What jobs do you know that deal with public?
- Do you think that they need a special training? Why?

Cue Card 6

Describe a vehicle that you want to own in the future, please say

- What is it?
- Why do you want to buy it?
- How would you use it?


- Do you think the traffic has increased rapidly in big cities like Sydney?
- What do you think about traffic causing air pollution?
- How can we overcome this problem of pollution?
- Are there any other problems that traffic causes?
- Do you think the government should spend money on building more roads by
wiping out parks in the cities?

Cue Card 7

Talk about a foreign language (other than English) that you would like to learn
in the future. Please say

- What language is it?

- Why do you want to learn it?
- What will you do to learn it?


- What are the positive and negative impacts of learning a foreign language?
- What language do you think will become a new international
language in the future?
- Why do you think so?
- Do you think your first language is influenced by any other languages?
- Does English influence your first language too?

Cue Card 8

Describe a famous person. Please say

- Who is this person?

- What is he/she famous for?
- How did you know about him/her?


- What are the advantages of being famous?

- What are the disadvantages of this in your opinion?
- Do famous people have something to be afraid of?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a child of a famous
Cue Card 9

Describe a traffic jam that you were in recently. Please say

- When did it happen?

- Where exactly was it?
- How did you feel about it?


- What are the main causes of traffic jams?

- What can be a potential solution for the traffic problem?
- Can the public transport system be improved further?
- Will it help to reduce traffic?

Cue Card 10

Describe an older person whom you know well and respect. Please say

- Who is he/she?
- What do you know about his/her younger life?
- What do you usually do together?


- Why do you respect and admire this person?

- What qualities should people looking after the elderly have?
- How could neighbours help the elderly?
- How is technology helping the elderly to live better?
- What can be difficult to accept for old people in the modern lifestyle?
Cue Card 11

Talk about a job that is important in your country. Please say

- What is the job?

- Why is it so important?
- What do you have to study for that job?


- What makes a job desirable?

- At what age should people start a full-time job? Why?
- Why can it be good to spend some time abroad after graduation?
- Why do you think many people leave their country to work abroad?
- Is it good for a country if it receives many immigrants?
- Some people think that immigrants cause more harm than good. What is
your opinion?

Cue Card 12

Talk about the last book that you have read. Please say

- What book is it?

- How did you find it?
- What was interesting about it?


- Do you like to read?

- Do adults have to read or not in your view? Why?
- Who should encourage children to read books: parents or teachers?
- Is it useful at all to read books?
Cue Card 13

Talk about a person who impressed you with his/her beauty. Please say

- Who is this person?

- How do you know him/her?
- Why do you think he/she is so beautiful?


- Are clothes important for showing personality?

- How would you describe beauty?

Cue Card 14

Talk about a situation when you came across a stranger and helped him/her.
Please say

- Describe the situation and what you did.

- When and where did it take place?
- How did you feel after helping that stranger?


- Let’s talk about volunteering jobs.

- Should older children volunteer?
- What happens when you volunteer?
- Do you think speaking one language globally is good?
Cue Card 15

Describe a movie that you watched a while ago and liked. Please say

- When and where was it?

- What was so special about it?
- Why did you like that movie?


- Do you think people should see dubbed movies or only movies in their
own language?
- Do you think many people still visit cinemas these days?
- What is the importance of actors in movies?
- Does the plot play an important part in a movie’s success? Why?

Cue card 16

You should speak about a special toy you got as a child

- who gave it to you

- How you felt when you received it

- What was it made of

- tell why it was so important to you.


- Do you think toys should be shared by children?

- What do you think is the impact of sharing toys between children?

- What can you tell about toys before and toys nowadays?

- How would a toy help in the development of children?

Cue card 17

Talk about a trip which was not up to your expectations and say:

- what happened,
- what did you do

- what was your feeling

- why it was unlike your expectations

Cue Card 18

Describe a surprise that made you happy. Please say

- What was it?

- Where and when did it happen?

- Why did the surprise make you happy?


- Who else was involved in it?

- How did you know about the surprise?

- How do people in your country show happiness?

- It is said that happiness contributes to overall health. Do you agree or

- Why do you think so?

- Do you think poor people are happy in your country?

- It is said that attitude can affect a person’s happiness. Do you think it is true?
Cue Card 19

Describe a colourful place that you visited recently. Please say

- What is this place?

- Where and when was it?

- Why did you go there?


- Why is it a memorable place for you?

- Did you take photos of this place?

- What colour is popular in your country for home decoration? Why?

- Is there any relation between the product’s colour and the commerce? Why?

- Why do you think companies do not want the employees to wear bright


Cue Card 20

Talk about an advice that you gave to someone. Please say

- What was the advice?

- To whom did you give it?

- How did the person react?


- What do you think about a person who gives advice to others but never takes
any advice given to him/her?
- Who gives you advice at your work?

- Are young people capable of giving a good advice?

- Would you prefer to get an advice or to take a training course?

- Are there communities or groups that offer advice in your hometown?

- Who are the people in your community that give advice?

Cue Card 21

Talk about the favourite song of your childhood. Please say

- Where and when did you hear it for the first time?
- Why do you remember it?

- How do you feel about this song now?


- Do you think music is important? Why?

- Where do you usually listen to music?

- Many shopping centres are playing music. Why?

- What is the best music to be played in the children’s department?

- When does music become just a white noise in your opinion?

- When is the right time to stop playing music?

- How does music represent your culture?

Cue Card 22

Describe an interesting thing that you learned from the Internet. Please say

- What is it?
- How did you find out about that?

- Which website did you use?


- What other things did you learn from the Internet?

- Can you always trust the source of information on the Internet?

- Do you think that society depends on the use of Internet nowadays?

- Does it have an effect on businesses’ structure nowadays?

- How useful is the Internet to you?

- How do social networking sites affect our society today?

Cue Card 23

Describe a subject you were not interested in at school, that you would like to
learn now. Please say

- What subject was it?

- Why didn’t you like it then?

- Why would you like to learn it now?


- What can teachers do to make their lessons interesting?

- Should lessons be funny? Why?

- What would you suggest to improve the school system?

Cue Card 24

Talk about your school friend who was a good leader. Please say

- Describe him/her.
- Why do you think he/she is a good leader?

- What did other people say about him/her?


- Do you think you can be a good leader?

- Who do you think is the decision maker in a family?

- Do you think a woman can play the main role in a family?

- Who will be the decision maker in a family in the future?

- Do you think managers should involve employees in the decision-making

- Can you compare a manager to an employee?
Cue Card 25

Talk about a strong disagreement that you had with a friend. Please say

- What was the disagreement about?

- How did you resolve it?

- What was the result?


- What disagreements do teenagers usually have with their parents?

- What disagreements do children usually have with their peers?

- Do you think being polite is an important cultural aspect? Why?

- Do you think being polite helps in business? How?

Cue Card 26

Talk about a situation when a child made you laugh. Please say

- Who was the child?

- What did he/she do?

- When and where did it take place?


- What is the importance of childhood?

- What is the perfect age to become a parent? Why?

- What are the main qualities of good parents?

Cue Card 27

Describe a stage or an age in your life that you have enjoyed the most. Please

- What age/stage was it?

- What did you do then?

- Why was it enjoyable?

- Why did you remember that age/stage?


- What do you think is the best age in a person’s life?

- What is the attitude to older people in your country?

Cue Card 28

Describe a place that you have visited on a short trip and would like to go back.
Please say

- What and where is it?

- What did you do there and with whom?

- Why do you want to go there again?


- What are the differences between a long journey and a short trip?
- What are the advantages of short trips? Why?

- What places would you recommend to visit as a short trip in your country?
Cue Card 29

Describe any paid work that you did and enjoyed the experience. Please say

- What was the work?

- With whom did you work?

- Why did you enjoy it?


- How does work affect our daily lives?

- How is work related to the identity of a person?

- What kind of work is suitable for youngsters and the elderly?

Cue Card 30

Talk about relaxation and its importance in our life. Please say

- Why do you think it is important?

- Where do you usually go for relaxation?

- Why do you go there?


- Where do people go for relaxation in your country?

- What is better for relaxation, to stay indoor or outdoor? Why?

- Who is responsible for senior citizens’ relaxation?

Cue Card 31

Describe a situation when you felt that what you do is a waste of time. Please say

- What and when was it?

- Why did feel this way?

- What did you do to change this?


- Should parents encourage their children to manage time properly?

- When is the best time to start doing it?

Cue Card 32

Talk about a job that is important in your country. Please say

- What job is it?

- Who can work in this job?

- What skills are necessary for doing it?


- Which type of holiday is your favourite? Why?

- Do you think we must have more holidays?

- What do you usually do on holidays?

- Do you plan your holidays ahead?

- Do you think it’s a good idea for everyone to go to university?

Cue Card 33

Describe a good habit that your friend has, and that you would like to develop
too. Please say

- Who is you friend?

- What habit is it?

- Why do you want to develop it?


- Do you think people should develop good habits when they are young?
- Can children develop their habits? How?

- Can a good habit that someone had as a child disappear when they grow up?

- What kind of effect can good childhood habits have on an adult?

Cue Card 34

Describe a documentary or a movie that you enjoyed and would like to watch
again. Please say

- What movie is it?

- Why did you like it so much?

- Would you recommend it to others?


- Do you think featuring famous artists is important for a movie’s success?

- Do you think people in different stages of life will choose different types of

movies? Why?
- Do you think that older people like to watch movies of their generation more

than modern ones?

Cue Card 35

Describe a person who inspires you the most. Please say

– Where is he/she from?

– What do you know about him/her?
– What do you like about him/her?

Cue Card

Describe a garden that you have been to recently. Please say

– Where and when was it?

– What did it look like?
– Did you like it? Why?

Cue Card 36

Talk about a website that you usually use. Please say

– What is it?
– How did you learn about it?
– Why is it important?
– Do you recommend it to others?


– What websites do you use for online shopping?

– What are the advantages and disadvantages of online shopping?
– Did online shopping affect the offline markets?
– How can regular supermarkets compete with online shopping?
– Will people use online shopping more often in the future?
Cue Card 37

Describe a project that you have made in school with your classmates or friends.
Please say

– What was the project?

– What was it about?
– What did you have to do?

Cue Card 38

Describe a situation when you had to use your imagination. Please say

– What was the situation?

– Why did you need to use your imagination?
– What are the difficulties of using it?

Cue Card 39

Talk about a favorite place in your city. Please say

– How often do you go there?

– What do you usually do there?
– Why do you like that place?
Cue Card 40

Describe an interesting animal that you saw for the first time. Please say

– What is it?

– When and where did you see it?

– How did you feel about it?


– Do you think governments are doing enough to protect endangered animals?

– Why do we have to protect them?

– Is it good to keep them in a zoo?

– Are they well looked after in a zoo?

– Why should people go and see these animals?

– Is their natural habitat affected by people?

Cue Card 41

Describe an occasion on which you have tried a new dish. Please say

– What was the dish?

– Where and when did you try it?

– Did you like it or not? Why?

Cue Card 42

Talk about a song from your country. Please say

– Why do you like the song?

– Where did you hear it?

– What are the lyrics and the meaning of this song?


– Do you like to listen to music?

– Have you been to a live concert?

– Do you prefer going to concerts or watching them on TV?

– Do you think humans are the only ones to make music?

– Can you tell the difference between music that is soft and noisy?

Cue card 43

You should speak about a special toy you got as a child

- who gave it to you
- How you felt when you received it

- What was it made of.

tell why it was so important to you.

- Do you think toys should be shared by children?
- What do you think is the impact of sharing toys between children?
- What can you tell about toys before and toys nowadays?
- How would a toy help in the development of children?
Cue card 44

Talk about a trip which was not up to your expectations and say:
- what happened,
- what did you do
-what was my feeling.
-why it was unlike your expectations

Cue Card 45

Describe a surprise that made you happy. Please say

- What was it?

- Where and when did it happen?
- Why did the surprise make you happy?

Cue Card 46

Describe a colourful place that you visited recently. Please say

- What is this place?

- Where and when was it?
- Why did you go there?

Cue Card 47

Talk about an advice that you gave to someone. Please say

- What was the advice?

- To whom did you give it?
- How did the person react?
Cue Card 48

Talk about the favourite song of your childhood. Please say

- Where and when did you hear it for the first time?
- Why do you remember it?
- How do you feel about this song now?

Cue Card 49

Describe an interesting thing that you learned from the Internet. Please say

- What is it?
- How did you find out about that?
- Which website did you use?

Cue Card 50

Describe a subject you were not interested in at school, that you would like to
learn now. Please say

- What subject was it?

- Why didn’t you like it then?
- Why would you like to learn it now?

Cue Card 51

Talk about your school friend who was a good leader. Please say

- Describe him/her.
- Why do you think he/she is a good leader?
- What did other people say about him/her?
Cue Card 52

Talk about a strong disagreement that you had with a friend. Please say

- What was the disagreement about?

- How did you resolve it?
- What was the result?

Cue Card 53

Talk about a situation when a child made you laugh. Please say

- Who was the child?

- What did he/she do?
- When and where did it take place?

Cue Card 54

Describe a stage or an age in your life that you have enjoyed the most. Please say

- What age/stage was it?

- What did you do then?
- Why was it enjoyable?
- Why did you remember that age/stage?

Cue Card 55

Describe a place that you have visited on a short trip and would like to go back.
Please say

- What and where is it?

- What did you do there and with whom?
- Why do you want to go there again?
Cue Card 56

Describe any paid work that you did and enjoyed the experience. Please say

- What was the work?

- With whom did you work?
- Why did you enjoy it?

Cue Card 57

Talk about relaxation and its importance in our life. Please say

- Why do you think it is important?

- Where do you usually go for relaxation?
- Why do you go there?

Cue Card 58

Describe a situation when you felt that what you do is a waste of time. Please say

- What and when was it?

- Why did feel this way?
- What did you do to change this?

Cue Card 59

Talk about a job that is important in your country. Please say

- What job is it?

- Who can work in this job?
- What skills are necessary for doing it?
Cue Card 60

Describe a good habit that your friend has, and that you would like to develop
too. Please say

- Who is you friend?

- What habit is it?
- Why do you want to develop it?

Cue Card 61

Talk about your favourite application (app) on a mobile device. Please say

- What app is it?

- How is it useful to you?
- Will you use it in the future? Why?

Cue Card 62

Describe an interesting conversation between you and your friend that you had in
the recent weeks. Please say
- Who is this person?
- What was your conversation about?
- Where did you meet him/her for this conversation?
- Why do you think it was an interesting conversation?

Cue Card 63

Describe good news that you saw on TV or the Internet. Please say

- What and when was it?

- Why do you think it’s good?
- How did you feel after that?
Cue Card 64

- Describe a situation when you have got an advice from somebody. Please say

- Where and when was it?

- What was the advice?
- How useful was it? Why?

Cue Card 65

Describe an occasion when you received a very good service from a company or a
shop. Please say

- What company/shop was it?

- What was the product that you purchased?
- Describe the person that helped you there.

Cue Card 66

Describe a vehicle that you want to own in the future, please say
- What is it?
- Why do you want to buy it?
- How would you use it?

Cue Card 67

Describe a traffic jam that you were in recently. Please say

- When did it happen?

- Where exactly was it?
- How did you feel about it?
Cue Card 68

Describe an older person whom you know well and respect. Please say

- Who is he/she?
- What do you know about his/her younger life?
- What do you usually do together?

Cue Card 69

Talk about a situation when you came across a stranger and helped him/her.
Please say

- Describe the situation and what you did.

- When and where did it take place?
- How did you feel after helping that stranger?

Cue Card 70

Talk about a person who impressed you with his/her beauty. Please say

- Who is this person?

- How do you know him/her?
- Why do you think he/she is so beautiful?

Cue Card 71

Describe a gift for someone that took you a long time to choose.

What was it.

Who was it for.

Why it took so long to choose.

How he or she reacted to your gift.

Cue Card 72

Describe someone who is a good cook.

Who this person is.

What kinds of food does he/she cook.

Why he/she is good at cooking.

Cue Card 73

Describe a book you have read recently.

What it was.

Why did you choose to read it.

Why did you like or dislike it.

Cue Card 74

Describe an activity that you do with your work mates. Please say

– What is the activity?

– Where and when do you do it?
– Why is it important to you?

Cue Card 75

Describe a tall building in your hometown you like or dislike

You should say
Where this building is
What it looks like
What it is used for
And explain why you like or dislike
Cue Card 76

Describe a piece of (electrical or electronic) equipment in your home

You should say:
What it is
How often you use it
Who you usually use it with
And explain why this item is important to you

Cue Card 77

Describe a small business you want to have in the future

You should say:
What it would be
What you need to prepare for it
Where you would have this business
And explain why you would like to do this business

Cue Card 78

Describe an interesting photo

You should say:
Who look it
Who was in the photo
When the photo was taken
And explain why it was interesting

Cue Card 79

Describe a special meal you would like to have

You should say:
Where you would like to have it
Who you would like to have it with
What you would like to ca
And explain how you would feel about the meal
Cue Card 80

Describe a creative inventor or musician

You should say:
Who this person is
What this person does
How he knew this person
And explain why you think this person is creative

Cue Card 81

Describe a time you missed an appointment for something

You should say:
When and where it happened
What the appointment was for
What happened when you missed it
And explain how you felt about missing the appointment

Cue Card 82

Describe an advertisement you have seen/heard recently

You should say:
When and where you saw it
What was advertised
What the contents of the advertisements were
And explain how you felt about it

Cue Card 83

Describe an advertisement you have seen/heard recently

You should say:
When and where you saw it
What was advertised
What the contents of the advertisements were
And explain how you felt about it
Cue Card 84

Describe an antique or an old object that your family has kept for a long time.
You should say:
What it is
How your family first got this thing
How long your family has had it
And explain why it is important

Cue Card 85

Describe an interesting neighbor. You should say

- who this person is

- how often you see him or her

- how long you have known this neighbour

- why you consider this person to be interesting

Cue Card 86

Describe a polite person you know. You should say:

- who this person is

- who how you know this person

- Why you think this person is polite

Cue Card 87

Describe an unforgettable experience you have had. You should say:

- where it was

- what you did

- why you had this experience

- and explain why you remember this experience well.

Cue Card 88

Describe an experience when you were not allowed to use a mobile phone. You
should say:

- what you did

- when it was

- where it was

- why you were not allowed to use a mobile phone

Cue Card 89

Describe your favourite weather. You should say:

- what kind of weather it is

- what you usually do during this weather

- how this weather affects your mood

- why you like this type of weather

Cue Card 90

Describe an enjoyable activity you’ve done in the countryside. You should say:

- what the activity was

- when you did it

- who you did with it

- why it was enjoyable

Cue Card 91

Describe an adventurous person who you know. You should say:

- who the person is
- how you know this person
- what this person does that is adventurous
- and explain why you think this person likes to take risks.

Cue Card 92

Describe an article you recently read in a newspaper or magazine.You should say:

- what magazine or newspaper it was
- when you read it
- what the article was about
- and explain why you remember this article.

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