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Name: Humera zaman

Semester: 3rd semester

Submitted to: Miss shela arshad

Submitted by: Humera zaman

Subject: Ethics

The Medical Teaching Institute (MTI) Act is a legislative framework in Pakistan that was established to
bring significant reforms to the medical education and healthcare sector. The act was passed in 2015 to
promote quality medical education and healthcare delivery in public sector medical institutions.

The primary objective of the MTI Act is to ensure the provision of quality medical education to students
by improving the standards of medical colleges and hospitals. It aims to promote merit-based
appointments of medical staff, including doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals, and to
facilitate the provision of better health services to patients.

The MTI Act is divided into different sections, each dealing with specific aspects of medical education
and healthcare delivery. One of the key features of the act is the establishment of Medical Teaching
Institutes (MTIs) across the country. These institutes are expected to promote research, training, and
education in the medical field and provide specialized healthcare services to the community.

The act also sets guidelines for the appointment of qualified medical professionals as heads of medical
institutions. It emphasizes merit-based appointments and the selection of individuals based on their
professional experience and expertise.

Another critical aspect of the MTI Act is the promotion of transparency and accountability in the medical
education and healthcare sector. The act mandates the establishment of monitoring and evaluation
mechanisms to ensure that the medical institutions comply with the standards set by the regulatory

The act also provides for the formation of a Board of Governors (BoG) to manage the affairs of the MTIs.
The BoG is responsible for ensuring the implementation of the act's provisions, monitoring the
performance of the medical institutions, and taking corrective measures in case of any lapses.

The MTI Act has faced criticism from some quarters, primarily from doctors and healthcare professionals
who argue that the act threatens their job security and autonomy. However, the government has
maintained that the act is necessary to improve the quality of medical education and healthcare delivery
in the country.

In conclusion, the Medical Teaching Institute Act is a crucial legislative framework that aims to promote
quality medical education and healthcare delivery in Pakistan. While the act has faced criticism from
some quarters, its implementation is expected to bring significant reforms to the medical education and
healthcare sector, benefiting both medical professionals and patients alike.

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