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FS 5


Guiding Principles
in the
Assessment of

FS 5

Episode 2:

FS Learning Episode Overview

For the assessment process to accomplish its

purpose, i.e., to ensure learning, we must be
guided by basic assessment principles. This Episode is focussed
on basic guiding principles of assessment.

My Intended Learning Outcome

At the end of the Episode, I must be

able to:
• determine application of the guiding assessment
principles in given situations and
• apply the basic assessment principles in the
teaching-learning process.

My Performance Criteria

I will be rated along the following:

 Quality of my observations and documentation,
 Completeness and depth of analysis,
 Depth and clarity of classroom observation – based
My Learning Essentials

The following are the principles that should guide you in the
conduct of assessment.

1. Begin by specifying clearly and exactly what you want to assess. What you want to assess is / are stated in
your learning outcomes/lesson objectives.

2. The intended learning outcomes / lesson objectives NOT CONTENT is the basis of the assessment task. You
use content in the development of the assessment tool and task but it is the attainment of your learning
outcome NOT content that you want to assess. This is Outcome-Based Teaching and Learning.

3. Set your criterion of success or acceptable standard of success. It is against this established standard that
you will interpret your assessment results.
Example: Is a score of 7 out of 10 (the highest possible score) acceptable or considered success?

4. Make use of varied tools for assessment data-gathering and multiple sources of assessment data. It is not
pedagogically sound to rely on just one source of data gathered by only one assessment tool. Consider
multiple intelligences and learning styles. DepED Order No. 8, s. 2015 cites the use of multiple ways of
measuring studetns’ varying abilities and learning potentials.

5. Learners must be given feedback about their performance. Feedback must be specific. “Good work!” is
positive feedback and is welcome but actually is not a very good feedback since it is not specific. A more
specific better feedback is “You observed rules on subject-verb agreement and variety of sentences.
Three of your commas were misplaced.

6. Assessment should be on real-world application and not on out-of-context drills.

7. Emphasize on the assessment of higher-order thinking.

8. Provide opportunities for self-assessment.

My Map

R e a d t h e L e a r n in g E s s e n ti a ls g iv e n a b o v e .

O b s e r v e a t le a s t t h r e e ( 3 ) c la s s e s w it h a le a r n in g p a r t n e r .
I w ill c h o o s e o n e c la s s f r o m e a c h o f t h e t h r e e g r o u p s .
G r o u p 1 – L a n g u a g e / S c ie n c e / M a t h
G r o u p 2 – P h y s ic a l E d u c a ti o n , I C T , T L E
G r o u p 3 – E d u k a s y o n s a P a g p a p a k a t a o / A r a lin g P a n li p u n a n

D is c u s s m y o b s e r v a ti o n / a n s w e r s t o t h e q u e s ti o n s w it h p a r t n e r .

R e fl e c t o n m y o b s e r v a ti o n s a n d a n a ly s is .

A n s w e r t h e L E T - lik e t e s t it e m s .

C o m e u p w it h m y p o r tf o lio .

My Learning Activities

I will observe two classes, record my

observations with the use of an Observation Sheet.


Resource Teacher:Marivic Bringino School:Balogo National H/S

Grade/Year Level Grade 10 Subject : Filipino

Which of the following principles were observed by the

Resource Teacher?

Observations (Describe observed

Principles of Assessment behaviors of the Resource Teacher that
is/are aligned to each principle).
1. Make use of varied for assessment Which assessment tools and Resource
data-gathering and multiple Teacher use?
sources of assessment data. It is  She used the paper and pencil
not pedagogically sound to rely test. And the activities on the
on just one source of data book’s for the learner’s
gathered by only one assessment assessment.
tool. Consider multiple
intelligences and learning
2. Learners must be given feedback Give examples of comments of teacher on
about their performance. Feedback students work / answer.
must be specific. “Good work!” is  The discussion is teacher-
centered, the teacher is the only
positive feedback and is welcome
one who is speaking and she’s
but actually is not a very good nice but not giving feedback.
feedback since it is not
specific. A more specific better
feedback is “You observed rules
on subject-verb agreement and
variety of sentences. Three of
your commas were misplaced.”
3. Assessment should be on real- How was this demonstrated?
world application and not on out-  The discussion is teacher-
centered, the teacher is the only
of-context drills.

one who is speaking and she’s
nice but not giving feedback.
4. Emphasize on the assessment of How was this done?
higher-order thinking.  Oral Recitation and Group
5. Emphasize on self-assessment. Were students given the opportunity to
(Assessment as learning) do self-assessment?
 Yes, the teacher let them reflect
on their learning.


Resource Teacher:Toni RoseRecierdo_School: Balogo National H/S

Grade/Year Level: Grade 10_________Subject Area: ___TLE____

Which of the following principles were observed by the

Resource Teacher?
Principles of Assessment Observations (Describe observed
behaviors of the Resource Teacher that
is/are aligned to each principle).
1. Make use of varied for Which assessment tools and Resource
assessment data-gathering and Teacher use?
multiple sources of assessment  The discussion is a teacher-
data. It is not pedagogically centered and also a learner-
sound to rely on just one source centered. The teacher used oral
of data gathered by only one recitation to get the attention
assessment tool. Consider of the students,
multiple intelligences and
learning styles.
2. Learners must be given feedback Give examples of comments of teacher
about their performance. Feedback on students work / answer.
must be specific. “Good work!” is
positive feedback and is welcome  “Nice” and “Good Job”
but actually is not a very good
feedback since it is not specific.
A more specific better feedback is
“You observed rules on subject-verb
agreement and variety of sentences.
Three of your commas were
3. Assessment should be on real-world How was this demonstrated?
application and not on out-of-  The teacher used real world
context drills. scenario in planting a tree, for
the learner to have an idea on
what she had discussed.
4. Emphasize on the assessment of How was this done?
higher-order thinking.  She ask her students to share
their ideas about planting a
5. Emphasize on self-assessment. Were students given the opportunity to
(Assessment as learning) do self-assessment?
 Yes, the teacher let them
reflect on their learning.


Resource Teacher:Gloria Villanueva School: Balogo National H/S

Grade/Year Level: Grade 10 Subject Area: English

Which of the following principles were observed by the

Resource Teacher?

Principles of Assessment Observations (Describe observed

behaviors of the Resource Teacher that
is/are aligned to each principle).
1. Make use of varied for Which assessment tools and Resource
assessment data-gathering and Teacher use?
multiple sources of assessment  The discussion is a teacher-
data. It is not pedagogically centered and also a learner-
sound to rely on just one centered. The teacher used oral
source of data gathered by recitation to get the attention
only one assessment tool. of the students,
Consider multiple
intelligences and learning
2. Learners must be given feedback Give examples of comments of teacher on
about their performance. Feedback students work / answer.

must be specific. “Good work!” is
positive feedback and is welcome  “Nice”, “very good” and “Good”
but actually is not a very good
feedback since it is not
specific. A more specific better
feedback is “You observed rules
on subject-verb agreement and
variety of sentences. Three of
your commas were misplaced.”
3. Assessment should be on real- How was this demonstrated?
world application and not on out-  The teacher used real world
of-context drills. scenario, for the learner to have
an idea on what she had
4. Emphasize on the assessment of How was this done?
higher-order thinking.  She asked her students to share
their ideas and explain some
words related to their lesson.
5. Emphasize on self-assessment. Were students given the opportunity to
(Assessment as learning) do self-assessment?
 Yes, the teacher let them reflect
on their learning.

My Analysis

1. Which principles of assessment were observed to have been

 The principle of assessment that I have observed are
focused on student’s self-assessment. It is not

pedagogically sound to rely on just one source of data
gathered by only one assessment tool. Assessment should
be fair by means that the teacher is accepting the ideas
that the students is sharing and also by giving good
feedback when the students are reciting even if the
answer is not correct. Another principle that I have
observe is “assessment should be integral part of eaching
and learning and this happens when the teacher is asking
the students to share their ideas about the lesson that
they are discussing.
2. Which principle/s was / were least observed / not observed?
 The principles that were least observed is the assessment
should lead to informative report “because were not able
to see that the student is reporting in front of their

My Reflections/Insights

We Assess What We Value and Value What We Assess.

of assessment on the ground that all types of assessment method
has its own function and own What should I do to make assessment
Base on my point of view, I think that there’s no such thing as
best method characteristics in one thing to another they are
different. There’s specific or appropriate when to use the assessment
method.For example if there’s only limited time left when you’ll make
use of true/false type. Not the multiple r even completion test,
because as we all know it will take a lot of time to answer. Second,
in every method, there’s intended purpose which means you only input
that kind of method if it is suitable for your subject matter. Third,
as a future educator you may use alternative assessment method but
must complement always to your goals and objective.Thus, for preparing
an assessment method, it must complement to the learning objectives,
buut make sure that the assessment method to be used is appropriate to
its functions so that you will be able to evaluate immediately the
scores of the learners

Integrating Theory and Practice

Directions: Read the items given below and

encircle the correct answer.

1. Emphasize on self-assessment. Teacher Lyn applies this

principle by _________.

A. Making her students check theor own paper.
B. Motivating her students to set their personal
learning goals and track their progress against that
C. Prepaing her students for higher-order thinking
D. Requiring them scoring rubric as project.

2. Assessment should be on real-world application and not on

out-of-context drills. To apply this principle, what
should Teacher Nancy do?-
A. Assess students’ English oral communication skills in
a graduation program simulation where each student
has a speaking assignment.
B. Gives a 20-point quiz asking students to determine
whether or not the sound of “a” is long or short.
C. Gives studetns a matching type of test on vocabulary.
D. Gives a 10-item quiz on adding dissimilar fractions
which is the weakness of students

3. If you emphasize a assessing higher-order thinking

skills, which should you do?
A. Avoid paper-and-pencil test.
B. Give studnets problem to solve.
C. Give oral examinations.
D. Do less formative assessment.

4. On which should a teacher base his/her assessment?

A. Learning outcome C. Developmental
stage of learners
B. Learning content D. Learning resources
5. In Outcome-Based Education or Outcomes-Based Teaching-
Learning the assessment task should match with the ____
A. Learning resources C. learning outcome
B. references D. content
6. “Very good. Your are doing very well, Johann!”, says
Teacher Jona. Teacher was referring to Johann’s word
problem-solving skills. It is accordance with giving
specific feedback?

A. Yes. C. Very much, the

feedback is clear enough.
B. No. D. No, it is
7. Teacher Annie explains to her class: “Each one is
expected to spell 10 words out of ten words correctly.
This is a mastery test”. I Teacher Annie’s behavior in

keeping with thr principle to set acceptable standards og

A. No, the standard she set is too high.

B. No, she is not setting the standards. She is just
explaining the meaning of a mastery test.
C. Yes, it is. The standard is clear
D. Yes, she sees to it that every studetn agrees.
8. Teacher Jovelyn considers the multi-choice type of test
the best among the written types of test, so for
assessment of learning she uses only multiple choice type
of test. Is this in accordance with the principle of

A. Yes, well-formulated multiple choice tests measure

B. Yes, for as long as the multiple choice tests measure
low and high level thinking skills.
C. No, she has only one source of data.
D. No, she should make use of varied tools for
assessment data-gathering.

9. A professor does not give quiz at all. The students’

grades are based only on the summative assessment
results. Does he vioolate an assessment principle?

A. No, that is academic freedom.

B. No, he assesses learning and gives grades anyway.
C. Yes, assessment data to be reliable should come from
multiple sources.
D. Yes, he does not consider multiple intelligence and
learning styles

My Learning Portfolio

1. Assessment should be on real-world application and

not on out-of-context drill. Research on GRASP of G. Wiggins
and JayMctighe. Construct a real-world performance assessment
GRASP (G-Goal)
 Performance tasks seem to be a natural form of
assessment in some disciplines i.e., music students
performing in concerts. In order to perform well,
music students must synthesize a variety of elements
such as rhythm, sheet music skills, tonal
distinctions, knowledge of their instrument, and the
ability to follow a conductor. This performance task
requires those students to be completely engaged
while working to master a complex assortment of
skills before an audience.

2.Here is an intended learning outcome: “the student must be able

to apply the basic assessment principles in the teaching-learning
Assess the attainment of that objective learning outcome by
way of 2 multiple choice test items.
1. The teacher let the students engaged to hands-on
a. Real-world application c. affective
b. psychomotor d. traditional
2. It is a degree of secrecy of grades of learners.
a. Justness c. validity
b. Practicability d. morality
3.Research on how to assess higher-order thinking skills. Give
two examples of test items that measure applying and analysing.
 Project method,performance and product assessment
1. Compare and contrast the culture and traditions of Korea
and Philippines through A Venn Diagram
2. A kind of tet that uses visual element and the reading
pattern is non sequential is called____.
a. Linear text
b. Reading text
c. Non-linear text

My Learning Rubric
Field Study 5, Episode 2– GUIDING PRINCIPLES IN THE
Name of the Student:Davey M. Roa Date Submitted:10-11-2020_
Year and Section :4 FILIPINO_______ Course: _BSED_________________
EPISODES 4 3 2 1
All task were done Fewer than half of
with outstanding Nearly all tasks tasks were done; or
LEARNING quality; work All or nearly all were done with most objectives were
ACTIVITIES exceeds tasks were done acceptable met but need
expectations with high quality quality improvement
4 3 2 1
All questions were Analysis Analysis Analysis questions
answered questions were questions were were not answered
completely; in answered not answered Grammar and spelling
depth answers; completely. completely unsatisfactory
thoroughly Clear connections Vaguely related
grounded on with theories to the theories
ANALYSIS OF THE theories, Grammar and Grammar and
LEARNING Exemplary grammar spelling are spelling
EPISODES and spelling superior acceptable

4 2

Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection
statements are statements are statements are statements are
profound and clear; but not shallow; unclear and shallow
clear; supported clearly supported supported by and are not
REFLECTIONS/ by experiences by experiences experience from supported by
INSIGHTS from the learning from the learning the learning experiences from the
episode episodes episodes learning episodes

4 3 2 1
Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is Analysis questions
complete, clear, complete, clear, incomplete; were not answered
well-organized and well-organize supporting Grammar and spelling
all supporting most supporting documentations unsatisfactory
documentations are documentations are organized
LEARNING located in are available and but are lacking
PORTFOLIO sections clearly logical and
designated clearly marked
4 3
Submitted before Submitted on the Submitted a day Submitted two days
SUBMISSION OF the deadline deadline after the or more after the
LEARNING deadline deadline
4 2 1
COMMENT/S Over-all Score Rating:
(Based on Transmutation)


Score 20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7-below

1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00

99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-below

Signature of FS Teacher Date: _____________


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