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Political Science & International Relations

Lecture - 34
Criticism of Marxian
interpretation of History

Criticism of Marxian interpretation of History

Was Karl Marx an economic determinist?

Some scholars treat Marx as economic determinist because of following reasons:-
1. He has associated all the major events of history with production things and economic
2. He has associated the emergence of family, society with production activities.
3. He has associated even his theory of class struggle with production of material things.
The Marxian view with respect to the history of human society have been criticised for its
economic determinism. Determinism refers to that view with respect to any social reality
the thinker believe that only his ideas are absolute truth and he rejects all other opinion.
Marxian view suffers from economic determinism because he deliberately associates every
major events in human society with economic activities. Marx was criticised by Max Weber
who said that behind every social phenomena a number of causes may coexist that is causal
pluralism. Behind emerge of society economic factor may be one of the most important
reasons but it may not be the only reason there are other reasons as well.

Marxist Theory of revolution

Revolution in Marxist sense of team means complete social change i. e., when one mode of
production is replaced by another mode of production like feudalism by capitalism and
capitalism by socialism. For Marx, revolution is always violent because those who are
benefitted by existing system do not want it to change. In order to understand Marxist
theory of revolution we need to understand following concepts:-
1. Dialectical materialism- Hegel believe that history moves through the dialectics of ideas
but Marx believe that it moves through dialectics of matter. Karl Marx feels that Hegel
is standing on his head and Marx maid him stand on his feet.
2. Theory of class struggle- Many believes that history of all hitherto existing societies are
the history of class struggle. Marx believes that history mover in a dialectical manner i.
e. , it moves through conflict. It means that fundamental conflict lies at the base of
society i. e. , economic base of Society. The most important reason for making history
is contradiction among marx gave following stages of history.

i. Primitive Communism (Pre-historic stage)

 It is the stage of primitive communism. No private property existed here and
therefore no classes existed and hence to class contradictions. History is a
progressive movement. One cannot stop the movement of history till one
reaches the stage of perfection. Human civilization began live a to stationary
life. Agriculture led to the introduction of the institution of private property.
since the time private property was introduced human history, began.
 The stage of primitive as largely egalitarian where equality prevailed – equlity
among people,e of success.
ii. Master - Slave Society
 The first historical stage gives a way to master-slave society where equality
prevailed Once the institution private property developed society got divided
into 2 Classes - Master and Slave.
 Inequality also began with in Family. The first division of labour was based on
sexes where men subjugated women. In Marx's paradigm Family represents
exploitation of weak by strong.
 At the same time, another division of labour emerged a, intellectual labour
versus manual labour. Those who were owner of properly forced others to labour
for them. They enjoyed freedom and luxury. Masters wanted to perpetuate this
system forever. Hence, they established that intellectual activities are superior
than manual activities. They established that idea is Superior to matter. Thus,
the system of exploitation came to be legitimized.


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