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Anexo 1 – Task 2 – English is easy and fun - Writing Task.

Lisbeth Johanna Bejarano Nieto

Aracelis Pabón Fester
Carmen Daniela Blanco Rozo
Milagros Madrid Machado
Elizabeth Ballestas Rodríguez

Curso– psicología

Grupo: -228

Tutora: Rosa Inés Martínez

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia - UNAD

Escuela de Ciencias Sociales Artes y Humanidades - ECSAH
Programa de Psicología
Step 1: During this term it is necessary to study the entire e-book which is a great compliment for this
course and will help you to exercise your communication skills. The E-Book is in the learning
The specific modules for this task are:
Module 1, Module 2, Module 3
After you study the suggested modules, select and complete three (3) exercises (One per module).
Share the screenshots directly on the forum (click here to learn how to do it
Make sure not to choose an exercise previously selected by another course mate.

Student’s name: Lisbeth Johanna Bejarano Nieto

Screenshot Module 1 Screenshot Module 2 Screenshot Module 3

Student’s name: Aracelis Pabón Fester
Screenshot Module 1 Screenshot Module 2 Screenshot Module 3

Student’s name: Carmen Daniela Blanco Rozo

Screenshot Module 1 Screenshot Module 2 Screenshot Module 3
Student’s name: Milagros Madrid Machado
Screenshot Module 1 Screenshot Module 2 Screenshot Module 3

Student’s name: Elizabeth Ballestas Rodríguez

Screenshot Module 1 Screenshot Module 2 Screenshot Module 3
Step 2: Participation in the Students’ Talking Time (STT).
Each student must participate in at least three (3) STT (Tuesdays and Saturdays), take a screenshot of
your participation and fill the chart as evidence (debe verse su nombre):

Student 1- Name: Lisbeth Johanna Bejarano Nieto

Date: Tutor in the Topic and What did I learn?


28-02-2023 Bibiana Patricia Molinares

Date: Tutor in the Topic and What did I learn?

04-03-2023 Leydi Diana Sanchez Garcia Topic: Steps to write in English

What did I learn?

 writing short texts
 use of connectors
 greetings taking into account the time
 adverbs of frequency
Date: Tutor in the Topic and What did I learn?

07-03-2023 Alcides Javier Hoyos Topic: Paraphrasing and types of sentences

What did I learn?

 I learned to paraphrase
 to read a little better
 know the four types of sentences
 the final E is silent
Student 2 – Name: Aracelis Pabón Fester
Date: Tutor in the Topic and What did I learn?

21/02/2023 Angie Lorena Ramírez Gaviria Topic: Importance of a secod language/english

It is important to learn to speak English since it is

useful to travel the world, for work, it helps to
develop new skills and English opens many doors
to a better education. The benefits of learning the
universal language are many more, making
English your second language will give you
access to a lot of information about the world and
even about yourself.
Date: Tutor in the Topic and What did I learn?

04/03/2023 Ruby Alejandra Cuellar Gutierrez Topic: Steps to write in English

From this topic I learned to write short texts, the

use of connectors and adverbs of frequency.
Date: Tutor in the Topic and What did I learn?

07/03/2023 Alcides Javier Hoyos Topic: Paraphrasing and types of sentences

From this topic I learned to paraphrase and know

the 4 types of sentences
Student 3 - Name: Carmen Daniela Blanco Rozo
Date: Tutor in the Topic and What did I learn?

28-02-2023 Bibiana Patricia Molinares Connection issues

Date: Tutor in the Topic and What did I learn?

04-03-2023 Leydi Diana Sanchez Garcia Topic: Steps to write in English

What did I learn?

-write short texts
-use of connectors
-frequency adverbs
Date: Tutor in the Topic and What did I learn?

07-03-2023 Alcides Javier Hoyos Topic: Paraphrasing and types of sentences

What did I learn?

-I learned to paraphrase
-to read a little better
-know the four types of sentences
-the final E is silent
Student 4 - Name: Milagros Madrid Machado
Date: Tutor in the Topic and What did I learn?

04/03/2023 Leydy Diana Sanchez Topic: Steps to write in English

In this activity I was able to learn how important the
past progressive is.
Date: Tutor in the Topic and What did I learn?

11/03/2023 Sergio Mendez Topic: Paraphrasing and types of sentences.

In this topic I was able to learn how important
synonyms are. I found several words and it was a
very productive class.
Student 5 - Name: Elizabeth Ballestas Rodríguez
Date: Tutor in the Topic and What did I learn?

04/03/2023 Leidy Diana Sanches Topic: Steps to write in English.

Thanks to the development of this class I learned to
write short texts, the correct use of connectors, I
learned what adverbs of frequency are.
Date: Tutor in the Topic and What did I learn?

07/03/2023 Alcides Javier Hoyos Topic: Paraphrasing and types of sentences.

From this class I learned the meaning of
paraphrasing, and what is the correct way.
I learned the 4 types of sentences, which are:
Declarative, Imperative, Exclamatory, Interrogative.
Date: Tutor in the Topic and What did I learn?

25-03-2023 Francisco Javier Barcos Topic: Why is it importan to learning a second

in this space I learned about the importance of
learning a second language, I realized that it is
almost fundamental to learn to speak English, that
this will be useful to me in my career as a future
Step 3: Frequency Adverbs and Routines
a. Watch the video: adverbs-of-
frequency/59356 then select and answer 2 questions using the frequency adverbs:

Selected Question Student’s name

What time do you get up in the Aracelis Pabón Fester
A/: Sometimes i get up at 7:00 in the morning
How often do you make the bed in the
morning? Aracelis Pabón Fester
A/: I always make my bed in the morning

How often do you go for a run in the

morning? Lisbeth Johanna Bejarano
A/: I never run in the morning
How often do you take a shower in the
morning? Lisbeth Johanna Bejarano
A/: I sometimes shower in the morning, usually
in the middle of the day.

How often do you brush your teeth in the

morning? Carmen Daniela Blanco
A/: I brush my teeth every day in the

How often do you make coffee in the Carmen Daniela Blanco

A/: I seldom make coffee in the morning
How often do you read the
newspaper in the morning? Milagros Madrid Machado
A/: I never read the newspaper in the morning
How often do you check your email in the  Milagros Madrid Machado
A/: I always check the email in
the morning
What time do you leave for work in the Elizabeth Ballestas Rodríguez
A/: I usually go to work at 7 in the morning
How often do you practice a hobby? Elizabeth Ballestas Rodríguez
A/: I frequently practice hobby
b. Watch the video above and each student will write 2 sentences with frequency
adverbs. Underline the frequency adverb:

1. l’m always doing homenwork in the morning (Aracelis Pabón Fester)

2. sometimes i go jogging in the morning (Aracelis Pabón Fester)

3. I have never been to any country other than Colombia. (Lisbeth Johanna Bejarano)

4. I usually go on trips on weekends. (Lisbeth Johanna Bejarano)

5. I always take shower every day in the morning (Carmen Daniela Blanco)

6. I Frequently go to the park to eat ice cream (Carmen Daniela Blanco)

7. I usually get up at 6:10 in the morning. (Milagros Madrid Machado)

8. I always brush my teeth in the morning. (Milagros Madrid Machado)

9. I always make my bed in the morning (Elizabeth Ballestas Rodríguez)

10. I always make coffee in the morning. (Elizabeth Ballestas Rodríguez)

c. Each student selects a frequency adverb and writes a sentence, remember the
correct verb use for the third person:

 Always (Lisbeth Johanna Bejarano)

they always plays soccer

 Usually (Carmen Daniela Blanco)

Mary usually visits her parents on weekends

 Sometimes (Aracelis Pabon Fester)

sometimes my father comes in the morning

 Often (Milagros Madrid Machado)

My sister often travels to Chiriguaná.

 Hardly ever (Elizabeth Ballestas Rodríguez)

my nephew never plays cards
Step 4: Countable and uncountable nouns
Each student writes 5 countable and 5 uncountable nouns (25 in total of each), check before writing
your nouns, you cannot repeat them.

Countable Uncountable nouns Student’s name

 weeks water Aracelis Pabón Fester
dishes air Aracelis Pabón Fester

students happiness Aracelis Pabón Fester

dogs burning Aracelis Pabón Fester

songs rice Aracelis Pabón Fester

days sand Lisbeth Bejarano Nieto

classes hair Lisbeth Bejarano Nieto

players stars Lisbeth Bejarano Nieto

chairs stones Lisbeth Bejarano Nieto

glasses tree leaves Lisbeth Bejarano Nieto

book flour Carmen Daniela Blanco

city dust Carmen Daniela Blanco

car meat Carmen Daniela Blanco

eye salt Carmen Daniela Blanco

Orange sugar Carmen Daniela Blanco

Cellphone Cream Milagros Madrid Machado

Computer Wine Milagros Madrid Machado

Table Tennis Milagros Madrid Machado

Pencil Wood Milagros Madrid Machado

Draft Love Milagros Madrid Machado

months sadness Elizabeth Ballestas Rodríguez

coins blood Elizabeth Ballestas Rodríguez

town thirst Elizabeth Ballestas Rodríguez

poems milk Elizabeth Ballestas Rodríguez

apple oil Elizabeth Ballestas Rodríguez

Step 5: Write a Story in simple past and past progressive.

You will find a story about a frightened day, and each student has to continue the story.

Each student must write at least 5 lines of the story.
In each paragraph, the student must write sentences in past progressive and past simple.
Has to be coherence among the paragraphs.

The most frightened day…

Last year my friend Melissa was planning her vacations, she was really happy because she was planning
to go with her fiancé, she was planning to have a great time there, she bought the airplane tickets, did the
reservation in a very nice place and everything was set.
Ut just two hours before the flight, her boyfriend made an unexpected decision, he told her that he would
not go with her, that he wanted the relationship to come to an end, because he was not happy, all this he
said because days before he had met another girl with whom he had fallen in love. At that moment
Melissa felt that her life was over, she felt that she could not live without him, because he was the love of
her life and the guy she wanted to share the rest of her life with, soon they were going to get married.
Lisbeth Bejarano Nieto.
Melisa suffered a lot for her boyfriend since she remembers everything he told her, they planned to get
married, have children and start a beautiful family, but what hurts Melisa the most is that days before the
flight her boyfriend had met a very beautiful girl and He fell completely in love with her, thus forgetting
the great love that Melisa felt for him. Melisa decides to take some time alone since she was not in a
position to fall in love anymore because of everything that happened with her boyfriend. Aracelis Pabón
During this time, Melisa took refuge in her family and closest friends, with whom she shared these hard
moments, because despite everything, she was happy and never imagined that her engagement would end
this way, and although it was a matter of time, Melisa was leaving behind the pain of their separation and
decides to start a life in another country where he met new friends, changed jobs and dedicated himself to
doing what he most enjoys traveling, thus managing to heal the wounds in his heart. Carmen Daniela
After Melisa traveled and healed her wounds, she returned to her country, settling in her hometown, after
a while she met Carlos, a handsome, hard-working and humble boy. Carlos approached her in order to
establish a beautiful friendship, Spending so many moments together, he falls in love with her, but he
fears that by expressing her feelings about her, she will reject him, not knowing that Melisa was
beginning to feel the same way. Elizabeth Ballestas Rodriguez.
Carlos invited Melissa to dinner on her birthday, while sharing they listened to romantic melodies,
suddenly it began to rain , Carlos hugged her and from his jacket he took out some chocolate and a
beautiful card, Melissa was surprised and happy, she waited for that moment, after several monts,
Melissa and Carlos got married, formed a beautiful home, they had two son, shared many trips together,
Melissa and Carlos life was always full of love and happiness. Milagros Madrid Machado.
Step 6: Reflection and personal growth
Esta etapa está orientada a su reflexión y crecimiento personal donde usted como estudiante debe realizar
una autoevaluación dando respuesta en español a las preguntas que se encuentran en el siguiente link:
Como evidencia de haber dado respuesta, usted va a poner un pantallazo de su presentación, agregándole
una marca de agua con su nombre:

Student 1 – Name: Lisbeth Bejarano Nieto

Student 2 – Name: Aracelis Pabón Fester

Student 3 – Name: Carmen Daniela Blanco

Student 4 – Name: Milagros Madrid Machado

Student 5 – Name: Elizabeth Ballestas Rodriguez

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