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4th Level Wizard spell--NEW MEMORY

Duration: Permanent
Range: 1 person
Casting Time: 3 rounds
Saving Throw: Special
Components: V,S,M
This spell was researched and created by SOrlak's brother, Rannon, and is a
better version of the _forget_ spell. The NEW MEMORY spell replaces a memory in
the vistim's mind with another memory that the wizard creates. It takes two rounds
to cast the spell and 1 round to get a good image of the new memory. The caster
could replace the forgotten memory with a black void and reduce the casting time to
2. The memory to be replaced can span from 1 round to 1 day per level of the
wizard. If successful, the victim does not even know that one memory has been
replaced with another. The victim gets a +3 to the saving throw. If the save is
successful, the victim forgets but the new memory does not come into play. The
victim knows he has just forgotten something important, and remembers the casting,
but cannot remember the image he has forgotten, instead he remembers only darkness.
In the case of the campaign "The Temple of the CHained Demon", Princess Lyss
automatically fails her save. However, the charm she is wearing allows her to know
the memory that she is supposed to remember, although it stops the spell from
working. Therefore Princess Lyss can easily pretend she remembers what the caster
wants her to remember.


XP: 3,500
A very common item among wizards. The Lamp automatically hovers above the ground
at the height of the caster's head. If the caster is more than 120 feet away, the
Lamp hovers at 5 feet. The Lamp is a sphere of glass resembling a chrystal ball,
about the size of a human head. It responds to the following word commands:
Light: Light equal to a large candle
Lighter: Grows several degrees lighter. Maximum is the light of broad daylight
on a cloudless day.
Dimmer: Grows dimmer. Minimum is a faint sliver of light barely noticed.
Dark: Light goes out.
Go: Lamp moves in the direction the wizard points until told 'Stop'. Maximum
120 feet. Movement rate 3.
Stop: The Lamp stops where it is.
Back: The Lamp returns to the wizard.
The Lamp is especially convenient for reading, memorizing, and researching (all the
things mages need to do0.


XP: 10,000
It's not as good as it sounds! The Cloak can only be used by a mage. When the
command word, "Mute" is spoken, all spells cast within a 60-foot radius are cast,
but instead of a spell, the magical energy resolves itself in a quick flash of
light from the caster's hands, harmless. THE CLOAK KILLS ALL SPELLS, INCLUDING THE
WEARER'S!! Since it can only be worn by a wizard, the wizard had better have some
good magic items to attack with because he's not doing anything else! The cloak
operates until it takes 10 points of damage, a piece of it is completely separated
from the rest, the wearer dies, or the command word, "Un-Mute" is spoken.

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