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2.1 Beauty • basic introduction & definition of Beauty industry is an industry that produces cosmetics with raw materials used on
Industry beauty industry, the outside of the human body to cleanse, perfume, change the appearance and / or
improve body odor or protect or maintain the body in good condition (Forestryana
et al., 2021).
• history to most recent discovery The Sumerian civilization was the first to introduce the concept of makeup. In
in beauty industry, 2500 to 1000 years BC the Sumerians used an insect called Cochineal. This insect
when destroyed can produce a beautiful carmine red color like the color of its
body. In addition to insects, another source of lip dye is berries.
In various cultures, white face is a standard of beauty in itself. If now on the
market it is crammed with whitening products, in ancient times the face was made
as pale as possible with powder. Examples are China and Japan that started this
custom as early as 1500 years BC. Eyebrows are shaved off and teeth are painted
black or gold. Henna is used for hair. Currently, the world makeup trend is
influenced by two poles, namely east and west. The East itself is Korea. Although
Japan also has its own makeup flow but the Korean makeup stream is more
popular. The hallmark of Korean makeup is a natural look, straight eyebrows, and
a youthful impression. While western makeup accentuates the contours of the face
with contours, bronzers, and highlighters. Western makeup also tends to be
heavier. Another difference is the typical Asian who enjoys using makeup that
makes the skin look whiter.
• impact made by global & The global cosmetic industry produces more than 120 billion units of packaging
indonesia beauty industry annually, most of which are not recyclable. So lip gloss tubes, concealer boxes,
and moisturizer containers that are worn daily mostly end up in the trash. Or
worse to the waterways along with other single-use plastic containers that are also
used by billions of people every day. If no action is taken to address this waste
problem, the flow of plastic into the oceans will triple by 2040
Ironically, it is no better than other countries, because waste management in the
country has not run optimally, this is only a small part of the total waste in the
country. It has not been combined with other waste from all over Indonesia. Just
relying on the government to fix the problem of skincare and cosmetic waste, it is
certainly not a wise thing san Insonesia is still lagging behind in terms of waste
management technology. So that skincare and cosmetic waste is only hoarded
because there is no qualified technology to be able to process it into energy.

• beauty industry market condition The beauty industry in Indonesia is growing rapidly thanks to digital platforms.
in Indonesia, Thanks to digital platforms, cosmetic products are able to expand the market to
remote and foreign countries. This digital platform is also driving the growth of
new cosmetic brands. Data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) in 2021
revealed that the cosmetics industry, which includes the pharmaceutical, chemical,
and traditional medicine industry sectors, experienced growth of up to 9.61%.
BPOM also noted that the cosmetics industry experienced an increase in the
number of companies by up to 20.6%. Throughout 2021 to July 2022, the
cosmetics industry experienced an increase from 819 to 913. The increase in the
cosmetics industry was dominated by SMEs, namely by 83%
• Indonesia beauty industry The global cosmetics market has a dynamic marketin 2020 the Ministry of
contribution to global beauty Industry stated that the growth of the chemical, pharmaceutical, and traditional
industry medicine industries, including cosmetics, grew by 9.39%. This figure contributes
as much as 1.92% to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Even in pandemic
conditions, the export value of these products reached IDR 4.44 trillion and
contributed quite a lot to foreign exchange. Judging from these conditions, of
course, the cosmetic industry is still in urgent need of raw materials for cosmetic
products, including following cosmetic trends from natural ingredients.
• & sebutkan contribution made by The opportunities and developments of the global cosmetics industry are
global beauty industry influenced by many things, including the pandemic, economic conditions, to the
latest beauty trends. So that consumers do not only demand sustainable and
environmentally friendly products. They also want products that are also good for
their body's health and have no adverse effect on hormones.
• impact Indonesia beauty industry Therefore, Increasingly educated consumers are one of the triggers for beauty
creates globally by being more product manufacturers to increasingly attach importance to elements of
sustainable environmental sustainability . people need products that are safe for them to use,
but still affordable and effective. The cosmetics market is catching these signals,
discarding ingredients that are labeled as harmful and becoming more transparent
about the effects some ingredients have on consumer health. This practice is also
known as brand transparency in the cosmetics industry and the ethics of its
• grafik + caption, APA reference
setiap kalimat/ paragraf
2.2 Social & • diganti judul jadi "Social & 2.2 Social & Economic contribution of beauty industry
Economic Economic contribution of beauty
contribution industry". Jelasin factor social &
of beauty economic only.

• 1 contoh dari dosen untuk faktor Indonesia has three fundamentals that drive the growth of the beauty industry. in
ekonomi, sisanya cari sendiri. Indonesia. As John (2019) stated that there are three fundamental things that show
Faktor ekonomi research tentang: that the potential for the development of the large cosmetics industry in Indonesia.
Relate inflation rate to the namely the large proportion of Indonesia's young population, Indonesia's
BEAUTY TOPIC. Inflasi di economic growth, and the growing use of social media in Indonesia (Ferdinand &
Indonesia & global dihubungkan Ciptono, 2022). The large number of people of productive age provides a source
dengan topic beauty. Bisa of labor, business actors, and potential consumers who play a very important role
dihubungkan ke beauty industry, in accelerating development (Adha et al., 2020). Making Indonesia one of the
beauty products, dan sustainable large enough cosmetic markets so that the business is prospective and promising.
beauty. The potential of this domestic market includes an increasing number of young
populations or millennial generation (Puspita et al., 2020).
Then the economic growth factor in Indonesia. Each country measures the
country's economic success by various indicators that represent economic
changes. Inflation is one way to indicate whether a country's economic growth is
increasing or decreasing (Puspita et al., 2020). Inflation is a tendency to increase
the price of goods and services in general that lasts continuously. If the price of
goods and services in the country increases, then inflation increases. The rising
prices of these goods and services lead to a decrease in the value of money. It is
even said that in 2023 Indonesia will experience high inflation. Inflation itself will
have a significant impact in various business sectors, including in the beauty
industry. Below are the projections for Indonesian and Global inflation according
to the IMF for 2022-2023.

Figure 4. the projections for Indonesian and Global inflation according to the IMF
for 2022-2023
Source : International Monetary Fund (IMF), 11 October 2022
. Thus, inflation can also be interpreted as a decrease in the value of money
against the value of goods and services in general. Lately, there must be frequent
chatter on social media about economic inflation.

Figure 5 Indonesia and World Inflation Rate Chart 2019-2023

Judging from the table data below, the beauty sector is also experiencing
inflationary pressures and, as a result, brands are raising prices, with beauty prices
per unit jumping 5.51 percent last year (Nurrahman, 2022). With inflation hitting
record highs and rising interest rates making it more expensive to fund a business,
many beauty brands are scrambling to stay one step ahead. Finding the right
balance between innovating and delivering value remains key. As well as
diversification of distribution channels. Setting product prices appropriately,
keeping an eye on inflation trends, and managing increased costs in running a
business. Starting from the procurement of raw materials to labor to product
packaging. Everything is important to protect the market and remain an attractive
investment (Salim & Fadilla, 2021)
one of the social factors that influence purchasing decisions is social media
(Helinsha & Margawati, 2022). This all-online community activity has an impact
on the internet and social media as a platform for people to explain their social
activities. When the internet is the primary need of the community in seeking all
information, in fact it has caused a new symptom, namely an individual or society
experiencing fear, anxiety, and worry if he is left behind by information or
something that is going viral (Rohmah, 2020).

Figure 7 social media users globally in 2022
social media is increasingly seen as a more objective source of information and
has an effect on many aspects of consumer behavior, including purchasing
behavior (Chopra & Gupta, 2019). the social media (Facebook and Instagram)
influence purchasing decisions and platform-based social media user data used in
Indonesia 2022 can be seen in this tabel (Augustinah & Widayati, 2019).

Figure 8 platform-based social media user data used in Indonesia 2022

Social media is the main tool in promoting a product. Consumers are easily
tempted when consumers spend a lot of time using social media by seeing various
advertisements or celebgram skin, it indirectly makes them want to have their skin
by using cosmetic products used by public figures to get the same skin as public
figures, with a trend very circulating today that women's skin is white, clear and
glowing to be the same as the environment (Simon Abraham et al., 2022). But on
the other hand the concept of sustainable beauty still seems ambiguous among the
public, because information dissemination actors tend to only consider factors of
similarity, trust, attractiveness, and expertise as factors that affect credibility
(Pangalila et al., 2021).
• grafik + caption, APA reference
setiap kalimat/ paragraf
2.3 Ethic & • jelaskan mulai dari definisi basic Sustainable Beauty is a concept or activity of using beauty about choosing
Sustainability apa itu ethical dan sustainability di skincare and makeup that is safe for living things and environmentally friendly.
in Beauty beauty industry. Kenapa ethical & Meanwhile, ethical beauty activities do not test animals or are cruelty-free, vegan
Industry sustainability itu berbeda. or do not use ingredients derived from animals, do fair trade in obtaining product ingredients, have recycling programs for packaging, do not sell their products to
e-5-elements-of-sustainable-beauty- China, and much more.
Ethics is how people act every day in accordance with the law. But what is
achieved ethically is not fixed. It resonated over time. Sustainability is often seen
more about how companies use resources and affect the environment,
sustainability is evolving for leaders now means moving on to an overall positive
impact on society
• di bab ini fokus jelasin se detail Sustainable products means that any business considering introducing a new
mungkin bahas product to market or refining an existing one must revise its distribution chain
SUSTAINABILITY di beauty management process in order to effectively meet demand.
industry: Any product that a beauty products business needs to produce and distribute, is
likely to ebb and flow based on seasonal trends driven by customers, so having the
right Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System in place will give you the tools
you need to grow your business on demand..
3 pillars sustainability Sustainability is not only related to the environment, but also, to the social and
economic environment, forming such, three pillars aimed at ensuring the
integri*ty of the planet and to improve the quality of life. There are three pillars of
sustainability – economic viability, environmental protection, and social equality.
1. Social sustainability pillar (bahas 1. Social sustainability
tentang labor, do they treat their Social sustainability such as the fair trade trading system used by large companies
employee right, digaji sesuai in the beauty industry is one of the codes of ethics for suppliers of company
pekerjaan, ethical?) products. This is the principle of ethical trading which consists of fair trade in
running its business. Some of the things that should be implemented include the
payment of recorded and transparent wages and salaries of workers, determining
the price of products independently, forming workers' associations, not exploiting
child labor and discrimination in employment. This will form a comfortable
working atmosphere for workers
2. Environment sustainability pillar 2. Environment sustainability
(did u bring back what you take Beauty products in the packaging will expose the ingredients used in the
from the environment?, sourcing manufacture of products and will be more innovative if they are sourced from the
material awal prosesnya gmn what ingredients of the product so that it can be seen that the ingredients of the beauty
did u take from the environment, products come from natural ingredients produced by the fair trade farming
ingredients2 apa yg berbahaya dan community. This will increase consumer confidence in the products purchased
baik digunakan dalam beauty
products, dampak membahayakn
material sourcing terhadap
environment + solusinya apa misal
diganti jadi lebih organic dll.)
3. Economic sustainability pillar 3. Economic sustainability
(Managing your people how the Beauty industry companies must be involved in humanitarian and environmental
country contributing something to programs and have a commitment to support environmental and social change
the society) towards a better state through various campaign activities based on passion and
moral values in each of their business activities. Beauty industry companies will
be more competitive if they are able to combine fair trade principles and other
moral values such as caring for the environment, respecting animal rights, and
opposing acts of violence against women.

2.4 Problem •

• selama melakukan research diatas In recent years, consumers in Indonesia have begun to educate themselves and
terlait ethical & sustainability in demand more transparency for the beauty brands they will buy. Things that are
beauty industry, problem considered such as the manufacturer involved in the production of beauty
identification apa yg ditemukan? products. This attitude of consumers who are more aware of the responsibility of
*Buat problem statement sendiri beauty brands makes sustainability a priority for beauty product entrepreneurs by
tentang ethical & sustainability improving more sustainable packaging and more environmentally friendly
beauty by put it into words. ingredients. The priority is first for beauty brands in applying sustainability
practices because consumer interest that has shifted in addition to wanting
innovative products also wants products that are sustainable and inclusive (Cason,
2021). Indonesian consumers choose local products or external products , An
international company that is aware of the importance of the sustainability of
human life and the environment, participates in implementing fair trade in its
business activities.
H1 : the better the sustainability of beauty brands, the higher consumer purchasing

But these sustainability products are not easy for large companies to do in a
relatively short period of time because widely operating beauty companies have to
transform all their supply chains thoroughly according to sustainable standards.
Many brands have carried out sustainability practices honestly and genuinely yet
consumers still doubt their actions (Matthes &Wonneberger, 2014) and they do
not trust especially for environmentally friendly products (Dahl, 2010); This is
caused by excessive product promotion known as green washing which leads to
marketing strategies that expose untrue or misleading things to create an
environmentally friendly company image for the community. They challenge is to
create a code of ethics, all ethical brands are required to apply a Code of Conduct
or a code of ethics that can help suppliers follow all qualifications and rules set by
the company properly. The Code of conduct is a kind of hand document regarding
the basic rights promised by the company, which are inherent in relations with
workers, society and the environment. (Sari, 2016). However, there are
indications of the possibility of creative products coming at unexpected
environmental costs.. In addition, the ease of entry into the business market —
which is heavily influenced by technology, social media, digital marketing, and
other related factors — is driving an influx of new entrants in these alternatives.
H2 : the better the green washing marketing of sustainability beauty brands, the
higher consumer purchasing preferences

Based on the explanation above, researchers are interested in knowing how the
decision process for purchasing beauty products is carried out by Indonesian

consumers This led to the research statement that Sustainability in the Beauty
Industry influence the preference of Indonesian consumers in making purchases.
H3 : Sustainability in the Beauty Industry influence the preference of
Indonesian consumers in making

2.5 • tadinya 2.4 jadi 2.5

Beauty Brand

• talk about brand that follow The owner of the cosmetics business sensatia botanicals is from Jasri, Karang
ethical & sustainable beauty such asem Bali. They started their business in 2000. A small team was formed to
as animal testing, regarding labor, produce cosmetics made from natural ingredients in the form of bath soap from
dll. coconut oil. Sensatia Botanicals began to receive a large number of requests for
• awal paragraf bisa dimulai dengan other products. From there Sensatia Botanicals developed to the present day to
pengenalan brand. parafrase become a brand known on an international scale.
company profile Sensatia
Botanicals ada di official website
mereka klik di "tentang kami"

• jelaskan how the beauty brand Sensatia Botanicals has a vision and mission to become more than just a cosmetic
(Sensatia Botanicals) promotes brand. Sensatia Botanicals started from the establishment of a profit-sharing
ethical & sustainable. system and until now 20% of the company's income is still distributed directly to
employees. All of these efforts are aimed at empowering Sensatia Botanicals
employees to be residents around Jasri Village. In addition, Sensatia Botanicals
also aims to continue to run the business in a sustainable manner by minimizing
the impact on the environment.. Some things are done by producing products that
are clean, simple, yet rich in high-quality raw materials and without going through
animal experiments.
In addition, these raw materials are selectively accepted from individuals as well
as respected companies and run their business sustainably. Sensatia Botanicals
does not use chemicals, artificial or other synthetic substances in the production
process. Each received raw material is tested first inside the company's laboratory
before processing. The finished product must also go through a rigorous quality
checking process before being circulated to ensure that all production results meet
the company's standards and specifications. Sensatia Botanicals now has a license
by being registered with the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) and is a
company that has been certified GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) for its 300

• lanjut ke achievement mereka, So Sensatia Botanicals easily tracks every raw material and product received or
contribution brand ini terhadap leaves the production facility. In addition, every raw material and product is also
global & local beauty industry, registered with the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia to
impact yg mereka buat terhadap maintain halal certification. Sensatia botanical maintains a commitment to the
society & industry dengan menjadi local community and the environment by conducting several programs such as
sustainable beauty brand, example cleaning the temple and beaches around the Jasri Village area. In addition it uses
& prove yg membuktikan Sensatia biodegradable shopping bags for every purchase at retail stores as well as
Botanical is a good or real accepting empty bottles returned by customers for recycling. The company also
sustainable beauty brand, dan supports the local community in Jasri Village through regular donations.
bagaimana mereka menerapkan
2.6 Consumer • tadinya 2.5 dan 2.6 digabung jadi The mindset of Indonesian consumers who consider the value of foreign-made
Preference 1 point 2.6 Consumer Preference. cosmetic products to be better than domestically made cosmetics also influences
• tapi harus berurut gaboleh acak. purchasing decisions and satisfaction with cosmetic products has shifted the
Jadi pertama bahas sampai tuntas interest in makeup products to local skincare products. The global cosmetics
yg global consumer baru masuk ke market experienced a fairly deep contraction in 2020. Launching Statista, the
yg indonesia consumer. growth of the global cosmetics market fell by 8% last year.
• tapi gak usah terlalu fokus di That percentage is 13.25% lower than its growth in 2019 which rose 5.25%. This
global consumer. Fokusin di is in line with the sluggish condition of the world economy due to the Covid-19
INDONESIA CONSUMER coronavirus pandemic. Meanwhile, the Revenue of Beauty and Personal Care
PREFERENCE karena sesuai judul Products in Indonesia increased to IDR 111.83 Trillion in 2022. Based on
research proposal ini "A Study on Statista's report, revenue in the Beauty & Self Care market reached US$ 7.23
Consumer Purchasing Preferences billion or IDR 111.83 trillion (with a 1 dollar exchange rate of IDR 15,467.5) in
Towards Sustainability of Beauty 2022.
Brands in Indonesia".
preference over sustainable beauty
products/ brands.
• jelaskan what kind of beauty
products Global consumer &
Indonesian consumer prefer to
purchase. Apakah berbeda atau
Skincare products that are in demand range from serums, serum-masks, anti-
bacterial, brightening, and sunscreen. This potential can be utilized by beauty
product business industry players to carry out product development. Global and
Indonesian consumers have something in common in buying beauty products that
are interested in skincare as well as the popularity of glowing beauty products
peaking due to the influence of South Korean trends that declare healthy skin
glowing. So in addition to focusing on skincare, cosmetic products with glowing
benefits can also be a business opportunity.

• apa yg mereka value Global Environmentally friendly products on the basis are not only seen from the aspects
consumer & Indonesian consumer of the production process and post-consumption but can also be seen from the
terhadap sustainability & product packaging. This gives an idea that the understanding of environmentally
sustainable beauty products. Kalau friendly products basically refers to the entirety of the product, namely from the
value consumer global & indonesia initial process to the end of post-consumption and everything that is attached to
sama dijadiin 1 aja. the product. orientation towards the creation of environmentally friendly products
is not easy, especially this is associated with the availability of raw materials,
guarantees in the production process and of course post-consumption recycling .so
that consumers' concern for environmentally friendly products is also shown
through their willingness to pay more for the consumption of environmentally
friendly products as a consequence of a series of stages of the production process
to create environmentally friendly products.
• setelah itu buat statement This fact confirms the higher collective awareness of environmentally friendly
membahas gen paling sustainable. products so that the expected social costs of consuming environmentally friendly
"Are Gen Z More Sustainable Than products are lower. Therefore, the commitment to reach this stage is very
Others?" apakah gen Z paling important to involve the millennial and Z generation, although on the other hand it
sustainable? Kenapa? Masukan is also in the interest of involving other age groups because consumption behavior
bukti grafik dll. Kalau bukan gen Z tends to be complex and heterogeneous. the results of a survey from the IDN
jelaskan gen apa yg paling Research Institute in the Indonesia Gen Z report 2022 that 69% of Gen Z are
sustainable. willing to spend more on more sustainable products
Starting to raise awareness in the environment also makes millennials and gen Z
have the willingness to change habits and lifestyles that have a better impact on
the environment, such as minimalist, zero-waste and sustainable lifestyle trends.
This can also be seen from the habits of millennials and gen Z who start using
environmentally friendly products, as well as using reusable products such as
tumblers, cloth shopping bags, cosmetics. Millennials and gen Z also show real
action to care about the environment, namely by supporting producers and brands
that have good goals and commitments for the environment
2.7 • tadinya 2.8 jadi 2.7
Conclusion The beauty industry is an industry that is engaged in providing ingredients
Review of and producing beauty products. Beauty products that are safe to use for
Literature humans, environmentally friendly, and also socially responsible. So this
movement arises as an encouragement for people to want to buy and use
beauty products that are environmentally friendly and waste-free.which is
better known as ethical and sustainable products in the beauty industry .
This movement has a more pronounced impact with many people starting
to pay deeper attention to the products they use. Although many also do
not care about this issue, those who care about "clean products" will
choose natural products even though they are more expensive than other
products. Do Indonesia beauty industry contribute in global beauty
Given that Indonesia has biological wealth and demographic bonuses.
Thus, the opportunity is wide open for Indonesia. The cosmetics sector in
Indonesia also has positive and higher growth With the growth of the
cosmetics industry in the European Union, especially on the basis of
awareness of the properties of natural ingredients, it is great for Indonesia
to continue to export natural ingredients such as palm oil, coconut oil,
cinnamon tree flower and ect.
But on the other hand, many manufacturers continue to vigorously
promote their products at very affordable prices and provide rapid efficacy
and are often irrational. Therefore, what is needed are legal rules that
guarantee safe conditions on every cosmetic product consumed by
humans, and are equipped with honest and accountable information.
Because most consumers do not know the raw materials used, the
manufacturing process, so legal rules are needed that protect them. The
diversity of the level of knowledge and the presence of consumers causes
producers to carry out activities to produce, and market products in a very
effective way, so that they can be reached by these diverse consumers.
The various ways and approaches taken by producers will open up great
opportunities for various impacts including circumstances that lead to
negative and even commendable actions that originate from bad faith.
Viewed from an ethical point of view, manufacturers who use chemicals in
cosmetic products and exceed the threshold can be said to violate the
ethics of science. This means that the producers have not paid attention to
humane, moral, health principles . Therefore, producers should pay
attention to ethical rules to ensure the usefulness of sustainable materials
that are safe to use, of course, by considering the values of safety, health,
morals, and humanity. Producers apply "best practices" in the production
chain by adopting 3 principles of sustainability along with certification as
an attribute that the producer or industry meets the required standards by
adopting the 3 principles.
So it is clear that the relationship between beauty and the environment
must be balanced and in line with sustainability. If this action can be done
beauty products sustainability will become the main choice of consumers
globally and in Indonesia, especially lately many beauty industries
promote their products with green and eco label products but often end up
backfired on companies as a greenwashing marketing trick

5. outcome 1. Greenwashing Greenwashing is the process of conveying false impressions or misleading

• Definisi information about how a company's products are environmentally friendly.
Greenwashing involves making unsubstantiated claims to trick consumers into
believing that a company's products are environmentally friendly or have a greater
positive environmental impact than they actually do
• Short example as explanation for One example of green washing carried out by The Body Shop company by
readers to understand the concept & conducting a fair trade trading system with the principle of Ethical Trading in the
what you'll create (contoh yg form of . The contents of The Body Shop's Code of Ethics are: recorded and
dilakukan brand: The Body Shop) transparent payments, no child labor or forced labor, free to form workers'
associations, free to set prices independently, no discrimination of any kind, safe
and clean working conditions, and regenerating the environment or natural
resources imposed by producers of product materials. Moreover. The Body Shop
guarantees that the ingredients of its beauty products come from natural
ingredients produced by a fair trade farming community.. this led to The
International Organization for Standardization interpreting a company's
environmental policy as "a statement by the organization regarding its intentions
and principles in relation to overall environmental performance, which provides a
framework for action and for setting its environmental goals and targets."
However, the pressure on "being environmentally friendly" from both the public
and world institutions triggered several companies around the world to carry out
greenwashing actions, which are dishonest actions taken to manipulate public
opinion about the company into environmentally friendly

• Buat campaign, educational So at the end of this study, researchers expect the outcome obtained by readers to
platform for people to understand understand the product before buying without being trapped by greenwashing
the concept of greenwashing and to marketing carried out by a product, for example Like the phrase "Back to Nature"
shop mindfully is more sustainable which is used by one of the beauty products, one of the skincare is a facial serum.
than purchasing beauty products The product exposes the natural ingredients it packs and the content of the product
thay CLAIMED TO BE is chemical-free. has a license by being registered with the Food and Drug
SUSTAINABLE, which we dont Supervisory Agency (BPOM) and is a company that has been certified GMP
actually knows they're 100% (Good Manufacturing Practice) for its products. Greenwashing in this product
sustainable snd transparent seems having an effort to look environmentally friendly when in fact it is quite the
opposite. A product can claim to be an environmentally friendly product when all
the elements of the product have met the requirements and are proven not to
pollute the environment.
figure 5.1 Bobot sampah di laut indonesia 2020

From the material of the product packaging to the contents of the product is
environmentally safe, to the end of the disposal of the product responsible for
committing to recycling. In addition, the skincare production process must also
not exceed the safe limit of environmental pollution. When all these processes
from upstream to downstream have proven to be green, then a product can claim
to be an environmentally friendly product.
Then skincare products that are really environmentally friendly are
environmentally friendly skincare that will use natural ingredients, some others
also even only use packaging that is easy to recycle or apply a refill system, so
that the packaging is not immediately wasted. So that the product does not cause
garbage accumulation and pollution to the land and oceans.
Avoiding the beauty products that do greenwashing marketing, consumers can
look at the official website of the product that provides evidence and real
circumstances that the company does in producing its products or find information
from beauty bloggers on Youtube. The safest solution for consumers can make
their own serum or skincare for facial treatments using natural ingredients that are
easily obtained in the consumer environment such as turmeric, aloe vera and
others, so that the content is already believed to be true
2. Transperancy definisi Transparency is detailed information provided to consumers from materials or
materials, manufacturing processes, corporate social responsibility and so on with
a purpose and focuses on finding brands that align with consumer needs.
Transparency is related to and in accordance with the 3 pillars of sustainability,
namely social sustainability, environmental sustainability and economic
sustainability.consumers must consumers must look for information on the
intended products that have provided decent livelihood benefits to people and
according to consumer needs.
• Short example as explanation for For example, in this research make serum products from a;oevera, so it starts
readers to understand the concept & from the packaging or packaging of aloevera serum. This product is wrapped in a
what you'll create (ada di atas transparent bottle. Equipped with a safe black rotary cap so that the contents of the
dibaca lupa saya) product will not spill easily. On the front of the packaging, only the product name,
advantages, and net are written. equipped with cardboard that provides
informative information about the ingredients list or the complete composition of
this serum. Because of its safe and clinically tested ingredients and is made from
natural ingredients and is free of parabens, phtalate, silicone, and sulfate. This
local brand does not even use palm oil because it has been principled to maintain
environmental balance.
This aloevera derum is safe to use for pregnant and lactating mothers. Suitable for
Vegetarians and Vegans, and not through animal trials. The production process at
aloevera is closely monitored in factories that have been certified by GMP (good
manufacturing product). In addition, the safety of aloevera serum products has
been tested. This is evidenced by the BPOM certification he bagged. This brand
has also received halal certification from MUI. In terms of this it passes as a
sustainable product .then a product like this is worth buying and using.
• Some innovations related to The aloevera serum as beauty industry product needs more efficient innovation in
TRACKABILITY or providing sustainable product information. QR codes are an evolutionary form of
TRANSPERANCY such as barcodes that we know so far. If previously the barcode was only in the form of a
machine & barcode/ chip/ one-dimensional line, now it has been modified into two dimensions. Not only in
something can be scanned. form, QR codes are also increasingly popular in the world of digital marketing
compared to barcodes because of their ability to accommodate greater
information. How to use a QR code is quite easy. Just scan the code inside with a
mobile phone equipped with a camera and a QR code reader app. Once scanned,
the QR code translates into actionable information. QR codes are also used in the
business world just like their predecessors. If barcodes are more widely used for
data collection, then QR codes are developed as well as a fairly effective
marketing medium. Not only various information about the product obtained
when scanning the QR code.. The process of buying and selling and tracking
consumer interest according to behavior can also be done with codes in the form
of these small dots.

The beauty industry can use QR codes to provide important information about
products with a simpler appearance than entering all the information at once into
business cards, posters, brochures and other advertising distributions. This will
leave consumers confused. In addition, consumers usually want to read
information more casually. Therefore, it is enough to include the core information
and QR code that is directly directed to the company's website and social media
pages. After that pay attention to the information that will be received by the
consumer. Provide complete and useful information according to the product or
service offered effectively. Consumers who are interested in the appearance of a
simple QR code will definitely also want more simplified information, besides
that they can also include descriptions, benefits, promos, discounts and interesting
events held but briefly and directly to the point

3. Take back solution

• Definisi The take back program has the meaning of returning old or empty products and
will recycle them and resell them to other consumers.
• Short example as explanation for Based on greenwashing marketing, which is carried out by the beauty industry
readers to understand the concept & with sutainabilty products even though they have transparency on products, the
what you'll create (such as: nike & waste of recycled plastic product bottles is also a new problem even though the
government law) Government in Indonesia as a regulator has established various policies related to
waste management from the law level to the implementing regulations, one of
which is Government Regulation Number 81 of 2012 concerning Management of
Household Waste and Similar Waste of Household Waste. This regulation
contains directions in the grouping of waste and the provision of facilities for
types of waste.

• 1. Innovation such as a law (like Based on the explanation above, this study provides another outcome to make a
in germany sustainable company plastic detection device using infrared or laser or can scan from a product bottle.
asked to paid 30% to governemnt to Machines that can detect the type of plastic type and are grouped into
help cut the carbon emissions etc.), environmentally unfriendly waste or recyclable waste so that consumers of beauty
products can choose and sort products that use recyclable plastic bottles so as to
reduce plastic waste that is difficult to decompose.
2. take back solutions (kalau sudah In addition, this can make it easier for beauty industry players to collect recycled
ngerti mksd take back, contoh take waste for their products by conducting a takebag solution program with empty
back seperti mengumpulkan product packaging bottles that can be resold to companies in exchange for
kembali packaging/ barang untuk di appropriate costs..
daur ulang, gimana cara kita buat
takeback ini lebih efektif secara
brand2 sustainable hanya
mengklaim itu tp kita tak tau proses
di belakangnya.)
6. Future Creative writing untuk bagian ini Setelah mengetahui beberapa penjelasan secara teori dan fakta yang diperoleh dari
scope gunakan kata2 sendiri tentang: How hasil penelitian ini yang memiliki tema tentang Preferensi Pembelian Konsumen
my study gonna help others. Terhadap Keberlanjutan Merek Kecantikan di Indonesia, sehingga hasil penelitian
• jelasin research proposal ini nanti nya bisa bermanfaat dan membantu
tujuan study nya untuk apa, dapat 1. Bagi pihak perusahaan, pertama perusahaan industri kecantikan khususnya
digunakan untuk hal apa saja, pada brand lokal, dapat melakukan inovasi terhadap produk-produk berkelanjutan
bagaimana membantu pembaca dan ramah lingkungan untuk ditawarkan ke konsumen secara global dan nasional..
study ini Hal tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan cara memperbanyak komposisi kemasan
yang dapat didaur ulang pada setiap varian produk kecantikan berkelanjutan.
Kedua, perusahaan dapat memberikan informasi yang lebih rinci mengenai produk
berkelanjutan dengan teknologi terbaru seperti menggunakan QR Scan yang
ditawarkan dengan tujuan agar konsumen lebih mengetahui mengenai produk
ramah lingkungan sehingga memudahkan konsumen untuk mengevaluasi produk
yang nantinya dapat mendorong konsumen untuk melakukan pengambilan
keputusan pembelian produk kecantikan berkelanjutan.
Ketiga, perusahaan industri kecantikan seharusnya lebih meningkatkan intensitas
hijau atau green advertising di media elektronik, media cetak, dan lainnya,
serta meningkatkan aksi-aksi kampanyenya yaitu mendaur ulang plastik
bekas pakai, memerangi limbah sampah serta menanamkan kesadaran untuk
peduli terhadap lingkungan mengingat kondisi bumi semakin memburuk
sehingga membutuhkan aksi nyata dari konsumen untuk ikut serta dalam
melindungi lingkungan. Adanya aksi tersebut nantinya akan menciptakan
persepsi green trust di benak konsumen terhadap merek Garnier sehingga
dapat mempengaruhi keputusan pembelian produk tersebut.
2. Bagi peneliti selanjutnya, diharapkan dapat menambah refrensi serta
wawasan yang berhubungan dengan hal pemasaran, khususnya yang
berkaitan dengan variabel green product, green advertising, green trust, dan
keputusan pembelian. Selain itu penelitian selanjutnya sebaiknya dapat
mengembangkan penelitian ini dengan meneliti faktor-faktor lain yang
mempengaruhi keputusan pembelian, mengingat hanya sebesar 41,3%
dipegaruhi oleh variabel independen dalam penelitian ini, serta sebaiknya
menambahkan variabel independen lain untuk melengkapi variabel pada
penelitian ini seperti green knowledge, green awareness, green packaging,
green satisfaction, dan lainnya untuk memperoleh hasil penelitian yang
maksimal dengan tujuan untuk mengatahui apa saja faktor-faktor yang
mempengaruhi keputusan pembelian produk kosmetik

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