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Preliminary Research Questionnaire

Topic: The impact of social media marketing on consumer behaviour.

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Q-1: What is the overall context in which the project is set?
Ans: This project will focus on the impact of social media marketing on consumer behavior by
examining factors that affect the usage of social media in various contexts and exploring how
these factors directly and indirectly impact behavior change. Consumers are bombarded by
advertisements every day of the week. This has changed social media marketing and can be
considered as a threat to traditional approaches to advertising (Moen et al., 2008). On top of that,
consumer awareness is increasing, making it increasingly important for brands to connect with
them in a more personal way.

Q-2: What is the main Question you would like to answer through your
Ans: My primary goal in my response is to address the subject of how the use of social media
marketing influences the actions of consumers. As a researcher, I want to use data gathered from
survey-based research with respondents' own perspectives. By including quantitative elements
into this research, I hope that my work will help to understand decision making process
regarding social media marketing.

Q-3: What would be the Keywords (max 5 keywords) you would use to
define your research?
Ans: Social media marketing, Consumer buying behavior, Consumer awareness, Digital media
marketing, Digital transformation of companies.

Q-4: What key questions are you asking and need to answer during the
Ans: The vast majority of study questions focus on different consumer groups' reactions on
social media (McCarthy et al., 2021). The key questions are sorts of like: 1. How often they use
social media and receive marketing offers through social media? 2. If they had purchased
anything through social media? 3. Is there any relationship between social media marketing on

consumer awareness? 4. How do they view the digital transformation of companies? Of great
interest would be to see if there is a correlation between brands using social media and their
customer base growing as a result. We will also look at how long it takes for a brand to fall in
line with the trends of their competitors.

Q-5: How and where can you start to find reliable answers to your
Ans: To determine the impacts of social media marketing on consumer behavior, we have to
research the topic and understand the results through both primary and secondary method. Social
media is a very complicated subject and there is no simple answer to how it affects consumers or
if social media has any effect at all on purchasing behavior. so, without primary research we will
be unable to come up with a single answer due to the many variables that can affect a person’s
decisions and priorities. Then, different journals and articles online can be a great source to
understand the whole market conditions and justify the findings through previous researches that
were conducted similar to this one (Easterby et al., 2021).

Q-6: What might restrict the scope of your research? What problems do
you anticipate? What is your plan B?
Ans: Restrictions to our research could be: The sustainability of social media marketing
techniques, Measurement of consumer behavior using social media, Quantitative methods and
statistical interpretation of data, the role of consumer experiences as a consumer behavior
measure has been explored in a number of studies that have examined buyer behavior online.
While there are some valid reasons to use consumer experiences, it is important to note that there
is no standard way for measuring the impact of social media marketing on consumer satisfaction,
attitudes or intentions toward the brand or product. One challenge is that measuring consumer
experience takes time and money but results from analyzing data must be translated into new
product development decisions (Den, 2016). Another challenge is that if consumers do not make
purchases after interacting via social media their negative experiences can negatively affect
perception/image as well as future purchasing decisions. Plan B is to sort out the existing

consumers who have already purchased in result of social media marketing to avoid the biased
response and excluding the potential customers.

Q-7: What steps do you plan to undertake, in what logical order, and
This research is aimed at discovering the impact of social media marketing on consumer
behavior. I will start with a literature review and work my way up to developing research
questions, collecting data and analyzing it. To complete this research, a survey will be conducted
with basic demographic information such as age, gender, and area of residence. The surveys will
be distributed online via different social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. In the end,
the information that was gathered will be examined to see whether or not it is genuine, and it will
be utilized to draw a conclusion based on the results of the secondary research (O'Reilly, 2012).
Between one and two weeks will be allocated for the completion of each stage.

Den Ouden, E., Yuan, L., Sonnemans, P.J. and Brombacher, A.C., 2016. Quality and reliability
problems from a consumer's perspective: An increasing problem overlooked by businesses?.
Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 22(17), pp.821-838.

Easterby-Smith, M., Jaspersen, L.J., Thorpe, R. and Valizade, D., 2021. Management and
business research. Sage.

McCarthy, H., Potts, H.W. and Fisher, A., 2021. Physical activity behavior before, during, and
after COVID-19 restrictions: longitudinal smartphone-tracking study of adults in the United
Kingdom. Journal of medical Internet research, 23(2), p.e23701.

Moen, Ø., Madsen, T.K. and Aspelund, A., 2008. The importance of the internet in international
business‐to‐business markets. International Marketing Review.

O'Reilly III, C.A., 2012. Variations in decision makers' use of information sources: The impact
of quality and accessibility of information. Academy of Management journal, 25(24), pp.756-

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