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Translator: Ngan Tran Ngoc Nguyen

Author: Vuong Minh Le

Ho Chi Minh City – December 31th, 2021

Vermicomposting worm, also known as the blue worm, is one of the
earthing worms, which is beneficial to the agricultural activities, environment, as
well as other aspects of social life. However, there are still limitations in the
applications of vermicomposting worms in the large scales of organic agriculture,
except in some developed countries with the introduction of vermicomposting
worms in cropping and breeding for years. In Vietnam, its applications have been
slightly conducted in cropping and breeding with limitations compared to the
potential applications of vermicomposting.

Our goal is to widen the applications of vermicomposting worms in organic

cropping and breeding and address its beneficials in daily life, as well as to bring
the revoluation of farming vermicomposting worms in Vietnam so as to provide
an organic source of vermicomposting worms for farming and breeding.
Therefore, this would generate organic agricultural products which are safe for
human consumption and environmentally friendly.

The preeminent value of vermicomposting worm as well as the excellent

technical, economic, and environmental values that it brings are the organic micro-
fertilizers produced from worms and natural protein rich in nutrients from meat
worms. In this book, we will introduce the basic and in-depth knowledge of small
and large-scale worm farming techniques along with the instruction of using
products from vermicomposting worm in agriculture through 3 main parts:

The primary objective of this book is to provide helpful information of the
appliciations of vermicomposting worms in agriculture with the aid of practical
research from the author’s experiences and that of farmers who has been using
the vermicomposting worms in their own farming businesses. This would make a
value contribution to the knowledge of applications of vermicomposting worms in
agricultural activities as well as its effects on environmental activities and human

This book cannot be accomplished without the valuable supports from my

family, friends, collegues, and partners. I would like to express my great gratitude
to my family members who always support and encourage me in my works and
research of vermicomposting worms and organic agriculture, especially to my
beloved mother who was always there for me and my siblings. I am grateful for
what she taught me and made me the person today.

Thank you, brother Minh whose nickname is, Ngu Sa for your beautiful
design of this book’s cover. Thank you my collegues, brothers and sisters in the
Elite Youth Group for your accompanion and the development of an outstanding
group with great ambitions and beautiful dreams.

I would like to thank all the people around me who have always encouraged
me during the time of my research with vermicomposting worms and organic
agriculture. With the strong determination and ambition of bringing the
revolution of vermicomposting worms in organic agriculture in Vietnam, I hope
my book would create a big change and restore the “green” agricultural activities
with safe produces and eco-friendly with the environment. And it would become a
great “rod” for the farmers to “catch the largest fish in the ocean”.

I sincerely wish you could get useful information in this book and apply
them successfully in your farming businesses with the vermicomposting worms.

All for the sustainable agriculture.

Vuong Minh Le

Cellphone: 0164 981 6802

Part 1 of this handbook describes techniques for worm farming. It helps farmers
to master the ecological and physiological characteristics of earthworms and guide
the techniques of building barns, treating worms' feed, caring for and harvesting
worms, detecting, controlling, and preventing diseases to ensure high quality
productivity. It also sees the potential and benefits of the worm to the life as well
as the potential of worm farming.

Scope and subject of application


This manual provides instructions on techniques for raising worms in rubber

forests using canvas to cover worms with the corrugated iron farms outside and
using cow manure.

Subject of application

This manual is intended for farming households wishing to raise vermicomposting

worm to develop an agricultural economy, especially clean agriculture.

Terminology explanation

Composting: it is a natural, biological fermentation which organic matter is

broken down. This process generates a lot of heat that reduces or eliminates
biological hazards in organic matter.

Foreign objects: they are inattentive objects such as glass, metal, wood, stone,
soil, leaves, tree branches, plastic, grass seeds... mixed inside or on the surface of
the product, adversely affecting the quality and safety of products.

Earthworm cocoons: After mating, the fertilized egg is stored in the cocoon. Each
cocoon contains 1-20 eggs.
Biomass: it is a mixture of earthworms, parent worms, worms and worm cocoons
together with worm food.

Foliar fertilizer: it is a mixture of nutrients dissolved into a solution

Worm extract: it is a nutrient solution hydrolyzed from whole meat worms by

biological enzymes, with the addition of a number of trace elements to create the
final product of amino acid monolecules that plants can absorb immediately.
Worm extract can be used for foliar irrigation or base irrigation.

Worm tea: The nutrient solution contains many beneficial microorganisms for
plants and soil as well as nutrients. It is extracted from pure fresh vermi-compost
through fermentation aeration and extraction with molasses added to microbial

Clean farming of worms: it is a method of raising earthworms with clean foods

such as vegetables, fruits, leaves (not allowed to feed with cow dung) with
completely clean, carefully controlled input factors such as heavy metals,
microorganisms in order to use worms as human food, medicine or cosmetics

Bat composting extract: Basically, it is the same way as worm tea, but with a
higher nutrient content and lower microbiological content than worm tea.

Introduction of vermicompositing worm

Morphological characteristics

The body has a cylindrical shape, is slightly flattened, the head and tail are slightly
pointed, the body is elongated into many segments, the inside of each segment
corresponds to 1 sinus body. Each knuckle has a fluff ring, when moving the
stretching joints combined with the hairs below the knots, pushes the body to
move easily.

On the mature worms, the genitals usually have a ring shaped like a ring, this is the
genital belt. The genital belt is very visible during the reproductive phase, usually
on the 30th day of the life cycle

Depending on the age, the newly hatched worms are white, the juveniles are pale
pink, the mature and old worms are red with plum-colored ripe worms with a pale
dorsal surface towards the abdomen, the outside of the body has a thin layer of
chitin of pigmentation. Therefore, when exposed to light, their bodies glow blue
and purple, with a light and pale underbelly line near the rim of the mouth.


Small worms are about 3cm long, 0.2cm cross section. The average worm is about
3 - 10cm long, body cross section is 0.2 - 0.5cm. Large worms are over 10cm long,
5 - 6 mm in diameter (Gautam and Chaudhuri, 2002. Cited by Nguyen Van Bay,

Earthworm internal anatomy

Lượng thức ăn mỗi ngày được ghi nhận là tương đương với trọng lượng cơ thể nó.
Những vi sinh vật cộng sinh có ích trong hệ tiêu hóa theo phân ra khỏi cơ thể trùn
nhưng vẫn còn hoạt động ở màng dinh dưỡng trong một thời gian dài. Đây là một
trong những nguyên nhân làm cho phân trùn có hàm lượng dinh dưỡng cao
và có hiệu quả cải tạo đất tốt hơn dạng phân hữu cơ phân hủy bình thường
trong tự nhiên.

Hệ tuần hoàn: Có dạng ống khép kín, gồm có hệ mạch máu trung tâm, hệ mạch
xung quanh ruột và vòng tuần hoàn ngoại biên. Máu của trùn quế là dịch thể màu
hồng, không chứa các tế bào hồng cầu, nhưng trong huyết tương có Hemoglobin
nên máu có màu đỏ. Hệ tuần hoàn kết hợp với hệ hô hấp thông qua mạng lưới mao
mạch dưới

Physiological characteristics:

Worms live on the ground, prefer to live in a humid, dark environment, with a lot
of decomposing organic matter and a stable pH. Worm skin cells are very thin,
regularly secrete mucus to protect the body and adapt to the conditions of
snuggling in dark and humid environments, so they are very sensitive, reacting
strongly to light and amplitude of high temperature, salinity and drought


Worms can live in temperatures from 5oC – 30oC, the most suitable temperature
for the growth and reproduction of worms is 25oC – 30oC, in the relatively stable
tropical climate and high humidity. In the southern region, they grow and
reproduce very quickly. At too high ambient temperature, worms will mobilize
energy by enhancing respiration, leading to an increase in catabolism, thereby
food consumption also increases. Thus, under high temperature they will die
slowly and vice versa, at too low temperature, they will stop functioning and
possibly die.

In short, they can die when the temperature is too high, too low, or when the
environment condition is too dry and bright, but worms can survive for a long time
in the environment with enough oxygen and moisture.

Water is an important ingredient accounting for 80-85% of the worms' body
weight. The most suitable humidity for worms to grow and develop is 60-70%.
Humidity and temperature have a mutual relationship on the growth and
reproduction of worms. The worm's cocoons can be rotten if the temperature is
too high.


Worms are very afraid of sunlight, so they need to be shielded from direct sunlight,
which makes the worms scare and crawl below to live. However, when shielding,
it is still necessary to ensure the ventilation of the barn and the temperature in the


They can live at a fairly wide pH spectrum from 4 - 9, but worms live and reproduce
best at pH 6.5 - 7.5. If pH is too low, they will leave.


The earthworms breathe through the skin, they are capable of absorbing oxygen
and emitting CO2. Therefore, their living environment requires ventilation. Worms
feed is feces, so the toxic gas content (CO2, H2S, SO3, NH4) always exists in the beds
and pens. Therefore, it is necessary to create ventilation for the barn, to avoid
storing harmful gases, affecting the development of worms. According to Willis
(1995) and Edward (1998), P.excavatus cannot survive well in organic waste
containing much NH3.


They eat any organic waste that can be decomposed in nature (decomposed trash,
animal manure,...). However, foods with a high nutritional content will be more
attractive to them, allowing them to grow and reproduce better, especially cow

Reproductive characteristics:
Worms are hermaphrodites (with both male and female genitalia). They have belts
and genital holes located at the head of the body, which can cross each other to
form cocoons in each other’s part. The cocoon is formed in the genital belt, and the
worm cocoon moves towards the head.

Worm cocoons have an elongated shape, one end is round and the other is more
pointed, almost like a cotton seed. The size of 1mm is initially opaque white, then
turns light green, then pearl yellow, then changes color from green or light brown,
then dark brown when the cocoon is about to hatch.

Two worms are mating.

The hatching time is completely different depending on the environmental

conditions - temperature, humidity. Under normal conditions, hatching time of
Perionys excavatus is 2-3 weeks. Each cocoon contains 1-20 eggs. As the
temperature increases, the average cocoon hatching time decreases and the rate
of cocoon hatching increases.

The number of cocoons varies according to species. Normally, if well cared for in
the right conditions, worms can lay cocoons continuously with a cocoon per week.
In species in the wild, it reproduces seasonally.

The number of cocoons, hatching rates and weekly fertility rates of worms feeding
on animal and plant organic matter are all higher than that of some other worms.
Worm’s cocoon

Adult worms (0.12g / worm) → start to reproduce → Cocoon (hatch after 2-3

weeks). Each cocoon can hatch 1-20 worms → Small worms (<0.05g / worm, 2 -

long 3mm). After 5-7 days, their body will gradually turn red and begin to appear
a dark red stripe on the back 1 - 2cm long.

Worms grow by increasing the number of nodes or by increasing the area of node
section. Approximately 15-30 days later, they mature and begin to appear gonads
(Arellano, 1997); from this point onwards, they are able to mate and reproduce.
The healthy adult has ripe plum color and an iridescent color on the body.

After 60 days, worms reach 8 - 10cm (it is the best time to harvest the worms).

From 70 to 90 days, the worms lay eggs, but the hatching rate is low.

From 90 days old onwards, the worms are fully mature. They can lay eggs best
during this time (once a week). The hatching rate is high if the worms are well
cared for and nourished. Old worms have degenerated genital belts.

The reproductive time of worms is continuous all year round and occurs on an
average of one time per week. If there are no detrimental factors, the growth of
earthworms always increases exponentially.

Eating habits.

Worms are adapted to a wide food spectrum. They can eat any organic waste that
can decompose in nature such as livestock and poultry manure, and trash ...
However, foods with high nutritional content will attract them more and help them
grow and reproduce better.

In nature, worms do not burrow deeply, but live above the surface layer of humid
places such as near drainage areas, where there is a lot of organic matter that is
easy to decompose, for example: animal manure pile, garbage item. They often find
food at night time.

Worms are rarely found in cultivated fields, although there is a lot of organic waste.
Perhaps because the C / N ratio of these wastes is often high, unattractive and
because the environment here does not guarantee frequent humid conditions for
them to grow.

Benefits of worms.

In agriculture

Worm manure helps to improve the soil: Vermi-compost provides macronutrients

(nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium), intermediate nuctrients (calcium, magnesium,
sulfur). The most important point is that these nutrients can be immediately
absorbed by the plants while other organic fertilizers need to be broken down in
the soil before the plants can absorb them. The humus in vermi-compost
eliminates harmful toxins of fungi and bacteria in the soil, so plants can fight
against plant diseases. Therefore, vermi-compost prevents the potential damage
to plants.

Worm manure is capable of fixing heavy metals in organic waste. This prevents
plants from absorbing more mineral complexes than they need.

Humid acid in vermi-compost stimulates the growth of plants even at low

concentrations, it also aids humidity as a substrate for soil bacteria to grow and

Vermicompost increases the water holding capacity of the soil because

vermicompost is cubic in shape, which are clusters of minerals that combine in
such a way that they are able to resist erosion and impact as well as their ability to
hold water, making the soil loose and moist for a long time.

IAA (Indol acetic acid) is present in vermicompost as growth stimulants.

Foliar fertilizer made from worms, also known as earthworm solution: This is a
foliar fertilizer product produced from meat worms through biological enzymatic
hydrolysis, containing a mixture of amino acids that are easily absorbed by plants
as well as livestock. In addition, being supplemented with multi-micronutrients to
fully meet the needs of plants, it also contains fulvic acid and humic acid which are
two types of organic acids beneficial to the soil, and fully developed roots, and
completely free of harmful substances.

Worm manure is used as food for livestock, poultry, aquatic products and is the
most nutritious natural organic fertilizer known to man. The main food of the
worms is the manure of cattle, horses, goats, sheep, rabbits, pigs, chickens,
vegetable and fruit waste, herbaceous plants, and rotting organic waste.

After passing through the worm's abdomen, the worms will be digested and will
become vermicompost, containing a number of amino acids with relatively high
content (For vermicompost, I do not evaluate it from the perspective of acid amin
content, but organic matter, fluvic, humic acid, ability to improve soil). If added
with minerals P and a number of amino acids such as tyrosin, arginine, cystin,
methiomin, histidine, etc., vermicompost can be used as animal feed for cattle,
poultry and aquatic animals.

Vermicompost contains a mixture of highly active microorganisms, biological

catalysts, and is easily soluble in water. Therefore, vermicompost not only
stimulates plant growth, but also increases the ability to improve soil.

The content of N - P - K, Ca and trace minerals in vermicompost is 2-3 times higher

than that of cattle and horse manure; 1.5 - 2 times higher than pig and goat manure.
Moreover, vermicompost does not have a stench like cattle and poultry manure,
which is very convenient for storage and transportation.

Worm compost reduces the carbon acid content of the soil and increases the
nitrogen concentration in a state that can be absorbed by plants. The humic acid
in vermicompost can make it easier for plants to absorb more than any other
nutrient. IAA (Indol Acetic Acid) in vermicompost is one of the effective stimulants,
helping plants grow well.

Compost can help prevent erosion and increase water retention in the soil. Plants
when applying vermicompost will not be "burned", controlling heavy metals from
entering the plant causing mutations that give rise to harmful foreign cells, causing
root necrosis... Humus in vermicompost can eliminate harmful toxins, fungi and
bacteria in the soil, prevent root diseases and repel many diseases of plants.

Vermicompost has a very good effect on regulating the soil environment, helping
plants grow even when the pH level in the soil is too high or low. The
vermicompost acts as a barrier that prevents the pH level from being too high to
prevent plants from absorbing nutrients from the soil. Worm farming for manure
is the application of technology to treat organic waste with earthworms.

(VERMICOMPOST technology), one of the cheapest technologies.

Currently, vermicompost is often used for purposes such as:

Stimulate the germination and growth of plants.

Regulating nutrients and improving soil, making the soil always fertile and porous.

Used as a fertilizer for plants and vegetables, creating products with high quality
and productivity.

Used as a superior foliar fertilizer and has the ability to control plant pests.
Therefore, vermicompost is a valuable natural clean fertilizer to fertilize flowers,
ornamental plants and vegetables in clean agriculture, which is very popular in the

Ideal feed for livestock, poultry and aquaculture.

Worms are a high-quality, protein-rich feed for livestock, poultry and aquaculture,
and at the same time reduce feed costs.

With crude protein content accounting for 70% of dry weight, the protein content
of worms is equivalent to fish meal, often used in animal feed. Worms also meet
17 amino acids, including 9 non-replaceable amino acids, many vitamins B1, B3,
B12, B6; essential minerals for livestock P, Ca, Fe; poultry and seafood. In
particular, worms also have natural growth hormones, which are not found in fish
meal. Animal feed with worm meal will not have the fishy and burning smell of fish
and fish oil, attractive to pets, and will be preserved longer than feed using fish

According to WT Mason (University of Phlorida - USA): Worms, especially fresh

worms, are ideal food for aquaculture, especially for the production of turtles, eels,
shrimps, and eels, especially for farming sturgeon - A precious fish for meat and
caviar. If feeding them with fresh worms daily by 10% - 15% of the body weight,
the growth rate will increase by 15% - 40%, the egg yield will increase by over
10%. If mixing 2-3% worm meal for farming, the yield will increase by over 30%,
the cost of feed will be reduced by 40% - 60%, and at the same time increase the
reproductive capacity and disease resistance of shrimp and fish. This makes a lot
of sense when animal feed is as expensive as it is today.
The American Chicken Association believes that: Worms are the best, cheapest and
easiest way to provide high-quality protein for chickens. Feed is mixed with 2 - 3%
worm powder to feed pigs, the growth rate is over 74.2. If raising chickens, egg
production increases by 17% - 25%, growth rate increases by 56% - 100%.

In particular, if chickens are fed with food containing fresh worms, the chickens
are almost not sick; while if fed with worm-free feed, the rate of avian influenza is
16% - 40%.

In the Philippines, earthworms are listed as foods with high nutritional value for

Wormworms also contain more than 8% glutamic acid (also known as

monosodium glutamate or MSG), so when used as animal feed, animals will eat
properly, grow up quickly, give birth healthy, have less disease and will give
delicious meat than that of ordinary animals. Therefore, more and more industrial
feed manufacturers are interested in putting worm powder mixed in animal feed
to make a difference compared to conventional feed, improving the
competitiveness of products in the market.

Applications of earthworms in aquaculture bring significant economic benefits.

Wormworms are recommended by th Fishery Encourangment Centers as food for
shrimp and fish to increase immune system and reduce microbial diseases. At the
same time, vermicompost is also recommended for treatment of shrimp ponds and

Worms contribute to environmental protection.

Worms have great digestive power. One ton of worms can destroy 70-80 tons of
organic waste, or 50 tons of cattle manure in a quarter. Countries around the world
have taken advantage of this special ability of worms to treat domestic waste or
organic waste, clean the environment, with good efficiency.

The source of precious medicinal herbs

Since ancient times, humans have used earthworms to make medicine. In China,
the use of earthworms in medicine has a history of more than 1,000 years. In the
famous "Manuscript of the Chinese Medicine", it is recorded: "Earthworms are the
raw materials to produce 40 medicines, which can cure many diseases".
Traditional medicine of many countries, including Vietnam, has used earthworms
to treat diseases of blood pressure, cardiovascular, neurological, anti-cancer,
asthma, malaria, rheumatism, smallpox, typhoid, broken limbs, etc.

The amino acid tyrosin in worms can increase the peripheral blood circulation of
the body surface, increase heat dissipation, and have cooling and antipyretic

Alcohol lumbrokinase made from pasteurized earthworms, soaked in alcohol until

dark brown in color, will help prevent cerebrovascular accidents, atherosclerosis,
and blood lipids in the elderly. In the body of worms there is a catalyst, which has
the effect of contracting the cervix, helping the mother to easily give birth. Protein
composition in the extract of worms, has the effect of dilating the trachea, treating

Thanks to the very high content of linoleic acid, along with specific anti-oxidant
trace minerals, worms help to increase the antibacterial ability, enhance
immunity, improve the body's resistance, so it can increase the resistance. cancer,
reduce intellectual disability syndrome (Dow disease) in children, stabilize heart
muscle activity, as well as prevent heart abnormalities, hepatitis, stomach ulcers,
intestinal inflammation, low arthritis, pharyngitis, diabetes, and physiological
weakness. The Zn content in worms helps to treat children with anorexia, thinning
hair, growth retardation, and prevent abnormal development of perception and
hearing in children. In addition, it also treats comprehensive neurasthenia, poor
memory, poor sleep, abnormal sense of smell.

Among the therapeutic effects of earthworms, the emergency effect of stroke

caused by cerebrovascular accident is the most concerned. Since 1911, Japanese
scientists have found in earthworms that the active ingredient lumbritin has the
effect of breaking blood stasis. The three main types of enzymes present in worms
are: earthworm fibrinolytic enzymes (EFE), which, when clinically treated through
the gastrointestinal tract, will be absorbed into the bloodstream, rapidly
dissolving blood clots causing thrombosis. The enzyme is non-toxic, has no side
effects on bleeding, is easy to use, cheap, and is considered the ideal anti-
thrombotic drug.

The fibrinolytic enzyme in worms has a strong hydrolytic ability, breaking fibrin
fibers - a protein in the blood - which has the effect of clotting blood, helping to
heal wounds, but at the same time it is also the cause of fibrosis. atherosclerotic
plaques of patients with cardiovascular disease or blood lipids, causing vascular
occlusion. That is the mechanism of using earthworms to save patients who are
comatose due to stroke, dengue fever, traumatic brain injury, broken limbs...

Another study published recently in Poland said that the slime produced by
earthworms after being refined has the ability to treat lung cancer and the ability
to kill cancer cells up to 80%.

(Key word: How earthworm goo might be the cure for lung cancer - New York Post)

In Vietnam, the prescription and the name of the remedy using earthworms to
treat cerebrovascular accidents have appeared since the early years of the
twentieth century, reprinted in the book "Two hundred precious remedies" by Mr.
Le van Tinh in 1940. Later, the remedy was disseminated in a number of
newspapers by Mr. Nguyen An Dinh, the eldest son of Mr. Nguyen An Ninh (a
famous culturalist and leader of the patriotic movement before August 1945). The
remedy was also popularized by Doctor Nguyen Van Huong, former Minister of
Health, for effective use in the fight against dengue fever in the northern provinces
in 1969. So far, the remedy is simple. This treatment has saved and restored many
cases of coma due to stroke, even though many days have passed. In a document
published in 1997, Mr. Dinh said: “The coma caused by dengue fever or
cerebrovascular accident is less than 10 days, it only takes 3 months, sometimes it
takes only 1 month to recover from the disease”.
The remedy using earthworms is also considered as "an amulet" for those who are
looking for agarwood, gold.... It is used to prevent malaria, jaundice, ascites...
According to Mr. Nguyen An Dinh, the ancient remedy has only 3 medicines:
earthworms, black beans, and Sauropus androgynus, but with his personal
experience, there are a fourth medicine: green beans. According to Prof. Hoang Bao
Chau (Central Vietnam Association of Oriental Medicine): Earthworms are the
main treatment for clearing heat, calming the meridians, keeping the meridians
active, diuretics to the heart. Depending on the desired effect, it is combined with
kaolin, Cau Dang, Ha kho thao, Xuyen O, Duong Quy, Moc Thong...

Recently, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Dao and colleagues from the Institute
of Biotechnology (Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology) have initially
researched and successfully produced lumbrokinase capsule preparations from
earthworms with its effect of dissolving blood clots that block arteries, wounds
with hematoma. The treatment of patients with cerebrovascular accident due to
occlusive inflammation and atherosclerosis has given good results.

Although not yet sold in the market, the drug for atherosclerosis from
wormwood is expected to be many times cheaper than foreign drugs. Through
testing, scientists found that worm powder has the same effect as commonly used
foreign drugs such as urokina (extracted from urine) and strestokina (extracted
from bacteria), which are very complexly prepared. With state-of-the-art
technology, these new drugs are very expensive. In addition, these two drugs also
have undesirable side effects such as constipation, diarrhea, fever ... "Test results
show that worm powder does not cause any side effects".

In folk remedies, earthworms are often used to treat cardiovascular disease, high
or low blood pressure, cirrhosis of the liver.., but they are large brown or black
worms, and the fibrinolytic enzyme content is not high. Through research on 9
species of worms, Associate Professor Dao noticed the species Peryonix escavatu -
the scientific name of earthworms. Because this kind of worms contain a higher
amount of fibrinolytic enzymes than other species.
According to the research of Prof. Thai Tran Bai (Hanoi National University of
Education), earthworms are distributed in most of the provinces and cities of our
country. Currently, Assoc. Prof - Dr. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Dao and her colleagues are
studying genomics to proceed to create this enzyme by gene recombinant
technology to obtain a purer enzyme, larger quantity, convenient for medicinal.
The potential for using worm products is great, but currently only about 5% of the
collected and raised worm resources are used for medicinal purposes. The
research on worm preparations to cure diseases and make nutritious food still
needs to be conducted…

Source of nutritious food for human and cosmetic production.

Worm has a high protein content, rich in trace elements similar to rabbit meat - a
meat rich in protein, low in fat. In worms, there are 8 types of amino acids
necessary for humans. The content of vitamins B1, B2 in worms is 10 times higher
than that of soybean meal, more than 14 times that of fish meal, along with the
abundance of Vitamins A, E, C and trace minerals beneficial to human nutritional
health. Therefore, many countries have used worms to process food for humans.

The potential of worm farming.

Currently, agriculture is shifting from a spontaneous rudimentary agriculture

using many toxic chemicals to a sustainable agriculture. Agriculture uses micro-
organic fertilizers that are friendly to the environment as well as to human health.

Vermicompost is one of the most advanced microbial organic fertilizers, meeting

the criteria of safety for human health as well as for the natural environment, so
the need for this amount of fertilizer in the long run will continue to increase in
the future. Thereby, it can be seen that worm farming has been and will develop
more and more in the near future. Towards the goal of bringing agriculture to
organic agriculture.

Characteristics of vermicompost
Introduction of vermicompost: vermicompost is a microbial organic fertilizer
containing a large number of beneficial microorganisms. In which, there are 3
important strains which are nitrogen fixing microorganisms, cellulose degrading
microorganisms and phosphorus degrading microorganisms.

Along with that, vermicompost contains many microelements, a variety of amino

acids necessary for plants, and 2 types of organic acids to help plants develop their
roots and help retain water against root diseases, namely humic acid and fulvic
acid. Vermicompost is completely free of harmful microorganisms as well as heavy
metals harmful to plants, animals as well as to humans.

The difference of vermicompost

Currently, in the market there are many different types of fertilizers, but most of
these fertilizers are individual chemical fertilizers with some organic fertilizer
products, but the components in the manure are usually using additional
ingredients including chemicals. For other types of microbial fertilizers, the strains
of microorganisms present in the feces are additional strains of microorganisms
(microorganisms that are raised industrially). Meanwhile, vermicompost is a
completely microbial organic fertilizer that is, the organic and microbiological
components in the manure are completely natural without adding any other
How to distinguish pure vermicompost


Sensory method:

Worm manure has a dark brown color, high porosity with a slightly fishy smell of
the slime left by the worms as a mud form. In the feces, there are worm cocoons,
baby worms, and a variety of microorganisms beneficial to the soil. If the sample
does not have a characteristic of fishy smell, but has a bad smell as well as a
different color, it is not pure vermicompost.

Physical method:

Take the vermicompost into container with water, stir until the
vermicompost is completely dissolved in the form of soluble matter
suspended in the water, wait for a while, if there is a very fine layer of mud
at the bottom of the pot, it is 100% pure vermicompost. If the bottom layer
has a lot of insoluble residues and a lot of fiber floating on the surface, it is
not pure vermicompost.

Building a worm house in rubber tree area

Materials and equipments

Materials: Bamboo, tarpauline, wire, nails. Or you can use some other materials
that are most reasonable. Ex: iron, steel.

Tools: building tools such as hammers, saws, pliers, staple guns...

How to build a worm house

Choose a house site: in the rubber forest or any other forest areas, choose a high
place to avoid floods.

Building worm house using bamboo trees:

First, clear the land where the house is set up by hoeing and removing large weeds
to facilitate the laying of tarpauline later.

Next, proceed to level the ground where the tarpaulin is lined up to make a worm
farm. It is best to avoid having a high place in the worm hut that will easily cause
water stagnation in rainy season. Then set up the farm.

An example of the frame of worm farmhouse using bamboo tree as shown below:

Dimension of a standard worm tent area:

Red stick: 2.1 meter

Green stick: 1.8 -2m; 0.3 – 0.5m for underground, upper side 1.5m

Yellow stick: adjustable size, usually 2m

Blue stick: 2.5m

Purple stick: 0.6m, 0.2m for underground, upper side 0.4m

Cover the frame with tarpaulin

Cover is divided into 2 parts:

The roof using blue tarpaulin is a good, thick tarpaulin to avoid rain and sunlight.

Lining using red and white striped tarpaulin is a normal type of tarpaulin,
because it is the bottom part, so it is less damaged.

The tarpaulin is fixed to the bamboo frame with pins. (As shown below)

The size of the tarpaulin is blue tarpaulin with 3m width, length according to the
length of the farm, leaving about 2m to cover.

Striped tarpaulin (lined tarpaulin): width 3m, length according to the length of the



Besides cow manure, we can use other types of manure such as pig manure,
chicken poops and goat manure…Kindly note that these manures must be well-
decomposted before feeding to the worm.


Tarpaulin with popular sizes: Length × Width = 50 × 2 m. With the height of the
tarpaulin layer containing the worm biomass of about 35 cm, it is possible to
collect manure since farming.

Rubber trees must have a wide canopy and good shade

The direction of widening the beds for the worms to eat must avoid direct sunlight
and wind.

In the case of more sunshine and small rubber trees, you should mix more humus

Breeding beds made of bricks on a small scale - Household:

Building bricks about 40 cm high, with plastic pipes for drainage at the bottom.
The bottom of the raised bed with compacted soil or built with coarse bricks
should not be built too solidly because it will cause water accumulation and
adversely affect the worms.

The bottom of the foundation must be lined with a layer of rotted straw or dry cow
manure about 2cm thick before stocking biomass to create ventilation and avoid
waterlogging at the bottom, as well as create conditions for easy bottom drainage.


Cow manure for worms should be in a suitable paste, not too dry and not too liquid.
Limit the use of manure from sick cows and use too much antibiotics - that is,
control the source of manure that is not contaminated with antibiotics during the
rearing process.

Food must be spread in streaks according to the width of the rearing bed and the
streaks are at least 5cm apart, in order to create aeration for the worms to breathe.

Worms eat strongly: every 2 days

Worms eat normally: 3-4 days/time.

The density of worm rearing will affect the quality of the output worm manure,
also known as the maturity of the manure.

Case 1: With a harvested area of 1m2 of biomass with an average thickness of 30

cm, the amount of meat worms harvested ranges from 1 - 1.5 kg.

The output vermicompost quality will be the best, the worms thrive. Ripening is
approximately 100%.

Case 2: With a harvested area of 1m2 of biomass with an average thickness of 30

cm, the amount of meat worms harvested ranged from 0.5 to 0.7 kg. If raised well,
the mass of meat worms obtained in 1m2 of biomass will be from 1 to 1.5 kg.

The quality of the output vermicompost achieved, the ripening is over 90%.
Worms develop normally.
Case 3: With a harvested area of 1m2 of biomass with an average thickness of
30cm, the amount of meat worms harvested ranges from 0.2 to 0.5 kg.

The quality of the output vermicompost is not satisfactory, the maturity is less
than 70%. Worms are poorly developed.

Note the hypothesis: Raising worms with pig manure, in this case it is necessary to
preliminarily treat pig manure before feeding the earthworms, because pig
manure is hot and has a high protein content and salinity. That's why it is
necessary to undergo pre-treatment of pig manure before feeding, in order to treat
the odor of pig manure and avoid the death of worms due to belching, abdominal
distention due to excess nitrogen or the development of fly larvae.

EM bio-products and organic waste, straw, etc. will be considered for use in this



From the time of stocking biomass to the 4th month, the vermicompost has
reached the standard for harvesting.

Particularly, meat worms are harvested once a month, starting from the second
month after releasing the biomass.

The thickness of the worm biomass layer can be from 30 cm to 40 cm, depending
on the strong or weak growth of earthworms in the rearing beds.

Set up camp in the open land on a large scale.

Materials and tools

Construction and camping materials

Tools: construction tools and equipment attached.

How to build
First, choose a high, flat place, not flooded in the rainy season, proceed to build a
camp as shown below.

Picture: The camp was built of iron, roofed with iron sheet.

Start building an iron frame with corrugated iron, then proceed to build worm
farming cells.

Size of the worm farm: width is about 1.5 - 2m, length is not limited according to
the direction of the farm, about 0.5m high. Leave a path of about 1m between the
beds to facilitate the care of worms as well as to harvest manure later.

Especially when setting up this type of camp, all iron and corrugated iron must be
galvanized. Because when raising worms, the manure and gases generated during
the rearing process will rise up, if it is iron, it will be quickly damaged.

These beds can be built with cement or tarpaulin on the bottom, using a small hole
mesh spread in a layer, should not be covered with cement because this can make
the farm waterlogged due to the inability to drain water during the process. During
the rearing process, if coated, only a thin layer can be used to drain water well.

Build a manure storage tank.

Manure tanks are built for the purpose of composting with water to make manure
puree before feeding as well as a place to store food for worms.

Photo: manure storage tank


The tank is built of cement with a covered floor to avoid drainage along with
avoiding the mixing of soil and sand.

How to build

The tank is built of bricks with an area of about 10m2. The size of the incubation
tank is about 3x3m. The height of the incubation tank is about 60cm. You should
choose a place to build a composting tank that is convenient for feeding worms
and transporting manure for the worms.

Side works

Some auxiliary works attached to the worm farm: housing, electricity and water
system, tools for worm care, manure harvesting, worm harvesting, breeding and
farm repair.

Biomass varieties of earth worms

Earth worms used for meat

Meat worms means that are completely parental worms without attached
biomass, in this variety there is an advantage that this is a parent worm that has
spawned, so when they bring it back, they will mate and lay cocoons right away
without additional nourishment.

Biomass varieties

Biomass varieties are varieties containing: parent worms, baby worms, worm
cocoons and worm manure.
Breeding when stocking is very important in livestock production. Here, the
priority for stocking stock is biomass seed for the following reasons.
In the biomass of worms, the parent worms were not damaged during
transportation, nor did the damage caused by the worm capture and the mutual
inhibition of the worms when forcing them to secrete fluid.
In the biomass that contains a large amount of baby worms plus the worm
cocoons that have not yet hatched, when brought back to be raised, it will
gradually expand and develop. If the breed is a meat worm (ie: parent worm), it
must be raised for a while before the worms mate and create cocoons.
When buying biomass seed, when bringing it home, there is no need to create a
substrate for the worms to live in like when raising worms with meat worms, we
have to create a background layer to put the seed worms in.

There are two types of worms purchased as mentioned above
In case the breed is a completely fleshy worm (ie only worms): we first proceed
to create a buffer layer before releasing the seed worms. The buffer layer can be
created in many different ways with the requirement to be porous, retain high
moisture, not sour, salty, neutral pH as well as free of harmful substances and
rich in nutrients.
The buffer layer is made from 50% rotted cattle manure, 50% peat, or can use
coir, composted straw to replace peat.
In addition, it is also possible to use a substrate of completely rotted rice straw
and rice husk ash along with a little clean soil.
Then proceed to release the seed worms into the farm by picking each batch of
worms and dropping them evenly into the farm so that a slice of worms
automatically enters the previously created buffer layer.
In case the worm seed is a biomass variety, after purchasing the seed, it is enough
to spread the biomass seed in the farm without creating a substrate layer.

Food sources
Types of food for the worm

Worms can eat a variety of foods:

• Animal manure such as buffalo, cow, is the most suitable.

• Pig manure needs to be composted first before the worms can eat it.

• Poultry manure contains a lot of phosphorus, so it is not suitable for worms to


• In addition, worms can also eat a variety of composted vegetables, but

especially worms are very intolerant of vegetables with essential oils such as
lemongrass, herbs, ginger or eucalyptus...

• Worms especially like to eat foods with sweetness.

How to treat foods for worms
For cow dung, after being brought to the worm farm, we put it in the tank.

Photo: dung storage tank and separator

After the manure is put into the composting tank, we proceed to add water to beat
it until smooth, then we can proceed to feed the worms immediately or we can
incubate for a few days in the tank with water and then feed the worms.

Particularly for pig manure, we can conduct biogas composting and then use this
biogas residue to feed the worms. Or you can also compost pig manure plus straw.
We incubate according to the ratio of pig manure 70% straw 30%.

How to compost: proceed to incubate the straw with water first (should mince the
straw) for about 1 week for the straw to bloom and then proceed to put pig manure
in the compost for another week until the mixture is thick. We measure the pH of
this food mixture. If the pH is in the range of 6 to 8 it can be used to feed the worms.

Note that the amount of pig manure for worms is less than that of cow manure
because the ability to consume pig manure of worms is lower than that of cow

How to feed the worms

Feeding method
The food, after being incubated under the tank, is scooped up and put into the
trolley and then scooped up to feed the worms.

We feed in rows or in clusters, but absolutely do not feed on the surface of the
farm, because that will overwhelm the worms due to lack of oxygen.
Figure: row feeding and cluster feeding and row feeding.

With each type of feeding method has different advantages and disadvantages,
faster row feeding is suitable for the case when the worms in the strong farm grow
well. As for feeding in clusters, when the worms in the farm are small, we feed
them to reduce the amount of food, so that the worms can eat them all.
An important thing in worm farming is to increase the density of worms on a
certain area so that the possibility of meeting two worms increases, increasing the
reproductive efficiency and development of worms in the farm. To correct this
problem, feeding is extremely important. At the time when worms are newly
caught or newly breed, the density of worms in the farm will be low, then the
feeding should be prioritized in the form of cluster feeding to gather in these places
and their ability to meet and mate. will be more. When the density of worms is
high, row feeding should be done because when the worm density is high, feeding
in this way will be faster and save time for worms.

Feeding quantities

Feed according to the needs of the worms, each day the worms eat almost the
same amount of food as the worms' bodies, usually the amount of food fluctuates
in the range of 0.8 (ie, the amount of food is 80% of the weight of the worms in
the farm). It is possible to observe on the surface of the farm, if it is found that
there is no food left on the farm surface, it is possible to feed the worms.

If you can't take the initiative in time, you can feed every other day, one day to feed
and one day to rest.

Photo: before and after feeding

Treatment of diseases and prevention of natural enemies

In the process of worm farming, disease is rarely encountered, but there are a
few notes in worm farming as follows:
The source of water used to raise worms must be clean and unpolluted and the
pH must be neutral. It should not contain heavy metals…
Do not use exotic foods for large quantities, only a small area should be tested
first to test the worm's response to this new food.
Worms should not be kept together with poultry because worms can be eaten by
birds and destroy the habitat.
Regularly check the farm to be able to detect abnormalities for timely handling.
Some natural enemies of worms such as crickets, ants, mice, etc. should also be
prevented during rearing

Harvesting worms

Harvesting worms.
Worms are raised in the farm, after a while, the amount of meat worms is high, we
proceed to harvest. Worms are harvested in a variety of ways. Each way has its
own advantages and disadvantages.

Collecting worms manually: First, before collecting worms, we conduct worms

in the afternoon the day before. The purpose of worm baiting is to force the
worms to gather in one place. The worm baiting is similar to feeding the worms,
but the amount of food is less than usual and thinner than usual so that the
worms can eat it all in one night. Early the next morning we proceed to harvest
worms. Use your hands to shovel the layer of biomass with worms along the path
we lured the worms the day before (at this time, the worms focus on eating on
most of these roads) take out a prepared tarpaulin, proceed to remove this
biomass layer in turn. left in the camp, then the worms are afraid of light by
nature, and with strong vibrations they will crawl down. We continue to proceed
until only worms remain.
Harvesting vermicompost

After feeding and going through the digestion of worms, it will form vermicompost
after a period of time, we proceed to take out the feces (depending on the design
of the farm, the time to take the manure is different but usually a minimum of 4
months) to use. Usually, before collecting manure, we should feed the worms to
attract the worms to the surface and then collect the manure, otherwise the worms
will disperse in the lower layer of manure a lot and when collecting manure, a large
number of worms will be lost.

First, we put a layer of biomass containing worms on the side as shown below and
then proceed to shovel the bottom layer of worms. After collecting all the manure,
we proceed to flatten the layer of biomass we leave behind to continue taking care
of feeding as usual.

Transferring earthworms and repairing the farm

Transferring earthworms
After a period of time being raised in the farm, the number of worms as well as
the density is high, worms will be harvested due to the need to expand the
production scale or the need to sell worms.
Conditions for transferring earthworms
Before transferring, we check on the number of worms in the farm. If the number
of worms reaches the rate of about 1kg of worms/m2, we can start. If the density
of worms is less, we can also do so. But then the breed will be weak and need
more worms, as well as the recovery process of the worms in the hatchery will
take longer, affecting the performance of the breeding. It is is only advisable to
change the breed when the density of worms reaches at least 1kg of worms/m 2.
Along with that, the thickness of the worm biomass layer reaches about 10cm,
then we can proceed to the transfer.

Time period for transferring/harvesting worms

After 2 months of stocking the seed worms, the density of the worms has been
reached and we can check to proceed the transfer or harvesting.

Methods of transferring/harvesting
Before the transferring/harvesting day, worms are baited.
In the case of the meat worm: worms are harvested in half of the worm farm with
the condition that the density of worms is 1kg of worms/m2. We can collect more
or less depending on the density of worms in the farm, so that the remaining
number of worms in the farm is about 0.5kg of worms/m2. In the case of
assuming the initial worm farm we raise at a density of 2kg of worms/m 2, we can
collect 1.5kg of worms, leaving only 0.5kg, so we will collect at ¾ of the surface of
the worm farm. Therefore, going to this worm farm is not necessary to collect
half of the farm but can be elastic depending on actual conditions.
Similar to the above with the case of biomass transfer: we also do calculations to
know the density of worms in the farm and then proceed to shovel the biomass
to bring to the new farm. If the density of worms in the farm is 1kg of worms/m2,
we shovel half of the farm away and if the density is higher, for example, 2kg of
worms/m2, we can shovel of the farm to pass over to 3 other farms ie from an
initial camp we can create 3 new camps along with the original camp is 4 camps.
One note is to ensure that the amount of biomass ie the substrate (the worm's
habitat) must be sufficient. Usually, the minimum amount of substrate is

After transferring/harvesting earthworms

At the hatchery: we use specialized equipment to lightly rake the remaining
worm biomass in the farm so that it is evenly distributed throughout the farm.
The density of worms left in the farm at this time is 0.5kg of worms/m2, then
slowly feed them like when they first released the worms.
In the new farm: after pouring the biomass in, we also use rakes to level this
biomass layer and then feed the worms according to the instructions when
releasing the worms.

Repairing the farm

After using for a period of time, the materials will be gradually damaged, the
regular inspection of the farm is not only the inspection of worms but also the
worm farm frames for timely repair. It is better to detect incidents to avoid
causing major consequences.
Usually, if the farm is built with tarpaulin, it will be degraded and damaged after
about 2 years. Then we have to repair the farm in order to raise earthworms
more efficiently.
Repairing the farm is similar to setting up a camp. If the camp is badly damaged,
we will build a new one or just replace the damaged areas for better livestock.
If the camp is built with iron and corrugated iron, the damage to the camp is
usually very little and the use time of the camp can be up to 10 years.


The farm is flooded

 Corrective action 1: If the amount of water in the farm is not too much, we will
dig a trench and put the biomass up. The water will return to the trench and slowly
recede below the tarpaulin.
 Corrective action 2: When the amount of water in the camp is too much, we have
to clear the camp quickly to keep the biomass and worms preserved at the
minimum density to continue breeding (Note: From the beginning, the location of
the camp is should not be in a flooded place. There must be a slope for rainwater
to flow away from the worm farm area)
Worm farm infested by crickets

The fact that the worm farm has more or less crickets is inevitable, if the crickets
are low, it will not affect the worm farm much, but if the crickets grow too much,
it will adversely affect the growth and development of earthworms, so it is
necessary to have a solution to this problem as follows:
Measure 1: Use the bait to lure the crickets with a mixture of powdered insecticide
Regent combined with rice bran or hot popcorn bran to create an odor that
stimulates the crickets to come and find food. They will die after eating this
mixture. Mix ratio of 1 - 2 powdered Regent for 1 kg of corn bran or rice bran.
 How to do: After roasting rice bran or corn bran, we pour the bran into a plastic
bowl or bowl ... and proceed to mix the regent insecticide powder (Note:
remember to wear a mask and gloves when handling). Then proceed to put this
mixture on the plastic lid or plastic dish ... and put it on the surface of the worm
farm as shown below to lure the crickets.
Measure 2: If the crickets are too much, the treatment of option 1 is not possible,
then we must go to a new farm, ie harvest meat worms and manure ahead of time
to move to a new farm.

Low development of worms due to environmental factors

Worms are easy to raise if we take care of them and take care of them, but external
conditions are also one of the reasons why worms are slow to develop. Important
factors to monitor during worm culture: pH, humidity and temperature.

The optimal parameters are within the appropriate threshold for worm farming:

 pH = 6.5 – 7.5 (The pH factor is most affected by food. If the worms have not eaten
all the cow dung and we continue to put cow dung in the worm farm, it will give
low pH and the worms will slow down or crawl out outside, so it is necessary to
monitor and observe when the worms eat all the food, only the fiber remains on
the surface of the worm farm, then we continue to feed the worms)
 Temperature 25 – 30 oC (The temperature inside the worm farm is greatly affected
by sunlight shining on the surface of the roof, so it is advisable to find a place with
lots of shade to make a worm farm or if working outside in open ground, additional
lining is needed such as layer of leaves on the roof to reduce heat or put a layer of net
spread on the roof of the worm farm. In addition, the worm farm needs to be designed
with ventilation for the worms to breathe and develop stably)
 Moisture content 70 – 88% (The internal humidity of the worm farm is mainly
determined by the feed, due to the dilution between the water and the fresh cow
manure at first. Note that if the biomass inside the worm farm is high, it should be
mixed with less water and submerged feeding - dry food, and if the moisture is too
high, it is advisable to mix a lot of water in cow manure to supplement moisture for
the worm farm… In addition, rain is also a factor for tracking and checking

Red ants
If worms die and are not treated properly, it will cause the invasion of red ants into
the farm due to the bad ordor caused by dead worms.

Frog invasion:
It is rarely to see frogs coming in the farm and it does not affect much to the worms.
However, it is better to check regularly at nighttime and catch them.

Satiety sickness

 Cause: Because the worms eat foods that are too rich in "protein" such as dairy
cows, pigs, etc., causing the stools to have a sour smell.
 Phenomenon: After feeding, the worms appear to emerge on the surface of the
bed and stretch, then turn purple and die.

 Remedy: When this is detected, it is best to pick up all the remaining manure
and water it on the surface of the bed..

Poisonous gas disease

 Cause: Because the bottom of the substrate has rotted, for a long time the
substrate lacks O2, making CO2 occupy all the gap of the substrate.

 Phenomenon: Worms get on abnormal surface layer

 Remedy: Use a hoe to dig the entire bed surface and water.

Also pay attention to pesticides, soap, dishwashing liquid... because the worms
will die immediately upon contact.


The handbook on growing clean vegetables in general and growing with
vermicompost - earthworm in particular was made with the aim of providing both
vegetable growers and consumers with the most basic knowledge about common
vegetables, how to grow clean vegetables, protecting plants, using tips in
sustainable farming ... as well as knowledge of using clean vegetables for
consumers to ensure that inputs and outputs in agriculture are sustainable stable
and safe. With practical knowledge gathered from reputable sources of data and
information from the Department of Agriculture of Ho Chi Minh City, other
technical documents, and field surveys at vegetable gardens in Cu Chi, Ho Chi Minh
City, we I am passionate about summarizing and adding practical knowledge and
techniques that have been successfully tested. This book will be an effective tool
for everyone from producers and consumers to use to better understand clean
agriculture and smart consumption. In particular, the in-depth knowledge of
agricultural fertilizer techniques from vermicompost as well as tips and biological
methods in soil treatment, biological pest prevention measures will also be
presented in this book.

Once again, thank you to all the aunts and uncles and brothers and sisters … the
owners of the vegetable gardens who supported me during the survey and
experiment, as well as the brothers and sisters and friends who accompanied the
Elite Generation Group and the young generation with a passion for scientific
research and service in general. Wish you have a lot of bountiful crops and all for
a sustainable agriculture…


To regulate and guide the production of safe vegetables The Ministry of
Agriculture and Rural Development has issued the following decisions: Decision
No. 379/QD-BNN-KHCN dated January 28, 2008 of the Ministry of Agriculture and
Rural Development on promulgating Good agricultural production practices for
fresh and safe vegetables.
Decision No. 84/2008/QD-BNN dated July 28, 2008 promulgating the Regulation
on certification of good agricultural production practices (VietGAP) for safe
vegetables, fruits and tea. Decision No. 99 /2008/QD-BNN dated August 15, 2008
promulgating Regulations on management of production and trading of safe
vegetables, fruits and tea. Safe vegetable products must meet the following

- The residue of nitrate is at the allowable level.

- Residues of plant protection drugs at the allowable level.

- Allowed heavy metal residues.

- Not contaminated with microorganisms harmful to the health of people.

Therefore, when cultivating vegetables, we must know the causes of residues of

the above factors in vegetables to take measures to limit ...

* Nitrate Residue:

The reason for the high accumulation of nitrate in vegetables is mainly due to the
excessive use of chemical nitrogen fertilizers and the application of fertilizers near
the time of harvest.

In vegetables, when there is too much nitrate that we eat in the body, it will turn
into nitrite (NO2), this is a very toxic substance that will cause cancer. On
vegetables, there are often many harmful organisms. Because it is a short-term
crop, in the production process, farmers often use pesticides to spray many times
during the crop to prevent it. After spraying, pesticides will decompose in the
natural environment. The decomposition time is short or long depending on the
drug. The amount of pesticide that has not been decomposed yet in vegetables is
called pesticide residue. If the residue exceeds the allowable level, it will make
vegetables unsanitary and toxic to consumers.

The causes of pesticide residues in excess of the allowable level are mainly due to:
+ Spraying too close to the date of harvest, so the drug has not decomposed

+ Spraying too many pesticides, exceeding the prescribed concentration.

+ Using drugs with high toxicity, slow decomposition.

+ Using banned pesticides on vegetables

* Heavy metal residues:

Heavy metals such as Arsenic (As), lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), Cardimi (Cd)... when
they are left over the allowable threshold in vegetable products, they will be
hazardous to the health of consumers and can lead to cancer.

The causes for high residues of heavy metals on vegetables are mainly due to:

+ The soil is contaminated.

+ Use garbage containing heavy metals.

+ Using wastewater from industrial zones contaminated with heavy metals to

irrigate vegetables.

* Harmful microbes:
Harmful microorganisms such as worm eggs, bacteria E.coli, Samonella ... are
agents that cause intestinal diseases, anemia, and skin diseases for humans.

The reason is due to:

+ Use uncomposted organic fertilizer directly for vegetables.

+ Use fresh manure or contaminated water to irrigate vegetables directly.

+ After harvesting, transport and storage are not hygienic and comply with
technical requirements.


Currently, the development of vegetable growing industry with high economic
efficiency, suitable for urban agriculture, must ensure the following criteria:

1. High quality yield.

2. Ensure food hygiene and safety.

3. Products must be diversified and many types to support each other in

production as well as in consumption, in accordance with consumer tastes.

4. Low product cost to improve competitiveness.

5. Does not pollute the environment

Therefore, it is necessary to prepare a good material - technical basis for planting


Most vegetables are shallow crops, do not grow when flooded, but do need water.
Therefore, it is necessary to choose areas that are not affected by inundation in the
rainy season, lack of water for irrigation in the dry season. The highlands and
slopes are actively irrigated, suitable for vegetable development.

Regarding the soil, it is necessary to pay attention to choosing sandy, light sandy
soils, that is, soils with light texture that are easy to drain, from slightly acidic to
neutral (soil pH varies from 5.5 to 7.0). the best. Vegetables are a high yielding crop
with a short growing time, so they require frequent rotation during the growing

Water source for irrigation - drainage:

The planning and design of irrigation and in-field traffic systems in service of
transportation must satisfy the following requirements:

- Fast drainage, anti-flooding, cut off the groundwater level.

- Actively use water for irrigation.

- Convenient intra-field traffic system for motorized vehicles.

- Save labor and land.

- Irrigation and transportation systems are suitable to the geographical and

topographical conditions of the area.

Water source for irrigation is not contaminated with heavy metals and toxic
chemicals. Do not use water sources for irrigating vegetables from industrial,
hospital and domestic wastewater.

Seed preparation:

Seeds are special technical materials and are important production materials in
growing vegetables. If you have enough seeds and good quality seeds, you will be
able to take the initiative in planting time, to actively create products to meet the
product consumption plan.

Currently, all vegetables use F1 or OP seeds produced by domestic companies or

imported from abroad. In the city there are many companies that supply high
quality seeds. However, the following factors should be taken into account:

- Seed quality is determined by: germination rate must be over 90%, cleanliness
must be above 98%, seed moisture content must be less than 10%, no insect

- There are many varieties of vegetable seeds. However, there are varieties
suitable only for planting in the rainy season, and there are varieties suitable for
planting in the dry season. Therefore, it is necessary to capture accurate
information on varieties to decide on the selection of varieties suitable to the soil
and climate conditions, in accordance with the tastes of the market.

The number of seeds is also an important factor to implement the production plan.
During the dry season the amount of seeds per unit area is less than in the rainy
season. Due to external factors, it is necessary to calculate backup seeds.

Fertilizer preration:
Vegetables are short-term crops but produce a large volume of products.
Therefore, in order to produce a large yield, the crop must take away a
corresponding amount of nutrients from the soil.

In vegetable farming, organic fertilizers play a very important role. In addition to

providing macronutrients NPK for organic fertilizer plants, organic fertilizers are
also a source of trace elements that are indispensable in the process of growth and
yield such as Bo, Manganese, Zinc,

Molybdenum…Organic fertilizer plays another very important role in making the

soil loose, increasing humus, contributing to soil improvement, and keeping the
soil moist in the dry season. When increasing the humus content, they combine
with chemical fertilizers when applied to the soil to prevent leaching of manure,
increasing the efficiency of fertilizer use. Currently, on the market, there are many
types of organic and microorganic fertilizers that are very good to use for

There are microbial organic fertilizers that contain antagonistic microorganisms

that, when applied to the soil, will limit the growth of pathogenic microorganisms
for plants. Especially, vermicompost is a natural microbial organic fertilizer with
high nutritional content that is environmentally friendly and safe for human
health, so it is an excellent source of fertilizer for farmers. clean industry in the

Chemical fertilizerare fertilizers that provide macronutrients for plants, mainly

NPK. There are single fertilizers containing only one substance such as urea
containing nitrogen, KCl containing only potassium, Super phosphate containing
only phosphorus... There are mixed fertilizers containing 2 or more substances
such as DAP, NPK fertilizers...

Currently, there are many bio-fertilizers that are very good for vegetable
production such as WEGH, NEP 26 that have been recommended for use in
Fertilizer preparation should pay attention to the following issues:

- Enough quantity, right type

- Organic fertilizers must be composted before use.

- Fertilize the soil in the right way, at the right time, with the right amount, with
the right type.

- Calculate the amount and type of fertilizer to ensure the highest economic

Pest control:

Leafy vegetables are a group of plants that contain a lot of nutrients, so there are
many pests and diseases that damage throughout the growth process of the plant,
from planting to harvesting. Vegetables are produced all year round, so pests and
diseases are easily spread and cannot be thoroughly handled; Because, they hide
well, there is potential if there are favorable conditions they will grow quickly.

The parts used in vegetables are often young and contain many nutrients, so they
are attractive to insects. The growing period of vegetables is short, so if the plant
is severely damaged by pests and diseases, it will grow slowly, affecting the yield
and quality of vegetables. Vegetable plants have a short growth period, so when
using pesticides with a long isolation period, pesticide residues are often high. The
small-scale vegetable cultivation, the application of non-synchronous plant
protection measures lead to the existence of pests and diseases and easy outbreaks
of damage. In order to control pests effectively, farmers need to know the
characteristics, rules of development of pests and diseases, and techniques for
using pesticides. It is necessary to thoroughly apply IPM measures in pest control.
If this work is done well, this is the most effective method not only in terms of
economy but also with great effectiveness in protecting the health of producers,
consumers and the environment. Therefore, knowledge on plant protection as
well as grasping information about pesticides for production for timely and
proactive prevention is necessary.
Equipment - production tools preparation:

Vegetables are greatly affected by weather conditions. Intensive farming requires

specialized equipment.

Earthwork tools: including machinery for tillage such as hoes, multi-tooth rakes
for bed leveling...

Seedling nursery tools: seeding trays, nylon as pots…

Irrigation equipment: Motor, water pump, oasis watering can, sprinkler system,

Nethouse: is an indispensable equipment in the cultivation of leafy vegetables.

Depending on the nature of production, we can build closed, open, solid, semi-
permanent net houses... However, according to the general requirements, the net
house has the greatest effect still helping to control the conditions. Adverse
conditions of sunny and rainy weather... help plants grow normally in adverse
conditions, proactively plan production, supply products to the market, increase
the sowing coefficient during the year. In addition to the net house system, we
need to focus on the sprinkler irrigation system. Vegetable plants need water,
require high humidity.

Leafy vegetable production requires workers to be equipped with certain
scientific and technical knowledge to be able to conduct production in the
direction of intensive farming to increase productivity and quality; Ensure
products meet safety and clean standards such as:
Breed knowledge: This is an important issue. The increase in yield, quality and
income is largely due to the role of varieties. Farmers need to know how to
choose seasonal varieties, choose appropriate crop rotation varieties... Firmly
grasp the characteristics of each variety to have suitable farming solutions, then
the new variety will have the conditions to promote its advantages.

+ Knowledge of plant nutrition: In order to apply the appropriate cultivation

mode, which fertilizer, which type, and how much to both ensure high yield and
ensure quality, without creating crop damage. Redundancies are unfavorable,
saving costs, increasing the competitiveness of products. From the nutrition of
the plant, it is possible to know what the plant needs, what is left over, what is
missing to supplement it at the right time and in the right way.



Evaluation and selection of production areas:

Fruit and vegetable production areas applied according to VietGAP must be

surveyed and assessed for suitability between actual production conditions and
current regulations of the state with respect to chemical, biological and
environmental pollution hazards. physics on vegetables and fruits.

Is an area recognized by the state as eligible for safe vegetable production.

Seed source:

The breed must have a clear origin. Seeds with the best quality should be
purchased from reputable companies and suppliers.


Fertilizers should be selected during use to minimize the risk of polluting

vegetables and fruits. Only use fertilizers on the list of fertilizers permitted for
production and business in Vietnam. Do not use untreated (rotted) organic
fertilizers. Fertilizer storage or areas for equipment for mixing and packing
fertilizers and additives need to be built and maintained to reduce the risk of
contaminating production areas and water sources. Keep records of fertilizers
when purchased (specify origin, product name, time and quantity purchased).

Chemicals and pesticides:

To produce safe vegetables, it is necessary to attend training courses on methods

of using pesticides and safe use measures. In case it is necessary to choose
appropriate pesticides and growth regulators, it is necessary to consult a person
with expertise in the field of plant protection. Only use plant protection drugs on
the list of permitted use for each type of vegetable and fruit in Vietnam. Pesticides
should only be purchased from stores licensed to trade in pesticides. It is
recommended to apply integrated pest management (IPM) and integrated crop
management (ICM) measures to limit the use of pesticides.

When using pesticides, they must strictly follow the instructions on the drug labels
or the instructions of technical staff to ensure the safety of the production area and

Strictly observe the isolation time to ensure compliance with the instructions for
use of plant protection drugs stated on the goods labels. Chemical storage must
comply with regulations, be built in a cool, safe place, have rules and be locked

Irrigation water:

Irrigation water used for production and post-harvest treatment of vegetables and
fruits must comply with Vietnam's current standards or the standards that
Vietnam is applying.

It is necessary to assess the risk of chemical and biological pollution from water
sources used for: irrigation, pesticide spraying, to take remedial measures. Do not
use industrial wastewater, wastewater from hospitals, concentrated residential
areas, livestock farms, slaughterhouses of livestock and poultry, fresh manure,
untreated wastewater in production and post-harvest handling.
Harvest and post-harvest handling:

Equipment, supplies and containers are required to harvest vegetables.

Equipment, containers or supplies must be secure and clean before use.

Products after harvesting should not be in direct contact with the soil and should
be kept overnight. There must be measures to treat waste, especially agricultural
residues and drainage systems, to minimize the risk of pollution to production
areas and water sources.

Recording, record keeping, traceability:

The process of producing vegetables and fruits according to VietGAP must record
and keep a full production log, a diary on plant protection, fertilizer, product
sales, etc., must self-inspect or hire an inspector to check. internally to see if
production execution, recording and record keeping are satisfactory. If the
requirements are not met, remedial measures must be taken.

Check the implementation:

The production process of vegetables and fruits must be self-inspected to draw

out any problems encountered in order to take timely remedial measures..


It is 100% organic fertilizer: Traditional organic fertilizer is "processed"

through the "machine" of earthworms, forming a nutrient-rich natural microbial
organic fertilizer product called vermicompost.

Increase fertilizer use efficiency: Contains humic and fulvic acids,

stimulates the growth of the root system for better nutrient absorption, and
reduces fertilizer and water loss. In addition, Humic and Fulvic acids increase the
resistance of plants to pests and adverse environmental conditions.

Reduces Irrigation Costs: Mucus secreted from the skin of earthworms

helps to maintain the proper moisture balance in the soil. It helps the soil to absorb
water from the air, improves the water holding capacity of the soil, increases the
rate of soil water absorption as well as the retention time of moisture. All this helps
your plants use water more efficiently.

=> Infer the regulation of economical and efficient use of water

Enhance microorganisms and beneficial factors for the soil: Worm

manure is the waste product of worms after digesting fresh cow manure, its
composition contains beneficial microorganisms for soil and plants. such as:
nitrogen-fixing microorganisms, phosphorus-degrading microorganisms,
cellulose-degrading microorganisms. In addition, mucus is secreted from their
skin walls. The beneficial microorganisms present in the mucus are a source of
beneficial microorganisms for the soil.

Vermicompost provides essential minerals for plant growth such as

nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. It also contains
manganese, copper, zinc, cobalt, borate, iron, etc. The most useful is that these
substances can be immediately absorbed by plants unlike other organic fertilizers
that must be broken down in the soil before being absorbed by plants. There will
not be any risk, fire occurs when vermicomposting.

A resource to improve degraded soil: Worm manure contains worm eggs,

worms and larvae, when applied to the soil they will multiply and grow. Worms
are like "plows" that regenerate lost natural resources.

Vermicompost has a neutral pH, capable of regulating the soil without

alkalizing or acidifying.

Worm manure contains IAA (Indol Acetic Acid): One of the effective stimulants
to help plants grow well.

Worm manure can also be processed into foliar fertilizer - worms tea is rich
in nutrients and beneficial microorganisms for plants, which will be mentioned in
the next section.
Diagram: The production process of vermicompost in the rubber garden

Fresh vermicompost: is a 100% vermicompost product and is fully "ripe",

taken directly from the farm

Fresh vermicompost is rich in organic matter, humus, contains a full range of trace
elements, microorganisms resistant to diseases and fixes nitrogen, decomposes
phosphorus, decomposes cellulose; At the same time, it contains plant growth
stimulants, keeps the soil moist, and is a high-moisture fertilizer.
In particular, the product contains worm cocoons, when applied to the ground,
under the right humidity conditions, the worm cocoons will hatch into prolific
worms. This is a type of fresh vermicompost that can completely replace 100% of
composted cow manure to provide agriculture with higher use and quality.
User manual:

- Soil improvement: Depending on the condition of the soil, 10-20 tons/ha can be


- Crops: 4-6 tons/ha

- Fruit trees and industrial plants: 5-10 kg/root depending on small or large

Vermicompost that has been dehumidified and screened for impurities: is a

100% vermicompost product that has been treated to reduce moisture, smooth
and remove impurities.

This is the type of manure that we can store longer in cool conditions than fresh

User manual:
Often used for priming and top dressing


- Crops: 5-7 tons/ha

- Fruit trees and industrial plants: 3-5 kg/root


Worm worm juice is a nutrient-rich foliar fertilizer product extracted from fresh
earthworms through biological enzymatic hydrolysis and mixed with a number of
micronutrients to fully meet the essential needs of plants. grow. Worm worm juice
is 100% water soluble so it is considered as one of the excellent foliar fertilizers
for plants. In addition to foliar fertilization, nutrients are provided to plants
through the stomata system at the leaf surface. According to published data, the
efficiency of using nutrients through leaves reaches 95%. Meanwhile, fertilizing
through the soil, plants only use 45-50% of nutrients. This is because the total
surface area of leaves on a tree is 15-20 times larger than the area covered by
branches and leaves, that is, the area of nutrient absorption of leaves is much
larger than that of leaves. acreage of a tree. Through the stomata, nutrients are
carried to the cells and tissues of the plant for use. (Source:

Figure: Worm extracted juice after being hydrolyzed by enzyme

The foliar application of fertilizers is effectively applied when the crop lack of
nutrients occurs and the absorption capacity of the roots is limited or deficient
for a period of time, so it is not enough to meet the needs of the plant. tree.
Factors related to the root zone such as:

 • Soil conditions are not perfect for the roots to absorb nutrients

 • Damaged root system: Due to disease or mechanical damage (due to

disturbance when fertilizing, causing damage to the roots)

 • Nutrients are immobilized by microorganisms

 • Fixed by soil environment and organic matter, salinization

 • Imbalance of nutrients in the soil, lack of oxygen (soil is too wet)

 • Low root activity (low temperature around the root zone during flowering

and fruit set)

 Lack of water for nutrients to penetrate (too dry)
 Nutrient requirements are at their peak: During periods of rapid growth,
nutrient needs exceed supply even though the soil is very fertile.
 Foliar fertilization may also be indicated when the need to concentrate
nutrients on specific sites within the plant exceeds the ability to distribute
nutrients within the plant.
 This most commonly occurs in the regions of focus for large fruits or bean
clusters and is related to both factors: the intense need to concentrate on a
specific region of many fruit elements such as N. and K.
 Mobility of elements within the plant may also be limited if flowers develop
before leaves and thereby restrict nutrient transfer in capillary tissues.
 During periods of drought or high air humidity can also limit transport in
capillary vessels and prevent the distribution of immobile nutrient
It iss the main amino acid useful for
1. Alanine
connective tissue and helps to improve
the immune system, for plants and other
tissues to get energy from amino acids.

Acid helps convert (starch) into energy

for plants. In addition, it also helps to
2. Aspartic strengthen the resistance and limit the
amount of toxins in the plant every year.

Improves the strength of connective

tissues, improves inflammation, helps
3. Phenylalanine create resistance and helps improve the
self-healing and regeneration process of
old and underdeveloped plants.

Also a source of energy, it is important for

plant cell growth and amino acid
4. Glutamic Acid metabolism.

Improves development and

concentration. This is an important
source of energy for organs such as
5. Isoleucine
vessels, bodies and cells

Helps synthesize other amino acids. This

6. Glycine substance can help balance the growth in

Giúp tạo hormone tăng trưởng, hỗ trợ quá

trình tái tạo, tăng cường sức miễn dịch và
hỗ cây tăng đề kháng sâu bệnh và các lọai
7. Ornithine

Helps create growth hormone, supports

8. Proline
the regeneration process, enhances
immunity and supports plants to increase
resistance to pests and fungi.

Helps regenerate energy for cells, helps

for synchronous development and
9. Serine
improves metabolism quickly and
efficiently, helps to increase immunity.
Taurine helps reduce chemical residues in

Amines in general and Threonine in

10. Threonine particular are useful for plants to make
growth hormone, improve the immune
system, create new and healthy cells, and
are a precursor to creatine.

Promotes vigorous growth in plants and

11. Tyrosine prolongs pollen life, helps produce
growth hormone, and is a precursor to
dopamine and epinephrine.

Used for energy, and even helps reduce

12. Leucine the possibility of imbalance in the plant.
This substance also helps plants
regenerate green, rejuvenate the garden
and heal damaged skin for plants.

Easily absorbed in the plant and directly

absorbed into the cellular parts of the
Helps plants detoxify with some
14. Valine
chemicals, limit the harmful effects of
inorganic and pesticides, help create

Used in the treatment of plants suffering

from virus and nutritional crisis, fungal
diseases, inorganic poisoning, and other
15. Histidine inflammatory diseases. This substance is
important in the regeneration of new
tissues and cells for plants.
Beneficial for the trunk and connective
tissues. It is used in the treatment of
rhizome blisters, and kills many other
viruses. Lysine also helps in the
development of branches and stems by
16. Lysine
increasing the amount of collagen. When
used in combination with vitamin C
Lysine will help plants use oxygen more
efficiently and limit disease or
underdevelopment of plants.



What is vermicomposting?

Vermicompost is a natural microbial organic fertilizer rich in nutrients (multi-,

medium and micro-) and beneficial micro-organisms for soil and plants (versus
Phosphorus, nitrogen fixation and microorganisms). cellulose decomposers).
After being eaten and digested by the worms, the microbiota in the intestines of
the worms will break down the indigestible compounds in fresh cow dung into
easily digestible compounds and produce pure, nutritious vermicompost. Instead
of cow manure or other fertilizers that must be composted before being applied
to the plow, the vermicompost is completely fertilized directly for the plants
without re-composting.

What is mature vermicomposting ?

 Mature vermicompost is a type of manure that has been completely digested by

worms 100%, that is, after eating all the fresh cow dung, the worms will digest and
produce pure vermicompost.
 There are several characteristics to distinguish mature vermicomposting:
 Color: typical dark brown color, smooth with very good moisturizing ability.
 Smell:
 For fresh vermicompost, there will be a slightly fishy smell of slime secreted by
worms and when applied to the soil after a while, the worm cocoons will hatch into
baby worms when the soil moisture is suitable.
 For vermicompost that has been dehumidified and screened for impurities, there
is no more fishy smell.

What is raw vermicomposting?

 Live worm manure is a type of manure that has not been fully digested by worms
100%, that is, there is still a lot of fresh cow dung in the manure because the worms
have not eaten it all, the quality of this live manure will not be high and affect the
yield of plants
 How to distiguish:
 Color: The dark brown color of ripe worm manure is mixed with the yellow color
of fresh cow dung. The fiber content will be higher than the mature vermicompost.
 Smell: For live vermicompost due to the presence of a lot of fresh cow dung
because the worms have not eaten it all, the smell of fresh cow dung will be
stronger than that of vermicompost.

Why is it important to distinguish raw and mature vermicomposting?

 Due to the nutrients in mature vermicomposting as well as its safety to human

health and plants.
 Besides, there are harmful microbes in raw vermicomposting.

How to distinguish high quality of raw vermicomposting and fake


 Organoleptic method: Pure worm manure has a dark brown color, high porosity,
a slightly fishy smell of the slime left by the worms, a sludge form, in the feces there
are worm cocoons, baby worms, and a variety of beneficial microorganisms. for
land. If the stool sample does not have a characteristic fishy smell, but has a foul
smell as well as a different color, it is not pure vermicompost.
 Physical method: Take the vermicompost into a pot of water, stir until the
vermicompost is completely dissolved in the form of soluble matter
suspended in the water, for a while, there is a very fine layer of mud at the
bottom of the pot, it is 100% pure vermicompost. If the bottom layer has a
lot of insoluble residues and a lot of explosive fiber on the surface, it is not
pure vermicompost.


 Worm juice is the product of hydrolysis of fresh earthworms by biological
enzyme preparations, supplemented with multi-, medium-, and micro-nutrients.
 natural high-grade nutrition with high protein content, full of amino acids
including non-replaceable amino acids and essential nutrients for plants
 No impurities in the solution: 100% hydrolyzed earthworm juice is
completely from fresh earthworms, so there are no impurities in the worm juice.
 Concentrated worm solution: The solution is concentrated, so the ratio of
mixing 1 liter of wormwood solution can be mixed up to 400 liters of water.
 Quality worm juice: Worms are raised with fresh dairy cow manure,
invested in quality from the stage of worm rearing to get quality products.
 Nutritional supplements: Full multi-, medium-, and micro-nutrients are
added to help plants grow healthy.
 High protein content: The nutrition in earthworm juice is a natural high-
grade nutrition with high protein content, containing full amino acids including
non-replaceable amino acids and essential nutrients for plants.

Uses: Worm juice contains amino acids that provide nutrients for plants,
accelerate metabolism, increase the efficiency of nutrient absorption from the
 Foliar spray or root irrigation
 Thoroughly rinse the spray bottle before mixing. Shake well before using.
1. Flower plants:
 Foliar spray: Dilute 1:300 for mature plant;
Dilute 1:400 for baby plants in nursery;
 Root spraying: Dilute lệ 1:200 for mature plant;
Dilute 1:300 for baby plant

2. Vegetables:
 Foliar spray: Dilute 1:400 for mature plant;
Dilute 1:500 for baby plant;
Spray the liquid after 15 – 20 days of seeding.
Stop using before 05 – 07 days of harvesting.
3. Fruit trees and commercial plants:
 Foliar spray: Dilute 1:400 for mature plant;
Dilute 1:500 for baby plant during nursery period;
Stop using when the plant start budding.
 Root spraying: Dilute 1:200 for mature plant;
dilute 1:300 for baby plant
Stop using before 05 – 07 days of harvesting

Storage: Store in coo, dry place.

Note: For 100% enzyme hydrolyzed earthworm solution without adding any
micronutrients, it can be sprayed and used immediately after 24 hours - 100%
Organic. This is an all-organic product line suitable for clean agriculture

In special cases, if the weather is too cold and there is a risk of salt bones, it is
necessary to add potassium at a dosage of 5-10% to the organic worm solution to
stimulate the plants' resistance to cold and increase their rigidity.


Step 1: Prepare the soil and add vermicompost with a priming dose of 5 kg of
vermicompost/ 10 m2. Mix the vermicompost on the vegetable tray and stir well.
Then start sowing the seeds. After sowing the seeds, we can cover a thin layer of
truffle fertilizer on the surface of the vegetable bed.

For households with good conditions, we can build more closed houses with nets
to prevent pests from entering, creating favorable conditions for clean
agriculture without the use of pesticides and pesticides. toxic.

For households that do not have the conditions to install a net house as shown in
the picture above, we can also grow it outdoors, however, it is necessary to have
optimal solutions in pest prevention with friendly biological solutions.
environment and safety for human health will be updated in the following


Step 2 : Proceed to apply another thin layer of fertilizer on the surface of the
vegetable bed after sowing the seeds. We can mix vermicompost with rice husk
ash to increase the potassium content of vermicompost, to stabilize the N P K ratio
in vermicompost to help plants grow normally and in balance. The recommended
optimal mixing ratio is 50 - 50 used to fertilize our vegetable beds. If you need to
apply fertilizer but still ensure clean farming, bat manure is the number 1 choice.

In the next part, I will guide you how to use fresh bat droppings to fertilize and
prepare biological pesticides, to prevent yellow fruit fly disease on citrus

Step 3: Continue to cover with a layer of dry straw on the surface to limit soil
erosion when watering on the surface or cover with a layer of netting on top to
prevent the straw from being blown away by the wind.

Step 4: Water evenly on the surface of the vegetable tray

Note: water in the early morning or cool afternoon, do not water at noon

Step 5: After 7 days from seeding, we sprayed with wormwood solution for vegetable
beds with a dose of 1 liter of wormwood solution mixed with 400 liters of water to
irrigate 1000 m2 of vegetable growing area. Or 1 liquid cap corresponding to 10 cc for
3-4 liters of clean water sprayed for 1 tray of 10 m2 of vegetables

Step 6: After 25 - 30 days we can harvest vegetables without fertilizing or using any
other fertilizers or drugs. Our grown vegetables are completely clean and ensure
elements that are safe for human health and friendly to the environment.
NOTE: In order to preserve fresh vegetables for a long time, when harvesting, we should not
wash the slit, but uproot the whole vegetable plant (cabbage, spinach, water spinach) and then
bring it to the refrigerator. Thus, we can preserve fresh vegetables for up to 7-10 days. Only when
using, we bring vegetables to wash.


This can be applied at home with small scale growing using 1 part of
vermicomposting and 9 parts of sand. The tree will grow very sustainably
and shorten the planting time from 5-8 days.
Note: Seeds should be sown in 1 tray first, then gradually transplanted to
trays or suckers to grow with the above ratio. If we grow vegetables in this
combination in brick-built vegetable beds, it will also be very effective, but
river sand needs to be tested for pH and the supply of live sand must be clean
and not near an industrial area, a wastewater treatment plant ... to limit the
accumulation of heavy metals harmful to the growth of plants.
According to the recommendation, the amount of manure to fertilize is 10-15
tons/ha. Processed and packaged forms of microbial organic fertilizers also need
from 0.5-1 ton/ha, but only additionally applied to reduce the amount of chemical
fertilizers by 30-50%.
From the above fact, the first crop should be tested on a small area, about 1,000-
2,000m2, the dose of vermicomposting is from 50-100 kg of
vermicompost/1,000m2. You can divide it into lots, fertilize with vermicompost
with different amounts of fertilizer, then monitor the growth of rice plants, such
as leaf color and plant height. This is a recommendation to grow clean rice using
vermicompost and reduce the dose of chemical fertilizers for rice.

Normally, rice is in the nutritional growth stage (from sowing to preparing for
planting), the average height of the plant is 1.2-1.5cm/day. For example: 20 days
old rice, the average height is from 24-30cm. About showing nutrients through the
green color of leaves, at this stage, you can use the rice leaf color chart to measure,
if the color of rice leaves at color number 4 is moderate. If the rice plant does not
grow according to the above figures, you can adjust it by adding chemical
fertilizers or spraying foliar fertilizers.
ORGANIC EARTHWORM EXTRACT: Before the flowering stage, it is necessary to
do foliar spray with a dose diluted with water of 1 – 200; evenly spray on the field
surface to stimulate sustainable and wrong flowering. Spray 2-3 times, spaced 5-7
days each time from the time the rice plants start to flower.
Why? Because organic worms extract contains high levels of amino acids, which
help stimulate rice plants to flower evenly, enhance photosynthesis and help firm
As for organic rice growing completely without using chemical fertilizers, the
recommended amount to use is as follows:

The increased amount of earthworm fertilizer also increased the yield of the rice
variety DTL2.

Experimental analysis shows that the amount of earthworm fertilizer for optimal
yield of organically grown DTL2 rice variety is 16.4 tons/ha, but the economic
efficiency of the 10-ton/ha formula is the highest (income 27,596,000 VND/ha
spring crop). Therefore, worm fertilizer should be applied to the organically grown
DTL2 rice variety with an amount of 10 tons/ha for high yield and economic


Chitosan is a biological polymer, which is of interest to many scientists around the world
because of its good effects on cancer patients. The two countries that do a lot of
research on Chitosan today are China and Japan. In Vietnam, Chitosan is produced from
shrimp shells, which have been used instead of borax in the production of banh cuon,
banh cuon... Recent studies in Vietnam have made us successful with applications of
Chitosan as shells. preserve fresh and perishable foods such as fish, meat, vegetables...
without losing the color and taste of the product.

The origin of chitosan:

Chitosan is a reduced form of chitin, but unlike chitin it is soluble in acidic solutions.
Chitin is the most abundant biological polymer in nature, second only to cellulose. The
chemical structure of chitin is close to that of cellulose Both chitin and chitosan have
many applications in industry and life, especially in food processing and preservation.

Chitin is derived from the word "chiton", the Greek word for armor. Chitin is a major
structural component in the shell (external skeleton) of invertebrates including
crustaceans (shrimp, crab). When processing crustaceans, the amount of waste
(containing chitin) accounts for 50% of the input volume and this figure worldwide is
5.ll million tons/year.

Therefore, the processing of chitosan preservation film has partly solved the above
waste, the future shows that the development potential of this membrane is very high.

Properties of chitosan:

√. It is a non-toxic, high molecular weight protein polysaccharide.

√. It is a solid, porous, light, flake-shaped substance that can be crushed to different


√. Chitosan is white or light yellow, tasteless.

√. Insoluble in water, alkaline solutions and concentrated acids, but soluble in dilute
acids (pH6), forming a clear colloidal solution, with good film forming ability, melting
point 309 - 311oC.

4. The effect of chitosan:

*. Biodegradable easier than chitin.

*. Chitosan and its derivatives have antibacterial properties, such as inhibiting the
activity of some bacteria such as E.Coli, killing some fungi harmful to strawberries,
carrots, and beans, and has a good effect on preservation. Store fruits and vegetables
with a hard outer shell.

*. When using chitosan film, it is easy to adjust humidity and air permeability for food
(If using PE packaging, the oxygen supply is limited, water will be condensed, creating
an environment for mold growth)

*. The chitosan film is also quite tough, difficult to tear, and has the same durability as
some plastics still used for packaging.
*. The chitosan film retards the darkening of fruits and vegetables. After harvesting,
vegetables will gradually darken, reducing quality and value. Dark vegetables are caused
by the fermentation process that produces polymerization products of oquinones.
Thanks to the chitosan film packaging, it inhibits the oxidative activity of polyphenols,
making the composition of anthocyamine, flavonoid and total amount of phenol
compounds less change, keeping vegetables fresh longer.

5. How to make chitosan coating:

□. Chitosan is milled by machine to increase the contact surface.

□. Dilute 3% chitosan solution in 1.5% acetic acid solution.

□. Then add the additive PEG - EG 10% (1:1 ratio) and mix well, let stand for a while to
remove air bubbles.

□. Then bring the mixture obtained to sweep evenly onto a stainless steel tube that has
been heated at a temperature of 64-65oC (stainless steel pipe is heated by steam).

□. Let the film dry for 35 minutes and then separate the film.

□. At this time, one obtains a glossy, ivory-yellow, tasteless shell, which is a chitosan
film with new preeminent features..

6. Applications of chitosan:

□. In fact, people have used chitosan membranes to store and preserve vegetables such
as peaches, cucumbers, beans, kiwi fruits, etc

□. Applied in many fields such as: medicine, wastewater treatment, dyeing industry,
paper, cosmetics, food..

7. Advantages of chitosan:

 Biodegrable.

 Shrimp shell scrap is a very abundant, cheap, natural source of raw materials,
available all year round, so it is very convenient to provide chitin and chitosan.
 Utilizing waste in seafood processing to preserve food in our country. This

success also makes a great contribution to solving environmental pollution caused by

wastes from shrimp shells.


Normally, with organic, natural and environmentally friendly farming methods,

pests and diseases will occur because we are not allowed to use pesticides. Here
are a few tips to guide the safe and environmentally friendly handling of snails that
damage vegetable gardens. The way to use it is to pour beer into a cup, bowl or
similar object in a place where there are the most live snails, then at night light up
and we will catch snails in one place for easy handling. The smell of beer will
attract all the snails to eat at night and they will gather in one place, some will die
from drunkenness and some will gather and we shake hands… Also other tips such
as: sprinkle crushed eggshells to prevent snails from entering the garden, spray
concentrated coffee water on snails to keep them away from our garden, ...

In the next section, I will show you how to treat and prevent pests with herbal

Vuong Le: (+84) 34 981 68 02
Youtube : Vương trùn quế
Acount Bank: Lê Minh Vương - TK 0071000808316 Vietcombank,
Ho Chi Minh City branch, VietNam


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