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MSF Nutrition Field Training Package: Catalogue

Module 1 Initial Assessment

NP_M1_S1: Anthropometry (including <6months)

Main Objective: To practice measuring the variables: weight, height,
bilateral oedema and MUAC.

Recommended Prerequisite Sessions: None

Session Time: 90 Minutes

NP_M1_S2: Interpretation
Main Objective: To be able to diagnose acute malnutrition using
anthropometric variables and clinical indicators.

Recommended Prerequisite Sessions: M1-S1

Time: 30 Minutes
MSF Nutrition Field Training Package: Catalogue
Module 2: Patient Flow for Clinical Decision-

NP_M2_S3: Checking for Medical Complications

Main Objective: To be able to identify medical complications in an acutely
malnourished child.

Recommended Prerequisite Sessions: M4 - S10

Time: 45 Minutes

NP_M2_S4: Appetite Test in Practice

Main Objective: To be able to describe how to perform and interpret the
results of an appetite test.

Recommended Prerequisite Sessions: M4 - S11

Time: 30 Minutes

NP_M2_S5: Admission Criteria: ITFC and ATFC

Main Objective: To be able to describe the admission criteria to an ATFC
or to an ITFC.

Recommended Prerequisite Sessions:

M1 - S1

M1 - S2

M5 - S16

M6 - S19.2

M9 - S31

Time: 45 Minutes

NP_M2_S6: Flow of patients

Main Objective: To be able to describe the patient flow from arrival at the
waiting area to admission in a TFP.

Recommended Prerequisite Sessions: None.

Time: 45 Minutes
MSF Nutrition Field Training Package: Catalogue
Module 3 Admission Procedure

NP_M3_S7: The Medical Consultation

Main Objective: To demonstrate the ability to take a clinical history as a
part of the medical consultation.

Recommended Prerequisite Sessions: M2 - S3

Time: 45 Minutes

NP_M3_S8: Clinical Examination and Key Screening

Main Objective: To practice doing a clinical exam, and secondly to be able
to define the key screening activities that have to be routinely performed in
a nutrition program.

Recommended Prerequisite Sessions:

M2 - S3

M3 - S7

M9 - S31

Time: 60 Minutes

NP_M3_S9: Organizational Procedures Elements

Main Objective: To be able to ensure the acceptance and facilitate the
adherence to the nutrition program by the patients/caregivers through the
correct explanation of how the nutrition program works.

Recommended Prerequisite Sessions:

M9 - S28

M9 - S29

M9 - S31

Time: 45 Minutes
MSF Nutrition Field Training Package: Catalogue
M4 Case Management

NP_M4_S10: Physiopathology of Malnutrition

Main Objective: To be able to identify the physiopathology of SAM patients
and to associate it with the consequences and solutions for these

Recommended Prerequisite Sessions: None.

Time: 45 Minutes

NP_M4_S11: Treatment Phases

Main Objective: To be able to recognise the different phases of a TFP, the
criteria for moving between phases and the specific objectives of each

Recommended Prerequisite Sessions: M4 - S10

Time: 45 Minutes

NP_M4_S12: Systematic Medical Treatment & Follow Up

Main Objective: To be able to recognise the systematic
treatment/activities, follow up, and rationale behind activities in TFP

Recommended Prerequisite Sessions: M4 - S10

Time: 45 Minutes

NP_M4_S13.1: Medical Complications Management (ITFC)

Main Objective: To be able to manage the most common medical
complications in SAM patients (especially in ITFC).

Recommended Prerequisite Sessions: M4 - S10

Time: 45 Minutes

NP_M4_S13.2: Medical Complications Management (ITFC)

Main Objective: To be able to manage the most common medical
complications in SAM patients (especially in ITFC).

Recommended Prerequisite Sessions: M4 - S10

MSF Nutrition Field Training Package: Catalogue
Time: 45 Minutes

NP_M4_S14: Nutritional Treatment & Follow Up

Main Objective: To be aware of the different nutrition products used for
each phase, how and when to prepare/administer them and if patient follow
up is required during meals.

Recommended Prerequisite Sessions:

M2 - S4

M4 - S10

Time: 70 Minutes

NP_M4_S15: Psychosocial Treatment

Main Objective: To be aware of the importance of psychosocial treatment
as an essential part of the treatment of malnourished patients.

Recommended Prerequisite Sessions: M9 - S31

Time: 90 Minutes

Module 5 PLW Management

NP_M5_S16: PLW Admission and Discharge Criteria

(nutrition program)
Main Objective: To be able to describe the admission and discharge
criteria of the PLW in a nutrition program.

Recommended Prerequisite Sessions:

M1 - S1

M1 - S2

M9 - S31

Time: 45 minutes

NP_M5_S17: PLW Systematic Medical Treatment and

Main Objective: To be aware of the HP messages regarding nutrition
products that should be given in a nutrition program.
MSF Nutrition Field Training Package: Catalogue
Recommended Prerequisite Sessions: M5 - S17

Time: 45 minutes

NP_M5_S18: PLW Nutritional Treatment

Main Objective: To be aware of the nutrition treatment for malnourished
PLW patients and the nutrition requirements for non-malnourished PLW.

Recommended Prerequisite Sessions: M5 - S17

Time: 45 minutes

Module 6 1- 6 months Infants Case Management

NP_M6_S19.1: Admission criteria ITFC and ATFC in

Infants 1-6 Months
Main Objective: To be able to describe the admission criteria to an ATFC
or to an ITFC in infants 1-6 months.

Recommended Prerequisite Sessions:

M1 - S1

M1 - S2

M9 - S31

Time: 45 Minutes

NP_M6_S19.2: Discharge and Referral Criteria ITFC and

ATFC in Infants 1-6 Months
Main Objective: To be aware and be able to apply the TFP discharge and
referral criteria in infants 1-6 months.

Recommended Prerequisite Sessions:

M1 - S1

M1 - S2

M9 - S31

Time: 45 Minutes
MSF Nutrition Field Training Package: Catalogue
NP_M6_S20: Systematic Medical Treatment (<6
Main Objective: To be able to recognise the systematic
treatment/activities, follow up and rationale behind these activities in TFP
patients younger than 6 months.

Recommended Prerequisite Sessions: M4 - S10

Time: 35 Minutes

NP_M6_S21: Nutritional Treatment: Breastfeeding &

Main Objective: To be aware of the nutritional treatment for infants
(breastfeeding and non-breastfeeding).

Recommended Prerequisite Sessions: M9 - S31

Time: 55 minutes + (optional 15 minutes)

NP_M6_S22: Mother Support

Main Objective: To be aware of the type of counselling and support
needed by all mothers that have an infant admitted in a TFP.

Recommended Prerequisite Sessions:

M5 - S16

M1 - S1

M1 - S2

Time: 60 minutes + (17 minutes with optional videos)

Module 7 Specific Case Management

NP_M7_S23: Cholera
Main Objective: To be able to identify and manage cholera in SAM

Recommended Prerequisite Sessions:

M4 - S13.1

M4 - S13.2

M10 - S34
MSF Nutrition Field Training Package: Catalogue
M10 - S35

Time: 45 Minutes.

M8 Discharge Procedure

NP_M8_S24: Discharge Criteria

Main Objective: To be aware of and be able to apply the TFP discharge

Recommended Prerequisite Sessions:

M1 -S1

M1 -S2

Time: 45 Minutes

NP_M8_S25: Referral System at the TFP

Main Objective: To be aware of and able to apply the referral system
criteria in a TFP program.

Recommended Prerequisite Sessions:

M2 - S3

M4 - S11

Time: 45 Minutes

NP_M8_S26: Follow Up of the Patients

Main Objective: To be aware of the importance of having a proper follow
up system for malnourished patients and to have the opportunity to practice
creating one.

Recommended Prerequisite Sessions:

M2 - S5

M8 - S24

M8 - S25

Time: 45 Minutes
MSF Nutrition Field Training Package: Catalogue
NP_M8_S27: Key Discharge Activities
Main Objective: To be aware of the information that should be provided
and the activities that should be performed at the discharge from the ATFC
and ITFC programs.

Recommended Prerequisite Sessions:

M9 - S28

M9 - S29

Time: 45 Minutes

Module 9 Health Promotion and Community


NP_M9_S28: Understanding the Community and their

Main Objective: Be able to identify the main aspects to understand and
engage the community when designing a nutrition strategy.

Recommended Prerequisite Sessions: M9 - S28

Time: 50 Minutes

NP_M9_S29: Health Promotion and Community

Engagement Planning
Main Objective: To be able to identify the main aspects to engage the
community when designing a nutrition strategy and when planning health
promotion activities.

Recommended Prerequisite Sessions: M9- S28

Time: 60 Minutes

NP_M9_S30: CHW Activities

Main Objective: Be aware of the role and tasks/responsibilities of the

Recommended Prerequisite Sessions:

M9 - S28

M9 - S29
MSF Nutrition Field Training Package: Catalogue
Time: 45 Minutes

NP_M9_S31: HP for the Patient and Caregiver

Main Objective: To be aware of the HP messages that should be given to
the patient and to the caretaker in nutrition programme and practice their

Recommended Prerequisite Sessions: M9 - S28

Time: 45 Minutes

NP_M9_S32: HP Nutrition Products

Main Objective: To be aware of the HP messages regarding nutrition
products that should be given in a nutrition program.

Recommended Prerequisite Sessions:

M4 - S14

M5 - S18

M6 - S21

Time: 45 Minutes

NP_M9_S33: HP for Feeding Practices

Main Objective: To be able to recognise the HP messages regarding
feeding practices according to the different age groups.

Recommended Prerequisite Sessions:

M4 - S14

M5 - S18

M6 - S21

Time: 45 Minutes

Module 10 IPC S34 IPC Principles

Main Objective: To recognize the importance/responsibility of IPC
measures and to be aware of the principles of the 3 main pillars.
MSF Nutrition Field Training Package: Catalogue
Recommended Prerequisite Sessions: None.

Time: 60 Minutes

NP_M10_S35: IPC for Therapeutic Milk Preparation,

Distribution and Storage
Main Objective: To be aware of the IPC measures to implement in:
Kitchen/milk station, during meals and for food storage.

Recommended Prerequisite Sessions: M10 - S35

Time: 45 minutes

Module 11 Monitoring and Evaluation

NP_M11_S36: Monitoring Definitions

Main Objective: To be aware of the TFP categories/principles of monitoring
a nutritional program.

Recommended Prerequisite Sessions:

M2 - S5

M5 - S.16

M6 - S19.1

M6 - S19.2

M8 - S24

Time: 40 minutes

NP_M11_S37.1: Follow Up Tools (non CHW)

Main Objective:

Recommended Prerequisite Sessions: M11 - S36

Time: 40 minutes

NP_M11_S37.2: Follow Up Tools (CHW)

Main Objective: Demonstrate and practice filling out the follow up tools of
a nutritional program.
MSF Nutrition Field Training Package: Catalogue
Recommended Prerequisite Sessions:

M11 - S36

M11 - S37.1

Time: 40 minutes

NP_M11_S38: Data Management and Analysis

Main Objective: Be able to perform proper data management of a
nutritional program and to demonstrate how to calculate, analyse and take
actions based on the main performance indicators.

Recommended Prerequisite Sessions: M11 - S36

Time: 90 Minutes

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