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Clarissa P.

Cuartero WRP 0106


Based on the video, I have learned that most humans’ fear revolves around the concept of
being rejected, becoming a failure, and being a fool. In actuality, the concept of fear brings
extremely good to the individual for their self-growth and self-realization. It has been mentioned
that not most of us have amazing outstanding heroic moments. Mostly it’s because there are not
enough reasons to love ourselves or we give in to our own vulnerabilities, weaknesses, and what
society defines us in an erroneous preconception. The main point of the video was to inform its
viewers that our job is to basically collect all possible opportunities that make us powerful since
the unpleasant, overwhelming, or unknown odds stacked against us are what make us a hero in
the making. Being open-minded so that we could stand and act before the challenge and trials
train our courage and bravery that in turn, result in us gaining respect and love from others and
ourselves. After all, it is true that we do look up and respect those who can move forward and
face their fears. They become our role models in a sense that if they can overcome anything, we
could too. Mainly, that is, overcoming the instinct to cower and run from life’s problems. Indeed,
to be brave does not equate that you must risk a lot and experience the intense. Neither does it
make us a hero if we succeed alone. What matters is to look at fear in the eyes and stand our
Clarissa P. Cuartero WRP 0106
ground to act anyways. From here not only would courage develop but integrity and one’s
solidified dignity as

well, which makes us whole, satisfied, and ultimately happy. The video ended with the learning
that we become mentally stronger once we discover to love and respect ourselves as life gives us
a choice. This is to be a hero in our own world, facing our troubles head on.

On the other hand, for me personally, I have mastered being brave in tough situations esp.
when everyone else defies or stops you and you seemingly have no one left believing in you. In
my life, I have deeply learned about the virtue of independence at a very young age, that I
probably did not deserve or did… because of this, I had to face everything on my own such as
joining contests, being alone at home, sleeping in the dark alone, comforting myself when I cry,
having problems and having no one to confide with, having a big test, experiencing mind block
until I now have developed quite a bit of short term memory loss, being rejected and disapproved
by friends, lovers, teachers, bosses, etc. And most importantly, having my own parents not proud
of me for who I am. For all the times that I was hurt and in pain, I would let myself feel down of
course, and let time heal me. This is the reason why I trust only the Lord who would not
disappoint me because everyone has already. I may still be young right now, but my heart has
grown old and tired. And how I cope with these unpleasantries, I draw from miraculous strength
I feel in my spirit each time I wake up again. I have understood that pain and suffering is a part
of life. And all our monsters and fears are just everything else that hinders our full potential to be
our truest strongest selves. We would find that inner strength in us only when we are alone and
we have faith in God’s power. The fear to become a failure is inherently in us but as Michell C.
Clark quoted, “It’s scary only because it’s unfamiliar, not because we are incapable”. “We can
do all things through Christ who strengthens us.” Philippians 4:13. Beyond worldly fears, even
the supernatural and unknown, we could conquer. As long as we stand our ground, face the
music, accept, understand, and be clear with our goals, to bravely stay put and fight it with the
best that we can, without taking any shortcuts, sweeping our problems under the rug, or running

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