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Animal Science 2003, 76: 119-136 1357-7298/03/22340119$20·00

© 2003 British Society of Animal Science

Resistance and resilience to gastro-intestinal nematode parasites and

relationships with productivity of Red Maasai, Dorper and Red
Maasai ✕ Dorper crossbred lambs in the sub-humid tropics
R. L. Baker1†, S. Nagda1, S. L. Rodriguez-Zas2, B. R. Southey2, J. O. Audho1, E. O. Aduda1 and W.
1International LivestockResearch Institute (ILRI), PO Box 30709, Nairobi, Kenya
2Department of Animal Science, University of lllinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA

†E-mail :

Resistance and resilience to naturally acquired gastro-intestinal (GI) nematode parasite infections (predominantly
Haemonchus contortus) were studied in 1785 lambs born over six lambings (1991 to 1996) consisting of 212 Red
Maasai, 311 Dorper and 1262 crossbred (Red Maasai-Dorper) lambs in the sub-humid coastal region of Kenya.
These lambs were the progeny of 41 Dorper and 35 Red Maasai rams. Live weights (LWT), blood packed cell volume
(PCV) and faecal egg counts (FEC) were recorded at 1- to 2-monthly intervals from birth until the lambs were
about one year of age. Red Maasai were more resistant and resilient post weaning to infections with GI nematodes
than Dorper lambs as shown by their significantly lower FEC and their significantly higher PCV, respectively. An
increasing proportion of Red Maasai genes in the crossbred lambs was associated with decreased FEC and higher
PCV, but there was no heterosis for logarithm-transformed FEC (LFEC) or PCV. From one month of age Red
Maasai lambs were significantly lighter than Dorper lambs by about 1 kg, but Red Maasai lambs had significantly
lower lamb mortality rate from birth to 12 months of age (proportionately 0·30 and 0·66, respectively). Heritability
estimates from a repeated measures analysis for records taken at 6 and 8 months of age were 0·14 (s.e. 0·05) for PCV
from an animal model and 0·12 (s.e. 0·05) for LFEC from a sire model. The heritability estimate for LFEC from a
repeated measures analysis including the four measurements recorded between 6 and 12 months of age was
significantly higher (P < 0·05) for Dorper-sired lambs (0·15, s.e. 0·05 for an animal model and 0·19, s.e. 0·07 for a
sire model) than for Red Maasai-sired lambs (0·00 and 0·01, s.e. 0·02). The phenotypic and genetic correlations
between PCV and LFEC were moderately to highly negative and averaged –0·34 and –0·81, respectively. None of
the genetic correlation estimates between LWT and PCV and LWT and LFEC for lambs post weaning were
significantly different from zero. The heritability estimates for PCV and LFEC have important implications for
within-breed genetic improvement programmes : for the Red Maasai, improvement should concentrate on resilience
(e.g. selection for high PCV); for the Dorper, selection should be feasible for both improved resistance (low FEC) and
resilience (high PCV).

Keywords: breed differences, genetic resistance, Haemonchus contortus, heritability, sheep.

Introduction follow polygenic inheritance, as do the production

There is ample evidence that genetic variation for traits. Therefore, we are interested in estimating the
disease resistance in domestic animals exists (Owen magnitude of genetic variation both among breeds or
and Axford, 1991; Gray et al., 1995; Axford et al., strains and within breeds and ultimately utilizing
1999). Genetic resistance to the important infectious this genetic variation for host resistance in breeding
diseases of domestic livestock is usually found to programmes (Woolaston and Baker, 1996).

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120 Baker, Nagda, Rodriguez-Zas, Southey, Audho, Aduda and Thorpe

Current control methods for gastro-intestinal (GI) resilience to GI nematode parasites, particularly to H.
nematode parasites (endoparasites) focus on contortus, Ostertagia spp. and Trichostrongylus spp.
reducing contamination of pastures through Gray (1991) summarized and reviewed 23
anthelmintic treatment and/or controlled grazing publications on this subject and this was expanded to
(Barger, 1996 and 1999). In Africa, the use of these 34 studies in a review by Baker et al. (1992). A
control methods is limited by the high cost of number of indigenous ‘unimproved’ breeds of sheep
anthelmintics, their uncertain availability, increasing in Africa (Red Maasai, Djallonké and Sabi), the
frequency of drug resistance (Waller, 1997a) and Caribbean (St Croix and Barbados Blackbelly), North
limited scope in many communal pastoral systems America (Florida Native, Louisiana Native and
for controlled grazing. It appears unlikely that new Navajo), India (Garole) and Indonesia (Javanese Thin
broad-spectrum anthelmintics will be available in the Tail) have been shown to be more resistant and/or
near future because of the major costs associated resilient to endoparasites relative to the breeds with
with the development of new products (Geary et al., which they have been compared. There is now strong
1999). To date, no commercial vaccines are available evidence that the indigenous Red Maasai sheep of
to control GI nematode parasites (Smith, 1999). East Africa are both more resistant and resilient to
Alternative approaches to control endoparasites are naturally acquired and artificial infections with GI
therefore being considered (Barger, 1996; Waller, nematode parasites than the breeds with which they
1997b). One such approach is the characterization have been compared, and particularly to the highly
and utilization of host genetic variation for resistance pathogenic abomasal worm, H. contortus (Preston
or resilience to endoparasites. and Allonby, 1978 and 1979; Baker et al., 1994, 1998
and 1999; Baker, 1998; Mugambi et al., 1996 and 1997;
Wanyangu et al., 1997).
Resistance is defined as the initiation and
maintenance of responses provoked in the host to
suppress the establishment of parasites and/or Most of the published within-breed genetic variation
eliminate parasite burdens. Resilience (or tolerance) estimates (i.e. heritabilities and genetic correlations)
is defined as the ability of the host to survive and be for resistance or resilience to endoparasites in sheep
productive in the face of parasite challenge (Clunies- are from Merino or Romney sheep in Australasia
Ross, 1932; Woolaston and Baker, 1996). The degree (Gray and Woolaston, 1991; Gray et al., 1995; Bisset
of resistance has usually been assessed in terms of and Morris, 1996), but estimates have also been
worm counts at necropsy or faecal egg counts (FEC), reported from research undertaken in France (Bouix
the measure of resistance used in this study, during et al., 1995), Scotland (Bishop et al., 1996) and Poland
an infection period in live animals. In lambs it is well (Bouix et al., 1998). Prior to the initiation of this study
documented that faecal egg counts are highly by the International Livestock Centre for Africa
correlated with worm counts (Woolaston and Baker, (ILCA, now ILRI) in 1991 there were no published
1996). Resilience has been defined in terms of estimates of the heritability of resistance or resilience
productivity (e.g. live-weight gain or wool to internal parasites in tropical sheep (ILCA, 1991;
production) under nematode challenge compared to Baker et al., 1992). In addition, there was very limited
productivity in non-infected animals (Albers et al., evidence for tropical sheep or goats that related
1987). In New Zealand resilience has been defined as genetic and phenotypic variation for resistance or
the number of anthelmintic treatments required over resilience to individual animal and flock
a given period of pasture challenge (usually several productivity.
months) with nematode parasites (Bisset and Morris,
1996). In this study we have used packed red cell
volume (PCV) and mortality rates as proxies for
This paper reports a 6-year study (1991 to 1996)
resilience. When sheep are infected with the blood-
investigating both between-breed and within-breed
sucking parasite Haemonchus contortus they become
genetic resistance and resilience to endoparasites
anaemic and this is measured by PCV, which is a
(predominantly H. contortus) in Red Maasai, Dorper
good indication of how the animal is managing to
and Red Maasai ✕ Dorper crossbred lambs in sub-
cope with the pathogenic effects of the parasite and
humid coastal Kenya. Preliminary results of this
survive when infected. However, other studies (e.g.
study have been reported by Baker et al. (1994 and
Albers et al., 1987) treated both FEC and PCV as two
1998) and Baker (1998). The performance of the ewes,
different measures of resistance.
the dams of the lambs being evaluated in this study,
was reported by Baker et al. (1999), where it was
shown that the Red Maasai ewes were significantly
There have been many reports since the mid-1930s of more resistant and resilient to GI nematode parasites
variation among breeds of sheep in resistance or and more productive than Dorper ewes.

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Genetics of resistance and resilience to internal parasites in tropical lambs 121

Material and methods Dorper ewes and rams from South Africa and
Experimental site Zimbabwe. It is estimated that the Dorper ewes used
This study was carried out at the Diani Estate farm in this experiment were at least third generation
located 20 km south of Mombasa in the sub-humid backcrosses (i.e. 15/16 Dorper). The R ✕ D crossbred
coastal region of Kenya. Rainfall is bimodally ewes were bred by Baobab Farm between 1986 and
distributed with rainy seasons in March-June and 1990 for another experiment that investigated
October-December. Rainfall data were collected daily various management interventions to control
at Diani Estate and over the 6-year study period endoparasite infections using both Dorper and R ✕ D
(1991-96) the average annual rainfall was 819 mm sheep (Bullerdiek, 1996). About 100 Red Maasai ewes
(ranging from 425 mm in 1993 to 1237 mm in 1994). were purchased from pastoralists in south-central
The monthly mean maximum temperatures range Kenya in 1992. They were purchased from as wide a
between 28 and 33°C, while relative humidity ranges range of flocks and owners as possible to ensure that
between 0·60 and 0·90 (Jaetzold and Schmidt, 1983). they were a representative genetic sample of the
The soils on the farm are sandy, well drained and are breed. They were not selected on any particular
characterized by very low levels of nitrogen and phenotypic characteristic, except that healthy sheep
phosphorus, organic matter, cation exchange and in reasonable condition were purchased.
water-holding capacity. The vegetation is composed
of natural pasture and bush, with Heteropogon In the 1st year of the study (1991) the Dorper and
contortus and Hyparrhenia rufa the predominant R ✕ D ewes were mated to 12 Dorper and 12 Red
perennial grass species. Maasai rams in single-sire mating groups in a diallel
design. In the subsequent years (1992 to 1996) all
Experimental design and data recorded three ewe genotypes (Dorper, Red Maasai, R ✕ D)
Red Maasai (R) sheep are a fat-tailed, hair breed, were mated to 12 Dorper and 12 Red Maasai rams in
which is principally associated with the Maasai tribe, single-sire mating groups in a diallel design to
and they are found in northern Tanzania and south- generate two purebred and four crossbred genotypes
central Kenya (Wilson, 1991). The Dorper breed was (Table 1). Rams were joined with the ewes for a 6-
developed in South Africa in the 1940s at the week period each year. About seven or eight new
Grootfontein College of Agriculture by interbreeding rams of each breed were used at each mating so that
F1 crosses between the Black Head Persian 35 different Red Maasai rams and 41 different Dorper
(originally from Somalia) and Dorset Horn breeds rams were used over the entire study. All Dorper and
(Milne, 2000). The Dorper (D) has a reputation for Red Maasai rams purchased were as unrelated as
adaptability to harsh, arid conditions (Cloete et al., possible to ensure a representative genetic sample.
2000) and was first imported into Kenya from South
Africa in the 1960s. Dorper and Red Lambs were weighed as close to birth as possible,
Maasai ✕ Dorper (sire breed ✕ dam breed) ewes usually within 24 h, and then as a group every
were already present at Diani Estate at the start of month up to weaning at an average age of 3 months.
the experiment in 1991. The Dorper flock was All male lambs were castrated within two weeks
established by Baobab Farm by backcrossing from birth. PCV and FEC were recorded on all lambs
purebred Dorper rams over a flock of about 300 at 1 and 2 months of age. If individual lambs had a
Black Head Persian ewes starting in the late 1970s. FEC greater than 2000 eggs per gram (e.p.g. ) and/or
The Dorper rams were purchased from the flocks in a PCV less than 20% at these samplings, they were
Kenya that were established by importing purebred treated with an anthelmintic drug. All the lambs

Table 1 Number of single-born lambs with birth weight by year of birth and breed/crossbreed

Breed/crossbreed† Year of birth

1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Total

Dorper (D) 93 65 54 30 39 30 311

D ✕ (R ✕ D) 92 77 93 70 65 35 432
D✕R 0 7 38 24 27 27 123
R✕D 83 58 57 13 14 9 234
R ✕ (R ✕ D) 99 81 96 61 69 67 473
Red Maasai (R) 0 8 34 45 64 61 212
Total 367 296 372 243 278 229 1785

† Sire breed ✕ dam breed.

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122 Baker, Nagda, Rodriguez-Zas, Southey, Audho, Aduda and Thorpe

were treated with an anthelmintic at weaning. They to trypanosomosis, which also causes anaemia.
were then grazed on pasture until a monitor group of While there have been reports of trypanosomosis in
about 50 lambs (consisting of approximately equal cattle on the same farm, no cases were diagnosed in
proportions of the six genotypes and the two sexes), the sheep during this study.
from which samples were taken every week, reached
a FEC averaging about 2000 e.p.g. All the lambs were Statistical analyses
then weighed and faeces and blood samples were The traits analysed at each sampling time were live
taken on two consecutive days. All lambs were then weight (LWT), PCV, and FEC. The records at birth, 1,
treated with an anthelmintic. This procedure was 2 and 3 months of age were single records taken on
repeated until the lambs reached about 1 year of age, one day. The post-weaning records (i.e. those taken at
which involved five sampling times in all years 4·5, 6, 8, 10 and 12 months of age) were all averages
except 1994 and 1996. In 1994, the year with the of the records taken on two consecutive days.
highest rainfall, there were eight post-weaning Because of a skewed distribution, FEC was analysed
samplings and in 1996 six samplings. No lambs were using a logarithmic transformation (LFEC = log10
drenched individually during any of the post- (FEC + 25)). The results were back-transformed by
weaning infection periods. Lambs and ewes were taking anti-logarithms of the estimated means and
allowed to graze from about 07:00 to 17:00 h and presented as geometric means (GFEC). All statistical
then housed in a simple roofed shed for security tests for FEC were applied to the transformed data.
reasons. Most of the lambs that died had the cause of
death ascertained at a post-mortem examination LWT, PCV and LFEC at each sampling time (i.e. birth,
(Nguti et al., 2003). 1, 2, 3, 4·5, 6, 8, 10 and 12 months of age) were
analysed with a mixed model analysis of variance
Faecal egg counts were determined using the using restricted maximum likelihood (REML). The
modified McMaster method (Whitlock, 1948; Hansen ASREML programme of Gilmour et al. (1999) was
and Perry, 1994) with a lower limit of detection of 50 used to estimate simultaneously both fixed effects
e.p.g. of faeces. PCV was measured by the and variance components. The model included
microhaematocrit method. At each sampling time, (when significant) the fixed effects of year of birth
faecal samples bulked by breed/crossbreed and sex (six classes, 1991-96), breed/cross (six classes – D, R,
were cultured and the larvae identified (Hansen and D ✕ R, R ✕ D, D ✕ (R ✕ D), R ✕ (R ✕ D)), sex (two
Perry, 1994). The larval differentiation averaged over classes, male and female), age of dam (four classes, 2,
169 bulked cultures by breed/crossbreed and sex at 3, 4, 5 + years of age), lamb age as a linear covariate
different sampling times showed that the and any significant (P < 0·05) first-order interactions.
predominant larvae were H. contortus (mean 73%, Only single-born lambs were analysed as very few
range 49 to 99%), Trichostrongylus spp. (mean 17%, twin or multiple births were recorded
range 0 to 36%) and Oesophagostomum spp. (mean (proportionally 0·028 of the total number of lambs
7%, range 0 to 41%). born) and the majority of these died before weaning.
An animal model was fitted to the data recorded at
each sampling time and variance components and
In the 2nd year of the experiment (1992) it was heritabilities were estimated for the direct additive
ascertained that the GI nematode parasites of both and maternal effects. Because of the limited depth of
sheep and goats on this farm were resistant to both the pedigree structure of the data (i.e. for most lambs
Ivermectin and Fenbendazole (Mwamachi et al., just the sire and dam were known but not the
1995). Therefore, all the lambs born from 1993
onwards were treated with Levamisole (Wormacid
Plus, Cosmos, Nairobi, Kenya) at the recommended Table 2 Coefficients for expected genetic effects for each lamb breed
dose rate for sheep (i.e. 7·5 mg/kg live weight based and crossbreed†
on the heaviest lamb at any sampling time) and this
anthelmintic treatment remained effective Lamb breed
throughout the rest of the experiment. crossbreed‡ GI GM HI HM

D✕D 1·0 1 0 0
All ewes and lambs were sprayed every 2 weeks D ✕ (R ✕ D) 0·5 0 0·5 1
with an acaricide (Triatix, Coopers, Kenya) to control D✕R 0 –1 1·0 0
tick infestations and prevent tick-borne diseases. R✕D 0 1 1·0 0
Whenever the PCV fell below 20%, infections with R ✕ (R ✕ D) –0·5 0 0·5 1
trypanosomes were monitored using the dark R✕R –1·0 –1 0 0
ground/phase contrast buffy coat technique (Paris et
† Individual genetic (GI), maternal genetic (GM),
al., 1982). This was to ensure that the anaemia being individual heterosis (HI) and maternal heterosis (HM) effects.
measured by PCV was due to H. contortus rather than ‡ Sire breed ✕ dam breed. D = Dorper; R = Red Maasai.

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Genetics of resistance and resilience to internal parasites in tropical lambs 123

grandparents or great grandparents), it was not both genetic interactions within loci (dominance) and
possible to separate the maternal effect into a genetic between loci (epistasis), but the present study does
component and a permanent environmental not include sufficient crossbred genotypes to be able
component. Additional REML animal model to estimate epistatic effects. The coefficients for both
analyses were undertaken to estimate additive the HI and the HM effects (Table 2) are based on the
heritability estimates for all traits for each sire breed assumption that a linear relationship exists between
separately. The significance of the difference in dominance and the degree of heterozygosity.
heritabilities between sire breeds was ascertained by
summing the variances of the two estimates and Genetic and phenotypic correlations were estimated
assuming that the covariance between the two using an animal model in the REML program
breeds was zero. Repeated measures REML analyses (AIREML) of Johnson and Thompson (1995) fitting
were also undertaken for PCV and LFEC for just the additive genetic random effect. Bivariate
combinations of different records measured after analyses were undertaken for LWT and PCV, LWT
weaning. In these analyses, the additive effect and and LFEC and PCV and LFEC at each sampling time.
the permanent environmental effect among Because it was not possible to fit different fixed
measurement times were fitted as random effects. effects for different traits in AIREML, all the
significant fixed effects for either trait and any
Genstat (Payne et al., 1997) was used for mixed significant interactions for each pair of traits were
model analyses in which sire and dam were fitted as fitted in these analyses.
random effects and the same fixed effects were fitted
as above except that the breed/cross effect was Lamb mortality was analysed by ASREML as a
replaced with four multiple regression coefficients to binary trait (y = 0, 1 for dead or alive) using a logit
estimate the genetic effects shown in Table 2. The transformation (loge (y/(1-y)). Mortality was
genetic basis of crossbreeding is due to both additive assessed pre-weaning (birth to 3 months of age), post
and non-additive effects (Dickerson, 1969). Following weaning (3 months to 365 days of age) and from
an approach first used in an animal breeding setting birth to 365 days of age.
by Robison et al. (1981), additive genetic effects can
be determined by fitting coefficients indicating the
contribution of the parental breeds to the genes in the Results
lamb (GI – individual genetic effect) and its dam (GM Breed and crossbreed effects
– maternal genetic effect) (Table 2). The non-additive Overall means and residual standard deviations
(heterosis) effects are indicated by coefficients from the REML analyses for LWT, PCV and LFEC at
showing the proportion of loci in the lamb (HI – each measurement time are shown in Table 3.
individual heterosis effect) or its dam (HM – maternal Measurement times post weaning varied among
heterosis effect) with alleles originating from years because these depended on when the average
different parental breeds. Heterosis can be due to FEC reached about 2000 e.p.g. in the monitor group

Table 3 Overall means and residual standard deviations (s.d.) at the different sampling times for live weight (LWT, kg), packed cell volume
(PCV, percent), logarithm-transformed faecal egg count (LFEC = log10 (FEC (e. p. g. ) + 25)) and the geometric mean of faecal egg count
(GFEC, e. p. g. )


Sampling average
time (average age among Residual Residual Residual
age, days) years (days) No. Mean s. d. No. Mean s. d. No. Mean s. d. Mean

Birth 1785 2·4 0·52
1 month (34) 30-39 1580 6·4 1·44 1576 33·0 4·20 1143 1·79 0·56 62
2 months (66) 57-70 1526 8·7 2·02 1526 27·6 5·27 1437 2·83 0·60 676
3 months (92) 84-106 1432 10·7 2·25 1426 26·3 5·44 1169 2·87 0·53 741
Post weaning
4·5 months (132) 110-160 1274 11·4 2·15 1274 23·3 4·45 1255 3·26 0·39 1820
6 months (189) 139-233 1162 13·8 2·29 1162 23·1 3·66 1144 3·37 0·34 2328
8 months (245) 173-336 1075 14·8 2·21 1075 23·3 3·74 1068 3·33 0·30 2138
10 months (296) 208-389 1044 16·9 2·41 1044 24·6 3·66 1043 3·20 0·38 1585
12 months (369) 237-450 980 18·2 2·46 980 25·3 3·31 965 3·23 0·33 1698

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124 Baker, Nagda, Rodriguez-Zas, Southey, Audho, Aduda and Thorpe

Table 4 Estimated means (standard errors in parentheses) by breed/crossbreed from mixed model restricted maximum likelihood analyses
for live weight (LWT, kg), packed cell volume (PCV, percent), logarithm transformed faecal egg count (LFEC), the geometric mean of faecal
egg count (GFEC, eggs per gram) and mortality rates (proportion) at the different sampling times

Trait and sampling time Breed/crossbreed†

Dorper (D) D ✕ (R ✕ D) D✕R R✕D R ✕ (R ✕ D) Red Maasai (R) of breed

Birth 2·53 (0·07) 2·50 (0·06) 2·51 (0·07) 2·35 (0·07) 2·30 (0·06) 2·28 (0·07) ***
1 month 6·7 (0·15) 6·7 (0·13) 6·4 (0·17) 6·4 (0·15) 6·3 (0·13) 5·9 (0·16) ***
2 months 9·0 (0·20) 9·0 (0·16) 8·8 (0·24) 8·8 (0·20) 8·7 (0·16) 8·0 (0·21) ***
3 months (weaned) 11·0 (0·19) 10·9 (0·16) 10·7 (0·25) 10·6 (0·20) 10·7 (0·15) 10·1 (0·21) *
4·5 months 11·8 (0·23) 11·8 (0·20) 11·4 (0·29) 11·3 (0·23) 11·3 (0·18) 10·7 (0·23) **
6 months 14·2 (0·35) 14·3 (0·33) 13·7 (0·41) 14·0 (0·35) 13·7 (0·32) 13·0 (0·35) **
8 months 15·2 (0·25) 15·1 (0·20) 14·7 (0·31) 14·9 (0·25) 14·7 (0·19) 13·9 (0·25) **
10 months 17·3 (0·29) 17·3 (0·23) 16·9 (0·35) 17·0 (0·28) 17·0 (0·21) 16·2 (0·28) *
12 months 18·4 (0·32) 18·4 (0·31) 18·3 (0·39) 18·6 (0·26) 18·2 (0·24) 17·5 (0·30) *
1 month 32·8 (0·35) 32·8 (0·30) 33·0 (0·43) 33·3 (0·37) 32·9 (0·29) 33·2 (0·38)
2 months 26·8 (0·50) 26·4 (0·43) 27·2 (0·61) 27·9 (0·52) 28·7 (0·42) 28·4 (0·52) ***
3 months (weaned) 24·2 (0·42) 25·7 (0·35) 26·7 (0·59) 26·4 (0·45) 27·1 (0·31) 27·8 (0·45) ***
4·5 months 21·9 (0·44) 22·0 (0·39) 22·3 (0·59) 23·6 (0·43) 24·7 (0·35) 25·3 (0·45) ***
6 months 21·9 (0·57) 21·9 (0·55) 22·2 (0·66) 23·7 (0·57) 24·1 (0·52) 24·6 (0·57) ***
8 months 22·3 (0·39) 22·2 (0·31) 22·5 (0·51) 23·8 (0·37) 24·3 (0·28) 24·7 (0·38) ***
10 months 23·9 (0·40) 23·6 (0·33) 23·7 (0·52) 25·1 (0·38) 25·4 (0·29) 25·7 (0·39) ***
12 months 24·4 (0·34) 24·6 (0·25) 25·1 (0·46) 25·8 (0·31) 25·7 (0·20) 26·3 (0·31) ***
1 month 1·87 (0·04) 1·82 (0·04) 1·72 (0·06) 1·75 (0·05) 1·75 (0·03) 1·80 (0·05)
(74) (66) (53) (55) (55) (63)
2 months 2·82 (0·05) 2·84 (0·05) 2·85 (0·07) 2·85 (0·06) 2·77 (0·04) 2·76 (0·06)
(661) (692) (708) (708) (589) (575)
3 months (weaned) 2·92 (0·04) 2·98 (0·04) 2·87 (0·06) 2·79 (0·05) 2·81 (0·03) 2·83 (0·04)
(832) (955) (741) (617) (646) (676)
4·5 months 3·35 (0·04) 3·32 (0·04) 3·28 (0·05) 3·23 (0·04) 3·21(0·03) 3·16 (0·04)
(2239) (2089) (1905) (1698) (1622) (1445) ***
6 months 3·45 (0·05) 3·36 (0·05) 3·42 (0·06) 3·36 (0·05) 3·32 (0·05) 3·29 (0·05)
(2818) (2291) (2630) (2291) (2089) (1950) ***
8 months 3·37 (0·03) 3·38 (0·03) 3·40 (0·04) 3·27 (0·03) 3·25 (0·02) 3·29 (0·03)
(2344) (2399) (2512) (1862) (1778) (1950) ***
10 months 3·26 (0·04) 3·26 (0·03) 3·25 (0·05) 3·15 (0·04) 3·16 (0·03) 3·10 (0·04)
(1820) (1820) (1778) (1413) (1445) (1259) ***
12 months 3·30 (0·04) 3·23 (0·03) 3·30 (0·05) 3·17 (0·04) 3·17 (0·03) 3·19 (0·04)
(1995) (1660) (1995) (1479) (1479) (1549) **
Pre-weaning 0·29 (0·03) 0·22 (0·02) 0·17 (0·03) 0·18 (0·03) 0·16 (0·02) 0·12 (0·02) **
Post weaning 0·53 (0·03) 0·41 (0·03) 0·33 (0·04) 0·28 (0·03) 0·17 (0·02) 0·21 (0·03) **
Birth to 12 months 0·66 (0·03) 0·53 (0·02) 0·44 (0·04) 0·42 (0·03) 0·31 (0·02) 0·30 (0·03) **

† Sire breed ✕ dam breed.

of lambs. Both the overall average age at each sampling each year and are not, therefore, tabulated.
measurement time and the range in mean age among GFEC increased up to 6 months of age (2328 e.p.g.)
years are shown in Table 3. The quite large variation after which it reached a plateau. Conversely, PCV
among years for mean ages at each sampling time decreased with age pre-weaning, reached a plateau
was accounted for in the analyses by the significant post weaning at about 23% from 4·5 to 8 months of
interaction between year and the lamb age covariate. age and then gradually increased after that.
Additional analyses were also undertaken for LWT,
PCV and LFEC using the final measurement taken in Estimated means for each of the six breed/
each year in an attempt to reduce the large between- crossbreeds for LWT, PCV, LFEC and mortality are
year variation in age at measurement. However, the shown in Table 4 and the estimates of individual and
results were very similar to those for the fifth maternal additive genetic and heterosis effects in

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Genetics of resistance and resilience to internal parasites in tropical lambs 125

Table 5 Estimates of individual genetic (GI), maternal genetic (GM), individual heterosis (HI) and maternal heterosis (HM) effects (standard
errors in parentheses) for live weight (LWT, kg), packed cell volume (PCV, percent), logarithm transformed faecal egg count (LFEC) and
mortality rates (proportion) at the different sampling times

Trait and sampling time GI GM HI HM

Birth 0·20 (0·03)*** –0·08 (0·03)** 0·03 (0·03) –0·03 (0·03)
1 month 0·31 (0·07)*** –0·01 (0·08) 0·09 (0·10) 0·10 (0·09)
2 months 0·42 (0·12)*** 0·01 (0·12) 0·24 (0·15) 0·18 (0·13)
3 months (weaned) 0·34 (0·13)*** 0·04 (0·14) 0·08 (0·17) 0·17 (0·15)
4·5 months 0·51 (0·14)*** –0·01 (0·15) 0·12 (0·18) 0·22 (0·15)
6 months 0·51 (0·16)*** 0·10 (0·17) 0·28 (0·20) 0·26 (0·16)
8 months 0·42 (0·17)*** 0·20 (0·16) 0·23 (0·20) 0·21 (0·16)
10 months 0·39 (0·19)*** 0·12 (0·18) 0·18 (0·23) 0·29 (0·17)
12 months 0·38 (0·21)*** 0·10 (0·19) 0·40 (0·25) 0·20 (0·18)
1 month –0·23 (0·25)*** 0·10 (0·24) 0·16 (0·32) –0·22 (0·22)
2 months –1·84 (0·36)*** **0·69 (0·31)* –0·15 (0·41) –0·03 (0·28)
3 months (weaned) –1·47 (0·30)*** –0·28 (0·31) –0·61 (0·43) 0·12 (0·31)
4·5 months –2·51 (0·29)*** *0·72 (0·29)* –0·62 (0·39) 0·14 (0·27)
6 months –2·12 (0·29)*** * 0·83 (0·25)** –0·32 (0·34) –0·02 (0·22)
8 months –1·98 (0·27)*** 0·67 (0·26)* –0·34 (0·36) –0·06 (0·24)
10 months –1·70 (0·28)*** * 0·79 (0·26)** –0·45 (0·36) –0·10 (0·24)
12 months –1·12 (0·25)*** 0·27 (0·25) –0·23 (0·34) –0·35 (0·22)
1 month 0·05 (0·04)*** –0·01 (0·03) –0·09 (0·05) –0·00 (0·03)
2 months 0·11 (0·03)*** –0·05 (0·03) 0·08 (0·05) 0·03 (0·03)
3 months (weaned) 0·05 (0·03)*** –0·02 (0·03) –0·05 (0·05) –0·02 (0·03)
4·5 months 0·12 (0·03)*** –0·02 (0·03) 0·00 (0·03) 0·01 (0·02)
6 months 0·07 (0·02)*** –0·01 (0·02) 0·01 (0·03) –0·03 (0·02)
8 months 0·13 (0·02)*** ***–0·08 (0·02)*** 0·00 (0·03) –0·02 (0·02)
10 months 0·12 (0·03)*** –0·04 (0·03) 0·01 (0·04) 0·02 (0·02)
12 months 0·09 (0·03)*** *–0·05 (0·02)* –0·02 (0·03) –0·03 (0·02)
Pre-weaning 0·07 (0·02)*** –0·02 (0·03) 0·01 (0·03) –0·01 (0·02)
Post-weaning 0·22 (0·03)*** –0·01 (0·03) –0·05 (0·04) –0·00 (0·03)
Birth to 12 months 0·22 (0·03)*** –0·02 (0·03) –0·04 (0·04) –0·00 (0·03)

† The GI and GM additive genetic effects are for the Dorper breed so the Red Maasai effects are of the opposite sign – see Table
2 for the coefficients used.

Table 5. Dorper lambs were significantly heavier than contrast to the 0·40 (s.e. 0·06) kg advantage for the
Red Maasai lambs from birth to 12 months of age Dorper lambs for the individual genetic effect. None
(Table 4). There was a maximum difference between of the individual and maternal heterosis effects for
the two purebreeds averaging 1·25 kg in 6- and 8- LWT was significant (P > 0·05).
month-old lambs (proportionately an advantage of
about 0·09). The highest GI estimates for LWT were Resistance to GI nematode parasites was manifested
0·51 kg for 4·5- and 6-month-old lambs (Table 5) by significant breed/crossbreed differences for LFEC
indicating an estimated breed effect of 1·02 kg (Table in lambs from 4·5 to 12 months of age with the Red
5). To establish the average breed difference from the Maasai and 3⁄4 Red Maasai lambs having significantly
GI and the GM effects the estimates in Table 5 must be (P < 0·001) lower LFEC than the Dorper and 3⁄4
doubled (i.e. the Dorper was coded as + 1 and the Dorper lambs (Table 4). This was associated with
Red Maasai as –1 in the coefficients used, Table 2). significant individual genetic effects while the
All the GM effects were small and not significant maternal genetic effects were smaller and generally
(P > 0·05) except for the significant (P < 0·01) estimate not significant (Table 5). There was also evidence for
for birth weight of –0·08 kg. This indicated that Red resilience to the endoparasite infection as shown by
Maasai dams gave birth to lambs that were 0·16 (s.e. significantly higher PCV (P < 0·001) in Red Maasai
0·06) kg heavier than lambs from Dorper dams, in and 3⁄4 Red Maasai lambs than in Dorper and 3⁄4

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126 Baker, Nagda, Rodriguez-Zas, Southey, Audho, Aduda and Thorpe

Dorper lambs from 2 to 12 months of age (Table 4). Another measure of resilience to endoparasite
These differences were primarily associated with infections is lamb mortality rate, especially when a
highly significant (P < 0·001) GI effects which, high proportion of the mortality can be attributed to
corrected for the GM effects, reached a maximum GI nematode infections (and specifically in this study
value of 2·51 (s.e. 0·29) percentage units in favour of to H. contortus infections). This was the case for post-
the Red Maasai (i.e. an estimated breed difference of weaning mortality for which proportionately 0·48 of
5·02 percentage units) at 4·5 months of age (Table 5). all deaths in the period from weaning (3 months) to
There were, however, in contrast smaller, but 365 days of age were due to GI nematode infections
significant (P < 0·05), GM effects for lambs from 4·5 to (Nguti et al., 2003). There was a highly significant
10 months of age, which favoured lambs from (P < 0·001) breed/crossbreed effect for the rates of
Dorper dams rather than Red Maasai dams. The pre-weaning, post-weaning and total (from birth to
largest GM effect was 0·83 (s.e. 0·25) percentage units 365 days of age) mortality with the Red Maasai and
for 6-month-old lambs (i.e. an estimated breed effect 3⁄ Red Maasai lambs having a much lower mortality
of 1·66 percentage units). Neither the individual nor rate than Dorper or 3⁄4 Dorper lambs (Table 4). This
maternal heterosis effects were significant for LFEC difference was entirely due to the highly significant
and PCV (Table 5). individual genetic effect. The GI estimate for total

Table 6 Additive heritability (h2a) and maternal effect (m) estimates (standard errors in parentheses) for live weight (LWT, kg), packed cell
volume (PCV, percent), logarithm-transformed faecal egg count (LFEC) and lamb mortality from animal model REML analyses

Total data set Analysis by sire breed†

Trait and sampling time No. h2a m Dorper h2a Red Maasai h2a

Birth 1785 0·08 (0·03)** 0·40 (0·03)*** 0·07 (0·05) 0·08 (0·05)
1 month 1580 0·02 (0·03) 0·26 (0·03)*** 0·10 (0·07) 0·02 (0·04)
2 months 1526 0·08 (0·04)* 0·26 (0·03)*** 0·11 (0·07) 0·09 (0·06)
3 months (weaned) 1432 0·06 (0·04) 0·30 (0·04)*** 0·04 (0·06) 0·09 (0·06)
4·5 months 1274 0·11 (0·05)* 0·27 (0·04)*** 0·18 (0·11) 0·05 (0·05)
6 months 1162 0·15 (0·06)* 0·30 (0·04)*** 0·17 (0·11) 0·10 (0·06)
8 months 1075 0·17 (0·07)* 0·24 (0·05)*** 0·23 (0·15) 0·13 (0·08)
10 months 1044 0·21 (0·08)** 0·21 (0·05)*** 0·20 (0·15) 0·18 (0·09)*
12 months 980 0·24 (0·09)** 0·17 (0·05)*** 0·20 (0·15) 0·23 (0·10)*
1 month 1576 0·04 (0·04) 0·04 (0·03) 0·06 (0·06) 0·05 (0·05)
2 months 1526 0·10 (0·05) 0·00 (0·03) 0·18 (0·09) 0·03 (0·05)
3 months (weaned) 1426 0·01 (0·03) 0·06 (0·04) 0·03 (0·06) 0·03 (0·05)
4·5 months 1274 0·05 (0·05) 0·07 (0·04) 0·11 (0·10) 0·02 (0·05)
6 months 1162 0·16 (0·06)** 0·00 (0·04) 0·17 (0·12) 0·14 (0·08)
8 months 1075 0·07 (0·06) 0·02 (0·04) 0·18 (0·13) 0·06 (0·06)
10 months 1044 0·12 (0·07) 0·01 (0·04) 0·32 (0·16) 0·02 (0·05)
12 months 980 0·07 (0·06) 0·00 (0·04) 0·10 (0·12) 0·10 (0·09)
1 month 1143 0·01 (0·04) 0·00 (0·04) 0·00 (0·05) 0·00 (0·05)
2 months 1441 0·01 (0·04) 0·00 (0·04) 0·00 (0·06) 0·05 (0·06)
3 months (weaned) 1169 0·02 (0·04) 0·00 (0·04) 0·05 (0·07) 0·04 (0·06)
4·5 months 1255 0·08 (0·05) 0·00 (0·04) 0·05 (0·05) 0·05 (0·05)
6 months 1144 0·02 (0·04) 0·00 (0·04) 0·17 (0·11) 0·00 (0·05)
8 months 1068 0·09 (0·05) 0·00 (0·04) 0·31 (0·14)* 0·00 (0·05)
10 months 1043 0·03 (0·05) 0·01 (0·04) 0·15 (0·12) 0·00 (0·05)
12 months 963 0·03 (0·05) 0·00 (0·04) 0·29 (0·16) 0·00 (0·05)
Pre -weaning 1785 0·00 (0·09) 0·18 (0·09)* 0·00 (0·24) 0·07 (0·23)
Post weaning 1442 0·10 (0·15) 0·06 (0·14) 0·18 (0·14) 0·00 (0·12)
Birth to 12 months 1785 0·06 (0·09) 0·17 (0·09) 0·19 (0·12) 0·03 (0·11)

† The h2a estimates for LWT and mortality rates were derived from a REML animal model which fitted both the additive and
maternal effects while the h2a estimates for PCV and LFEC were derived from a model just fitting the additive effect.

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Genetics of resistance and resilience to internal parasites in tropical lambs 127

mortality rate was 0·22 (s.e. 0·03), which converts to estimates for LWT from birth to weaning were low
an estimated breed effect of 0·44 (Table 5). Neither (less than 0·10) and then steadily increased post
the maternal genetic effect nor the heterosis effects weaning with the highest estimate being that for 12-
were significant (P > 0·05) for mortality rates. month-old lambs (0·24, s.e. 0·09). The maternal effect
for LWT was significantly (P < 0·001) different from
Genetic parameters zero at all ages and declined from a value of 0·40 (s.e.
Heritabilities were estimated for LWT, PCV and 0·03) at birth to 0·17 (s.e. 0·05) for 12-month-old
LFEC at each measurement time and for lamb lambs. There was no evidence at any individual
mortality rate pre- and post weaning and overall sampling time that heritability estimates for LWT
(birth to 12 months) using an animal model (Table 6). were significantly different between sire breeds
A heritability estimate derived from the average of (Table 6). However, the trend in heritability estimates
two records taken on two consecutive days (as was with age post weaning (i.e. from 4·5 to 12 months of
the case for all the post-weaning measurements) is age) was different for the two sire breeds. The
expected to be higher than if it had been derived estimates for Dorper-sired lambs were very similar
from a single record (which was the case for the post weaning (ranging from 0·17 to 0·23), while there
weaning records and the pre-weaning records). The was a significant (P < 0·01) linear increase in the
increased accuracy of heritabilities from repeated estimates across sampling times (0·04, s.e. 0·01) for
measurements is a function of both the number of Red Maasai-sired lambs from 0·05 (s.e. 0·05) at 4·5
measurements (n) and the repeatability (r) among months of age to 0·23 (s.e. 0·10) at 12 months of age.
measurement times. The heritability of n measures is Although not tabulated the maternal effects for LWT
n/[1 + (n-1)r] times the heritability of one measure estimated separately by sire breed were almost
(Falconer, 1989). It can be seen that the benefit of identical from birth to weaning. After weaning the
repeated measurements is greater when the magnitude of the maternal effects declined faster in
repeatability is low. The repeatability estimates Dorper-sired lambs than Red Maasai-sired lambs
between the measurements on two consecutive days with estimates of 0·08 (s.e. 0·08) and 0·20 (s.e. 0·07) at
averaged over the five post-weaning measurement 12 months of age, respectively.
times were 0·96 for LWT, 0·74 for PCV and 0·63 for
LFEC. These moderate to high repeatabilities None of the heritability estimates for mortality rate
indicate that the expected increase in heritability in the total data set were significantly different from
from analysing a mean of two measurements was zero (Table 6). Heritability estimates for post-
small for LWT (2%) and moderate for PCV and LFEC weaning and for total mortality rates were higher for
(15 to 20%). Dorper-sired than Red Maasai-sired lambs, although
not significantly so. Conversely, the maternal effects
In the total data set (where variance components (not tabulated) for post-weaning and total mortality
were pooled across sire breeds), the heritability rates were significant for Red Maasai-sired lambs

Table 7 Additive heritability (h2a) and permanent environment (PE) estimates (standard errors in parentheses) from repeated measures
animal model (AM) and sire model (SM) restricted maximum likelihood analyses for packed cell volume (PCV) and logarithm-transformed
faecal egg count (LFEC)

Total data set Dorper-sired Red Maasai-sired

Trait and sampling time h2a PE h2a h2a

4·5 and 6 months 0·14 (0·05)** 0·35 (0·05)*** 0·12 (0·08) 0·09 (0·05)
6 and 8 months 0·14 (0·05)** 0·25 (0·05)*** 0·17 (0·09)* 0·11 (0·06)
6, 8 and 10 months 0·16 (0·04)*** 0·25 (0·04)*** 0·21 (0·09)* 0·09 (0·05)*
6, 8, 10 and 12 months 0·11 (0·04)** 0·23 (0·04)*** 0·17 (0·08)* 0·08 (0·04)*
4·5 and 6 months 0·05 (0·03) 0·01 (0·04) 0·06 (0·05) 0·03 (0·03)
6 and 8 months 0·05 (0·03) 0·03 (0·04) 0·13 (0·07) 0·00 (0·03)
6, 8 and 10 months 0·06 (0·03)* 0·07 (0·03)* 0·15 (0·06)* 0·02 (0·02)
6, 8, 10 and 12 months 0·06 (0·02)** 0·05 (0·02)* 0·15 (0·05)* 0·00 (0·02)
4·5 and 6 months 0·09 (0·04) 0·02 (0·04) 0·07 (0·06) 0·05 (0·04)
6 and 8 months 0·12 (0·05)* 0·06 (0·04) 0·18 (0·09)* 0·02 (0·04)
6, 8 and 10 months 0·12 (0·04)** 0·10 (0·02)*** 0·19 (0·08)* 0·03 (0·03)
6, 8, 10 and 12 months 0·10 (0·03)*** 0·08 (0·03)* 0·19 (0·07)** 0·01 (0·02)

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128 Baker, Nagda, Rodriguez-Zas, Southey, Audho, Aduda and Thorpe

(0·34, s.e. 0·12 and 0·25, s.e. 0·12, respectively) but measures analyses for PCV are presented in Table 7,
both estimates were zero for Dorper-sired lambs. while the results from both the animal model and
sire model analyses are presented for LFEC.
The heritability and maternal effect estimates in the
total data set for PCV and LFEC at individual The repeated measures analyses for PCV in the total
sampling ages were small and not significantly data set yielded heritability estimates which were
different from zero, with the exception of a significantly different from zero and which ranged
significant heritability estimate of 0·16 (s.e. 0·06) for from 0·11 to 0·16 (Table 7). The heritability estimates
PCV in 6-month-old lambs (Table 6). The heritability for PCV were consistently higher in Dorper-sired
estimates for LFEC for lambs from 6 to 12 months of lambs than in the Red Maasai-sired lambs, but this
age sired by Dorper rams ranged from 0·15 to 0·31 difference was not significant for any combination of
compared with 0·00 for Red Maasai-sired lambs, repeated measurements. Except for the analysis
although none of the Dorper estimates were combining the 4·5- and 6-month measurements, all
significantly different from zero (P > 0·05). None of the heritabilities for PCV for the Dorper-sired lambs
the differences in heritability estimates by sire breed were significantly different from zero (range 0·17 to
for either LFEC or PCV at any individual sampling 0·21), while for the Red Maasai-sired lambs only the
time was significant (P > 0·05). The trends in estimates including 3 or 4 traits as repeated measures
heritability estimates in Table 6 (e.g. higher estimates were significantly different from zero. The
for LFEC post weaning than pre-weaning for Dorper- permanent environmental effect was significant
sired lambs) were not due to the fact that each post- (P < 0·001) for all the PCV analyses. The repeatability
weaning measurement was the average of for PCV ranged from 0·34 to 0·49. The animal model
measurements on two consecutive days. Analysis of repeated measures analyses for LFEC in the total
the individual records (not tabulated) gave similar data set showed that the heritability estimates were
results to the mean of two records, although as only significantly (P < 0·05) different from zero for
expected the estimates had slightly larger standard the analyses which combined the 6-, 8- and 10-month
errors. measurements and that which combined all 4
measurements between 6 and 12 months of age
(Table 7). However, the heritability estimate from the
To investigate further the apparent contrast in the
sire model was also significant when the 6- and 8-
heritability estimates of Dorper and Red Maasai
month measurements were combined. Both the
lambs between 6 and 12 months, repeated measures
animal model and sire model heritability estimates
REML analyses were undertaken for PCV and LFEC
for LFEC were higher for the Dorper-sired than the
for different combinations of all the post-weaning
Red Maasai-sired lambs, and significantly (P < 0·05)
measurements (Table 7). For PCV and LFEC the pair-
so when the four measurements between 6 and 12
wise genetic correlations (Table 8) among post-
months of age were included in the analysis (0·19 v.
weaning measurement times were reasonably high
0·01, respectively for the sire model estimates). The
(and not significantly different from one) and,
permanent environment effect in the total data set
therefore, these repeated measurements could be
was small and not always significantly different from
considered as predictors of the same trait. The
zero (P > 0·05) for LFEC. The repeatability estimates
repeated measures REML analyses for PCV and
for LFEC ranged from 0·06 to 0·22 and the sire model
LFEC included both the additive genetic effect and a
estimates were consistently higher than the animal
permanent environmental effect among
model estimates. The differences observed for the
measurement times as random effects in the model
heritabilities of PCV and LFEC for Dorper-sired
but ignored the maternal effect as this was not
compared to Red Maasai-sired lambs in Table 7 were
significant (Table 6). The repeatability among
due to differences in the genetic variance rather than
measurement times is the sum of the genetic and
differences in the environmental variance. For
environmental effects and can be easily derived from
example, in the analysis of LFEC, with the 6-, 8-, 10-
Table 7, although it is not tabulated explicitly. All of
and 12-month measurements included, the genetic
the heritability estimates in Table 6 were derived
and environmental variances were 0·00011 and 0·115,
from animal model REML analyses. Heritability
respectively for Red Maasai-sired lambs and 0·023
estimates were also estimated using a REML sire
and 0·106 for Dorper-sired lambs, respectively.
model and for LWT, PCV and mortality rates the
estimates were very similar to those in Table 6.
However, for LFEC the sire model estimates were Genetic and phenotypic correlations among
consistently a little higher than those from the animal measurements taken at 4·5, 6, 8, 10 and 12 months of
model and this difference was seen most clearly in age for PCV and LFEC are presented in Table 8. The
the repeated measures analyses. Therefore, the genetic correlation estimates were moderate to high
results from only the animal model repeated for LFEC (average 0·83) but only two estimates were

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Genetics of resistance and resilience to internal parasites in tropical lambs 129

Table 8 Genetic (Rg) and phenotypic (Rp) correlation estimates (standard errors in parentheses) for packed cell volume (PCV) and logarithm-
transformed faecal egg count (LFEC) among measurements at 4·5, 6, 8, 10 and 12 months of age from bivariate animal model REML


Measurement times correlated Rg Rp† Rg Rp

4·5 and 6 months 0·76 (0·19)*** 0·50 (0·02) 1·00 (0·53) 0·08 (0·03)**
4·5 and 8 months 1·00 (0·23)*** 0·41 (0·03) 0·76 (0·42) 0·05 (0·03)
4·5 and 10 months 1·00 (0·22)*** 0·30 (0·03) 1·00 (0·52) 0·02 (0·03)
4·5 and 12 months 0·40 (0·51)*** 0·21 (0·03) 0·17 (0·80) 0·04 (0·03)
6 and 8 months 0·95 (0·23)*** 0·48 (0·02) 0·88 (0·60) 0·16 (0·03)***
6 and 10 months 0·83 (0·21)*** 0·40 (0·03) 1·00 (0·66) 0·11 (0·03)***
6 and 12 months 0·45 (0·35)*** 0·28 (0·03) 0·79 (0·88) 0·06 (0·03)*
8 and 10 months 1·00 (0·14)*** 0·53 (0·02) 1·00 (0·47)* 0·22 (0·03)***
8 and 12 months 1·00 (0·31)*** 0·30 (0·03) 0·67 (0·73) 0·17 (0·03)***
10 and 12 months 0·99 (0·35)*** 0·32 (0·03) 1·00 (0·48)* 0·16 (0·03)***

† All estimates in this column are significantly different from zero (P < 0·001).

significantly (P < 0·05) different from zero. All but (P < 0·001), except for the estimate at 6 months, but
two of the genetic correlation estimates were none of the genetic correlations was significantly
significantly (P < 0·001) different from zero for PCV different from zero. Phenotypic correlations between
(average 0·84). Phenotypic correlations for PCV were PCV and LFEC were all significant (P < 0·001) and
all significantly (P < 0·001) different from zero and averaged –0·34. The genetic correlation for PCV and
averaged 0·37, but the average phenotypic LFEC was only estimable at five sampling times and
correlation for LFEC was lower (0·11) and three of two of these estimates were significant (P < 0·001).
these estimates were not significantly different from The average of the five genetic correlation estimates
zero. Both the genetic and phenotypic correlation for PCV and LFEC was –0·81. Because of the small
estimates were higher for two consecutive data set and the low estimate of genetic variance for
measurement times than those between more distant LFEC in Red Maasai-sired lambs it is difficult to
measurement times (e.g. 4·5 and 12 months and 6 and make any meaningful comparisons between sire
12 months). Genetic and phenotypic correlations breeds for the genetic correlation between PCV and
among LWT, PCV and LFEC at each measurement LFEC. Nevertheless, the genetic covariance between
time from 2 to 12 months of age are shown in Table 9. PCV and LFEC was consistently lower in Red
All phenotypic correlations between LWT and PCV Maasai-sired lambs than in Dorper-sired lambs (e.g.
were significantly (P < 0·001) different from zero –0·04 and –0·20 respectively for the 8-month
(average 0·33), but, except at 2 months of age, not the measurement). The heritability estimates from these
corresponding genetic correlations. The post- bivariate analyses for LWT, PCV and LFEC (not
weaning phenotypic correlations between LWT and tabulated) were very similar to those in Table 6
LFEC averaged –0·11 and were all significant derived from univariate analyses.

Table 9 Genetic and phenotypic correlation estimates (standard errors in parentheses) among live weight (LWT), packed cell volume (PCV)
and logarithm-transformed faecal egg count (LFEC) at each measurement age from bivariate animal model REML analyses

Sampling Genetic correlations Phenotypic correlations


2 0·48 (0·16)** n. e. n. e. 0·31 (0·03)*** 0·02 (0·03) –0·28 (0·02)***

3 0·29 (0·30) –0·41 (0·28) –0·63 (0·58) 0·38 (0·02)*** –0·03 (0·03) –0·33 (0·03)***
4·5 0·19 (0·24) –0·20 (0·26) –0·98 (0·24)*** 0·44 (0·02)*** –0·14 (0·03)*** –0·47 (0·02)***‘
6 0·18 (0·17) –0·19 (0·37) –0·72 (0·42) 0·34 (0·03)*** –0·03 (0·03) –0·24 (0·03)***
8 0·04 (0·25) –0·14 (0·24) –0·96 (0·27)*** 0·34 (0·03)*** –0·11 (0·03)*** –0·36 (0·03)***
10 0·19 (0·22) –0·07 (0·43) –0·77 (0·56) 0·29 (0·03)*** –0·12 (0·03)*** –0·42 (0·03)***
12 0·17 (0·34) –0·37 (0·54) n. e. 0·20 (0·03)*** –0·15 (0·03)*** –0·31 (0·03)***

n. e. Not estimable – analysis did not converge.

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130 Baker, Nagda, Rodriguez-Zas, Southey, Audho, Aduda and Thorpe

Discussion also poorly adapted to hot humid conditions. This

Breed differences for resistance to endoparasites and for finding is not surprising because the Dorper breed
productivity was originally bred in South Africa for use in arid
veld conditions, which are characterized by high
The results of this study confirm those of previous altitude, extremely high summer temperatures, and
studies (Preston and Allonby, 1978 and 1979; cold and wet conditions in other seasons (Milne,
Mugambi et al., 1996 and 1997; Wanyangu et al., 1997; 2000; Cloete et al., 2000; Schoeman, 2000).
Baker et al., 1999) which showed that Red Maasai
sheep were more resistant and resilient to
endoparasites (predominantly H. contortus) than The breed differences for resistance (FEC) and
Dorper and a number of other sheep breeds (e.g. resilience (PCV) to endoparasites estimated in this
Hampshire, Corriedale, Merino and Romney). It is study are probably underestimates of the true genetic
interesting that significant breed differences for PCV differences. Firstly, all the lambs were grazed and
(i.e. resilience) occurred first in 2-month-old lambs managed together to meet the requirements of a
while significant breed differences for FEC valid breed comparison for the production traits. If,
(resistance) occurred first in 4·5-month-old lambs. however, each breed and crossbreed group had been
For both PCV and FEC these breed differences then grazed in separate paddocks at the same stocking
persisted through to the yearling measurement and rate, the resistant genotypes (i.e. the Red Maasai and
were also manifested in the ewes (Baker et al., 1999). the 3⁄4 Red Maasai) would have had a lower exposure
This relatively early onset of both resilience and to endoparasites than they experienced in this study.
resistance in Red Maasai lambs is in contrast to more The magnitude of this effect was demonstrated by
susceptible breeds such as the Romney and Merino Bisset et al. (1997) in a New Zealand study which
in which resistance (sometimes referred to as ‘self- showed that nemotode larval infestation levels on
cure’ and manifested as a clear decline in egg counts pasture were about five-fold greater on a farmlet
and worm burdens due to the development of grazed by susceptible genotype Romney female
immunological competence) has been shown to be lambs than on a separate farmlet grazed by resistant
first manifested at about 6 months of age (Colditz et genotype Romney female lambs. This resulted in
al., 1996). However, other resistant breeds show the about a 50-fold greater FEC in susceptible compared
same early onset of resistance. The resistant Gulf to resistant lambs, which was considerably greater
Coast Native sheep first manifested significantly than in their male half-siblings grazed together.
lower FEC than susceptible Suffolk lambs at 2 Secondly, the very high mortality rate in this study,
months of age when infected with H. contortus particularly for the Dorper and 3⁄4 Dorper lambs,
(Bahirathan et al., 1996). Relative to susceptible meant that the surviving lambs were the more
Dorset Horn lambs, resistant St Croix lambs resilient and resistant animals within each genotype
naturally and experimentally infected with H. which would have tended to have higher PCV and
contortus first manifested resistance (assessed by FEC lower FEC than those that died (Nguti et al., 2003).
and worm counts) at 3 to 4 months of age (Gamble The underestimation of the breed effect is likely to be
and Zajac, 1992). more marked for PCV than FEC because of the
higher average phenotypic correlation for PCV (0·37)
than for LFEC (0·11) among measurement times
None of the previous studies related resistance and (Table 8).
resilience to productivity. In the hot humid
conditions which apply at the Kenya coast, the
Dorper lambs only had a small advantage in growth Crossbreeding parameters
rate over the Red Maasai lambs. This contrasts with Relatively few studies have estimated crossbreeding
the much larger advantage in growth rate observed parameters for sheep breeds in the tropics (e.g.
in other studies in Kenya undertaken in semi-arid Boujenane et al., 1998; Boujenane and Kansari, 2002),
environments (Inyangala et al., 1992; Kiriro, in contrast to those undertaken in temperate climates
1994 : Baker et al., 2002). Similarly, the very high (e.g. Clarke, 1982; Young et al., 1986). For the reasons
mortality rates observed for Dorper lambs at the discussed above, the estimates of GI in this study for
Kenyan coast were not found in semi-arid climates in PCV and LFEC (Table 5) are likely to underestimate
Kenya (Baker et al., 2002) or South Africa (Cloete et the true genetic differences. They are also only
al., 2000; Schoeman, 2000). About one-fifth of the relevant to the hot humid conditions under which
deaths pre-weaning and about a half of the deaths they are estimated, and in which the Dorper breed is
post weaning were associated with endoparasite poorly adapted. This means that, relative to
infections (predominantly H. contortus infections) as estimates derived for environments more suited to
ascertained by post-mortem examination (Nguti et the Dorper, the observed breed differences will be
al., 2003). These results suggest that not only is the smaller for LWT and higher for mortality rate. The
Dorper breed susceptible to endoparasites, but it is small differences among genotypes for LWT possibly

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Genetics of resistance and resilience to internal parasites in tropical lambs 131

account for the lack of significant heterosis estimates Maternal effects for PCV and LFEC were not
(HI or HM) for LWT. Small positive estimates have significant at any measurement time, which is
been reported in many other studies (e.g. as reviewed consistent with the results reported by Woolaston
by Nitter, 1978). and Piper (1996) and Rege et al. (2002). There was a
consistent trend from 6 to 12 months of age for the
heritability estimate for LFEC to be higher in Dorper-
In the present study none of the estimates of HI or sired lambs than in Red Maasai-sired lambs. There
HM for PCV or FEC was significant. This is also in was a similar trend for PCV although in this case the
contrast to the few published estimates of heterosis difference in heritabilities was not so large. While
for resistance or resilience to endoparasites. From this study was not originally designed to compare
relatively small crossbreeding experiments involving heritability estimates between sire breeds, the
resistant Florida Native and susceptible Rambouillet differences found in these analyses were large
sheep Amarante et al. (1999a) reported significant enough (especially for LFEC) to warrant
heterosis for susceptibility (assessed by both FEC investigating these heritabilities further in a repeated
and worm burdens), while Amarante et al. (1999b) measures analysis. This method provided heritability
reported significant heterosis for resistance (assessed estimates for the post-weaning measurements that
by FEC). A larger study compared resistance to were significantly different from zero for both PCV
endoparasites (predominantly H. contortus) under (based on two or more measurements) and LFEC
pasture challenge of F1 lambs and their Suffolk (based on three or more measurements) (Table 7), in
(susceptible) and Gulf Coast Native (resistant) contrast to the estimates at each sampling time (Table
parental breeds (Li et al., 2001). There was strong 6), which were mostly not significantly different from
evidence for heterosis in the direction of the resistant zero. When the four post-weaning measurements
breed for both FEC and PCV. The estimates of HI for from 6 to 12 months for LFEC were included in the
mortality rates were negative for post-weaning and repeated measures analysis the heritability estimates
total mortality (i.e. F1 crossbred lambs had lower for the Dorper-sired lambs (0·15, s.e. 0·05 for the
mortality rates than the average of the two animal model and 0·19, s.e. 0·07 for the sire model)
purebreds), but these effects were not significant. were significantly higher (P < 0·05) than the
estimates for Red Maasai-sired lambs (0·00 and 0·01,
s.e. 0·02).
Genetic parameter estimates

The magnitude of, and the trends for, the heritability Heritability estimates for PCV post weaning in the
estimates and the maternal effects for LWT are present study (about 0·15, Table 7) are slightly lower
consistent with the literature, both for tropical (Liga than the heritability estimate for PCV decline (0·23,
et al., 2000; Rege et al., 2002) and temperate (Maria et s.e. 0·03) during infection with H. contortus in Merino
al., 1993; Tosh and Kemp, 1994) sheep. The large lambs (Woolaston and Piper, 1996). The heritability
maternal effect for LWT in lambs between birth and of various transformations of FEC (e.g. typically
weaning gradually declines post weaning. logarithms, square root or cube root transformations)
Conversely, the additive heritability for LWT is following natural pasture challenge of lambs with GI
usually relatively low at weaning (about 0·10) and nematode parasites (usually from about 3 to 10
then increases post weaning to a value of about 0·20 months of age) mostly range from 0·20 to 0·40 in
to 0·30 at about 12 months of age. Results from the studies undertaken in New Zealand with Romney or
present study (Table 6) confirm the existence of a Romney-derived breeds (Morris et al., 1995), in
significant maternal effect for LWT from birth to studies in Australia with Merino sheep (Woolaston
weaning (range 0·26 to 0·40), several-fold greater and Eady, 1995; Woolaston and Piper, 1996), in a
than the heritability estimates (range 0·02 to 0·08). study with Scottish Blackface sheep (Bishop et al.,
However, for 12-month-old lambs the heritability 1996) and in a study with Polish long-wool sheep
estimate had increased to 0·24 (s.e. 0·09), while the (Bouix et al., 1998). The post-weaning heritability
maternal effect had declined to 0·17 (s.e. 0·05). There estimates for LFEC for the susceptible Dorper-sired
was no evidence at any age that the heritability lambs (0·15 to 0·19, Table 7) are close to the published
estimates for LWT were significantly different estimates, but the heritability estimates for the
between the two sire breeds. However, there were resistant Red Maasai-sired lambs are not significantly
different trends in the heritability estimates post different from zero at any time from 1 to 12 months
weaning, with the Red Maasai-sired lambs having of age (Tables 6 and 7). A possible explanation for
relatively low heritabilities compared with the this difference is that after many hundreds of years
Dorper-sired lambs at 4·5 months of age (0·05 v. 0·18, of natural selection many of the genes for resistance
respectively) but almost identical heritabilities at 10 in the Red Maasai breed have become fixed.
to 12 months of age (0·21 v. 0·20, respectively). Conversely, the Dorper breed was originally

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132 Baker, Nagda, Rodriguez-Zas, Southey, Audho, Aduda and Thorpe

established by crossing the Dorset Horn and the significant estimates reported by Rege et al. (2002)
Black Head Persian breeds and because the Dorset and Southey et al. (2001).
Horn is known to be particularly susceptible to
endoparasites (Ross, 1970; Gamble and Zajac, 1992), Most of the genetic correlation estimates in the
alleles for both resistance and susceptibility are likely present study are characterized by high standard
to be segregating in the Dorper. While the current errors and are therefore imprecisely estimated. The
study may be criticized as being not large enough to non-significant genetic correlation estimates between
establish the difference in heritability estimates for LWT and LFEC are consistent in size with most of
the two sire breeds (i.e. based on 35 Red Maasai sire the published estimates for this genetic correlation in
groups and 41 Dorper sire groups), it is pertinent to lambs in Australasia (Morris et al., 2000). These
note that other studies have used fewer sires – e.g. 22 contrast with significant negative correlation
sires in a study with Scottish Blackface lambs (Bishop estimates (i.e. favourable) in Scottish Blackface lambs
et al., 1986) and 32 sires in a Polish study (Bouix et al., between 3 and 6 months of age (Bishop et al., 1996)
1998), and still generated useful results. As far as we and in Polish long-wool sheep between 2 and 7
are aware, there have not been published reports of months of age (Bouix et al., 1998). The European
heritabilities of resistance or resilience to studies were done with pasture challenge involving
endoparasites in other tropical breeds known to be different nematode taxa and in younger lambs than
relatively resistant to H. contortus (e.g. the St Croix the Australasian studies; both these factors may
and the Javanese Thin Tail). Such studies would be of influence the genetic correlation estimates between
considerable interest as they would help substantiate LWT and LFEC. However, there is no indication of
the hypothesis above that natural selection in an age trend for either the phenotypic or genetic
tropical environments may reduce within-breed correlation estimates in this study (Table 9). When
genetic variation for resistance to endoparasites. The sheep were infected with the blood-sucking parasite
increase in the heritability of LFEC in Dorper-sired H. contortus both the phenotypic and genetic
lambs with age is consistent with the trend observed correlations between FEC and PCV were consistently
in Scottish Blackface lambs naturally infected negative (Albers et al., 1987; Woolaston and Piper,
predominantly with Ostertagia circumcincta (Bishop et 1996; Baker et al., 1999) as in this study.
al., 1996), for which heritability increased from zero
in 1- and 2-month-old lambs to 0·22 (s.e. 0·13) in 6-
month-old lambs. Conclusion
The results of this study, in conjunction with the ewe
production and reproduction results reported earlier
The heritability estimate for pre-weaning lamb (Baker et al., 1998 and 1999), have important
mortality in the present study was 0·00 (s.e. 0·09) implications for smallholder farmers in coastal
which is consistent with most of the literature (e.g. Kenya and other humid/sub-humid regions of East
Fogarty, 1995; Lopez-Villalobos and Garrick, 1999) in Africa. Not only are Red Maasai sheep more resistant
which estimates for mortality rate from birth to and resilient to endoparasites (particularly H.
weaning range from zero to 0·01 and are commonly contortus), but the combined effect of a higher
not significantly different from zero. Rege et al. (2002) reproductive rate, lower lamb and ewe mortality and
reported heritability estimates for logit-transformed similar yearling live weights results in about a three-
pre-weaning mortality rate of zero, but 0·23 (s.e. 0·06) fold increase in offtake (flock productivity) of a
for post-weaning mortality rate. Significant purebred Red Maasai v. a purebred Dorper flock
heritability estimates for lamb mortality for five (Baker et al., 1999). This increases to about a five-fold
periods between birth to one year of age (ranging difference when total flock efficiency is estimated
from 0·12 to 0·21) were reported by Southey et al. (Baker et al., 2002). However, it is important to
(2001), but with no indication of significantly acknowledge that, because of genotype by
different estimates for pre-weaning compared to environment interactions, it may not be valid to
post-weaning mortality rates. Nguti et al. (2003) extrapolate these results to other environmental
analysed mortality in the present data set using conditions. Baker et al. (2002) compared the results
survival analysis. From a mixed model analysis with from this study in coastal Kenya with another study
a random term for sire, the sire variance component where Red Maasai and Dorper sheep were evaluated
estimate was similar to its standard error for pre- in a semi-arid environment in Kenya. At both
weaning mortality but larger for post-weaning locations the Red Maasai ewes and lambs were
mortality. When adjusted for lamb body weight the consistently more resistant and resilient to
sire variance component for post-weaning mortality endoparasites (predominantly H. contortus).
increased to three times its standard error. The However, there were important breed by
significant maternal effect for pre-weaning mortality environment interactions for ewe reproduction,
rate in the present paper is consistent with the mortality rates and live weights, because the Dorper

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Genetics of resistance and resilience to internal parasites in tropical lambs 133

sheep performed much better in a semi-arid Research (CGIAR). This is ILRI publication no.
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Acknowledgements Dorper sheep for resistance to gastro-intestinal nematode
We are extremely grateful to Dr R. Haller, Managing parasites, productivity and efficiency in a humid and a
Director, Baobab Farm for provision of land, animals semi-arid environment in Kenya. Proceedings of the seventh
and facilities at Diani Estate for this research. Dr L. world congress on genetics applied to livestock production,
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Reynolds and Dr J. Miller assisted with the initiation
of this study and D. Mwamachi from the Kenyan Baker, R. L., Mwamachi, D. M., Audho, J. O., Aduda, E. O.
Agricultural Research Institute (KARI) was the and Thorpe, W. 1999. Genetic resistance to gastro-intestinal
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resident veterinarian in the early years of the study.
✕ Dorper ewes in the sub-humid tropics. Animal Science 69:
Dr R. Bain and the staff of the KARI helminthology 335-344.
laboratory at Muguga provided valuable assistance
with training the technical staff at Diani Estate in egg Baker, R. L., Mwamachi, D. M., Audho, J. O. and Thorpe,
W. 1994. Genetic resistance to gastrointestinal nematode
counting and larval identification. We also thank Dr parasites in Red Maasai sheep in Kenya. Proceedings of the
J. Rowlands and two anonymous referees for fifth world congress on genetics applied to livestock production,
critically reviewing earlier versions of this paper and Guelph, vol. 20, pp. 277-280.
making constructive suggestions to improve it. Baker, R. L., Rege, J. E. O., Tembely, S., Mukasa-Mugerwa,
ILRI’s research within its Livestock Genetics and E., Anindo, D., Mwamachi, D. M., Thorpe, W. and Lahlou-
Genomics programme was supported by The United Kassi, A. 1998. Genetic resistance to gastrointestinal
Kingdom, Japan and the European Union through nematode parasites in some indigenous breeds of sheep and
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